Pierre Guyotat Translated by Bruce Benderson PROSTITUTION An Excerpt Pierre Guyotat Translated by Bruce Benderson => Vv~-™ ~~ wS The translator thanks Victoire Dubruel, Thierry Marignac, Ursule Moli- naro, Jacques Servin, Alejandro Varderi, and Kamel Yanat for their advice and their help on this translation. PROSTITUTION (an excerpt) by Bruce Benderson is taken from the first pages of the novel PROSTITUTION by Pierre Guyotat published in 1975 by Editions Gallimard 1975. copyright © Editions Gallimard 1975 copyright © this translation Bruce Benderson 1995 published in the United States by Red Dust, Inc. New York All rights reserved ISBN 0-87376-081-6 Translator’s Preface PIERRE GUYOTAT first came to prominence in France in 1967 with the novel Tomb for Five Hundred Thousand Soldiers (Tombeau pour cing cent mille soldats), an obsessive, minimalist recant of atrocities in a military zone that was painfully rem- iniscent of the atmosphere of the Algerian War. His next book, éden, éden, éden, which was composed of one endless phrase that described uninterrupted and often violent sexual activities, was censored by the French government for eleven years. Prostitution (1975) marks the beginning of Guyotat’s rad- ical subversion of French language itself. It is largely a tor- rent of sexual aggression. The writing is based upon, but not written in, “true” French. It is, according to the author, an “attack on the word,” by the use of phonetic spellings, slang, vernacular, foreign words, Guyotat’s own system of punctu- ation, and a suppression of the silent “e” from the end of most words. This approach to writing became even more systematic in a later work, Le livre. Guyotat calls what he now writes “matiére écrite”— “written stuff,” a kind of basic, or primal, creative matter that transcends any one artistic discipline. Matiére écrite is meant to be taken as multi-media. The look of the apostro- phe-riddled text of Prostitution is as important as its semantic aspect. Its words and sounds are combined to stimulate an oral reading—either out loud or internally. When Guyotat booms out the sexual and violent imagery of his texts in performance, his chanting bass sliding to and fro between an abstract rhythmic enunciation and an empha- sis on meaning, the words and sounds seem to flow in an unbroken ribbon. “My work is not writing,” he has said. “It’s a secretion.” According to Guyotat, Prostitution has been “accentuat- ed, rhythmized, lexiconized by every language that has been repressed or expelled by legitimate French . . . composed of everything I’ve been forbidden to live.” In an essay in Lettres Francaises in 1970, Jean Bouret spoke of Guyotat’s earlier work, éden, éden, éden, as follows: “After having conscien- tiously read 90 pages, and verifying that for 30 more pages nothing new happens, while I could just as well have been reading page 15 as page 190, I gave up on this novel .. . No reader could read every page of . . . this overflowing, end- less, logorrhea, like a sewer in summer, which some want to call a “poem of desire.” The same things that bothered Bouret about éden, éden, éden would enrage him about Prostitution and what came after. The “poem of desire” is, by Guyotat’s own admission, the only text he can or will write. His mission is an ever more radical debasement and reduction of “proper” French, forcing it back into the primal and uncontrollable writhing of pure verbal energy—back into a new Eden. Yet, although Prostitution is completely obsessed with sexual imagery, Guyotat has transformed the literary cliché. of the sex- obsessed character into sex barely inhabited by characters— Sex as a machine, as a pure force of nature. In the first edition of Prostitution, the text stipulated nei- ther time nor place. However, in the riot of sexual banter, one can pick out conversations among prostitutes, cus- tomers, and a pimp that give the impression that the “action” is taking place in a male brothel. References to sub- urbs and cities identify the location as possibly Algiers. The current edition of Prostitution (1987), which comes with Glos- sary, Grammar, and translations of the Arabic phrases, also contains a mock synopsis. I’ve included the relevant section of this new synopsis following this preface. One should keep in mind that it would be a mistake to take these naturalistic markers too seriously. Guyotat’s writ- ing has increasingly stressed an out-of-time, out-of-space effect. As Bouret complained about éden, éden, éden, one is in the same universal moment on page 139 as one is on page 9. The “action” in Prostitution is monotonously lyrical in a way similar to the work of some of America’s minimalist com- posers, such as Philip Glass or Steve Reich. There were some major difficulties in working out an English-based equivalent of Prostitution. By using an Algeri- an setting and Arabic vernacular to great subversive effect, Guyotat was relying on France’s revulsion for its colonial past, its guilt about the Algerian War, and its panic about the increasing Arab immigration. My staying with the North African orientation would have distanced this text from American readers. Consequently, I made the bold decision to transpose the setting to an unidentified Caribbean location and shifted the linguistic emphasis from French-Arabic to “Spanglish.” Even this change would not have produced the required degree of squeamishness in American readers if I had not been able to rely upon the heavy sexual content of the text. Americans can sentimentalize and consume images and lan- guage from street life and the ghetto even if these portray violence and poverty, but not if they focus on sexual arousal. I’m certain that some readers will come away from this ver- sion with charges of “minorities made into sexual objects.” These critics should be aware that although this text does exist at some nexus between the prostitution of human nature and in that of language, it is also a flaunting of sex as power in the voices of the powerless. Readers of Anglo- Saxon literature are used to a prudent levitation of disenfran- chised people to an orientation they are assumed to deserve. But in this case there is a sacrifice of the writer (and the liter- ate reader’s sensibilities) to the violent satisfaction of the impoverished appetite. This is anything but a “liberal” text; it is subversive and righteously morbid, uncompromising. Prostitution is written in no particular dialect, although the respellings, omission of the last “e,” and use of Arabic terms give some French readers the impression that they are reading a reconstruction of French with an Arabic accent. The linguistic concoction of Prostitution actually also includes large doses of homosexual French slang, provincial French, Latin, and even German. Accordingly, the American- ized version might sound like urban African-American or “cracker” Southern; but Nuyoricanisms (the speech of some New Yorkers of Puerto Rican background), American homo- sexual slang, rap slang, Brooklynisms, and even some Yid- dish have been mixed in. The question of word plays in the text presented prob- lems. There are double and triple puns. One level is usually sexual. Since everything here is so infused with sex, it is hard to determine the