\documentclass[10pt]{book} \usepackage{salitter} % \usletteredenlayout % ---- pkgs \usepackage{mwe} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage{stix} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage[maxfloats=400]{morefloats} \usepackage[papersize={36in,48in},width=35.1in,height=47.1in]{geometry} \antiquafont % ---- lib % weird punctuation bestiary \newcommand{\td}{..} % "two dots" \newcommand{\thd}{...} % "three dots", doing this "wrong" for consistency \newcommand{\fourdots}{....} % "four dots" \newcommand{\fivedots}{.....} % "five dots" \newcommand{\od}{.} % one dot. since actual periods are so rare, this allows me to be sure this isn't an accident \newcommand{\twoslash}{\slash\slash} \newcommand{\trislash}{\slash\slash\slash} \newcommand{\fourslash}{\slash\slash\slash\slash} % .., \newcommand{\tdcom}{{\td},} % ,.. \newcommand{\comtd}{,{\td}} % :.. \newcommand{\coltd}{:{\td}} % :... \newcommand{\colthd}{:{\thd}} % ,... \newcommand{\comthd}{,{\thd}} % ..., \newcommand{\thdcom}{{\thd},} % : (just to make things more explicit) \newcommand{\col}{:} % ; / \newcommand{\semislash}{; \slash} % ; // \newcommand{\semitwoslash}{; {\twoslash}} % / ; / \newcommand{\slashsemislash}{{\slash} ; {\slash}} % ; /// \newcommand{\semitrislash}{; {\trislash}} % ; //// \newcommand{\semifourslash}{; {\fourslash}} % / ; \newcommand{\slashsemi}{\slash\ ;} % --- : \newcommand{\dashcol}{--- :} % --- / \newcommand{\dashslash}{--- {\slash}} % ---, \newcommand{\dashcom}{---,} % , --- \newcommand{\comdash}{, ---} % --- ; \newcommand{\dashsemi}{--- ;} % ;. ; "wtf?" \newcommand{\semisplosion}{;. ;} % ; ; \newcommand{\dubsemi}{; ;} % open speech \newcommand{\gl}{$\langledot$} % close speech \newcommand{\gr}{$\rangledot$} % open nested speech \newcommand{\ggl}{$\lcurvyangle$} % stix % close nested speech \newcommand{\ggr}{$\rcurvyangle$} % speech \newcommand{\said}[1]{\gl\ #1 \gr} % speech, prefixed by colon \newcommand{\colsaid}[1]{: \said{#1}} % speech, prefixed by coltd (has happened a few times...) \newcommand{\coltdsaid}[1]{{\coltd} \said{#1}} \newcommand{\colthdsaid}[1]{{\colthd} \said{#1}} % nested speech \newcommand{\insaid}[1]{\ggl #1 \ggr} % annotate corresponding page of creation books edition % \newcommand{\crpage}[1]{\sidepar{#1}\parnopar} % \newcommand{\crpage}[1]{\marginpar{#1}\parnopar} \newcommand{\crpage}[1]{{}} % this is admittedly just some whimsey \newcommand{\propernoun}[1]{\emph{#1}} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.85} \begin{document} % \sideparmargin{outer} % \marginparmargin{outer} \graphicspath{{img/}} \thispagestyle{empty} {\centering \includegraphics{img/edensymbols.png} \par} \input{part1.tex} \input{part2.tex} \input{part3.tex} % \backmatter % \input{glossary.tex} \end{document}