\newcommand{\deffor}[2]{ \textbf{#1} --- #2 \vskip 1em } \deffor{acheb}{i don't know.} \deffor{akli}{} almouz bistre bronchi cockled croup decoction djellaba djerid dokhala drinn epigastrium farded filaments ganga-eggs gangas groyne guerba ha\"{\i}k ilia / iliac ischium (prince of Koukou) lachrymal lobule mehari occiput olivaceous pectineus pharynx pleura popliteus prelusive psoas pruritus purulent rutilant sclerotic tahla tamarisk teboureg transpierced turgescent tympana violaceous voluted wealed zephyr % for index: - sexual cluster - fleece, pubic - fleece, sweaty - dog-master - gluey - Venus - penis - hams - filaments - barley-dust - member, ejaculating - member, club-foot's - arse, club-foot's - arse, wazzag's - arse, of bitch - worker, frizzy - worker, blond - worker, shaved - driller, dark - driller, frizzy - whore-master - pimp