boundary between an actual pun and the power of suggestion. Thus, after reading pages and pages of a sexual nature, the word chambranle (doorframe) begins to look suspiciously like a conglomeration of chambre (room) and [se] branler (jerk off). This then suggests a far-from-per- fect English equivalent, d’whore-way, and there you have it. What is more, I’ve sometimes had to sacrifice economy to communicate the various levels of meaning, such as when masonry work and copulation are being simultaneously ref- erenced, or when life at sea is being relentlessly mirrored in the language of prostitution. Despite such difficulties, a certain satisfaction grew from trying to convey these aggressive voices. I hope that the out- rage of their need, outranking even that of the most vora- cious reader, will somehow arouse more than shock. BRUCE BENDERSON New York 1995 Synopsis An island in the Caribbean. A street. Number 16C, male brothel. Outside, Pedro, a prostitute who belongs to the pimp Frankie, is surrounded by a group of young customers and comments about what’s happening inside, which can be seen through the window of the brothel. He identifies each of the three other male prostitutes: the “blond,” the “hairy girl” (also called “teddy bear” or “miss teddy” or “fuzzy”), and Raoul. The blond comes out to the sidewalk for a “quickie” with a customer, the blond mason. He hands the mason over to “teddy bear” and goes back into the brothel. A new group of customers shoves aside the mason, surrounding teddy bear. They demand that the blond prostitute come back out. Teddy bear goes inside to convince the blond, who’s hav- ing sex with a black man, to return. The blond wants to, wants it. Frankie the pimp, who considers the blond his favorite and apprentice under-pimp, refuses to let him go. The blond rebels. The pimp reminds him of what he owes him. Raoul, the fellatio expert, is called. [yeah, on yer’ feet, dat’ mout’, gonna gim’ me it!”] [.., yuh want muh, mis’er guy?”—”gonna poun’ya out atda dump- ster!”—"c’n I get dos’ shorts off, mis’er guy?”—"uh-huh.., yank dat pork out dos’ levi’s an ahl start poun’in!”—” yuh c’n poun’ me in da room, mis’er guy!”—"uh-huh.., slut, ya gonna booby-trap ma tree!”—”bu’ I wanch’ya as’fuc’ me,suh, mis’er guy, so dos’ big nu’ hairs strangle mah ‘rroids!.., work!.., work!”—”bueno!.., bueno! bu’ why da hurry me givin’ ya a mas’ for dat sloop!”—"nada!, guy!, bu’ some pigs jus’ finished stakin’ th’ dumpsters!, ‘n’ i’ da room ah c’n ahl unshort yuh ‘n’ lin’ up ma pound’n’ platform fer som’ assfucks dat streakin’, boomin’ smel’s passin’ air, dou- ble da drivuh feryal.., ‘n’ ya c’n shit, mis’er guy, that'll pump it up to da max!.., mira, ‘dis part of da bun’ stickin’ to d’ win’ow like lips!, an’ lookit dat one widduh ring on ‘is mitt shitted up by d’ white-cross!, dat one, d’ blon’ tenderizin’ Tito, used t’ work fer da missionaries, ‘n’ mira dos’ 2 pissers scrapin’ afros so dat d’ fat bareass Raoul c’n suck bof’ bungs at th’ same time, ass t’ ass, Levi-studded trash t’ tail!”—”he’s suckin’ ‘em raw offa t‘em jeans!”—"like at 8b wh’ da pimps eighty-six yuh if y’ain’t got no un’erwears!, an’ why’m ah gonna keep mahself lickin’ off jeans what I cain’ suck offa dem un’erwears!”—dat fat bareass got mofuggin’ mouf’ jus’ thick enough t’ suck 3 asses at woancel, ‘n’ poun’ dem 2 plantanos!, an’ fattie holdin’ der’ hardon in ‘is purpl’ fists!”’—’d’ fat bareass don’ use ‘is ass uh dick, but wha’ a cocksukka, ‘ees a supe-rimme, mon!”—"uh-huh.., an’ ‘dat fat miss fuzzy wid’de rug a curlee h’ar on ‘is back, she for sale?”—”.., y tienen bodegas asi en este pais?.., y quieres decir que pagan por estol.., only for poun’in’, th’ teddybear!, an ma pimp massuh keepin’ her for hisself like a mom keepin her ‘ho’ inheritance t’ leave t’ our fres’ blon’!.., bu’ mis’er, wher’ c’nya sell some dick, der’ are some fa’ fuzzy ones like-um dat waitin’ fuh a massuh .. . I’ve visto, mis’er guy, som’ dees fa’ teddygirls PR. o’ LT. o’ nigge’ o’ plantanos wagin’ in th’ backrooms, aftuh daddy buyin’ ‘em lined jeans ‘n’ jacket ‘n’ shorts ‘n’ sneaks dat th’ mon be civilizin’ der’ hides so’s dey c’n walk ‘cross th’ street!, dem pimps, dey cum in th’ digits o’ der’ chickens t’ ver al’ dem slimy strands jigglin’ outda hairy spread!, L.A. Nights usin’ mah as da mor’gage from m’ pimp mon, he makes mah com’ in his dig- its same time as ahr teddybear, dat ahr pimp be takin’ to da schmuckshop t’ get a taste a’ da life ‘n’ ted’bear gettin’ stiff again hearin’ his meat on th’ block, triple-shortin’ toward brawlin’ ‘n’ takin’ ‘is time, ballin’ from duh 1st lay to 2nd ‘n’ pounin’ from 2nd ¢’ 3rd!.., L.A. Nights hot-jizzin ‘on mah fin- gers ‘n’ muh waitin’ on dat m’ pimp’s peepers sayin’ I kin lap it up.., right up t’ d’ floor where L.A. Nights’ Frog chick- en Marc drowns m/’ spic molars wid dat steak tongue a his still juiced from ‘is pimp!, ‘n’ . . ._—”basta, slut.., check out ‘im puttin’ ‘im on th’ bench, his dick-massuh|, rippin’ his shorts all th’ way to th’ naugehyde, ‘n’ wid th’ shorts in ‘is teet’, twistin’ dem hombre bal’s fer th’ dude ‘t squirt in ‘is spic-type face”—"an’ whu’ uh load dat dude!, but miss pig’s some workahl, lookit huh jiltin’ huh john ‘n’ sloopin’ ’ ahr win’ow!, ‘n’ ya visto, bro’, she’s namby-pambyin’ huh shit- fucked shitface f’ ya, ‘n’ blowin’ dat fresh stran’ stickin’ t huh hairy chin, but wigglin’ huh bootie-machine f’ th’ john’, ‘n’ da one widout shorts gettin’ hard again at huh flashin’ a streak a’ huh juice!, ‘n’ he muzzl’s dos’ ted’bear shorts dat da 10 ho’ hung on th’ nail inda burlap!, blondie’s punchin, th’ belly a’dat old hand-job who’s cruisin’ his Tito! .. .“—”he me ve, wan’s me.., got mel.., tongue-city, I got ‘nother loa’ cum- min’ while she’s eyeballin’ me.., ‘n’.., yeow ..., he’s onda lookout now where I’m gonna spoutl.., rummage in dat hol’ whiles he’s kissin’ da win’ow where mah load’s hittin’, he chatterin’ onto th’ bonel, holdin’ it t’ th’ gut, da blond’s shit- stained han’ givin’ him a woodie again at ‘is triple-hip!”— "work!, work!.., turnin’ tail round, ‘n’ win’ow-stickin’ his hole where yuh’re win’ow-stickin’ yuh stick, guy!, ‘n’ blondie’s strippin’ down, prongin’ Tito on top’a fuzzbear’s belly!.., dat’s dee only way I get m’ some blon’-juice, from fucked-holes!, big-bear is comin’ from fuckee vibin’ at ‘is gut and cookin’ up ‘is navel!.., dat blon’ c’n work!, Tito turnin’ up his nose at bein’ drowned though so he’s pullin’ part out!, but gettin’ maxihard!, mira dat stiff reachin’ pas’ da left hip a fat teddy-bear!, ‘n’ fat teddy’s fuckin’ up th’ gut a th’ one pullin’ out!,’n’ who be smearin’ his duke wid’ shitty blon’ spic juice!, tastin’ som’ hairy pit-cheese!, nuts-juice, ‘n’ if uh pim’ had’em squeeze th’ mess outta ev’ry mark onto dat’ counter, for fuzzy t’ taste, th’ slut’d put t’gether 2 loads redneck, 2 loads a hebes, 2 loads a marines ‘n’ 6 a spics!, ‘n’ if it spurted out half-breed, he’d mix ‘er up again!.., work! work it!, tha’s a ‘ho’-house hard-on tha’ hairy made ya heifer!.., comin’ c’n even buff you down in th’ buff!.., yer gonna bleed, mis’er guy!.., I feel d’ vibes comin’ from dat boner-halo!.., th’ ‘ho’ he has a few boogers t’pus som’ ptomaine in yer puke!.., ‘n’ teddy bear don’ giv’ a damn ‘bout da fist doodlin’ under th’ dew-laps, his fuzzy crack suckin’ his t’robbin’ mussel t’ d’ win’ow!, but the bareass suckin’ teddy’s clam is thinkin’ his tongue’s a dick spurtin’ traces a th’ slut’s period!, ‘n’ his cojon-stuffed voicebox is cookin’ up his flousy!.., ahr massah pim’ ups th’ bid on d’ new johns fer dem shorties o’ fatbear ‘n’ da ho who aftuh dey get sucked or fucked kink off diggin’ der’ cockery get- 11 tin’ auctioned off, dey get up wid der’ fists onder tits ¥ be cosy-corner knickknacks, bell-shaped aw squa’, 2 pesos’I] git fresh un’erwearrie, 5 to 10 summer un’erwearrie marinated t’ th’ max.., gimme, hichl, fatbear is hittin’ on yuh bonery, he’s crushin’ his cherry on d’ win’ow frame!,”—I'm gonna puncture th’ fron’ a ‘is head, stick-um al’ th’ way up til’ muh stick stuck in his snot, ‘n’ yah, ahm gonna strangle yah y’ trollipop, yuhr gonna be gripin’ on m’ pickler!, ‘n’ ahl work m/ shift turnin’ out miss teddy, t’ pay yer bully-boy back fuh yer gripin”.., wo-aah, yeow!, pronto while th’ fat ‘ho is bussin’ t’ finger’ his splinter at th’ win’ow!”