From 61908ddfb9d8d090308c1a7d3f8928c666050968 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: phoebe jenkins Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 20:34:17 -0400 Subject: up to 80 --- edenx3.tex | 6 +- part2.tex | 425 +++++-------------------------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 395 deletions(-) diff --git a/edenx3.tex b/edenx3.tex index 1fb6455..ae5cb10 100644 --- a/edenx3.tex +++ b/edenx3.tex @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ \newcommand{\td}{..} % "two dots" \newcommand{\thd}{...} % "three dots", doing this "wrong" for consistency \newcommand{\fourdots}{....} % "four dots" +\newcommand{\od}{.} % one dot. since actual periods are so rare, this allows me to be sure this isn't an accident \newcommand{\twoslash}{\slash\slash} \newcommand{\trislash}{\slash\slash\slash} @@ -48,9 +49,12 @@ \newcommand{\comdash}{, ---} % --- ; \newcommand{\dashsemi}{--- ;} -% ;/ ; "wtf?" +% ;. ; "wtf?" \newcommand{\semisplosion}{;. ;} +% ; ; +\newcommand{\dubsemi}{; ;} + % open speech \newcommand{\gl}{ $\langledot$} % stix diff --git a/part2.tex b/part2.tex index 2b2fc5a..7947f4f 100644 --- a/part2.tex +++ b/part2.tex @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ shreds{\thd}} ; Wazzag keeping scarred tongue inside mouth ; apprentice shifting \crpage{62} under elastic ; pomegranate falling inside denim jacket buckled beneath ribs \colsaid{{\thd} dog, give back my prize{\td} man's arse is all your clothes{\td}} ; Wazzag bent over, taking off pants ; Khemissa taking pants from Wazzag's hand ; Wazzag leaning on wall, stroking thighs, sexual cluster, buttocks ; Khemissa stuffing pants into pocket ; butcher's lad, apprentice, heads covered, wrestling against door of latrine, hands on necks, knees knocking ; lad's member retracted rigid, poking out of bloody jeans, curving back against fly of apprentice ; falling back onto ground, fists striking faces ; Wazzag approaching, two youths standing up, jostling around whore, panting, Wazzag grabbing members, naked inside jeans ; muscles relaxing, breath mixing over throat of whore \colsaid{keep the bitch{\thd}}, apprentice, breathing in long draughts, pulling Wazzag's hand from crotch, slicking back hair wet with sweat \colsaid{{\td} in exchange, cut us two kids' hearts for this evening{\thd}} ; apprentice walking away, hand on Khemissa's shoulder, rushing twin towards door, turning slimy latch \colsaid{{\td} exhaust the bitch{\thd} you have your knives{\thd} I have my mallets, my hammers{\td}} ; outside {\td} two twins, stuck together, kissing on mouth, bodies arched in flying sand ; naked black child abandoning toy on slope of dune strewn with bones, with excrements, approaching youths, picking up fistful of sand, rubbing sticky buttocks of apprentice ; warm sand adhering to denim, absorbing jissom ; child rubbing seam of crotch ; apprentice biting Khemissa's mouth, two twins mixing saliva ; buttocks of apprentice, squeezed in jeans, rounding out, wet sand sliding down legs, child scraping remaining film of jissom with finger-nails ; apprentice taking coin out of back pocket of jeans pressed under child's palm, throwing money onto sand ; child fetching coin with tip of foot, kicking into air, catching in shining hand ; Wazzag returning, standing against saltpetred wall ; butcher's lad, muscles again tensing, wiping sweaty forehead with flap of apron ; one hand separating buttocks of whore, thumb spread from index in gluey curls ; bringing swollen penis forward, digging between buttocks, pulling out, turning away from whore, going into open latrine, pissing hard, hot, coming out of latrine, pressing \crpage{63} -splashed legs against legs of Wazzag, seizing fleshy folds around loins of whore propped on one hip while worker pissing, twisting apron in shirt, thumb scraping jissom clogging fleece around Wazzag's arse, positioning marbled member in arse, shaking hand, pressing finger against lips of whore, to lick ; club-foot, stirring in bolted latrine ; butcher's lad labouring over haunches of whore, cheek to cheek, tongue protruding, Sticky with saliva bitter with gall, licking Wazzag's fat dried lips \colsaid{{\td} you're my second beast this morning{\td} first one a calf{\td} took my time killing it{\thd}}, Wazzag's eyes palpitating under palm of hand \colsaid{{\td} right front hoof twitched against my bare foot{\td}}, knees of lad striking Wazzag's hams, hot jissom, expelled, burning in loins of whore {\thd} \said{, under shock of mallet, feathered head, covered in dew, sliding over my belly, catching on jeans, muzzle bleeding in my cupped hand{\td} branded ewes, kids, bleating in darkened yard{\thd} free flocks rolling between walls of streaked adobe{\thd} my member stiffens, pressed bare against neck of calf{\thd}} ; whore-master rolling moaning on bed \colsaid{butcher{\td} whore-master{\thd} your bitch feels love for me{\thd} tail, arm wrapping around my arse{\td} nose spitting out love-snot{\td}}, jissom overflowing, oozing back from arse after fourth discharge, running down legs, flowing over hams ; heel ; Wazzag's feet, feet of butcher's lad, bathing in jissom, lad grabbing ears of whore, stiffening, labouring, discharging, member buried in tangle of jissomy curls \colsaid{{\thd} my bare feet paddling in blood of calf{\thd} butcher, whore-master, for you : earth, water, flesh, jissom, meat, blood, for you : dung, eggs, hay{\thd} nomad, bury your excrement{\thd} whore, hold back your jissom{\thd} cattle, flee{\thd}} ; rough tongue of lad undulating over Wazzag's shoulder ; bushy hair, shaken, sweeping over nape, over cheek of whore, hand playing with whore's sexual cluster ; whore tipping head sideways, muscled neck nibbled by lad's rotten teeth, breaking into sharp bursts of rough laughter, arching back, hollowing sweaty rump, leaning on one hip --- lad's penis slipping out of arse {\dashcom} flinging hands behind lad's body --- hands gripping buttocks, nails hooked onto seam of crotch, seam of back pocket of jeans, drawing lad close against simmering body ; +splashed legs against legs of Wazzag, seizing fleshy folds around loins of whore propped on one hip while worker pissing, twisting apron in shirt, thumb scraping jissom clogging fleece around Wazzag's arse, positioning marbled member in arse, shaking hand, pressing finger against lips of whore, to lick ; club-foot, stirring in bolted latrine ; butcher's lad labouring over haunches of whore, cheek to cheek, tongue protruding, Sticky with saliva bitter with gall, licking Wazzag's fat dried lips \colsaid{{\td} you're my second beast this morning{\td} first one a calf{\td} took my time killing it{\thd}}, Wazzag's eyes palpitating under palm of hand \colsaid{{\td} right front hoof twitched against my bare foot{\td}}, knees of lad striking Wazzag's hams, hot jissom, expelled, burning in loins of whore {\thd} \said{{\td} under shock of mallet, feathered head, covered in dew, sliding over my belly, catching on jeans, muzzle bleeding in my cupped hand{\td} branded ewes, kids, bleating in darkened yard{\thd} free flocks rolling between walls of streaked adobe{\thd} my member stiffens, pressed bare against neck of calf{\thd}} ; whore-master rolling moaning on bed \colsaid{butcher{\td} whore-master{\thd} your bitch feels love for me{\thd} tail, arm wrapping around my arse{\td} nose spitting out love-snot{\td}}, jissom overflowing, oozing back from arse after fourth discharge, running down legs, flowing over hams ; heel ; Wazzag's feet, feet of butcher's lad, bathing in jissom, lad grabbing ears of whore, stiffening, labouring, discharging, member buried in tangle of jissomy curls \colsaid{{\thd} my bare feet paddling in blood of calf{\thd} butcher, whore-master, for you : earth, water, flesh, jissom, meat, blood, for you : dung, eggs, hay{\thd} nomad, bury your excrement{\thd} whore, hold back your jissom{\thd} cattle, flee{\thd}} ; rough tongue of lad undulating over Wazzag's shoulder ; bushy hair, shaken, sweeping over nape, over cheek of whore, hand playing with whore's sexual cluster ; whore tipping head sideways, muscled neck nibbled by lad's rotten teeth, breaking into sharp bursts of rough laughter, arching back, hollowing sweaty rump, leaning on one hip --- lad's penis slipping out of arse {\dashcom} flinging hands behind lad's body --- hands gripping buttocks, nails hooked onto seam of