path: root/part3.tex
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1 files changed, 268 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/part3.tex b/part3.tex
index c20d266..46d23b6 100644
--- a/part3.tex
+++ b/part3.tex
@@ -488,14 +488,14 @@ Pressing into flesh of trunk, forcing flesh through clefts of skeleton
torso, straddling youth, lowering belly, drawn down by weight of
slimy sexual cluster, onto top of thighs held fully spread, psoas
straining ; club-foot's penis, pressed back, forcing bandage ; frizzy
-% 114
worker, drawing away from wall, raising leg, placing foot onto pink
-buttocks of blond, pressing : club-foot's member, rolled hard under
+buttocks of blond, pressing {\col} club-foot's member, rolled hard under
sweeting belly of blond, heating --- shoed feet of blond pulling at
-feet hams of worker resting, vibrant, against contracted hams of
-youth ---, ejaculating : jissom filling open edge of bandage ; club-
+feet, hams of worker resting, vibrant, against contracted hams of
+youth {\dashcom} ejaculating {\col} jissom filling open edge of bandage ; club-
foot crossing relaxed legs over legs of blond ; blond worker --- frizzy
-worker pulling foot away ---, leaning back against wall, rising forth
+worker pulling foot away {\dashcom} leaning back against wall, rising forth
from sticky body, stiffening legs on one side, other side of trunk of
youth, inclining top of body, tip of thumb expelling jissom caught
under open edge of bandage ; jissom splashing over club-foot's
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ blond pressing heel onto jissomy glans ; club-foot, arms raised
shielding eyes refreshed after discharge, again spreading thighs,
swinging buttocks, puffing out belly, bit by bit, under spongy heel of
blond --- mantled wad pulling, smoothing skin of loins stuck under
-grimy bandage ; {\slash} Wazzag rising onto knees, leaning buttocks back
+grimy bandage {\semislash} Wazzag rising onto knees, leaning buttocks back
against door, flinging one arm --- coated in dry jissom --- sideways,
lifting bolt with flick of thumb ; door opening, Wazzag, twisting torso,
straightening freed feet, arising, walking towards garden : feet,
@@ -513,31 +513,31 @@ coated with powder, scintillating on sandy tiles ; at edge of garden,
at Wazzag's feet, embalming heavy air with perfume of farts, of
jissom wrung from folds of jeans filled with fermented flesh, dark
worker, shaved worker, mouth to mouth, purring modulated ; Wazzag
-Setting shoulder against scorching doorpost, sighing, scratching
+setting shoulder against scorching doorpost, sighing, scratching
chest ; torso spreading, square, towards fire : two drillers, sweat
flooding eyes, jeans burning buttocks, fire beating onto temples,
-Separating entwined limbs, crouching, rising : members pointing
+separating entwined limbs, crouching, rising : members pointing
hard, gleaming, lips of glans crammed with moistened sand :
Wazzag, arse scorched, shifting along wall, to cages ; drillers
-Pressing close, driving whore back with heat of members only,
-towards middle of garden : Wazzag narrowing pock-marked eyelids ;
-€ars flattened, vibrating at temples, pointed ; hairs bristling on chest.
-n thighs, fluffy down on nape, on shoulders, fiery rays skimming
-% 115
+pressing close, driving whore back with heat of members only,
+towards middle of garden {\col} Wazzag narrowing pock-marked eyelids ;
+ears flattened, vibrating at temples, pointed ; hairs bristling on chest.