—”.. dats som’ butt-erie revvin’ up dos’ cheeks!, ‘n’ since she’s a ‘ho’, inks she’s swingin’ d’ rod ¢’ slice tenderloin!.., she got as much control a huh ass as like-um huh mouf!, ‘n’ she c’n play dat mussel in yah voicebox, ‘n’ th’ cheery on da tongu’!, she vibed on yer load from th’ heat a th’ glas’!”—”.. wo-a-a-h, ye-ow!., milk-it, ‘ho’!, milk-it, ‘ho’!, give head t’ th’ daddy- head!”—" check out bareass givin’ headdress t’ ‘is big-teddy!, ‘cept d’ ‘ho’ waitin’ on a sign from ‘is pimp-suhr turns back ‘tween da stud’s knees ‘bout t’ pierce ‘is hole-sir!”—”gonna smear ya wid bloody cum ‘n’ Paulo who cockblocks at ware- house 33’ll take da polaroid a me in panther briefs bumpin’ ya off against a tropical background!”—"ain’t dat what djoo pay me fuh, papito?, ‘n’ ahl mascara ma peepers ‘n’ spray ma bodyhair!”—"he’s swingin’ his stickuh t’ wink at me!”— “it be muh swingin’ m’ stickuh’ t’ da guy standin’ upl}.., 6 times aroun’.., ‘n’ 13 fer da butt-fuckuh!”—” bare-fat’s suckin’ sweat outta da ass a dat widout shorts jes’ got sucked!.., tastin’ da suck-sweat from da rear glands, ‘n’ ted- dybear gaspassin’ t’ make a hole fuh th’ assfuck, grabbin’ th’ ballness in 2 hands, he starts bare-ass t gripin’, he he-mans lento ‘n’ necktwists t’ tongue bareass’s bone-panter!, dat swordsman’s in d’ gravy hooked up t’ a ‘ho’ goes trippin’ inside a his men!, pumpin’ it up triple-time on his slut’s hips!, da slut cohoes his cojones outta shorts fer some octo- 12 ussin’”—"his holes winkin’ t’ me, ma ass-fur wanna rub his whiskuhs, he’s inta mel, ‘n’ ahm inta him!, his furr’-chest sweepin’ ma back, and wiskuhs on da neck muscl’, until ahm sobbin’!.., and yuh, yuh’re gonna help widda ballin’.., yer da one gonna blow da blo’flies fah me!, but ted’bear’s da one I wan’ wi’ his always blown tota’ly yank’d bloodsuck- uhs, flies crawlin’ on beef!, givin’ his ass t( mah rod!, ‘n’ me vice versa!”—”"come ‘n’ bleed at th’ d’whoreway!, duh pimp massah’s pain’ed it red to say that his boys works it deep ‘n’ dat ev’ry man encashed in here spills outta dis dive wid blood on ‘is wick!”—”"he’s tonguin’ the titties unda d’ clams, brushin’ agains’ d’ whiskuh’s comin’ tr’u da fly!, teddy bear’s bonuh’s black!, mira bareass holdin’ up his boneroller, he c’n work!, mira him jostlin’ his smother’d muzzl’ so’s teddy c’n step-up th’ stench ina ass!”—"he c’n open ‘is ass like it be mouf’ ‘n’ ‘is kissuh like it be ass, dat’ beast spittin’ bad smells on duh bwooties!.., I wancha fuck me ¥ th’ blood, mis’er guy!, sign th’ hole wid da curse!” —” fatty bare-ass is yankin’ ‘is 2 used-ups t’da bench!, dey put der’ jeans back on wit’out un’erwears ‘n’ beastness’s takin’ ‘em off wid ‘is ivories!”—"he don’ gotta right t’ sit onda bench widduh mon, he only twiddles in th’ res’room!, suckin’ th’ ass a da used-ups!.., ifn he comes ‘n’ marks da bench wid his stench, he gonna thin out ahr smel’”!.., th’ timbre a da fart uh da turd is whut divides da unfuckable from go-fer-it!.., mira him pullin’ th’ Doublemint off da ivories o’ d’ blon’ used- up!.., he loves t’ use ‘is drool U’ unglue da shit-booty from th’ Seams a dem plantano-levis aftuh th’ ransack!, spoilin’ his teeth shit-suckin’!, got fat as a hous’!.., da pimp-massuh’s gonna cut him, chisel ‘im inta a femal’, ding-dangle dem tit- teries, he wants t’ shoot-th’-shit on th’ benchy widda used- ups, but teddy stoppin’ fuckin’ is stompin’ his spic-face-type ‘n’ da cold-dicked plantanos are takin’off!, yo Jose ‘n’ Sonny ‘++, bendicién!, ‘n’ da blon’ was bein’ fucked by ‘is Tito is takin’ it now by a blon’ who’s turnin’ it wid a shoulder har- 13 ness for ‘is trowel!”—"n’ yuh pimp he put shorts on his blon’?, does he dress ‘em up?”—"th’ men wan’ ‘em raw!, but th’ massuh rigs ‘em up for hisself lik’ femal’, escondido.., panties ‘em gold ‘n’ lacy’s dey boobies!, he garters th’ fuck musclette, he suspenduh’s th’ pendejo!, ‘n’ he garboils ‘em in da sac’ ‘til da blon’ craps th’ sheet, ahve heard dem garters snappin’, dat dingle-dangle, all dat ‘cross a man’s whoopie- cushion ya need polar-watah t’ make yuh prick go down’ — “wh’ad-if ah take th’ blon’ by da dickhead ‘n’ teddy’s ass ‘n’ you take care a dat joint!”—’mira da blon’ sweatin’ aginst dat bootie-boy!, it’s bead-stringin’ dat’s screwin’ up his mouf’ like dat!, dat mason does his slakin’ rigged out, d’ ‘ho’ gets off from his fuck-stuff rubbin’ da jeans for da fuck!, da mason mixes in ‘is skivvies ‘n’ da ‘ho’ is croakin’ from da ball-rinsin’!, ahm th’ one he takes ifn’ th’ blon’s handed out!, he like t’ catch ma ass-curls in his zipper until ah turn on th’ waterworks ‘n’ when th’ tears hit his thumb, he pierc’s da ‘hole shitload!”—"he shafts ‘n’ he shoots skivvied?”—’si!, da ‘ho’ tinks she’s rig-rodded inside!, her guts wearin’ jeans, her lungs in drag, ‘n’ her heart sportin’ skivvies!”—”wh’ad ‘bout me gettin’ hard fuh joo wid ma big shorts?”—"dats fuh fat teddy, who loves gettin’ wrung big shorterie wid escape- hatch Calvin!, but me it’s shorties, low wais’, B.V.D.’s, biki- ni’s gettin’ mah hole hard!, but ted’y bear’s puttin’ back his Levi log-o’d dick!, his hole’s swallowed d’ stump a Chan's paw, wid d’ crutch at da chink, he gets up ‘n’ da cock o’ bar- eass, da fat one, that spic-face-type stamped by teddybear stompin’, gets crackin’ again wid pink panties ‘n’ moldy- holed from comin’ already, but teddy b. tha’s gettin’ cock- pulled t’ d’ counter by th’ pimp, t’ get ‘is crack creamorroid- ed, unstitches th’ kinky noggin’ a fattie, cause his basketrie fatty bareass was unpackin’ wii ‘is shitty hand, ‘n’ repacks ‘ls black dick in ‘is skivvies!, th’ pimp massuh creamorroids him lento ‘n’ profundo so dat d’ mess a spic johns pipin ¢ treatment go scrape out teddy’s ass ¢’ lipstick his twin mouf 14 dat mums ‘is mug!,”—"bare-fatty grindin’ ‘is tongu’ onda tits of d’ one who got off ‘n’ now it’s No-Way Jose hip- swingin’ ‘is leathuh ‘n’ stiffenin’ fer da grease a fat-bare at d’ shitshack, who’s openin’ ‘is cesspool t’ d’ r’ythm a da pork- doctor, his dick tatoo-injected.., it’s man-pricks, superdicks makin’ his pores swarm, at dis shittery!”—”yuh gonna work Jose again, mis’er guy?, dat yuh pinga-ponger?, he’s slicin’ it long ‘n’ thin, acupuncturin’ right t’ th’ bottom a da peach!, he does cartwheels wid his guys”—"dat dick ain’ like his neck, ‘n’ dat ho’ don’ she jes’ wantin’ big cocks?”