crotch, seam of back pocket of jeans, drawing lad close against simmering body ; \crpage{64} straightening hips ; member of lad, excited by pressure of hands, by nails of whore stroking jeans, swelling, poking back into Wazzag's arse --- jissom streaming over relaxed legs, run out as Wazzag pulled dreamy lad up against own body, uncoupled ; dripping over curls on sides of buttocks, gluing folds of jeans onto lad's thighs ; wrinkles of member smoothing out with pressure of jissom, fist bowing Wazzag's nape ; whore, torso inclined, hands pressed against knees, bumping forehead onto saltpetred wall ; butcher's lad thumping fists into articulation at middle of Wazzag's body, into folds of groin, body beating against haunches of whore ; wet friction of jeans on coccyx of lad, trace of excrement melting in red sweat ; long orgasm narrowing, veiling eyes, trembling torso jumping in jerks ; hands of Wazzag covering damp convulsive hands of lad, hooked onto belly ; butcher's lad stiffening legs, rubbing thighs against buttocks of whore, all of frenzied body contracting ; toe-nails, bending back against those of Wazzag, scratching : short fluid spurt from glans expelling deposit of previous discharge, clearing duct charged with heavy jissom ; Wazzag, wrinkles over square forehead rolling under brown curls pressed back streaked with saltpetre, sniffing up apprentice's snot ; hands of sated butcher's lad palpating belly, fingers pulling at pubic fleece ; whore-master, returned downstairs, sliding fingers into back pocket of lad's jeans, pulling ; at same time, shaking shoulder, slipping hand over Wazzag's buttocks, between two bodies enrobed in sweat --- cold : butcher's lad, warm : Wazzag {\dashcom} pressing at root of lad's member, bitter breath bathing ear of lad \colsaid{{\td}let go, little killer{\comthd} how many times, Wazzo?{\td}} ; whore, head against wall, stamping on ground, eight times \coltdsaid{eight livers for my dogs, little killer, with cartilage, with guts{\thd}} ; whore-master's thumb flicking out penis of butcher's lad ; Wazzag, uncoupled, edging along wall, towards latrine : stepping inside ; legs spread, member bouncing against thighs, pissing, soft, in dank darkness, saltpetre falling over neck, heel slapping in jissom on foot-slab ; whore-master going into second latrine, pulling away plate beside club-foot's feet ; bits of egg squashed over mouth, shitting, contracted buttocks \crpage{65} @@ -34,150 +34,18 @@ above, smooth pink beneath, stroking member, balls, eye drawn white towards wome \crpage{67} pulling, lifting basket against chest, going down stairs ; hitched up on sweaty toes, blaze of hair skin eyes nails body-hair reinforced, curves of cheeks shoulders chest buttocks hams shaped afresh, capturing all light, Wazzag, standing in front with head turned back, quivering, eyes fixed on tepid mass slopping, held against whore-master's chest ; master placing bucket in front of bolted latrine, moving away : Wazzag, whimpering, crouching, plunging head into bucket, lapping up stew ; teeth catching on meaty bone ; face rising, smattered with juice, bone held up against nostrils ; plunging back down ; Wazzag, spitting out bone, gobbling soft meat, cartilage broken by cooking, swallowing chunks unchewed ; gulping, swallowing ; muscles of neck, stiffened, dilating under pressure of pieces swallowed ; top of belly hollowing, bottom swelling ; pushing bone aside with muzzle, snuffling meaty juices ; whore's member, softened, bouncing on thighs, hands trembling on rim of bucket ; whore-master pulling at hips of whore, grasping hair, neck, pulling ; Wazzag growling, gravy drowning cry ; whore-master seizing shoulders, knee striking small of back, stroking nape ; on wall, mucus of butcher's lad dripping ; on ground, jissom spreading out drying ; whore-master, Wazzag's mouth growling against arm, pulling meaty bone from bucket, holding bone between fingers above mouth of Wazzag rearing up on haunches, rounded buttocks pressed firm against heels ; tongue of whore touching bone ; whore-master letting bone drop, Wazzag catching morsel between teeth, crouching, sidling along wall to garden ; leaning back against tamarisk, nibbling bone, tearing, swallowing meat, neck thrown back --- smooth, straining, spurred at top by swallowed lump ; shambling across garden ; whore-master opening latrine, placing bucket on foot-slab ; club-foot straightening up, pulling up scrap of pink meat rimmed with fat, lifting fist over face flung back, juicy scrap of meat trailing over lips : sucked into mouth ; whore-master lifting leg ; toes stroking club-foot's straining neck, jamming neck into corner ; body suffocating ; scrap of meat, half-swallowed, not chewed, obstructing gullet ; whore-master grabbing hair of choking boy, bowing head towards \crpage{68} -hole, placing foot over meat-scrap trailing with one end stuck to layer -of excrement, pushing head of body back up, into corner ; scrap of -meat emerging, dripping with slaver ; body panting, catching scrap ---- still stuck to chin --- between teeth, sucking, swallowing ; whore- -master pulling meat from mouth, scrap coiling up in hole ; body -heaving, pressing back into corner ; whore-master lifting bucket, -opening mouth in view of body, tipping bucket towards fat lips of -body ; lips opening, master pouring meat-juice, in small doses ; eyes -of body, after each mouthful, looking up, shining ; lid of bucket -beating against throat ; Wazzag sitting cross-legged on hay, in shed ---- acid odour of apprentice lingering ---. nibbling at bone, sniffing -at pockets of air embalmed with jissom, with minium, tearing meat -from bone : all around, in shifting hay, jissom dripping mixed with -dust, with sand ; Wazzag's piglets grunting in shed, his birds, driven -up into beams during coupling, drawn by smell of meat, perching on -shoulders ; member, stiffening at din of club-foot choking, bouncing -back over heels pressed together : pinching balls between hard -sticky corns ; club-foot, belly bloated, rising up, positioning feet on -foot-slab, crouching ; whore-master holding lightened bucket against -chest, closing door ; excrement bursting shiny pink, burying -disgorged meat-scrap in hole ; whore-master carrying bucket back -up to bedroom ; Wazzag stuffing bone into saltpetred hole of wall, -standing up, wiping hands on hips ; women wandering over tarmac ; -Wazzag approaching, pressing swollen belly against trellis, slipping -member between two strips of reed, panting : women turning back ; -one girl, shaved head unveiled, cheeks reddened with henna, black -breasts pressed against neck-line of open gandourah, throwing body -against trellis, bending, hairs glistening under armpits, gripping -bundle of barley, propped against fence ; Wazzag's arm hugging. -Pulling girl against body half hidden by trellis : member swelling cut -een strips, whole mouth kissing lips, ears, neck, breasts, of -shaved girl ; girl held at waist, struggling, spitting, toes hollowing -Sand, bending sharp tips of reeds against Wazzag's bloated belly ; -ther women, seated on sand, languid, rolling onto sides ; rumps -% 69 -rounding under black dresses ; lying on sand propped up on elbows. -fists creasing cheeks, pouring sand over breasts ; in trees, thorns -pricking flowers in wind : Wazzag groaning ; member reddening. -pinched ; hands, jerking, stroking loins of shaved girl ; girl -undulating against trellis ; Wazzag, head buried in breasts, moaning -; shaved girl pressing chin onto Wazzag's nape, rubbing chin, hands -stroking hips of whore, fingers pinching, rolling up gandourah. -sliding against trellis ; veins palpitating on skull ; elbows squeezing -rolled-up gandourah against hips, hands pulling reeds apart : -Wazzag's member retracting into pubic fleece ; hands of shaved girl -releasing reeds, pushing back Wazzag's belly, lifting arms from waist -; Wazzag hitching up onto heels, forehead jammed against simmering -breasts ; softened penis opening violaceous over top of reeds. -swelling towards exposed belly of woman ; woman, mauve skull -gleaming under fiery rays, drawing back, Wazzag's slimy hair sliding -over neckline of gandourah ; Wazzag, sweat sticking curls to -forehead, sniffing, head dropped relaxing legs, settling heels into -sand, crossing thighs over smarting penis ; woman grabbing bundle. -running off, green barley waving behind