+on thighs, fluffy down on nape, on shoulders, fiery rays skimming
over body inclined, loins arched, advancing in small steps, shifting
buttocks to one side --- penis of one worker touching hip : eyes
closed, shaved worker thrusting penis forward, spitting, foot kicking
-sand over Wazzag's hams : dark worker, drawing aside. standing
+sand over Wazzag's hams {\col} dark worker, drawing aside. standing
straight in front of whore, eyes sunk into sockets, legs spread, taut
seam bridling arse, grabbing shining penis, spitting, spreading foam
over glans, springing forth, pressing whore down onto knees, glans
-wet with spittle forcing lips : shaved worker, wiping --- with sand -
+wet with spittle forcing lips {\col} shaved worker, wiping --- with sand -
shit drying on skull, lips, cheeks, leaning back against tamarisk
masturbating, pointing ringed penis towards Wazzag's back : hot
spurts striking, freshening, scorched cuticle, dripping down over
shoulder-blades, along sweaty vertebrae, as far as. coccyx --- jissom
hanging onto curls of arse ; skin twitching : Wazzag's teeth
-clenched, enclosing sandy glans : shaved worker's espadrille
+clenched, enclosing sandy glans {\col} shaved worker's espadrille
spreading fried jissom over back, from nape down to buttocks
shaved worker scratching arse against tamarisk, penis, arched
spurting scanty discharge over folds of jeans : breathing in long
@@ -545,69 +545,69 @@ draughts, breath sweeping, cool, over trace of jissom on whore's
back ; knee of dark worker striking shoulder, Wazzag releasing teetn
fingers taking pitted penis, pressing shaft down towards mouth
caressing curve with palm of hand, opening mouth, wedging penis
-amongst deposits of vomit : laughter, stifled, quick, puffing through
+amongst deposits of vomit {\col} laughter, stifled, quick, puffing through
nostrils ; penis rolling in cheek, Wazzag sucking ; dark worker
touching --- with finger-tips --- cheek swollen by penis, tensing legs.
-removing hand : whore, saliva swallowed, palpating penis through
+removing hand {\col} whore, saliva swallowed, palpating penis through
vermilion cuticle of cheek ; shaved worker crouching, rubbing veined
skull on shoulders of whore, Squeezing neck between soiled fingers.
settling skull against nape, wiping squashed nostrils against fleshy
-folds on neck : snot mixing with jissom : shaved worker standing up
+folds on neck {\col} snot mixing with jissom {\col} shaved worker standing up
tip of espadrille smearing jissom, snot, through downy curls
crouching, sitting in sand, spreading thighs, bringing sand back over
-Sexual cluster pulled slimy from fly, pouring sand inside fly, leaning
-back against trunk, dozing : penis hardening inside Wazzag's cheek.
-jissom spurting, shaking, filling cheek : Wazzag, pulling penis out.
-% 116
+sexual cluster pulled slimy from fly, pouring sand inside fly, leaning
+back against trunk, dozing {\col} penis hardening inside Wazzag's cheek.
+jissom spurting, shaking, filling cheek {\col} Wazzag, pulling penis out.
rinsing mouth with jissom ; dark worker squatting, sitting down in
saturated sand, stretching out on side, Propped up on elbow,
pushing Wazzag alongside onto back, pouring sand onto nipples ---
-sand running between fingers wrinkled in embraces ---, sprinkling
-tint cones of sand over middle of torso, down to navel : whore
-immobile, body insonorous, scrutinizing blue fire : sand running into
-fold of groin : dark worker spreading sand over breasts, uncovering
+sand running between fingers wrinkled in embraces {\dashcom} sprinkling
+tint cones of sand over middle of torso, down to navel {\col} whore
+immobile, body insonorous, scrutinizing blue fire {\col} sand running into
+fold of groin {\col} dark worker spreading sand over breasts, uncovering
nipples, settling lips around teats ; hair heavy with smell of bugs ---
fluffs of down caught in blood-sucked cuts on scalp --- stuffed
-against throat of whore : penis of latter, upturned, striking belly ---
-covered by dark worker's hand : swinging between doorposts at edge
-of garden, blond driller, hitched naked onto shoulders of club-foot :
+against throat of whore {\col} penis of latter, upturned, striking belly ---