—"si, mis’er guy!.., big bare cocks that fill up th’ fist like-um a neck!, vibratin’ from nut-spurts like-um d’ neck when th’ heart pumps!.., ifn ah wan’ da maximum bod’s o’ ahl mah manheads, I gotta get ass-fucked widda neck!.., but it’s Carlo gettin’ his creamorrhoided crack .., karate massuh tackles his piece at a angle!, his fartin’ butt slobbers ‘n’ grits un’er da smarmin’, dis one juices up d’whole ass-fuck widda pre- cum!, d’ back-end, hip, t’igh, da back a da slut’s knees!, fucks everyt’in’ ovuh!, mira dat cross o’ hairs on his bac’!, teddy- bear c’n lay on da juice!.., da blon’ guy takin’ th’ blon’ slut t’ th’ bench!, da blon’ usin’ his smiley-voiced thang t’ talk t’ her, t’ dat suck-thang al’ stuffed up wid Tito-shit!, th’ mason got th’ slut’s motuh runnin’!, got da gimp limpin’, da blon’s punchin’ dat buck-puckered butt!.., mira Carlo fart ‘t’ th’ top 0’ th’ fuc’, ‘n’ about-facin’ t’ spurt a I’il tinsel, curlie’s ridin’ horseback ag’in ‘n’ Jose juicin’ up fattie’s t’roat!, je’s when da halfbreed finished rollin’ one o’ 2 0’ 3!.., mira Josy ‘n’ Sonny scrapin’ 2 hardon’s fer d’ 33rd time,! th’ pimp massuh’s gonna be happy when dem scream-scrammers get t’ th’ end- core ‘bout 30 t’ 35 times!.., dey cock-talk ‘bout al’ der bootie so’s dey c’n fork out some boner-loads in payin’ han’s!, da payin’ han’s git th’ quintessence!, dey root out th’ cause!” — "da fat fuzzy takes it inda mouf’ too?, duz he fuc’?”—” yeah mis’er.., he does ahl da men ‘n’ ahl d’ wom’nl, ev’n youngn’s he threads der’ wishbones trough ‘is bonuh!, he’s brought 15 me a whole busload a husbands!”—“all dat juice gettin’ lost!”—” nunca, mis’er.., wears a bag!.., da massuh pimp jes’ take him ¢’ da f’males t’ pay da mortgage!, if Cobra uh L.A. Nights needin’ a li’l guy t’ suck o’ t’ swap, he pairs ‘em up wid 2 his mor’gaged ones!, da hairy blon’ from 49 fuh th’ halfbreed from 4, our teddy bear fuh dat big blanquito from 52 who heifers ev’ry 9 months.., it’s da guy’s pimp takes him t’ da f’male!.., ahr teddy’s one fat sac 0’ juice.., dem times when da f’male is suckin’ ‘im, when he’s gushin’ in th’ shad- ows, it’s da f’mal’s pim’ cuts off her feed!.., when fat teddy gets back t’ da ho’house he pulls in whole messes a husban’- johns, his dickhead stinkin’ like a f’mal!.., he gotta big hol’ dat shoots big!, kinda like him shittin’ from da front ‘n’ da curd takin’ ferever t’ melt!, it’s from al’ da juices she’s cookin’ in da mess hall o’ her kidneys!, ‘n’ if yuh wuz’t taste it, it’s al’ da juices on th’ block formin’ deltas on ‘er mouf’piece!, da massuh pimp boastin’ t’ us dat ‘til she col- lapses on th’ job, da whor’house is dependin’ on her palpi- pations!,”—”plen’y a heart, huh?, ahl fuc’ her in th’ ventr- cles!, clamp onta huh bonerism at th’ two auricles!, pop huh palpitator!”—”si, mis’er, mis’er.., mira bare-assed Carlo fuckin’ fuzz-fat, judocuttin’ dat ho’s t’ighs ‘n suckin’ ‘is cock!, he’s workin’!, mira how da guy’s cheek swellin’ jes’ like-um da slut’s buns!, mira dat bi’ dick Carlo spittin’ out a dat big hairy t’igh!.., mira, what he’s flippin’ onto th’ tacky linoleum t’ judocut in th’ sawdust!”—tam bién.., a nice big rod!.., change any man it stick inna an’mal!”—"si, it’s t’ fuck you be’her, mis’er guy!.., ahs th’ one wanna sharpen yuh bone ‘fore yuh t’row it t’ his rear end molars, but t’ get hard again, I gotta fuck yal, ‘n’ t open yuh up maximum, ¢’ plug in da cock ‘n da cojonerie, dig fuzzy’s cock fattenin’ up un’er d’ prow!.., mira dat chubby blanquito sneakin’ out jes’ as th’ slut gets huh hooks in ‘im, unshorts ‘im ‘n’ sucks him jes’ aftuh him fucked by Carlo, ‘n’ dat blond plantano gettin’ fuck’d un’er da suck, by da fuckuh spit out his rod, his cock 16 feeds on a ass dat shits unkoshuh pork!, jammin, gettin’ jammed, suckin’, seein’ himself bronc-shitated like-um dat tree at 5cl., wan’ muh pull your shorts off again, guy?”— "pull ‘em offl.., da girl wid da fuzz is pipin’ me just as huh cheek-hole been winkin’ wid blanquito juicel.., un’er th’ ball- bangin’!.., droolin’ at muh bag, midi- blouse, jeans, drawuhs!, droolin’ at his big suck-dick!, duh blanquito get- tin’ off bein’ sucked by a brothuh who’s droolin’ fuh ‘nother brothuh!.., she’s winkin’ at muh from un’er da big gut!”— “sefior, padrino, get up against th’ wall, right up t’ th’ garbage can!, right where I fuc’ yuh cock-lures on duh stuc- co, up against it, ahl fuc’”,—th’ slut unzips pronto, pullin’ off da guy’s shorts again, at th’ same time threadin’ his rod intah da bluish crac’.., th’ door of 16c openin’ on th’ bare- assed blond, rod, mouf’, ass bein’ pile-driv’d, hookin’ th’ zipper a th’ ass-cheeked, blubber-lipped, balled, chested, hipped, eyed, nosed, pawed blond mason!, who’s givin’ a big yank t’ th’ zipper, pawin’ wid big whitish fingers his black tank top spurtin’ nipples, th’ mason really barkin’ fro’ bangin’ jeaned t/ighs ‘ginst da blond-ass, ‘n’ he tractuh’s da slut t’ da pa’ment! ‘n’ is gimpin’ intuh th’ crack o’ da slut gettin’ butt-rubbed.., “. . . c’mon ovuh ma place! ma cathouse!, at th’ Beryl boatyard.., ahl pay fer yuh shorts, pasteles, girls!.., in my barracks dey got rods how you like ‘eml..—blow dis place ‘n’ jes’ bring yer dick ovuh!”—’no puedo, ahm Frankie’s boy.., ‘n’ L.A. Night's got th’ mortgage on muhl, ‘n’ muh I gotta have muh ration a blon’ ‘n’ brunettes!, levi’s, marines, ‘n’ massuh puts lace on muh, puts garters on muh, ‘n’ takes muh ¢’ th’ rich, photomats muh, I know yuhv’ visto who plugs inna muh from th’ crowd, but ahm jes’ finishin’ off ma pimp trainin’!, ‘n’ when I get muh degree uhm th’ one’ll be runnin’ th’ manhole, yuh, mis’er iz jus’ offerin’ uno blon’, a wannabe underpimp only runnin’ qd’ stove a yer cuarto!,., but next time take ahl yer well-hung- uns t’ me, ‘n’ ahl suck ‘em ahl off fuh a discountl.., good 17 lookin’ suck-flesh that'll munch a stiff boricua don’ come cheap!, costs a lot fuh red-blooded ‘merican t’roat flesh y take on a p.r. invasion!”—"tu haces el café, la cama!” —"jp, th’ fuzzy chows up th’ java ‘n’ usin’ his chubby trade fin. guhs t’ turn down ‘n’ turn up ‘n’ turn down da fine sheets a duh massuh wher’ I don’ let none a th’ sluts stick aroun’!” but th’ built blond!, his trowel harness shakin’ up by th’ hardboiled one-n’-oneing, shrivels all dizzy, hugs th’ whore’s rump t’ his boss-thing!, fits his zipper to th’ edge of th’ whore-crack, roots ou’ his maxidick from th’ bikini moldy with jerk-off pluck’d offa da Condado sand by outré Oratorian sewers, rasps his bloke on th’ pa’ment, rod-pinch- es the poundin’ platform of th’ whore wit’ th’ big fingers prick’d by curlers until th’ blond mason dings out from a dope stick, with th’ shit-stuffed sword at th’ knot, fucks, aims, fires, once, twice, 3 times, 4, burps, belches, drools, stops strokin’, flips ovuh his ‘ho’!, flattens him with heavy farts, gobbledygooks his coc’, fuck-shitted fists drownin’ th’ whore mouth stamp’d with fuck-hiccups, letting go with a bloody numbe’ fiv’ that shakes his skin right up ¢’ th’ blon’s . teeth!, climbs back on with fist un’er jaw, the whore’s love skin ebbin’ out of th’ ass t’ th’ pavemen’, flips him over!, refucks th’ sodomized half-black ass, until pouches get tossed into double-’rroids, hefts