head ; Wazzag lifting leg -over trellis ; balls, exposed, glistening pink ; drowsy women rolling -gandourahs up over knees ; Wazzag straddling trellis, pressing -buttocks against reeds ; women, breathing curling back ochre lips -striking foreheads over sand ; Wazzag stepping forward ; sand kicked -up sticking to hams, member stiffening, pointing ; approaching -crouching in front of women ; member swelling along folded leg -scent opening women's nostrils ; Wazzag kneeling, leaning over sand -on elbows, bumping curly-fringed forehead against foreheads of -women, lifting leg over croup of woman with bracelets clinking -woman catching knee, stroking curls of thigh ; whore placing leg -onto woman's croup, foot delving, through heated black cloth, into -cleft of buttocks ; woman's breasts, swollen, bulging over neckline -hand, mauve above, ochre beneath, moving along Wazzag's thigh, up -to tangle of long supple shiny hairs merging into curly fluff on thigh -; thumb, pink nail pitted, pressing into groin, slipping along seam of -% 70 -thigh. scraping sweat mixed with jissom, hay, grease, date-sugar, shit -; Wazzag thrusting mouth onto woman's lips, drawing belly close to -woman's, other knee digging down, elbow vibrating in sand ; young -woman with shaved scalp leaning against thorn-tree, bundle of green -barley perched in crotch of trunk, bending branch towards mouth ; -cheeks swollen, lips sucking yellow fruit-flowers ; eyes staring, -through arms of women interlaced, at Wazzag's member swelling in -jerks. at sweat rising over coccyx of whore ; lips throbbing, nostrils -inhaling sugary pollen ; nipples, dilated, pulling arms from cloth ; -free hand stroking nipples ; croup rounding out against bark ; hams, -heels lifted, scraping trunk ; ; wind carrying birds dirtied in dust- -bins, towards high sandy enclaves ; ; women separating foreheads, -standing up, swinging bundles over shoulders ; Wazzag grasping -bare feet, biting bottom of dresses ; women running off, cloth -tustling over heated bodies, throwing --- bending, standing erect. -bending --- burning pebbles at Wazzag ; Wazzag running, lame --- -nerve strained while raising leg over woman's, croup, tender from -continuous forced erections ---, member pointing stiffened, towards -women, fingers catching pebbles embalmed in painted hands{\thd} -{\gl}{\thd}back, jissom-eater{\td} back, back, jissom-eater{\td} jissom-eater, man- -eater{\thd} baby-eater{\td} back, baby-eater{\thd} dogs that make us widows, in -our prime{\thd} little husbands, drill his loins to the heart{\thd}{\gr}, women, -hair shaken, green barley whipping cheeks, one hand hitching cloth -over thighs glistening along prismatic ridge of femurs up to groins, -moaning, pressing pebbles over vulvas ; Wazzag jumping up, darting -through volley, springing onto shaved girl, hugging girl : bundle -tumbling ; girl's hand tremulous placing pebble over exposed vulva : -Wazzag's violaceous penis scorched, quick sizzle ; women encircling -Wazzag, seizing arms, legs, jaw, hair, pushing whore back over sand -towards fence of brothel ; Wazzag pulling back, hitching whore by -€ars, onto broken trellis ; crying in throat ; shaved girl holding fat of -Wazzag's buttocks, pushing at coccyx : {\td} {\gl}{\td} back into your sty, -Swine..{\gr} ; hands sliding over sticky cuticle ; whore-master coming -down, opening box-room : crouching, clapping hands smeared with -% 71 -gravy over Khamssieh's belly ; whore shuddering, mouth swelling. -throat regurgitating pomegranate-flesh : whore-master moving one -chubby hand onto hip. groping under Khamssieh's buttocks, touching -arse of whore, other hand palpating blood-stained belly ; member -twitching in pubic curls ; whore-master withdrawing finger ; sliding -finger, soiled with shit, with dried jissom, over Khamssieh's lifeless -lips ; Khamssieh raising, folding arms beside hip, Pressing -transparent fingers onto whore-master's hairy arm ; epidermis. -under ginger curls rooted over forehead, blushing pink ; whore- -master pulling fat lips apart with thumb, rubbing thumb-nail over jaw ---- saliva circulating afresh ; Khamssieh's lips closing over whore- -master's thumb, member, stiffening in black tangle, pulling at -freckled cuticle ; eyes, scintillating between encrusted lids, squinting. -fixing vibrant piercing eyes of whore-master : fingers climbing up -along fluffy arm of master burying fingers, at same moment. into -pubic curls of whore, Squeezing dry ballls ; alive --- swelling between -whore-master's fingers ; Khamssieh sucking whore-master's thumb. -licking gravy smeared over phalanges ; whore-master pulling hand -back, placing fingers onto breasts of whore ; pulling other hand out -of tangle, massaging top of whore's thigh, enveloping knee : -Khamssieh spreading thighs, stiffening legs, slipping finger through -curls, underneath penis arching, swelling, enlarging ; pushing penis -back against extended thumb, drawing member upwards, Pumping : -sweat covering whole body, veins of tremulous skull palpitating. -blood glowing in neck ; one hand of whore-master, coated with -saltpetre. massaging femur, inside slope of thigh ; fingers of other -hand, small, plump, interlacing with whore's free hand open, damp. -against hip ; Khamssieh's toes curling back : sweat running in -hollows of phalanges ; ; whore-master dropping knee, other hand -Pushing hand of whore back onto belly ; crouching, thrusting foot -into Khamssieh's flank{\thd} {\gl} give{\thd} give{\thd} force the juice. {\gr} : -Khamssieh, tongue protruding, panting, chest raised ; fist pumping -at softened penis{\td} : {\gl}{\td} grubs of tarantulas crawl in butcher's -armpits{\td} {\gr} ; whore-master pushing fist, away from member ; tapping -% 72 -knee ; Khamssieh relaxing muscles, breathing deep ; {\gl} till +hole, placing foot over meat-scrap trailing with one end stuck to layer of excrement, pushing head of body back up, into corner ; scrap of meat emerging, dripping with slaver ; body panting, catching scrap --- still stuck to chin --- between teeth, sucking, swallowing ; whore-master pulling meat from mouth, scrap coiling up in hole ; body heaving, pressing back into corner ; whore-master lifting bucket, opening mouth in view of body, tipping bucket towards fat lips of body ; lips opening, master pouring meat-juice, in small doses ; eyes of body, after each mouthful, looking up, shining ; lid of bucket beating against throat ; Wazzag sitting cross-legged on hay, in shed --- acid odour of apprentice lingering {\dashcom} nibbling at bone, sniffing at pockets of air embalmed with jissom, with minium, tearing meat from bone : all around, in shifting hay, jissom dripping mixed with dust, with sand ; Wazzag's piglets grunting in shed, his birds, driven up into beams during coupling, drawn by smell of meat, perching on shoulders ; member, stiffening at din of club-foot choking, bouncing back over heels pressed together : pinching balls between hard sticky corns ; club-foot, belly bloated, rising up, positioning feet on foot-slab, crouching ; whore-master holding lightened bucket against chest, closing door ; excrement bursting shiny pink, burying disgorged meat-scrap in hole ; whore-master carrying bucket back up to bedroom ; Wazzag stuffing bone into saltpetred hole of wall, standing up, wiping hands on hips ; women wandering over tarmac ; Wazzag approaching, pressing swollen belly against trellis, slipping member between two strips of reed, panting : women turning back ; one girl, shaved head unveiled, cheeks reddened with henna, black breasts pressed against neck-line of open gandourah, throwing body against trellis, bending, hairs glistening under armpits, gripping bundle of barley, propped against fence ; Wazzag's arm hugging, pulling girl against body half hidden by trellis : member swelling cut between strips, whole mouth kissing lips, ears, neck, breasts, of shaved girl ; girl held at waist, struggling, spitting, toes hollowing sand, bending sharp tips of reeds against Wazzag's bloated belly ; other women, seated on sand, languid, rolling onto sides ; rumps +\crpage{69} +rounding under black dresses ; lying on sand propped up on elbows, fists creasing cheeks, pouring sand over breasts ; in trees, thorns pricking flowers in wind : Wazzag groaning ; member reddening, pinched ; hands, jerking, stroking loins of shaved girl ; girl undulating