+covered by dark worker's hand {\col} swinging between doorposts at edge
+of garden, blond driller, hitched naked onto shoulders of club-foot {\col}
frizzy driller, penis ejaculating, packing club-foot's head into one leg
-of shorts, laughing, striking bagged head : bandage staining curls on
+of shorts, laughing, striking bagged head {\col} bandage staining curls on
chafed neck of youth, farts rippling over downy hairs on shoulder-
blades ; flick of hamstring throwing club-foot off-balance, grabbing
-empty leg of shorts, guiding blind head, rough : in rush across hot
+empty leg of shorts, guiding blind head, rough {\col} in rush across hot
sand, youth lurching following each movement of head ; in corner of
garden --- frizzy worker, penis rigid, pressing back of slumping
body, cornering, buggering club-foot, head of youth buried, in front,
-between smooth buttocks of blond worker ---, pink pisé crumbling
-under furious finger-nails of blond : regular rubbing of frizzy
-worker's jeans on club-foot's buttocks irritating blond : blond rising
+between smooth buttocks of blond worker {\dashcom} pink pis\'{e} crumbling
+under furious finger-nails of blond {\col} regular rubbing of frizzy
+worker's jeans on club-foot's buttocks irritating blond {\col} blond rising
onto youth's shoulders, spreading arse, closing buttocks around face
-Of frizzy worker contracted in erection ; hands covering bagged face
-Of club-foot, squashing palpitations rippling thin khaki cloth : eyes,
-Veins, lips ; club-foot choking, worker spitting into open hand, sliding
-Gripping hand over lips of youth ; heels striking groin of youth lifting,
-Spreading thigh : pissing ; frizzy worker --- hands, plastered against
-Club-foot's belly, detecting heat of bladder ---, flinging one wrinkled
-hand onto penis shaken by stream, grabbing, squeezing member :
-Youth, torso sighing, drawing urine back into bladder ; whereupon,
+of frizzy worker contracted in erection ; hands covering bagged face
+of club-foot, squashing palpitations rippling thin khaki cloth {\col} eyes,
+veins, lips ; club-foot choking, worker spitting into open hand, sliding
+dripping hand over lips of youth ; heels striking groin of youth lifting,
+spreading thigh {\col} pissing ; frizzy worker --- hands, plastered against
+club-foot's belly, detecting heat of bladder {\dashcom} flinging one wrinkled
+hand onto penis shaken by stream, grabbing, squeezing member {\col}
+youth, torso sighing, drawing urine back into bladder ; whereupon,
frizzy worker removing hand, enveloping heel of blond, heaving,
-holding heel tight : sweat from hand bathing --- heated by erection
-% 117
+holding heel tight {\col} sweat from hand bathing --- heated by erection
--- tarred rope of espadrille ; blond worker's penis again hardening
-curved over club-foot's scabby skull : ejaculation opening mouth of
+curved over club-foot's scabby skull {\crpage} ejaculation opening mouth of
frizzy worker buried in buttocks of blond ; relaxing legs resting
-against legs of youth : sweat, rapid, cooling on pale skin, finger
+against legs of youth {\col} sweat, rapid, cooling on pale skin, finger
slipped under root of member, lifting ; rag stuck to arse ; throat
expelling pink vomit ; vomit splashing under buttocks of blond ---
-face drawn away ---, landing on club-foot's croup --- sweaty fuzzy
+face drawn away {\dashcom} landing on club-foot's croup --- sweaty fuzzy
head jammed against back of youth, beneath blond's buttocks ;
throat, cheeks shaken, more hot vomit burning lips, bursting over top
of youth's rump, enrobing mound of buttocks, dripping down sides.
sliding along legs as far as feet pinned on ground by weight of blond
-worker, trampling vomit into sand : blond pulling club-foot's hair.
+worker, trampling vomit into sand {\col} blond pulling club-foot's hair.
smoothing sweaty strands between fingers, detaching curls caught in
-pus from abscess : head of club-foot shuddering between thighs
+pus from abscess {\col} head of club-foot shuddering between thighs
blond --- head of frizzy worker vomit disgorged vibrating under
buttocks --- rolling shiny penis in empty leg of short, wiping member
on cloth, stiffening legs before club-foot's torso, falling backwards.