th’ nape a th’ twisted whore with th’ r’ythm’d orgasm-raid of his wrist, fires, fires again, heaves, chewin’ on th’ temple bone, th’ shitted-up noggin, punchin’ the red ears, tongu’ invadin’ from th’ skivvies at th’ touch a da mussel, ears, tongu’, ears, usin’ 10 fingers yank th’ palate of th’ ‘ho’s mouf’ flooded wi’ bloody juice, squirts twice, groans, farts, fingernailin’ th’ blond’s tons’ls who ‘rows his peepers t’ blue-sky highway!.., at th’ wall, Pedro fucks th’ guy moanin’ at th’ stars a 3rd time, to th’ gimp!" of th’ blond fuck < > th’ blond gettin’ hard again, thigh gillette-slashed coulo grating scaly backend again, refucked! underpantsed by th’ guy cool-slided’ t’ shin, pullin’ out 18 shootin’, rootin’ out th’ ‘rroid, fingerin’ th’ slope, refuckin’ in th’ far’hole that swallows him with th’ tremble-ment of th’ ejaculat’d, blubber-lipping the guy’s neck, he imagines being in ass-fucked blondiness while his fucker lickens the whole neck manel, attaches his tits to th’ big dorsal muscle relaxin’ at th’ end of th’ fuck, greases his circumsiz’d in th’ crack rollers, half-shreddin’ t’ th’ root th’ ‘rroids, fuck-tossin’ roun’ th’ 4 nuts, gobs the fucked-shit from his middle joint, th’ breat’ at th’ p.r. face where th’ tips pop out t’ fondle th’ coulo foramen, hearing in th’ beyond-shitted th’ skivvied snort a th’ hairy guy sound-effecting un’er Carlo armpit juice, th’ skivvied wipin’ his palms on his fa’ t’ighs where th’ baller’s fingerin’s are fadin’ away, lickin’ onto his moustach’ th’ 9 ass lecheries, th’ quaverin’ skivvied bein’ moisten’d back ‘n’ fron’, burps, far’s, lento, loosenin’ up ‘is tongu’, his ears ag’inst bristlin’ temple bone, his t’roat stamp’d with shitted strands, muzzl’ raised, nostrils quiverin’ th’ more Carlo trots ‘is throttl’!, th’ blon’ peels hisself offa da mason, trots t’ th’bordello, a half-brown ass-braid spillin’from crac’, [“take id again, dic’ face!”—”’da blon’s gonna be th’ one fuckin’ me yer shitted-up blond!.., it’s wid Benjy ar’ massuh gonna plow out yer cheek got stuffed by th’ blond!, mira Benjy get- tin’ unhooked at th’ cashier’s, ar’ massuh takin’ off de shorts ‘n’ uncorkin’ th’ dick ‘n’ grazin’ his w’iskers t’ th’ butt-pubis been gilleted f’male by th’ cuban!, Benjy’s ‘bout t’ go whorin’!, dey c’n bicker ovuh his nuts in th’ sack!.., scope it out, blondie!, cuban’s gettin’ th’ whole blon’!”—’callate! eso es imposible!, he wants me wid mah dirty-blond, t’ put down th’ dark guys widda blanquitos, the boricua’s widda blon’s!”], clinkin’ his tinsel at th’ frosted glass, runnin’ t th’ mess 0’ johns come in from th’ re-fuck waiting room, he gets plow’d by Benjy, a loose thread 0’ his black-embroidered shorts stuck in th’ fuck, all pimp-drooled, grabbin’ by th’ right blon’ cheek th’ mason-sucker, tossin’ him t’ Cisco’s clamps, red coc’ creepin’ outta da green lay-lever, gulps, 19 sphincter in opposit’ r’ythm t’ d’ ass, under da Levi's ga fuck-flesh 0’ Cisco openin’ right in fron’ 0’ th’ mess o! johns!.., on th’ pav’ment, th’ blond mason, coc’ toward trowel harness, grindin’ miss teddy who gets hard again at th’ touch a da shadowman, swingin’ aroun’ lento}, red blubber-lips smiley-facin’ ovuh ivories, white like-um dos’ shorts, streak’d, folds intuh a dick his neck, twistin’ under th’ sun, grabbin’ the mason who's Pawin’ da shorts a da ‘ho t’ da right ‘n’ rummagin’ inside, un’er th’ nuts, th’ whor’ droolin’ onda blon’s biceps who’s pullin’ him inta th’ shadows by th’ shorts, but a mess 0’ young johns, fatties, iron workers, maxihung un/er der’ levi’s molded threadbare upta da inseam, der’ pounin’ platforms pimpl’d, start Elvis- ing th’ mason, makin’ circles roun’ th’ whor’, spittin’ at him, hissin’, pantin’, grindin’ der’ teet’, pluckin’ hairs from his ches’!, pubes, ass, lip!, a shadow shock-fuck!, miss teddy burps, snaps, breaks off, nips at der’ motor-greased knuckle cushions, gettin’ maxihard from th’ shadow triangle on his ass!, Mauricio, dumpy big-chested in stained white trunks shovin’ his hand inta th’ skivvied whor’!, miss teddy crosses her t'ighs, makin’ a space for Mauricio f’ stick in his mitt, gather up th’ rod ‘n’ root out two humongous ones, maxi- red, sticky black, milkin’ t’ hell, swea’t on th’ swell a his palm, spurts enuf on th’ pa’ment for ev’ry foot t’ trample, No-Way Jose scrapes his ass wit a finguhnail, ‘n’ shoves ovuh a shitty knuckl’ fer da ole man t’ nibble w’ich jump- starts his orgasm!, Jesus, blond hardy red, with his mitt in pocket, pistonin’ his cock at th’ fold of th’ fucked-up crack ‘ th’ ‘ho’, blubberlips th’ lobe, “yo guy, how com’ yuh ey don’ tripl’ th’ price fer a gorgeous grownup lik’ you?, it don costs more ‘n’ a little street hookuh|, it’s gettin’ hard fer : over at th’ yard, al dem So’ Bronx peasants pushin’ pastel : P ‘ . n yer pimp calientin’ fer a piece a yer chassied bush, eve be at puttin’ t/ree street hookers ma mouf’, ass, dick ain't . ai unfasten ya magycke!, ovuh atda workshop dey droo Stretcheg 20 big piecesl.., work it, stick i’ bac’ in!”, knock-kneed fuzz namby-pambies, vibrates his backside so’s tha’ Professor Kink wid d’ scarface, pullin’ th’ shorts back at th’ label, c’n river-drool some Doublemint in th’ fuzz-crackl.., “a fine papito lik’ yuh, a grownup hunk who knows how f’ make th’ youn’ cum, dick t’ choke on, roter-rootin’ out th’ juice..,a grownup that don’ talk too much, that listens t’ th’ young juice!, his outside openin’ intuh a asshol’ at ev'ry porel.., Breaker ‘n’ Flasher wanna play ho’s fuh domingo de ramos soon’s as th’ hair grows back on th’ tits, if yer pimp let’s um, he'll pay th’ rent t’ us!, ‘n’ yuh’re th’ one t'ey wanna study wid’, bu’ dey wan’ der’ satu’days fuh playin’ ball ‘n’ clubbin’”, bear-girl wid’ duh hunky nigguh who's peelin’ down, gettin’ jolt’d by his lappin’, his pink shorts embalmin’ al’ d’ lauren o’ th’ Lido, miss fuzz wid couple a spanis’ twins, tinkle-tossin’ der’ gold studs on th’ shadow edge a th’ mess 0’ johns so much that crouchin’ teddy snakes his thick tongu’ t’ th’ jeans!, t’ th’ skivvies, suckin’ der’ semana santa turds, miss fuzz widda ‘hole mess o’ johns who cornuh him off t’ da side, garlic-belchin’ on him, scruffin’ ‘is nape wid dere gasspassin’, lootin’ his shorts, rootin’ out what’s hangin’, revvin’ dat dweeb up, grind ‘im fron’ ‘n’ bac’, til’ th’ slut peeks ‘is cream, dat tripe hangin’ outta him gets maxi- trichinated!.., up t’ th’ asshole, where he finguh’s Carlo’s fuckball ’ rub it on teddybear’s dentistry, sealin’ it wid gar- lic, “eat, big papi!, yer th’ bel’y a da block!.., wha-cha do dat wuz bad au jour?, say it, ‘n’ who wid?, coun’ yer score on y’ fingers, 3 cut ‘n’ 7 whole gettin’ hard like-um der’ dicks!.., lento, t’ get th’ mess o’ johns hardl.., dey like it counted off on th’ wedge a da dickl.., entonces, wuz it yuh pimp woke yuh up slingin’ yuh?