against trellis ; Wazzag, head buried in breasts, moaning ; shaved girl pressing chin onto Wazzag's nape, rubbing chin, hands stroking hips of whore, fingers pinching, rolling up gandourah, sliding against trellis ; veins palpitating on skull ; elbows squeezing rolled-up gandourah against hips, hands pulling reeds apart ; Wazzag's member retracting into pubic fleece ; hands of shaved girl releasing reeds, pushing back Wazzag's belly, lifting arms from waist ; Wazzag hitching up onto heels, forehead jammed against simmering breasts ; softened penis opening violaceous over top of reeds, swelling towards exposed belly of woman ; woman, mauve skull gleaming under fiery rays, drawing back, Wazzag's slimy hair sliding over neckline of gandourah ; Wazzag, sweat sticking curls to forehead, sniffing, head dropped relaxing legs, settling heels into sand, crossing thighs over smarting penis ; woman grabbing bundle, running off, green barley waving behind head ; Wazzag lifting leg over trellis ; balls, exposed, glistening pink ; drowsy women rolling gandourahs up over knees ; Wazzag straddling trellis, pressing buttocks against reeds ; women, breathing curling back ochre lips, striking foreheads over sand ; Wazzag stepping forward ; sand kicked up sticking to hams, member stiffening, pointing ; approaching, crouching in front of women ; member swelling along folded leg ; scent opening women's nostrils ; Wazzag kneeling, leaning over sand on elbows, bumping curly-fringed forehead against foreheads of women, lifting leg over croup of woman with bracelets clinking ; woman catching knee, stroking curls of thigh ; whore placing leg onto woman's croup, foot delving, through heated black cloth, into cleft of buttocks ; woman's breasts, swollen, bulging over neckline ; hand, mauve above, ochre beneath, moving along Wazzag's thigh, up to tangle of long supple shiny hairs merging into curly fluff on thigh ; thumb, pink nail pitted, pressing into groin, slipping along seam of +\crpage{70} +thigh, scraping sweat mixed with jissom, hay, grease, date-sugar, shit ; Wazzag thrusting mouth onto woman's lips, drawing belly close to woman's, other knee digging down, elbow vibrating in sand ; young woman with shaved scalp leaning against thorn-tree, bundle of green barley perched in crotch of trunk, bending branch towards mouth ; cheeks swollen, lips sucking yellow fruit-flowers ; eyes staring, through arms of women interlaced, at Wazzag's member swelling in jerks, at sweat rising over coccyx of whore ; lips throbbing, nostrils inhaling sugary pollen ; nipples, dilated, pulling arms from cloth ; free hand stroking nipples ; croup rounding out against bark ; hams, heels lifted, scraping trunk {\dubsemi} wind carrying birds dirtied in dustbins, towards high sandy enclaves {\dubsemi} women separating foreheads, standing up, swinging bundles over shoulders ; Wazzag grasping bare feet, biting bottom of dresses ; women running off, cloth rustling over heated bodies, throwing --- bending, standing erect, bending --- burning pebbles at Wazzag ; Wazzag running, lame --- nerve strained while raising leg over woman's, croup, tender from continuous forced erections {\dashcom} member pointing stiffened, towards women, fingers catching pebbles embalmed in painted hands{\thd} \said{{\thd}back, jissom-eater{\td} back, back, jissom-eater{\td} jissom-eater, man-eater{\fourdots} baby-eater{\td} back, baby-eater{\thd} dogs that make us widows, in our prime{\thd} little husbands, drill his loins to the heart{\thd}}, women, hair shaken, green barley whipping cheeks, one hand hitching cloth over thighs glistening along prismatic ridge of femurs up to groins, moaning, pressing pebbles over vulvas ; Wazzag jumping up, darting through volley, springing onto shaved girl, hugging girl ; bundle tumbling ; girl's hand tremulous placing pebble over exposed vulva : Wazzag's violaceous penis scorched, quick sizzle ; women encircling Wazzag, seizing arms, legs, jaw, hair, pushing whore back over sand towards fence of brothel ; Wazzag pulling back, hitching whore by ears, onto broken trellis ; crying in throat ; shaved girl holding fat of Wazzag's buttocks, pushing at coccyx \coltdsaid{{\td} back into your sty, swine{\td}} ; hands sliding over sticky cuticle ; whore-master coming down, opening box-room : crouching, clapping hands smeared with +\crpage{71} +gravy over Khamssieh's belly ; whore shuddering, mouth swelling, throat regurgitating pomegranate-flesh ; whore-master moving one chubby hand onto hip, groping under Khamssieh's buttocks, touching arse of whore, other hand palpating blood-stained belly ; member twitching in pubic curls ; whore-master withdrawing finger ; sliding finger, soiled with shit, with dried jissom, over Khamssieh's lifeless lips ; Khamssieh raising, folding arms beside hip, pressing transparent fingers onto whore-master's hairy arm ; epidermis, under ginger curls rooted over forehead, blushing pink ; whore-master pulling fat lips apart with thumb, rubbing thumb-nail over jaw --- saliva circulating afresh ; Khamssieh's lips closing over whore-master's thumb, member, stiffening in black tangle, pulling at freckled cuticle ; eyes, scintillating between encrusted lids, squinting, fixing vibrant piercing eyes of whore-master ; fingers climbing up along fluffy arm of master burying fingers, at same moment, into pubic curls of whore, squeezing dry balls ; alive --- swelling between whore-master's fingers ; Khamssieh sucking whore-master's thumb, licking gravy smeared over phalanges ; whore-master pulling hand back, placing fingers onto breasts of whore ; pulling other hand out of tangle, massaging top of whore's thigh, enveloping knee ; Khamssieh spreading thighs, stiffening legs, slipping finger through curls, underneath penis arching, swelling, enlarging ; pushing penis back against extended thumb, drawing member upwards, pumping ; sweat covering whole body, veins of tremulous skull palpitating, blood glowing in neck ; one hand of whore-master, coated with saltpetre, massaging femur, inside slope of thigh ; fingers of other hand, small, plump, interlacing with whore's free hand open, damp, against hip ; Khamssieh's toes curling back : sweat running in hollows of phalanges {\dubsemi} whore-master dropping knee, other hand pushing hand of whore back onto belly ; crouching, thrusting foot into Khamssieh's flank{\thd} \said{give{\thd} give{\thd} force the juice{\od}} ; Khamssieh, tongue protruding, panting, chest raised ; fist pumping at softened penis{\td} \colsaid{{\td} grubs of tarantulas crawl in butcher's armpits{\td}} ; whore-master pushing fist, away from member ; tapping +\crpage{72} +knee ; Khamssieh relaxing muscles, breathing deep \colsaid{{\td}work till tomorrow{\thd} drillers knocking{\thd} open your ears against bolted door{\thd} driven by my knee, Wazzag, buggered by driller with broadest chest, -pulls his partner to the wood{\thd} listen then, to work{\thd}{\gr} : whore-master +pulls his partner to the wood{\thd} listen then, to work{\thd}} ; whore-master standing up, going out, bolting box-room, climbing up into bedroom, falling onto bed ; Khamssieh, sweat cooling over skin, resting nape onto arm folded back, hand of other arm playing with penis ; eyes @@ -193,267 +61,36 @@ jacket, lighting cigarette smeared with wet clay, puffing between lips, ash dropping onto shaved head of beater ; with thrust of loins, rising up on shoulders of beater, flinging body against window-ledge, straddling ledge, rushing, unbuttoned --- member spurring pants -smudged with clay, poking out of jeans ---, into bedroom, collapsing, +smudged with clay, poking out of jeans {\dashcom} into bedroom, collapsing, with bursts of laughter, onto bed, hugging whore-master, covering master with wide heated body bristling, nibbling ear wrapped in sheet ; feet, packed into espadrilles, striking foot of bed ; mouth slobbering over ear, driller's saliva sticking whore-master's cheek to sheet ; fingers delving beneath belly, through sheet, unsheathing -penis :{\td} {\gl} call your dogs{\thd} pull them from the arms of the +penis \coltdsaid{call your dogs{\thd} pull them from the arms of the unemployed{\thd} open up your bedrooms, your latrines{\thd} hide your tools, your guns, your dishes{\thd} soft body of sated whore makes -client turn back at doorstep, dagger in hand{\td} {\gr} ; in alley, against wall, +client turn back at doorstep, dagger in hand{\td}} ; in alley, against wall, against lintel of door, drillers --- members spurring muddy jeans --- -gabbing hips, faces reaching up, simmering, kissing, sniffing, licking -ears, of fellow workers ; {\thd} {\gl}{\td} give me one with square loins, member +grabbing hips, faces reaching up, simmering, kissing, sniffing, licking +ears, of fellow workers ; {\thd} \said{{\td} give me one with square loins, member stiffening quick, after fucking, member hard as my arm{\td} one I can keep catching, pulling back by his cock{\td} any other cock is just too -% 73 -human, it doesn't matter who gets hold of it, it's just no good..