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@@ -126,246 +126,108 @@ New York, 1963.}
Chapter 4:
+{4.1}{Gioscia, V., \et{Groovin' on Time.} See Chapter 2, this volume.}
+{4.2}{Gioscia, V., \et{On Social Time.} See Metalog, this volume.}
+{4.3}{Whitehead, A. N., \bt{Science in the Modern World}. New American
+Library (Various editions).}
+{4.4}{Gioscia, V., \et{Groovin' on Time.} See Chapter 2, this volume.}
+{4.5}{McCluhan, M. and Fiore, Q., \bt{The Global Village}. McGraw-Hill,
+New York, 1968.}
+{4.6}{Roszak, T., \bt{The Making of a Counter-Culture}. Doubleday, New
+York, 1969.}
+{4.7}{Gioscia, V., \et{Time, Pathos, and Synchrony.} See Chapter 3, this
+{4.8}{Marcuse, H., \bt{Negations}. Beacon Press, Boston, 1968.}
-Gioscia, V., "Groovin' on Time." See Chapter 2, this volume.
-Gioscia, V., "On Social Time." See Metalog, this volume.
-. Whitehead, A. N., Science in the Modern World. New American
-Library (Various editions).
-. Gioscia, V., "Groovin' on Time." See Chapter 2, this volume.
-. McCluhan, M. and Fiore, Q., The Global Village. McGraw-Hill,
-New York, 1968.
-. Roszak, T., The Making of a Counter-Culture. Doubleday, New
-York, 1969.
-. Gioscia, V., "Time, Pathos, and Synchrony." See Chapter 3, this
-. Marcuse, H., Negations. Beacon Press, Boston, 1968.
-. Ryan, P., "Cable Television and the Schools," in Birth, Death
-and Cybernation. Gordon and Breach, New York, 1972.
-New York Times, January 6, 1969.
+{4.9}{Ryan, P., \et{Cable Television and the Schools,} in \bt{Birth, Death
+and Cybernation}. Gordon and Breach, New York, 1972.}
-With the cooperation of Frank Gillette and others who then
-constituted The Raindance Corporation.
+{4.10}{\jt{New York Times}, January 6, 1969.}
+{4.11}{With the cooperation of Frank Gillette and others who then
+constituted The Raindance Corporation.}
+{4.12}{Ragosine, V., \et{Magnetic Recording,} \jt{Scientific American}, November, 1969. See also \jt{Dow Digest}, July, 1969 for a description of Precision Instrument's \dq{Unicorn System.}}
-Ragosine, V., 'Magnetic Recording," Scientific American, November, 1969. See also Dow Digest, July, 1969 for a description
-of Precision Instrument's 'Unicorn System."
-The New York Times recently contained the news that the
+{4.13}{The \jt{New York Times} recently contained the news that the
Republic of India was installing just such a system to foster
literacy in some 10,000 villages. (This project has since been
-Pribram, K., "The Neurophysiology of Remembering," Scientific American, January, 1969.
+{4.14}{Pribram, K., \et{The Neurophysiology of Remembering,} \jt{Scientific American}, January, 1969.}
-New York Times, circa September, 1969.
-Time Magazine, July 18, 1969.
+{4.15}{New York Times, circa September, 1969.}
+{4.16}{Time Magazine, July 18, 1969.}
-I am indebted to Dr. Warren Brodey for a stimulating discussion
-of his "play" (as opposed to "work") at the Environmental
+{4.17}{I am indebted to Dr. Warren Brodey for a stimulating discussion
+of his \dq{play} (as opposed to \dq{work}) at the Environmental
Ecology Laboratory in Boston, and for his presentation at
-"Grand Rounds" at The Roosevelt Hospital under the auspices
+\dq{Grand Rounds} at The Roosevelt Hospital under the auspices
of The Center for the Study of Social Change, on October 23,
-"Chronetics" is the field which investigates temporal processes.
-For a fuller description, see "On Social Time," Metalog, this
+{4.18}{\dq{Chronetics} is the field which investigates temporal processes.
+For a fuller description, see \et{On Social Time,} Metalog, this
+{4.19}{e.g. Bateson, G., \et{Cybernetic Explanation,} The American
+Behavioral Scientist, vol. 10, no. 8, April 1967.}
+% chapter 5
-e.g. Bateson, G., "Cybernetic Explanation,' The American
+{5.1}{Keniston, K., \et{Notes on Young Radicals,} \jt{Change,} vol. 1, no.
+6:25 et seq., 1969.}
+{5.2}{Grimshaw, A. D., \et{Sociolinguistics and the Sociologist,} \jt{American Sociologist,} vol. 4, no. 4:312 et seq., 1969.}
-Behavioral Scientist, vol. 10, no. 8, April 1967.
+{5.3}{Kluckhohn, C., Murray, H. and Schneider, \bt{Culture and Personality}. Knopf, New York, 1953.}
+{5.4}{Gioscia, V., \et{LSD Subcultures: Acidoxy Versus Orthodoxy.}}
-Chapter 5:
-Keniston, K., "Notes on Young Radicals," Change, vol. 1, no.
-6:25 et seq., 1969.