—"nunca, youn’ guy!, tha’s wh’ th’ man wants!.., ‘n’ I follow muh dick!, but it’s ma massuh tha’ keeps th’ countl.., ‘n’ yer th’ one m’iser youn’ guy th’ one ah get revved up ¢’ th’ deliverin’ a th’ ass rummagin’, what’s gonna get me th’ fingers in yer mitt!.., bu’ it wuz gettin’ light 21 when ah finally fell out, ah made $30 US all by mahself, dat night, whiles our massuh kick’d th’ blond outta th’ sack take care a der’ quarter-massuhl, ‘n’ it wuz a humongous blon’ wid a black dog collar, that tatto’d th’ cherry in m’ cheek.., ah sucked ev'ry dickhead, ‘n’ ah fucked Vine’, Vane, ‘n’ Elvis, th’ one I look aftuh, at th’ landin’, belt ‘n’ garters un’er mah slacks, ‘n’ duh res’ fucked muh, so much dey wore muh butt off.., bu’ da’ pim’ shtoops me wid th’ fuhst grimy mess ‘o johns at dawn, ‘fore ahm th’ one gots t do th’ java, ‘n’ he rubs ‘is sweaty crack on ma mouf’ ‘n’ has me lick his secret shitted, bu’ ahm th’ one he croaks in th’ ear ‘bout how he’s doin’ ‘n’ empties his dream juice in, whiles Raoul creepin’ intuh da first rays ‘n’ lettin’ out some big farts.., ‘n’ ‘tween 7 ‘n’ 10, he marks down 10 tha’ I fucked, 30 I sucked, ‘n’ 15 that’ fucked muh!”—“dios mio!, Manuel!, y’uh bug- gin’ out t’ them suc’-r’ythms!, ‘n’ y’all, Menace ‘n’ Flasher, only suckin’ blonds, ‘n’ get soft if’n yuh slice th’ shit!.., ‘n’ ya get hard fer a guy aftuh prongin’ ‘im 7 uh 10, ‘n’ likewise fuh da mess o’ johns waitin’ aftuh him?.., por todas partes?.., siempre?.., mds duro.., mas duro?”—"si, mis’er youn’ guy.., if yuh wuz t’ turn muh skin inside out, yuh’d find a big jeansed guy fuckin’ mel.., it’s dis big jeansed guy pounin’ so much dat he slipped under-wears mah rump-skin!”—"uh- huh! ‘n’ yuh play th’ girl?, dat jeansed guy’s fly scrapes 50 much dat his carotid vein rubbin’ yer ass-skin gets t’ palpi- tatin’ un’er th’ lead paint!, ‘n’ yuh’ve visto yuh know how on viernes santo yuh plow ‘n’ fertilize da ass of th’ marine contingent like-um a guy scratches a cun’!”—"si, mi’ser youn’ guy!, bu’ jes so’s dat f’male’ll only heifer littl’ jeansed guys dat I gotta bend muh knees t’ fuck!, huh shinin’ ey hole only wantin’ guys t’ milk ‘n’ heifer, ah been teasin’ huh chocha so much!, huh pimp’s got huh cunt greased up wid manshit!”—’’n’ yer da one unstops th’ entrance?”—"nunc® mis’er youn’ guy, huh pimp she had twelv’ years does! but muh hairy guy comes t’ put on th’ suck flesh!”—"your pimp 22 dish yuh out any juice?”—”he givin’ me more t’ take den I shoot!.., bu’ I git muh quart a day, ‘n’ 2 on viernes santo” — "yeah, cunt, ‘n’ wid yer spe’ial ‘ho’ supply, dat makes 6 quarts!.., mentira, fuc’face!, der gotta be ni tiempo when yuh ain’ tired ah d’ man-prong?, got enuf hookuh-piss?, when yuh ain’ intuh Levi ball-bruisin’?”—” nunca, mis’er youn’ guys!, y’all thinkin’ too much like free youn’ gen‘Imen!, youn’ boss-guy!.., body thinkin’ a itself as sold needs to come off lik’ it got superpowers!”—"slu’, slu’, don’ fuck wid me when ahm concentratin’ wid dat dick-voice a yers!.., cun’ of a manhol’!, dog-ass!.., run atda mouf’ only ‘bout sexy stuff, ‘bout what makes da shorts in da levi’s slide, o’ly wh’ lathers up yer muzzl’!.., wh’ dick-biggies yuh pimp puts yuh wid!.., wh’ yuh like ‘bout guys, ‘n’ wh’ guys like in yuh!”— “ah want ev’ry guy who strolls th’ block, all a ‘em ‘n’ ev’ry one dem guys dey wan’ muh, all f’em!”—"’n’ yuh fuc’ ani- mals too!”—"si, mi’ser youn’ guy, ah open ev’ry livin’ holel.., donkeys, mules, billie-goats, dawgs!, mo-keys sometimes!, suck ‘em o’ fuc’ ‘em ‘n’ ev’n get stuck by th’ beast pulls th’ coach!.., claro, othuh mis’er youn’ guy, ah don’ do it t’ get fuc’ed outsides!.., jes’ gettin’ a taste by choicel.., he screws muh.., right in th’ mussel .., wid ‘is big cold dick!.., pay fer me takin’ some organ, ahl show wh’ ah c’n do wid it!.., take it out, guy!”—"last, Felice, last long enough for me t’ get stuck on his bone that's stiffenin’ t fuc’!.., last, Felice, last!”— “him droolin’ on ma neck!.., vete, ‘n’ you, vente.., ‘n’ mis’er youn’ guy bendin’ muh ¢’ his erection so’s ah c’n suc’ th’ jet!, salte!”—"if ahl o’ us fuc’ ‘er, her pimp won’ be able t’ git us in his bookkeepin’!.., but ifn’ she talks, ahm squealin’ to huh pimp she wuz th’ one wid th’ dirty mind!, dat it wuz her caus’d th’ jerkin’ off, da ass-fuckin’ all o’ it!, h’uhl beat ‘er.., feels fine slicin’ her red fa’ ass til she’s upchuckin’ some blood, snot, ‘n’ some a huh ivories on th’ floor” —" nunca, mis’er, muh pimp massuh believes primo his ‘ho’ nm domingo de ramos he’s puttin’ th’ dog collar on muh!”— 23 “can it, bro’, ok, miss hairy, tell us your price!, pronto.., Carlo, shoot on his hip, far from th’ ass as yuh c’n!.., ok, so’ fella, tell us!”—”ah suc’ a mis’er youn’ guy woance, he’s payin’ 1 peso, 2 times, 1 peso 40 centavos, ‘n’ 3 times 1 peso 50 centavos, a mis’er youn’ guy fuckin’ me, 1 time, he’s payin 2 pesos, 2 times, 2 pesos 30 centavos, 3 times, 2 pesos 50 centavos, ‘n’ me fuckin’ a youn’ guy!, 1 time, he’s payin’ 2 pesos 50, 2 times, he’s payin’ 2 pesos 9, 3 times, 3 pesos 50, 4, 4 pesos 50”—”you c’n take 4 guys 4 times inna row?”—’si, youn’ guy, ‘n’ fuh 5 times, 5 pesos.., ‘n’ no charge suckin’ ass offa mis’er’ youn’ guy I ain’ fucked uh suc’ed ‘n’ who’s fuc’d muh ‘n’ pays ‘is 1 ‘n’ if’n ah lick it ahl da way 2 pesos 20”— “yer pricey, brillo pad!, ‘n’ wh’ ‘bout..,”—’mis’er youn’ guy, miss hairy’s priced right tuh plen’y a otha’s!”—” entonces, ‘n’ if’n a guy wants t’ suc’ you, d’ho’, wh’ud he pay?”— “sometime, d’ hansome mis’er youn’ guys, real delicat’, one’s fro’ dat nuthouse, thirsty fer some grownup juice, der’ takin’ ma stiff one outside, dey pull muh inta da cathouse so’s I c’n bandage der’ han’s wid some screamcream!.., mas- suh takes ‘em in widout i.d.!”—”entonces, wh’ud dees byooties do fuh you?.., Kino’s th’ one takes dees crazies t/ suck dey vitamins at th’ apprentice dockers, but Jayson, dat blondness did 3 years at Attica, he puts th’ good suckuhs un’er contract!”—"I gotta milk Jayson, ‘n’ Kino’s th’ one milks muh dick wid ‘is kissuh!.., wid ev’ ry 5 loads th’ mas- suh gets some Alpo fer his blon’!.., I e’n do 10 byooties 2 times each kissuh!, he milks th’ first 7 of ‘em fer me standin’ ‘up side t’ side, der’ Levi-studs, ear studs, brac’lets clinkin’, th’ serviced ones chew th’ fat in th’ corner ‘n’ I got mah nut- tery bangin’ duh t’roat ofda youngn’ milkin’ muh stiff ‘n’ th’ next one fuc’s muh so much inda mouf’ dat muh cum zings off duh zits a duh one suckin’ muhl.., ‘n’ th’ othuh 7, ahm th’ one finguhs dey ass ‘n’ puttin in poquito cum from muh stick, usin’ muh shitty fist t’ grope ma tit fles’, ‘n’ them sittin’ mah on th’ bench t’ geta sip n’ mah comin’ fro’ da tat- 24 tooed ahms grazin’ Vigh hairs n’ mah spreadin’ ‘n’ gettin’ stiff.., in win’er I got a dic’ tha’ smokesl.., if’n I wet-fart dey slurp off da varnish whe’ th’ far’ smearin’ th’ bench.., ‘n’ ah put out, youn’ guy!l, ‘til ah stiffen up again in da t/roat fuh the nex’ Levil.., ‘n’ 6 last she puhls dey shorts up fuh me, ‘n’ ah takes ‘em by th’ han, lays ‘em on th’ floor ‘n deybe crouchin’ ovuh my skivvied juice ‘n’ some get back up fuh strokin’ th’ gut un’er th’ hair, right up t’ the lips t’ cool dey mitts a’ mah bellows!”—"how much that cost, one tim/’?, ‘n’ when, ‘n’ it’s a group rate or..”—”group rate, mis’er youn’ guy, ‘n’ it be 2 pesos 30 centavos a time!.., ‘n’ aftuh duh milkin’ ah prowl fer muh meal o’ Alpo from der’ gut t’ where ma juice ended up, but it’s t’ start ass-fuc’in’ again pronto a whole new mess o’ johns dat I take dat Alpo t’ get hard ag’in!”—”who calls the shots wid th’ mess o’ johns, yuh o’ yuh massuh pimp?.., mira as much as him runnin’ at th’ mouf’, dat ho’s muzzl’ still shinin’ shi-fuc’ed!”—”.., it’s da blond, mis’er youn’ guy!”—”wha’ ‘bout th’ blond, gob- ble-face?”