@@ -621,27 +621,27 @@ long draughts, vomit driven back into nostrils ; elbows of blond
propped on skull of frizzy worker ; thrown backwards by knee jerked
up against jaw, pulling bottom of face out of bag as far as upper lip.
pulling mouth to right, presenting penis for club-foot to suck, feet of
-youth staying stuck in sand : trunk twisting ; torso twisted, buttocks
+youth staying stuck in sand {\col} trunk twisting ; torso twisted, buttocks
rolling frizzy worker's rag ; blond, extending thighs, buttocks
contracting onto club-foot's clavicles, pressing nape against frizzy
worker's skull ; club-foot raising arms, joining hands on shoulder.
horny fingers gathering, lifting penis to mouth : balls of blond lying
over creased neck, spreading over top of chest ; lips of club-foot
-holding glans, fingers pumping shaft : sweat advancing in fold of
-% 118
-groin : jissom flooding club-foot's mouth, nostrils palpitating inside
-shorts : blond worker rubbing nape, temples, face against soiled lips
+holding glans, fingers pumping shaft {\col} sweat advancing in fold of
+groin {\col} jissom flooding club-foot's mouth, nostrils palpitating inside
+shorts {\col} blond worker rubbing nape, temples, face against soiled lips
of frizzy worker ; club-foot chewing on jissom, softened penis
dripping over top of breast, filament stretching down to nipple ;
under torn flaps of singlet, chest burning ; two drillers pressing
-mouths together : sweat rushing into junctions of triangle : joined
+mouths together {\col} sweat rushing into junctions of triangle : joined
lips of drillers, member of blond again forcing club-foot's teeth,
hardened member of frizzy worker --- scrap of cloth distended ---
touching depths of club-foot's arse ; seam of shorts, slid down over
-sweat, bridling upper lip of youth : buttocks of blond, lifted over
+sweat, bridling upper lip of youth {\col} buttocks of blond, lifted over
clavicles by stiffening of legs, pulling away from scaly cuticle of
upper back ; laughter shaking cheeks of drillers, tongues rubbing
-together inside mouths, outside lips : muscles, tendons, nerves,
+together inside mouths, outside lips {\col} muscles, tendons, nerves,
bones of blond's left leg vibrating against club-foot's jaw ; muffled
laughter shaking blond worker's torso, belly, right down to stiffened
member, licked, pumped, incessantly, by club-foot purring
@@ -659,16 +659,16 @@ closed doors of latrines, springing out into garden, lapping up trails
of jissom on sand, panting, snuffing air, coming up to legs of club-
foot, sniffing at sexual cluster, spreading thighs, pressing hairy arse
against upper thigh of youth ; club-foot, upper lip squeezed back
-Over gums under sticky hem, hands raised from shoulders groping at
-Croup of bitch, squashing glans against blocked arse ; heart beating
+over gums under sticky hem, hands raised from shoulders groping at
+croup of bitch, squashing glans against blocked arse ; heart beating
in jaw pressed by blond driller's knee ; frizzy driller's jissom burning
-arse; tears veiling iris over hair, over back, of dark driller --- driller
-% 119
+arse ; tears veiling iris over hair, over back, of dark driller --- driller
propped on elbows against torso, snorting, clearing nostrils, elbows
sliding over back of torso, snotty fingers gathering whore's penis,
balls, lifting organs rolled, stretched, smoothed beneath finger-nails,
eyes scrutinizing veins, capillaries, pores, moistened nails scraping
-at dirt --- {\slash} Wazzag scrutinizing naked limbs of women dozing ; club-
+at dirt {\dashslash} Wazzag scrutinizing naked limbs of women dozing ; club-
foot's member grafting into arse of red bitch ; sandy tufts of tail
whipping loin of youth, fat of slumped buttocks of blond, brushing
over frizzy worker's thigh hugged in jeans ; frizzy worker thrusting
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ bottom of throat, aspiring perfume, engorged throat vomiting on
vomit ; teeth nibbling solid emissions, gluey lips rolled back.
adhering to neck of frizzy worker, slapping over rippling muscles ---
last filament oozing from frizzy worker's glans pressed into club-
-foot's arse --- ; with one flick of thumb, frizzy worker pulling glans
+foot's arse {\dashsemi} with one flick of thumb, frizzy worker pulling glans
of club-foot away from arse of bitch, squeezing member in fist.
twisting shaft, lifting left leg --- member, balls, stretched ---.
thrusting leg into flank of bitch ; club-foot rolling member of blond
@@ -696,17 +696,17 @@ springing forth ; replete, jumping over trellis, slipping between
bodies, breathing sweat of women, sprawling beside heads joined.
keeping one eye fixed on sexual cluster of blindfold youth ---
distant, veiled, quick, by convulsive sandy hand of frizzy worker
-again buggering arse ---, dropping down drowsy onto shaded sand :
-blond aspiring frizzy worker's jerky breath, sigh of orgasm.