-Grimshaw, A. D., 'Sociolinguistics and the Sociologist," Amercan Sociologist, vol. 4, no. 4:312 et seq., 1969.
-. Kluckhohn, C., Murray, H. and Schneider, Culture and Personal-
-ity. Knopf, New York, 1953.
-. Gioscia, V., "LSD Subcultures: Acidoxy Versus Orthodoxy."
-See Chapter 1, this volume.
-. Simmons, J. and Winograd, B., It's Happening. Mark-Laird
-Publications, Santa Barbara, California, 1966.
-. Shands, H., Semiotic Approaches to Psychiatry. Mouton, The
-Hague, 1970. See also Shands, H., War with Words, Mouton,
-The Hague, 1971.
-. Gioscia, V., "The Coming Synthesis: Chronetics and Cybernet-
-ics." Paper presented to the International Convocation entitled
-"The Revolution in Values--- The Response of the Healer",
-sponsored by the American Academy of Religion and Psychiatry, November 14, 1969. See Metalog, this volume.
-. McLuhan, M., The Global Village. McGraw-Hill, New York,
-. Gioscia, V., 'Groovin' on Time." See Chapter 2, this volume.
-McLuhan, op. cit.
-. Gioscia, V., "Time, Pathos and Synchrony." Paper presented to
-the Annual Convention of the American Orthopsychiatric
-Association, April, 1969. See Chapter 3, this volume.
-Rabkin, R., "Do You See Things That Aren't There?" in Origin
-and Mechanisms of Hallucinations, W. Keup, ed. Plenum Press,
-New York-London, 1970. pp. 115-124.
-Wittgenstein, L. Tractatus logico-philosophicus
-Gioscia, V., 'Groovin' on Time." See Chapter 2, this volume.
+{5.5}{Simmons, J. and Winograd, B., \bt{It's Happening.} Mark-Laird
+Publications, Santa Barbara, California, 1966.}
+{5.6}{Shands, H., \bt{Semiotic Approaches to Psychiatry}. Mouton, The
+Hague, 1970. See also Shands, H., \bt{War with Words}, Mouton,
+The Hague, 1971.}
-172 TimeEFormMs
+{5.7}{Gioscia, V., \et{The Coming Synthesis: Chronetics and Cybernetics.} Paper presented to the International Convocation entitled \dq{The Revolution in Values---The Response of the Healer},
+sponsored by the American Academy of Religion and Psychiatry, November 14, 1969. See Metalog, this volume.}
+{5.8}{McLuhan, M., \bt{The Global Village.} McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.}
-15. The imprinting literature is extensive; see especially Tinbergen
-and/or Lorenz.
+{5.9}{Gioscia, V., \et{Groovin' on Time.}}
-16. Scheflen, A. E., "On the Structuring of Human Communication," American Bebavioral Scientist, 10:8-12, 1967. Scheflen,
-A. E., "Human Communication, Behavioral Programs and their
-Integration in Interaction," Behavioral Science, 13:44-55, 1968.
-Scheflen, A. E., How Behavior Means, Gordon and Breach, New
+{5.10}{McLuhan, op. cit.}
+{5.11}{Gioscia, V., \et{Time, Pathos and Synchrony.} Paper presented to the Annual Convention of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, April, 1969. See Chapter 3, this volume.}
-York, 1972. See also Birdwhistle, R., Introduction to Kinesics,
-University of Kentucky Press, Louisville, 1955.
+{5.12}{Rabkin, R., \et{Do You See Things That Aren't There?} in \bt{Origin
+and Mechanisms of Hallucinations}, W. Keup, ed. Plenum Press,
+New York-London, 1970. pp. 115--124.}
+{5.13}{Wittgenstein, L. \bt{Tractatus logico-philosophicus}}
-17. McClean, P. D., "The Paranoid Streak in Man," in Beyond
-Reductionism. Hutchinson & Co.
+{5.14}{Gioscia, V., \et{Groovin' on Time.}}
+{5.15}{The imprinting literature is extensive; see especially Tinbergen
+and\slash or Lorenz.}
-18. Mead, M. Culture and Commitment, Doubleday, 1970.
+{5.16}{Scheflen, A. E., \et{On the Structuring of Human Communication,} \jt{American Behavioral Scientist,} 10:8--12, 1967. Scheflen,
+A. E., \et{Human Communication, Behavioral Programs and their
+Integration in Interaction,} \jt{Behavioral Science,} 13:44--55, 1968.
+Scheflen, A. E., \bt{How Behavior Means}, Gordon and Breach, New
+York, 1972. See also Birdwhistle, R., \bt{Introduction to Kinesics},
+University of Kentucky Press, Louisville, 1955.}
+{5.17}{McClean, P. D., \et{The Paranoid Streak in Man,} in \bt{Beyond
+Reductionism}. Hutchinson \& Co.}
+{5.18}{Mead, M. \bt{Culture and Commitment}, Doubleday, 1970.}
+% ch. 6
Chapter 6:
1. Whitehead, A. N., Modes of Thought. 1938, p. 129.
Mead, M., Culture and Commitment. 1970, p. 64, op. cit.