—"it’s dis ‘merican a mah massuh pimp schoolin’ t’ be a assistant pim’ massuh!”—"his ass fuh sale?” —"si, mis’er youn’ guy, jes like muhn!”—’n’ costin’ same as yah?”—"si, mis’er youn’ guy.., ‘n’ mah when don’ wan’in’ a man, ahr massah handin’ him t’ th’ othuhs. . .’—”. . . ‘n’ gives yuh t’ the guy too, since’in you takin’ ‘em all?”—’si, mis’er youn’ guy, ‘n’ I get off muh hairy t’ get intuh dat guy when’s dat byootiful smooth thang been pulled out again!, lik’ t' ver his half-breed arrow stickin’ fro’ th’ glan’ wid the feathuh’s all trampled!, now dat’s a man!”—"bu’ let say th’ blon’ bein’ attract’d t’ muh ¢’ th’ poin’ a rimmin’ me wid ‘is tongu’ made in ‘merica!”—’si, mis’er youn’ guy.., yuh balls palpatin’ un’er levi ar’ sexcitin’, groin onna righ’ ‘n’ dic’ pointin’ left, ‘n’ jchoo ot’er youn’ guys sexcite ‘merican- made stuff!” —” make ‘im come outside, c’mon mrs. hairy, do it fer dees sexcited one’s wid da gapeholes un’er th’ stonewashed, cuz un’er th’ blond’s breadstick dem ‘rroids 25 gonna dim inta da dewlaps.., do it!”—"ah get ‘im snortin’ ‘n’ then yah reach fuh mah shorts.., but th’ blond ain’t a good papito like muh, mis’er youn’ guy.., gotta use his han’ get his quart!”—”c’mon, pronto, pull th’ blon’ outta da hole, mad’moisell’ hairy!”—’si, I’m goin’, mis’er youn’ guy ..., but outta y’all mis’er youn’ guys I wan’ the backside, an’ each n’ ev’ry guy a da youn’ guys!”—’ root ‘im outta der’ ‘n’ ahl sen’ yuh Pedro, Angel, Mohammed, Felipe, dem 4 makin’ yuh teddy bear drool ferya ‘til yuh be upchuckin’ kosher blow-dick force-fed at mom’s han’ righ’ yer feet!” — “’n’ I wanna get speckl’d by th’ youn’ guy’s paint’d red studs, th’ suh’s a all the youn’ suh’s, th’ one who farts strip’d stone-wash’d levi’s wid th’ assfucker label!—’dat’s a ‘meri- can, a youn’ carolina boy don’ wan’ nothin’ to do wid gettin’ screwed by brothuh juice!”—”muh, Cunningham, ah tum mah nose up at dat hairy PR., ain’ losin’ my trace o’ white wid filthy fatty!.., ahm usin’ jewish juice t’ mingl’ dic’ ¢ this hole dickerin’ un’er mah mantilla like-um Ramirez at th’ Milk Bar!, maybe ev’n f’male juice!”—”she wantin’ it all, dat suh a all the youn’ suh’s, ‘n’!.., th’ othuh youn’ guy, yuh c’n pull the tits f’ muh ¢’ spurt in th’ skivvy-fly, from da fron’!.., ahl lic, th’ clump o’ da thic’ warm spurt.., ‘n’ ahl scrape th’ res’ ahn th’ wall!”—”wo’aah.., u-u-u-.., dis manhole iz da Big Blue Sea, blanquitos, chileans, rastas, latins, I.T.’s, greeks ..., Pronto, mad’moisell’!.., he’s already takin’ off hi’ briefs fuh th’ mess ‘o johns, check-it-out, 10 fists grabbin’ th’ coc’ n’ grazin’ on th’ deposit! . . . , ahm gonna squirt again!, slut!, grab th’ back o’ ma kneecaps!, mah dickhead gettin’ snap- buckl’d by yer ass!.., dat pi’bull Felipe gonna lap up th’ spurtin’!”—”o.k. ahm gonna yank th’ blond outta da holel.., reball, wouldja, youn’ guy torturin’ mah unskivvied, cuz | wanna spermograph muh last-born!”—”go on, teddybear, ‘n’ you 5 wid der’ feet at your spurterie, ahl check th’ rutin’ in there t’ see whethuh it’s yuh th’ black o’.., wuhr sweatin’ our rut ‘n’ ‘bout t’ slide onta th’ pa’ment!”—”pimp massuh, 26 deese youngn’ be droolin’ fuhr muh aftuh, but wantin’ th’ blond girl in th’ window now, wan’ a taste o’ her dirty blon’, feel up her lips ‘n’ dick!”—” well he jes’ unstuck out der’ fr’ ‘nother blond torturin’ him on th’ pa’ment, buck naked, ‘n’ now he’s stranglin’ th’ staggers outa dat fat hairy nigguh!, yuh visto dat fat nigguh splittin’ apart da half-blond, he jes’ shifted his weight fer more cradle-rockin’I.., I ain’t gonna lend ‘im again t’ th’ mason!”—” who'd wan’ you, miss fuzzball if’n th’ mess o’ johns notice dat a superblond like me lurkin’ in dis cathouse dat spurts hairy ones like yuh?.., pull outta me, fat nigguhl.., ahm gonna ver outda win’ow, massuh, if’n it’s th’ mess ‘o johns yuh stole from dat blon’ mason who sir-stoked me bareassed on th’ pa’ment ‘n’ who ah laid you out fuh, blondie, ‘n’ you hairy nigguh man widda black blood pinin’ so much fuh blond dat uhr massuh gettin’ penile-ized by the powuyh o’ yuh ass-fuckin’, ain’ that right, miss hairy!”—” yuh’re rig’t, mis’er blond, it only 2 times dey slung der’ cock in der’ levis!, ‘n’ it be Manuel wantin’ you, a P.R., whose chatter-pinga swellin’ its fat neck tatooed ‘n’ tied wid studded leathuh.., da one uses ‘is rook- ies t’ close ‘is fly wid.., da biggest one strikin’ matches on his shaved temple!.., but 5 of ‘em wan’ muh back-end, mis’er pimp!”—"yours or th’ blon’s, slut?.., ahm takin’ yuh t’ L.A. Nights’ chink f’male to screw down yer chatterbox!”—"duh suh o’ youn’ suh’s out der’ expectin’ the blond t’ be ahl stripped down ‘n’ if I go ou’ der’ from th’ hole he gonna turn me ovuh t’ 5 who wan’ muh ‘n’ th’ rest he wanna see ‘fore he take ‘um!”—” massah, ahm goin’ out der’!, uh visto n’ I gotta have it!, ‘n’ ahm gonna make ‘em ahl wan’ it!.., yuh c’n cor- ner the one gettin’ stiff again wid miss hairy, ahora, big nig’!’”—"bueno, bueno... , but ahm yuh boss, blondie, or ahl turn yuh dirty blond intah gray.., sit back down on th’ nigguh!, shoot, big nigguhl.. gracias!, pull out, let th’ whore suc’ yuh ‘n’ then she puts yuh bac’ in yer shorts.., dat’s ahl yuh’ve visto, blondie, out back ‘n’ out front?”—"si, massuh, 27 ahl dis meat’s comin’ fah mel.., it’s mah future!, workin’ rough dis low-class shit gonna raise me up ¢’ th’ luxury o’ havin’ dos’ like-um hairy take care o’ duh trash on mah groun’ floor!”—"bueno, bueno!, but wh’ about th’ mess o’ johns?” —"yer hairy gotta bring muh mah shorts, ‘n’ put ‘em on muh, massuh, ‘n’ it’s like-em at Manolo’s, in Miami, gonna mow right t/rough th’ mess o’ johns, ‘n’ do it from th’ fron’ ‘n’ backa ma shorts, stiff from asshol’ dick!.., I feel ‘em up.., I feel ‘em up.., ‘n’ pick out the biggests cocks fer ma ass ‘n’ th’ best a th’ farout fer mah rod!”—”ya gonna serve ‘em aqui, gorgeous!, in dis room ‘n’ in blond!.., we’re sendin’ the hairy cock-lure out fuh ya!”—”como no, massuhl.., ‘n’ afuera, massuh!.., I wanna be dis hairy girl, ‘n’ hairy girl, | war’ her t’ wan’ herself t’ be blond!, ahm gettin’ a inside hardon ‘bout bein’ a wort/less hairy one, massuh, massuhl, ‘n’ lustin’ t’ verla goin’ bac’ to bein’ miss hairy jus’ as I go bac’ to bein’ blond!, oye, furry, put on mah blue nylont.., massuh, yuh gonna treat her like a blond in bed?”—dis hairy nigguh slurpin’ near muh hip, ‘tween mah sheets!.., wh’ if he wanna keep bein’ a hairy girl?.., ain’t th’ kinda ani- mal can jes’ change its yoke lik’ dat!”