{\gr} ; -driller sits up, propped on fist ; other fist rolling back sheet, over -whore-master's head, nape, back ; whore-master arching loins, lifting -driller's hardened midriff ; driller, backing off, squatting on heels ; -whore-master hitching legs up between legs of driller folded back, -heels sliding under buttocks hugged in jeans worn bare by pistons. -by rubbing of ropes ; climbing out of bed, sheet flowing crumpled, -soiled with clay, over loins ; driller, crouched on bed, massaging -member inside pants ; whore-master taking soiled key, from gas-ring -; driller jumping to foot of bed, lifting lid of bucket of meat, bending -down, sniffing balmy vapour, dipping finger into gravy, pulling out. -licking finger ; whore-master coming down stairs ; driller pressing -close behind ; stiffened penis, through pants, rubbing bare buttocks -of whore-master{\td} {\gl}..quick{\thd} quarry-work grinds my bones..{\gr} ; small -dagger gleaming in fist ; pushing whore-master, teeth nibbling ear. -fist digging into sexual cluster ; pimp crossing passage, entering -garden, stopping, pressing hand against driller's crotch : driller -pressing dagger onto thigh ; Wazzag, stretched out. legs held up on -broken trellis, member falling back out of pubic curls onto belly. -buttocks touching sand, nibbling green barley-stalk ; women backing -off, hiding, in line, behind tree ; Wazzag, chin bathed in green foam. -sucking barley-stalk held in fist, grinding neck into sand ; right foot -slipping over trellis, cheek sliding on sand ; wrinkles of forehead -rolling up towards curly fringe, eyes revulsing : blood throbbing in -throat, Wazzag's eyes enveloping belly of driller : silky swelling of -pants at centre of folds ; Wazzag, sniffing up snot, rolling onto belly. -member hollowing sand, loins lifting ; driller quivering ; whore-master -whistling ; Wazzag kneeling, crawling, fists in sand, shiny penis -dragging over sand marked with footprints, spinning around on -knees, arching gleaming buttocks, moving backwards towards shed. -chin tipped back onto shoulder, narrowed eyes expelling encrusted -secretions, foam scintillating at corner of mouth ; rim of arse. -crimson, glistening ; whore-master pulling hand from driller's -member : {\td} {\gl} {\thd} workers fucked him all morning{\td} they battered his -% 74 -arse to bits{\thd} now it's your turn, drill your way in{\td} the soft layers, -perfumed, are for you{\td} go on, big man {\gr} ; driller, shaking bushy head, -trembling fingers buttoning up jeans spurred by buttressed pants, -advancing over sand ; Wazzag bumping forehead against sand, -arching loins ; arse-hairs, stuck with jissom, pulling apart, between -separating buttocks ; driller, fingers pinching bottom of fly, leg -raised, shaking sexual cluster, slipping espadrille over horny foot, -Wazzag flinging head back, white of eye shining in amber orbit ; -driller's foot sliding over flat of buttocks smoothed out in movement -arching loins, touching edge of arse ; Wazzag pulling back buttocks, -shoed foot of driller curling up against arse ; Wazzag, bursts of -laughter muffled in torso, gums expelling green scum held foaming -on edge of lip ; whore-master seizing buttocks of driller through -jeans, rushing man forward, Wazzag, standing, belly twisted, diving, -spinning, at driller's leg, squeezing leg in arms ; teeth, hooked into -fly, with tongue, unbuttoning jeans ; against teeth, lips, through -denim, cotton, driller's penis swelling, forcing, heating ; Wazzag's -tongue, inside open fly, licking cotton, wetting cotton till epidermis -of member shows through, stuck to cloth ; Wazzag pulling whore- -master's fingers off driller's buttocks, pushing away whore-master's -thigh, holding tongue back in mouth, fangs bared, till whore-master -moves away ; whereupon, wide naked body of whore-master, -splashed by sun, penetrating excremental shadow of passage, -Wazzag snapping at driller's penis, inside pants ; fingers gripping -buttock, over whore-master's fingerprints ; driller shoving into coiled -hairs of Wazzag's chest, kicking sexual cluster ; flick of thumb -Pushing member out of pants ; seam shining, violaceous over glans, -On tip of member clenched in driller's fist, nerves, muscles, -Circumcised flesh forcing rusty palm --- other hand scratching around -Mop of infested hair ; Wazzag, standing up, walking backwards, -Moving closer to driller, breath hissing --- driller, hearing noise, -ing go of member, jissom starting to well up under steady -Pressure of fingers ---, haunches rolling, lateral folds of neck -Palpitating, silky, under black curls, chubby mound of cheek -% 75 -quivering, driller, panting, one hand placed on distended belly of -whore pulling Wazzag close, palm of other hand pressing tips of -fingers touching encrusted corners of boy's lips ; driller's hand -feeling Wazzag's mouth ; member wedged, hard, against hairy -surrounds of arse, glans jerking touching lateral rolls of fat on -buttocks ; Wazzag licking driller's palm, fingers ; driller, leg against -leg, pushing whore towards shed ; women sitting back in sand - -woman with shaved head, burying head in sand ; women caressing -her croup, her legs ; whore-master, in bedroom, bolting cubby-holes -filled with tools, dishes, weapons, hollowed out in wall, coming back -down stairs, opening door of brothel ; drillers, seated on slope of -dune, sitting up, pulling apart ; approaching, hips cocked, eyes -lowered, two fingers of right hands pinching crotches ; whore-master. -leaning against wood of open door, clinking against member ; soles -of shoes touching tiles. spongy surface of wooden floor, hurried -raising bodies to full height, heated fleshy cheeks touching -eyelashes, drillers unbuttoning : members springing out ; Wazzag, in -shed, pressing hands against wall ; driller, forehead striking skull of -whore, fingers separating fat of buttocks, tense, shoving member -into arse, stiffening legs, heaving, rubbing chest over Wazzag's back -; surface only of hair on heads, one shaken other still, scintillating. -sweat creeping up along curls, in shadows, in rays filtered through -roof of palm-fronds ; Wazzag banging forehead against wall, flinging -arms behind driller's body, catching hold of buttocks, kneading fat -through denim impregnated with sweat seeping from arse :{\td} {\gl}{\td} -discharge your load, big curly one{\thd}{\gr} ; driller interlacing fingers over -belly of whore ; muscles, nerves, fortifying Wazzag's sweaty belly : -whore-master opening latrine ; driller with shaved head, jostling -whore-master, rushing, penis projecting stiffened, hands spread, into -darkness ; whore-master closing door behind panting body, pushing -back other three drillers{\td} {\gl} for shaved one : club-foot, for you others -: what's left : red-haired dog stung by tarantula{\thd} later, Wazzag. -brown dog, pulled from arms of curly-haired driller, your jissom- -king{\thd} club-foot unstuck from shaved one, both hot, awakened to -% 76 -ur skilled muscles{\thd} count your number, drillers{\td} {\gr} ---, drillers -opening other latrine, groping in darkness, hands searching in -corners, coming out ; whore-master pulling close, tugging at jeans, -youngest of five drillers, --- with crinkled hair, fat violet lips ---. -member spurring jeans down over slope of thigh, dragging youth -towards box-room ; behind counter, driller, panting, one hand -starting to unbutton fly, to separate buttocks of whore-master ; -master, thrusting loins, diving forward : turban unravelling, strip of -cloth flowing over shoulders, down to coccyx, covering driller's hand -drawn back ; whore-master, with flick of head, rolling turban back -around skull, opening box-room