-% 120
+again buggering arse {\dashcom} dropping down drowsy onto shaded sand :
+blond aspiring frizzy worker's jerky breath, sigh of orgasm,
ejaculation at acute expulsion of filaments ; club-foot, torso
seething, dropping onto knees ; blond collapsing over frizzy worker
uncoupled ; club-foot sliding neck out from between swinging legs,
unyoking, arising, limping over to body of Wazzag, shaking bagged
-head : dark worker, releasing Wazzag's sexual cluster, grabbing
+head ; dark worker, releasing Wazzag's sexual cluster, grabbing
empty leg of shorts, pulling at head of club-foot, kissing mouth,
pushing bagged head backwards --- behind, over nape, empty leg of
-short hanging ---, grabbing Wazzag by hair, bagging head in empty
+short hanging {\dashcom} grabbing Wazzag by hair, bagging head in empty
leg, down to edge of upper lip ; two whores crouching, back to back,
moving over sand, heavy rumps rubbing together, jamming arse to
arse, wrists flailing before mouths, saliva frothing at corners of
@@ -726,41 +726,41 @@ foot bowing head, Wazzag throwing head back, club-foot advancing,
Wazzag reversing, Wazzag squeezing blond worker's feet pressed
against belly, club-foot pressing feet of frizzy worker onto hips ;
heels of blond rolling around Wazzag's member, heels of frizzy
-Worker digging into club-foot's loins ; two drillers, dragged over
-Sand, spreading thighs ; sand packed into armpits ; dark worker
+worker digging into club-foot's loins ; two drillers, dragged over
+sand, spreading thighs ; sand packed into armpits ; dark worker
holding shaved worker's shoulders, buttocks, pushing body
backwards onto sand, behind frizzy worker dragged forwards. sliding
feet of former under armpits of latter ; frizzy worker pressing arms
-Over tarsus ; dark driller straddling blond, crouching, impaling arse
+over tarsus ; dark driller straddling blond, crouching, impaling arse
--- jeans pulled down to knees --- onto penis erect with violet blood
-% 121
-of naked worker, falling backwards onto wealed trunk, slapping feet
+of naked worker, falling backwards onto \hmm{wealed} trunk, slapping feet
onto Wazzag's thighs, searching for pectineus with flat of heel,
-pressing ; Wazzag stirring ; sweaty wrists pulling at feet of blond :
+pressing ; Wazzag stirring ; sweaty wrists pulling at feet of blond ;
club-foot leaning forward, arching loins ; frizzy worker flinging sand
over youth's raised rump ; slumping bodies sliding in sand ; arms of
blond worker, balls tickled by burning sand, squeezing torso of dark
worker, arching loins, stiffening legs --- foot hardening in Wazzag's
-fist ; dark worker shifting buttocks : in arse, member of blond,
+fist ; dark worker shifting buttocks {\col} in arse, member of blond,
nipped, swelling afresh, held snug, expelling rest of jissom aroused
under fingers, between lips of club-foot ; shaved worker, feet caught
under frizzy worker's armpits, again dozing, cheek sliding over sand
cooled by shadow of harnessed whores ; buttocks of club-foot
fuming, sweaty ; frizzy worker sucking big toe of shaved worker,
through espadrille toughened by heat ; whores dragging body
-around tamarisk ; alongside pink pisé crumbling ; bodies carted
+around tamarisk ; alongside pink pis\'{e} crumbling ; bodies carted
sliding in sand charged with jissom, with shit --- dried, fresh ; in
shadow thrown by cage of rabbits throbbing sweaty, members
-stirring, blooming, pubis inflamed : fire, piercing film of jissom.