—”ain’t it more sexy in blue briefs, widda hairy nigguh’s canines turnin’ neon?.., pimp massuh, whu’ widchoo educatin’ me ’ be yuh under- pimp, ain’t I gotta learn ‘bout bein’ a whore ‘n’ from the lot of ‘em I c’n cal-cuntate da pair wid th’ best returnl.,, if it be at th’ nigguh’s ass that whitey doublin’ his delivery or whatl..,”—”.., when I boug’t you at Manolo’s when you wuz sixteen you dirty-blon’ wuzn’t ahl th’ sauce der’ wuz, ‘hol.., 80 ahead an’ price yuhself down inta a hairy girl, ahl make ya a hooker again!, take muh sack rights away from ale buy mahself a real blond dat ahl keep fait’ful wid beatin s from upside yer blond head!.., wuz muh who pulled ahl the blondness yuh got int’ the nakedness o’ th’ qenen em you down a this sugarcane dock wid yuh dirty blon’ feathuhs ‘n’ emancipatin’ yuh inta blond pimp's assistant 28 ahm the one for dat you swellin’ yuh sixteen-year-old pistol un’er a grease-clogged minishort!, ahm the one you pourin’ th’ bacardi half’s pas’ the dirty gold teeth, bareassed Manolo well he wuz suckulatin’ Manhattan Jawline t’ be th’ next cin- der-ine!.., wuz muh turned yuh out intah th’ US blondibility puta-palpatin’ yonder.., ‘n’ yuh been suckin’ only t’ open wide fuh muh in th’ neon dat palate veiled in sailor juice .., yuh come t’ muh raw-shorted enuf for th’ head o’ yer mandick t’ overflow th’ fly.., right at th’ angle a th’ formica whe’ yuh fasten yuh screw-pit ‘n’ where I c’n get a whiff a th’ wrinkles.., ‘n’ at th’ d’whore-frame wh’ yuh be snortin’ yuh fuck-shitted boogers in navy blue wid yuh fly swellin’ un’er neon dat th’ red-haired captain’s-cabin-creamer wid jeans up t’ his t'ighs dat pink-garters ‘is tits covers wid ‘is freckled han’, a clogged-up fist whips out th’ nigguh’s juiced-up splintuh’ t’ cover th’ cabin-creamer’s han’ ‘n’ 2 new sets a teet’ share yer mouf’, jus’ as th’ whitest set in red- greas’d lips gets rubbed out by th’ siren-saturat’d nigguh wid th’ hand dat moves away from th’ shorts wid a fil’ment streakin’ pink un’er neon ‘n’ th’ red-haired cabin creamer pushin’ yuh t’ th’ bar, wh’ yuh force-feed low-proof Thun- derbird, until, shorts open on yuh dirty-blon’ cock, yuh start garglin’ on yuh tatooed palate ‘is fil’ment a methyline snot!.., ‘n’ it’s No-Plea who palms yuh t’ yuh prow from before who sputtuh’s yuh from naked bicho t’ boiler 13 whe’ a white rat jum’s out at ‘im from a black stum’ hatched red outta which presses wit’ der’ scarred fat his t’ighs tatooed wid outlines a ex-cocks!”—"yer talkin’ ‘bout th’ one I fuc’ ‘n’ plant my rod in ‘is no-dick t’ triple-boost his ‘rroids!.., on dat smugglin’ Packet takin’ the blonds Overseas ‘n’ th’ spics t’ th’ Coast, sendin’ th’ ol’ yellowed blon’ coulo t’ metropole, him dryin’ on his moustache th’ snivel a’ them li’l jesuses changin’ into mokos.., ‘n’ ah been carvin’ up dat big ass enuf to be gettin’ a double-boner!”—”.., he has th’ squirters squat at th’ laven- dar soap showin’ themself th’ whole time, his cabin’s in Ist, 29 him babtizin’ th’ sofa wid his crac’ f’ muhl, he plants his cut dick in da vagina chink!”—”. . . ,pimp massuh, c’udn’t ah incert-ify dat blond jeanserie ‘til it be tha’ he’s mincin’ at th’ hip..,’—" consiguete otre trabajo fro’ th’ pimp massuhl, ahm th’ one dey wants, ahl a dese byooties, ‘n’ ahm gonna row out some shade an’ block yer trace!” —"dey scrape mah juice offa da pa’ment, blond massuhl..,”—“yah shot?.., massuh, dat old fuzzball wastin’ yer riches!”—"by th’ time I fuced Julio, ah wuz pushin’ everyb’y else’s curd upa ‘im, he wuz on mouf # 33!”—”sperm ain’t no amphibianl.., don’ stay alive more’n 5 minutes outta da hangers!.., get out der’, Louie, tak’ fuzzball widchoo.., peace, man! ..., outta th’ briefs!, ahm pairin’ you up wid th’ hairy guy!, ‘n’.., she wanna unstick yuh from them shitted up shorts!.., she be droolin’ at th’ shadow partin’, wantin’ huh face stamped wid th’ crac’ from forehead t’ chin! ‘n’ aftuh dat he gonna use th’ shit t’ open dat smirk fr’ lobe t’ lobel.., he wants yuh, go t’ th’ guy, ‘ho!”—”soon’s I break shitloose from Louie, blon’ massuh, you gonna let me do wh’ yuh promised?”— ”..do me dis guy ‘n’ dat ot’er one suction-cuppin’ his lips at th’ win’ow fuh muh blond!, da one droolin’ on th’ ceramic cross on th’ frame, wuhl pull in dat one maxihard if a ‘ho sticks out huh smoot’ uh hairy bareness fer him t’ kiss Vrough th’ win’owl.., ah ain’t lettin’ him bac’ in, dis big guy crushin’ his bare tits ‘gainst the win’ow!:—”bod look like Cuernavaca, jeans taken in by dat Cano, dat fisherman from San Jaun has ‘is silvuh studs comin’ together at th’ asshole.., but ah ain’ lettin’ dat Cuerna guy back in if dat be whut he is, ahl sen’ ‘im back t’ his people!..,”—"let him in!, he cn sweat out th’ orange grove smel’ like ‘n Orlando wh’ ma pim’ used t’ take me in his Jaguar!.., ‘n’ here comes ‘nother, solo, walkin’ right t’rough th’ cathouse wi’ a hardon, unbucklin’ and slippin’ outta ‘is skivvies pronto, touchin your hairy ass, stogie at th’ lip spiralin’ at th’ angle a th’ be fuck!”—”No-Way Jose Gonzales.., he be a john a Frankie's 30 dat got hard t’ muh hide yestuhday, ‘n’ he dry backbreaks Charlie at #71.., bueno, bueno, Jose!, Louie’s gotta prong muh rimo cause he be quiverin’ buck-naked a muh backsidel.., yOu pimp massuh, tell Louie.., ‘n’ tell Jose.., or if’n th’ Jose wanna suc’ dat cock so dat Louie’s throbbin’ c’n heifer muh atda cun’!”—" worker mah t’ muh ass-fur so’s dat it’Il squeal th’ unions in yuh ‘ho-talk!”—"start slingin’ it, ho, guy, uh yuh gonna penile-ize muh wid a early discharge!.., I gotta big hunk o’ meat fuh th’ suckin’, ‘n’ fuh th’ ass-fuck a six- ten-year-old half-adult nude cock-lure fillin up dat john at th’ dumpsters!.., he sucks ‘n’ it’s free!, ahl put ‘er on yuhl,.. soon’s he’s fnished gettin’ pumped yuh c’n lap th’ crac’!”— "uhm gonna take yer big hors d’oeuvres, but uh wan’ th’ hairy one fuh th’ fat one ‘n’ t’ finish wid th’ blond!”—”.., Raoul!.., she sucks but it melts down th’ club, ‘n’ huh molars luv da back-end juice,! Raoul!.., on yer feet, dat mouf’.., he’s lyin’ at th’ joint a his last mason who c’n ring th’ push-shit- tuh even it’s been c’ment-blocked!.., he fronts dem rods t’ dream a bein’ a man!.., Raoul!.., got some juice ferya!.., time fuh men ‘n’ he upchucks duh community cud, pours it out ‘til he t’inks th’ cathouse ahl filled up wid scent.., his pigout on what th’ shittuhs been pound’d wid, snatches up what’s joltin’ from th’ squattuh’s groin!, tenderizes’ th’ plonk been fillin’ him right up t’ his voice-box,! swamps th’ boner t’ slap it intuh his bottomless pit!,.. on th’ right he shakes th’ turds ‘n’ on the left th’ pounders, usin’ a shitted-up han’ t’ mash th’ ball dat drains th’ spurtuhl.., he treats th’ fat o’ th’ spread right t’ th’ level end, licks th’ coolin’-off sweat a th’ finished- fuck offem th’ ballerie, lappin’ spatters o’ th’ up-fuckedness from th’ steps, lappin’ ‘wid his fucked-up tong’ th’ frontside wrinkle a th’ mini-turd sitter!, at siesta, at night, he gurgles from his doubl’ liter, deviatin’ ahr dreams!.., I got men who c’n hear th’ digestin’ a der’ production in th’ ‘ho’s intestine double-poundin’ ‘is sides!.., Raoul!.., get ovuh t’ these men!”—“here ah am, yuh coc-suckuh, massuhl.., yuh hand- 31 in’ me out, massuh?”—”..,c’mon!, do a freebie, pig!.., fer makin’ wait dat one widout shorts droolin’ fuh th’ hairy one who’s takin it from Louie, cook his coc’ ‘til it burns bluel.., take care a dis piece o’ meat, Jose, it’Il get yuh cleaned off top t’ bottom ‘n’ fron’ ‘n’ back fuh th’ hairy one.., even thogh I got johns like it bettuh bottom t’ top, ‘n’ bac’ t’ fron’, so’s th’ dickwasher kisses der’ mouf’ ‘n’ coc’ aftuh th’ asshole uh foot!.., get intuh position, piece o’ meat!”—”lower yuh mouf’, start yankin’ muh buns wid yer han’ ‘n’ don’ lick me neah th’ asshol’, keep quiet ‘n’ don’t scrape th’ ass curve wid yer lip uh its whiskuhs!”—”uhm gonna go get muh blond gettin’ used by th’ boricua johns!”—”yuh fron’ end mouf’ don’t open up no more?”—"th’ mouf’ on his face changed intuh whut used t’ be th’ mouf’ on his ass!”.., 32