door, pushing young driller inside, -climbing back up to bedroom ; seated on edge of bed, tying turban -around head, falling back onto bed ; traces of rust staining edge of -arse : wiped off with back of thumb ; sprawling on back, chin buried -in folds of neck, eye narrowed, drawing circle of rust, around -nipples, with thumb ; shaved driller heaving, stiffened, over rump of -club-foot bent over towards hole of latrine, hands hooked onto pipe -; club-foot moaning, shoed feet of driller squashing bare feet onto -foot-slab ; rough denim of jeans, creased, rubbing loins : epidermis -teddening ; eyes spying mound of turds, red, ochre, blackened, -sliding towards edge of hole ; jissom spurting, mound melting : -swarm of wasps --- asleep in mound, glutted --- flying up, assailing -bare legs of club-foot ; youth pulling back, pressing partner against -door ; {\slash} young driller, in sunny shade of box-room, lying on -Khamssieh ; epidermis of whore, stretched, creased by heavy -Movements of driller, expelling blood dried into powder ; driller -hitching up bare chest smudged with rust against pale weakened -chest of Khamssieh, pressing fat nipples, vermilion, onto withered -ie of whore ; Khamssieh half-opens dry lips, head rolls to one -; driller, hands gathering up ginger head from underneath, -iting, squeezing temples, biting mouth ; member, protruding from -jeans, forcing, stubby, Khamssieh's sexual cluster ; jeans. soaked -With sweat, with genital juices, sticking to cold thighs of whore ; -driller hugging softened face against his, burying tongue into slack -% 77 -mouth, licking back of palate, gums : Khamssieh's penis twitching -under penis of driller, driller pulling out tongue {\slash} ; glans of curly- -haired driller grafting into Wazzag's arse ; perspiring fingers -pressing small vendetta-knife against whore's navel ; blast of sand -pelting shed ; Wazzag, quick, turning hot cheek against cheek of -worker, kissing lips wet with spittle : jissom spurting into loins. -dagger sliding out of fingers open in orgasm, over slope of thigh. -down leg, onto hay ; worker, jissom expelled, slobbering over cheek -of whore ; sweat cooling on fingers ; Wazzag's buttocks heating -thighs, pubis ; two unoccupied drillers --- one, honey-coloured hair. -bandage on abdomen, loins squeezed into US shorts, other, dark -hair, packed tight into jeans rolled up over knees, wearing green -plastic sunglasses ---, sprawling in corner of room, smoking, legs -entwined, members protruding red, touching ; club-foot stung on -knees by wasps, slumping down along legs of shaved driller ; worker. -member sliding, viscous, out of club-foot's arse, holding up -collapsed body by hips ; striking wasps, with rough hand coated with -dry clay, on chest, neck, belly, sexual cluster, thighs, of club-foot : -wasps, crushed, tumbling over skin, hanging on to pubic curls : -others, aroused, assailing sexual cluster of club-foot ; driller -grabbing, squeezing boy's crotch, bodies bursting against -membranes ; club-foot biting cuff of denim jacket. pulling undulating -tump up along driller's thighs ; worker pinning club-foot's shoulder -under chin against top of chest, both hands stroking swollen knees -; wasps still alive gleaning, between toes of whore, jissom mixed with -mud, grease, shit, from foot-slab ; driller crushing wasps --- together -with club-foot's soiled toes ---, under sole of espadrilles ; at same -moment, member, re-hardened, digging back into club-foot's arse. -between diagonal buttocks ; {\slash} young driller, dropping ginger head. -fingers digging under loins of whore, spitting onto Khamssieh's face. -hands lifting middle of flaccid, milky body ; straightening up, both -fists pressing into Khamssieh's torso ; rising from body, crouching on -one side, rolling body onto belly --- buttocks of whore, turning. -dusty, marked in folds with traces of dried jissom ---, driller standing -% 78 -up, treading on rump --- espadrille, rope sole stuck with tar, -squeezing pubescent cuticle ---, shaking buttocks ; ginger head -thumping on floor ; young driller, leg lifted, scratching sexual cluster, -finger-nails packed underneath with clay ; ribs rolling under skin of -torso, in jacket gaping open ; kneeling, stretching out over whore, -pulling cold buttocks apart with both hands, lodging ardent member -in slit, pushing glans towards frozen arse, bending head down -towards Khamssieh's nape, biting, pulling faded red curls of hair -between teeth, drawing hands out from under belly, striking flanks of -whore : {\gl}{\td} warm, death, warm ..{\gr} {\slash} ; whore-master, both breasts -smeared, slumbering in intermittent sleep ; between dreams --- dogs -with bodies of Wazzag, Khamssieh, fighting over guts, gristle, of his -body ---, opening one eye ; at muffled sounds of panting, member -twitching --- distant laughter of Wazzag, covered by rustle of hay, -making member bounce up, hardened, swollen, shit from Khemissa's -arse crumbling, in powder, over violaceous cuticle of glans ; toad, in -corner, emerged from drain-hole --- filtering gases of cesspool ---, -jumping onto knee of dark-haired driller, legs entwined with blond -driller, diving under jeans rolled up to thigh ; blond driller, sitting up, -flattening toad against skin, under sticky denim of jeans, erect -member of dark worker touching wrist ; dark worker shuddering, -cigarette falling over ear, placing hand onto hand of blond ; toad, -sliding forward, emerging from opening of fly, bracing body, ready to -jump. against sexual cluster, gumming pubic hair with gall mixed with -excremental mud ; driller seizing toad against thigh, standing up, -slapping toad against arse of blond, in folds of shorts ; blond -hollowing loins, throwing arm behind back, pulling leg of toad from -under fingers of driller ; fingers, vibrations accelerating, releasing -Shorts ; blond grabbing toad, thrusting fist towards thighs of driller, -unclenching, quick, closing back over driller's bouncing penis ; toads -flesh squashed under palm, mouth drooling over glans, feet gripping -Stretched cuticle ; {\slash} curly-haired driller, leg drawn out over leg of -Wazzag, penis sliding half out of arse, tipping Wazzag back onto -Soiled hay, dragging whore up towards top of heap, fists squeezing -% 79 -forearms, bending sweaty feet back inside espadrilles around naked. -sticky feet of Wazzag, snapping at ear, nibbling root, drawing blood -; tear-drop forming at corner of whore's eye --- head turned down -into hay ---, rolling over ridge of nose, swallowed up in other eye- -socket ; curly-haired driller unclenching fists, tongue licking blood -flowing over ear-lobe, hand stroking shaggy black mop spiked with -thorny twigs, tongue soiled with blood covering eye, licking trail of -tear over nose, throbbing against other eye ; Wazzag darting tongue ---- taste of jissom lingering --- onto vermilion tongue of driller, lips -drawing close, sticking together, blood bathing Wazzag's cheek. -teaching corners of lips joined ; laughter expelling snot from -nostrils, mixing in hollow of upper lip swollen by kiss ; teeth striking -through saliva ; hand of driller, thumb linked to index, gripping -Wazzag's head ; member delving into arse, epidermis over duct -erupting on contact with sides of arse, jissom shaking glans ; mouth -of driller slipping in jerks towards cheek bathed in blood : jissom -splashing loins, Wazzag bringing knees back under belly ; driller. -belly heaving, thrusting member ; legs contracting ; mouth, twisted -open, closing over mouth of Wazzag, dilated with laughter ; whore. -propped on knees, lifting up driller sprawled over rump ; penis. -expelled, bouncing up, shining, transparent film of jissom coating -reddened flesh, violaceous on glans, marked with ringed imprints : -Wazzag, squatting, shambling over scattered hay, up to driller's open -legs ; worker raising, pressing knees into armpits of whore ; member -softening over seam of fly, expelling pearly filament stretching -hooked onto middle button, shaft retracting into pubic curls ; Wazzag -spreading both hands over drillers belly, marked, beneath navel. -with smudge of red, palpating, kneading, massaging hardened -muscles ; driller lifting loins ; belly oozing sweat embalmed with clay. -under fingers of whore ; Wazzag sprawling between legs squeezed -in jeans, rubbing chest against gluey penis, twisting, wriggling rump -i driller opening thighs wide ; Wazzag. pulling back, burying bloody -muzzle into gaping fly, snapping, chewing, nostrils tickled by hairs. -at jissom-smeared balls ; throat yelping, hands kneading driller's -% 80 +\crpage{73} +human, it doesn't matter who gets hold of it, it's just no good{\td}} ; driller sits up, propped on fist ; other fist rolling back sheet, over whore-master's head, nape, back ; whore-master arching loins, lifting driller's hardened midriff ; driller, backing off, squatting on heels ; whore-master hitching legs up between legs of driller folded back, heels sliding under buttocks hugged in jeans worn bare by pistons, by rubbing of ropes ; climbing out of bed, sheet flowing crumpled, soiled with clay, over loins ; driller, crouched on bed, massaging member inside pants ; whore-master taking soiled key, from gas-ring ; driller jumping to foot of bed, lifting lid of bucket of meat, bending down, sniffing balmy vapour, dipping finger into gravy, pulling out, licking finger ; whore-master coming down stairs ; driller pressing close behind ; stiffened penis, through pants, rubbing bare buttocks of whore-master{\td} \said{..quick{\thd} quarry-work grinds my bones{\td}} ; small dagger gleaming in fist ; pushing whore-master, teeth nibbling ear, fist digging into sexual cluster ; pimp crossing passage, entering garden, stopping, pressing hand against driller's crotch ; driller pressing dagger onto thigh ; Wazzag, stretched out, legs held up on broken trellis, member falling back out of pubic curls onto belly, buttocks touching sand, nibbling green barley-stalk ; women backing off, hiding, in line, behind tree ; Wazzag, chin bathed in green foam, sucking barley-stalk held in fist, grinding neck into sand ; right foot slipping over trellis, cheek sliding on sand ; wrinkles of forehead rolling up towards curly fringe, eyes revulsing : blood throbbing in throat, Wazzag's eyes enveloping belly of driller : silky swelling of pants at centre of folds ; Wazzag, sniffing up snot, rolling onto belly, member hollowing sand, loins lifting ; driller quivering ; whore-master whistling ; Wazzag kneeling, crawling, fists in sand, shiny penis dragging over sand marked with footprints, spinning around on knees, arching gleaming buttocks, moving backwards towards shed, chin tipped back onto shoulder, narrowed eyes expelling encrusted secretions, foam scintillating at corner of mouth ; rim of arse, crimson, glistening ; whore-master pulling hand from driller's member \coltdsaid{{\thd} workers fucked him all morning{\td} they battered his +\crpage{74} % till -> 'til ? +arse to bits{\thd} now it's your turn, drill your way in{\td} the soft layers, perfumed, are for you{\td} go on, big man} ; driller, shaking bushy head, trembling fingers buttoning up jeans spurred by buttressed pants, advancing over sand ; Wazzag bumping forehead against sand, arching loins ; arse-hairs, stuck with jissom, pulling apart, between separating buttocks ; driller, fingers pinching bottom of fly, leg raised, shaking sexual cluster, slipping espadrille over horny foot, Wazzag flinging head back, white of eye shining in amber orbit ; driller's foot sliding over flat of buttocks smoothed out in movement arching loins, touching edge of arse ; Wazzag pulling back buttocks, shoed foot of driller curling up against arse ; Wazzag, bursts of laughter muffled in torso, gums expelling green scum held foaming on edge of lip ; whore-master seizing buttocks of driller through jeans, rushing man forward, Wazzag, standing, belly twisted, diving, spinning, at driller's leg, squeezing leg in arms ; teeth, hooked into fly, with tongue, unbuttoning jeans ; against teeth, lips, through denim, cotton, driller's penis swelling, forcing, heating ; Wazzag's tongue, inside open fly, licking cotton, wetting cotton till epidermis of member shows through, stuck to cloth ; Wazzag pulling whore-master's fingers off driller's buttocks, pushing away whore-master's thigh, holding tongue back in mouth, fangs bared, till whore-master moves away ; whereupon, wide naked body of whore-master, splashed by sun, penetrating excremental shadow of passage, Wazzag snapping at driller's penis, inside pants ; fingers gripping buttock, over whore-master's fingerprints ; driller shoving into coiled hairs of Wazzag's chest, kicking sexual cluster ; flick of thumb pushing member out of pants ; seam shining, violaceous over glans, on tip of member clenched in driller's fist, nerves, muscles, circumcised flesh forcing rusty palm --- other hand scratching around mop of infested hair ; Wazzag, standing up, walking backwards, moving closer to driller, breath hissing --- driller, hearing noise, letting go of member, jissom starting to well up under steady pressure of fingers {\dashcom} haunches rolling, lateral folds of neck palpitating, silky, under black curls, chubby mound of cheek +\crpage{75} +quivering, driller, panting, one hand placed on distended belly of whore pulling Wazzag close, palm of other hand pressing tips of fingers touching encrusted corners of boy's lips ; driller's hand feeling Wazzag's mouth ; member wedged, hard, against hairy surrounds of arse, glans jerking touching lateral rolls of fat on buttocks ; Wazzag licking driller's palm, fingers ; driller, leg against leg, pushing whore towards shed ; women sitting back in sand ; woman with shaved head, burying head in sand ; women caressing her croup, her legs ; whore-master, in bedroom, bolting cubby-holes filled with tools, dishes, weapons, hollowed out in wall, coming back down stairs, opening door of brothel ; drillers, seated on slope of dune, sitting up, pulling apart ; approaching, hips cocked, eyes lowered, two fingers of right hands pinching crotches ; whore-master, leaning against wood of open door, clinking against member ; soles of shoes touching tiles. spongy surface of wooden floor, hurried, raising bodies to full height, heated fleshy cheeks touching eyelashes, drillers unbuttoning : members springing out ; Wazzag, in shed, pressing hands against wall ; driller, forehead striking skull of whore, fingers separating fat of buttocks, tense, shoving member into arse, stiffening legs, heaving, rubbing chest over Wazzag's back ; surface only of hair on heads, one shaken other still, scintillating, sweat creeping up along curls, in shadows, in rays filtered through roof of palm-fronds ; Wazzag banging forehead against wall, flinging arms behind driller's body, catching hold of buttocks, kneading fat through denim impregnated with sweat seeping from arse \coltdsaid{{\td} discharge your load, big curly one{\thd}} ; driller interlacing fingers over belly of whore ; muscles, nerves, fortifying Wazzag's sweaty belly ; whore-master opening latrine ; driller with shaved head, jostling whore-master, rushing, penis projecting stiffened, hands spread, into darkness ; whore-master closing door behind panting body, pushing back other three drillers{\td} \said{for shaved one : club-foot, for you others : what's left : red-haired dog stung by tarantula{\thd} later, Wazzag, brown dog, pulled from arms of curly-haired driller, your jissom-king{\thd} club-foot unstuck from shaved one, both hot, awakened to +\crpage{76} +your skilled muscles{\thd} count your number, drillers{\td}} {\dashcom} drillers opening other latrine, groping in darkness, hands searching in corners, coming out ; whore-master pulling close, tugging at jeans, youngest of five drillers{\comdash} with crinkled hair, fat violet lips {\dashcom} member spurring jeans down over slope of thigh, dragging youth towards box-room ; behind counter, driller, panting, one hand starting to unbutton fly, to separate buttocks of whore-master ; master, thrusting loins, diving forward : turban unravelling, strip of cloth flowing over shoulders, down to coccyx, covering driller's hand drawn back ; whore-master, with flick of head, rolling turban back around skull, opening box-room door, pushing young driller inside, climbing back up to bedroom ; seated on edge of bed, tying turban around head, falling back onto bed ; traces of rust staining edge of arse : wiped off with back of thumb ; sprawling on back, chin buried in folds of neck, eye narrowed, drawing circle of rust, around nipples, with thumb ; shaved driller heaving, stiffened, over rump of club-foot bent over towards hole of latrine, hands hooked onto pipe ; club-foot moaning, shoed feet of driller squashing bare feet onto foot-slab ; rough denim of jeans, creased, rubbing loins : epidermis reddening ; eyes spying mound of turds, red, ochre, blackened, sliding towards edge of hole ; jissom spurting, mound melting : swarm of wasps --- asleep in mound, glutted --- flying up, assailing bare legs of club-foot ; youth pulling back, pressing partner against door {\semislash} young driller, in sunny shade of box-room, lying on Khamssieh ; epidermis of whore, stretched, creased by heavy movements of driller, expelling blood dried into powder ; driller hitching up bare chest smudged with rust against pale weakened chest of Khamssieh, pressing fat nipples, vermilion, onto withered nipples of whore ; Khamssieh half-opens dry lips, head rolls to one side ; driller, hands gathering up ginger head from underneath, lifting, squeezing temples, biting mouth ; member, protruding from jeans, forcing, stubby, Khamssieh's sexual cluster ; jeans, soaked with sweat, with genital juices, sticking to cold thighs of whore ; driller hugging softened face against his, burying tongue into slack +\crpage{77} +mouth, licking back of palate, gums : Khamssieh's penis twitching under penis of driller, driller pulling out tongue {\slashsemi} glans of curly-haired driller grafting into Wazzag's arse ; perspiring fingers pressing small vendetta-knife against whore's navel ; blast of sand pelting shed ; Wazzag, quick, turning hot cheek against cheek of worker, kissing lips wet with spittle : jissom spurting into loins, dagger sliding out of fingers open in orgasm, over slope of thigh, down leg, onto hay ; worker, jissom expelled, slobbering over cheek of whore ; sweat cooling on fingers ; Wazzag's buttocks heating thighs, pubis ; two unoccupied drillers --- one, honey-coloured hair, bandage on abdomen, loins squeezed into US shorts, other, dark hair, packed tight into jeans rolled up over knees, wearing green plastic sunglasses {\dashcom} sprawling in corner of room, smoking, legs entwined, members protruding red, touching ; club-foot stung on knees by wasps, slumping down along legs of shaved driller ; worker, member sliding, viscous, out of club-foot's arse, holding up collapsed body by hips ; striking wasps, with rough hand coated with dry clay, on chest, neck, belly, sexual cluster, thighs, of club-foot ; wasps, crushed, tumbling over skin, hanging on to pubic curls ; others, aroused, assailing sexual cluster of club-foot ; driller grabbing, squeezing boy's crotch, bodies bursting against membranes ; club-foot biting cuff of denim jacket, pulling undulating rump up along driller's thighs ; worker pinning club-foot's shoulder under chin against top of chest, both hands stroking swollen knees ; wasps still alive gleaning, between toes of whore, jissom mixed with mud, grease, shit, from foot-slab ; driller crushing wasps --- together with club-foot's soiled toes {\dashcom} under sole of espadrilles ; at same moment, member, re-hardened, digging back into club-foot's arse, between diagonal buttocks {\semislash} young driller, dropping ginger head, fingers digging under loins of whore, spitting onto Khamssieh's face, hands lifting middle of flaccid, milky body ; straightening up, both fists pressing into Khamssieh's torso ; rising from body, crouching on one side, rolling body onto belly --- buttocks of whore, turning, dusty, marked in folds with traces of dried jissom {\dashcom} driller standing +\crpage{78} +up, treading on rump --- espadrille, rope sole stuck with tar, squeezing pubescent cuticle {\dashcom} shaking buttocks ; ginger head thumping on floor ; young driller, leg lifted, scratching sexual cluster, finger-nails packed underneath with clay ; ribs rolling under skin of torso, in jacket gaping open ; kneeling, stretching out over whore, pulling cold buttocks apart with both hands, lodging ardent member in slit, pushing glans towards frozen arse, bending head down towards Khamssieh's nape, biting, pulling faded red curls of hair between teeth, drawing hands out from under belly, striking flanks of whore \colsaid{{\td} warm, death, warm {\td}} {\slashsemi} whore-master, both breasts smeared, slumbering in intermittent sleep ; between dreams --- dogs with bodies of Wazzag, Khamssieh, fighting over guts, gristle, of his body {\dashcom} opening one eye ; at muffled sounds of panting, member twitching --- distant laughter of Wazzag, covered by rustle of hay, making member bounce up, hardened, swollen, shit from Khemissa's arse crumbling, in powder, over violaceous cuticle of glans ; toad, in corner, emerged from drain-hole --- filtering gases of cesspool {\dashcom} jumping onto knee of dark-haired driller, legs entwined with blond driller, diving under jeans rolled up to thigh ; blond driller, sitting up, flattening toad against skin, under sticky denim of jeans, erect member of dark worker touching wrist ; dark worker shuddering, cigarette falling over ear, placing hand onto hand of blond ; toad, sliding forward, emerging from opening of fly, bracing body, ready to jump, against sexual cluster, gumming pubic hair with gall mixed with excremental mud ; driller seizing toad against thigh, standing up, slapping toad against arse of blond, in folds of shorts ; blond hollowing loins, throwing arm behind back, pulling leg of toad from under fingers of driller ; fingers, vibrations accelerating, releasing shorts ; blond grabbing toad, thrusting fist towards thighs of driller, unclenching, quick, closing back over driller's bouncing penis ; toad's flesh squashed under palm, mouth drooling over glans, feet gripping stretched cuticle {\semislash} curly-haired driller, leg drawn out over leg of Wazzag, penis sliding half out of arse, tipping Wazzag back onto soiled hay, dragging whore up towards top of heap, fists squeezing +\crpage{79} +forearms, bending sweaty feet back inside espadrilles around naked, sticky feet of Wazzag, snapping at ear, nibbling root, drawing blood ; tear-drop forming at corner of whore's eye --- head turned down into hay {\dashcom} rolling over ridge of nose, swallowed up in other eye-socket ; curly-haired driller unclenching fists, tongue licking blood flowing over ear-lobe, hand stroking shaggy black mop spiked with thorny twigs, tongue soiled with blood covering eye, licking trail of tear over nose, throbbing against other eye ; Wazzag darting tongue --- taste of jissom lingering --- onto vermilion tongue of driller, lips drawing close, sticking together, blood bathing Wazzag's cheek, reaching corners of lips joined ; laughter expelling snot from nostrils, mixing in hollow of upper lip swollen by kiss ; teeth striking through saliva ; hand of driller, thumb linked to index, gripping Wazzag's head ; member delving into arse, epidermis over duct erupting on contact with sides of arse, jissom shaking glans ; mouth of driller slipping in jerks towards cheek bathed in blood ; jissom splashing loins, Wazzag bringing knees back under belly ; driller, belly heaving, thrusting member ; legs contracting ; mouth, twisted open, closing over mouth of Wazzag, dilated with laughter ; whore, propped on knees, lifting up driller sprawled over rump ; penis, expelled, bouncing up, shining, transparent film of jissom coating reddened flesh, violaceous on glans, marked with ringed imprints ; Wazzag, squatting, shambling over scattered hay, up to driller's open legs ; worker raising, pressing knees into armpits of whore ; member softening over seam of fly, expelling pearly filament stretching hooked onto middle button, shaft retracting into pubic curls ; Wazzag spreading both hands over drillers belly, marked, beneath navel, with smudge of red, palpating, kneading, massaging hardened muscles ; driller lifting loins ; belly oozing sweat embalmed with clay, under fingers of whore ; Wazzag sprawling between legs squeezed in jeans, rubbing chest against gluey penis, twisting, wriggling rump ; driller opening thighs wide ; Wazzag, pulling back, burying bloody muzzle into gaping fly, snapping, chewing, nostrils tickled by hairs, at jissom-smeared balls ; throat yelping, hands kneading driller's +\crpage{80} thighs, tongue licking bottom rim of arse --- worker's member bouncing up beside bloody cheek ---, digging deeper to fringe of shit-caked hairs ; driller flinging legs over Wazzag's loins ; Wazzag -- cgit v1.2.3