+stirring, blooming, pubis inflamed {\col} fire, piercing film of jissom.
beating into shaft, glans fuming ; grime flowing over Wazzag's body.
in sweat, oozing from between eyelids of club-foot level with hem
binding upper lip, flowing along fold of cheek, dripping over chin ;
-tings of grime : dust, shit, jissom, blood, melting around Wazzag's
+rings of grime {\col} dust, shit, jissom, blood, melting around Wazzag's
glans ; frizzy worker's tongue emerging from mouth, steaming.
plastered cool onto incandescent cheek ; tufted ringlets at top of
Wazzag's hair, waving out of leg of shorts, glimmering ; sweat of
fingers moistening silky cloth of stretched shorts, in fibroid patches
-; Club-foot, bowed down tugging, sweating from scalp ; pus of
+; club-foot, bowed down tugging, sweating from scalp ; pus of
abscesses bridled over occiput, cloth transpierced, scintillating :
sweat of croup streaming over coccyx, blond worker's member.
running dry, retracting in dark worker's arse ; member of dark
@@ -768,25 +768,25 @@ worker, softened, sticking, arched over bottom hem of fly, onto seam
of crotch ; frizzy worker, torso stripped bare by sliding over sand.
jeans pulled back up to navel, opened, annealed penis rolled back
onto flap of fly, perspiring armpits pressing feet of shaved worker ---
-% 122
fire closing mouth half-opened in sleep, glans dried in nauseous fits
; Wazzag's member, concealed head fuming, darting rigid, shadow
entering mouth of dark worker, falling towards corner of lips of
-blond : glans twinkling, chops scintillating, pubic fleece opening
+blond {\col} glans twinkling, chops scintillating, pubic fleece opening
stretched ; club-foot, heavy arched member bouncing back with
extension of legs, articulated from slumping pubis ; shadow of
inclined torso covering member, blood blooming in glans thrust
forward out of shadow --- seething jissom shining through rosy
membrane ; whores halting bodies before entrance to passage :
whore-master returned downstairs, crouching, touching dozing
-bodies, palpating pectineus, sliding thumb under arch of drooping
+bodies, palpating \define{pectineus}, sliding thumb under arch of drooping
penis, pressing penis back against bottom of belly, groping at gluey
-balls, at groin --- powdered jissom running in fold ---. arising,
+balls, at groin --- powdered jissom running in fold {\dashcom} arising,
pointing Wazzag's head towards trellis, wiping fingers on club-foot's
buttocks ; whores turning, sniffing back snot spread under cloth,
from grimy nostrils down to rim of upper lips, moving forward,
purring modulated under heated cloth, raucous under sweaty skin of
-neck ; feet touching trellis : unyoking, throwing back bagged heads,
+neck ; feet touching trellis {\col} unyoking, throwing back bagged heads,
seeing disc of fire through damp cloth, swallowing air wafting filtered
through balmy branches ; whore-master tugging at cloth binding
heads, tossing shorts onto blond driller's belly ; Wazzag grabbing
@@ -794,29 +794,29 @@ shoulders of blond, hitching body up onto trellis : whore-master
rummaging in shorts, throwing shorts back onto throat of blond,
lifting driller's head, pulling smooth-lobed ears out from beneath
blond ringlets, folding back lobes, sliding fingers around neck,
-Searching over rest of body : armpits, mouth, sexual cluster. arse,
+searching over rest of body {\col} armpits, mouth, sexual cluster. arse,
toes ; fingers groping up over belly, tearing off bandaged wad : with
movements of respiration, encrusted wound expelling drops of ochre
blood : Wazzag slapping hand over rectangle of immaculate flesh ;
whore-master striking hand ; bandage clenched in fist, master tipping
blond body over trellis ; Wazzag hitching shaved worker up. whore-
-Master rummaging in jeans, pulling out gluey coins, rummaging in
+master rummaging in jeans, pulling out gluey coins, rummaging in
denim jacket, taking lighter, wrapping all in bandage, tipping body
-Over onto body of blond ; Wazzag hitching dark worker up : whore-
-% 123
+over onto body of blond ; Wazzag hitching dark worker up : whore-
master removing sun-glasses, propping glasses on own nose,
unwrapping bandage, sticking plaster against own belly, stuffing
coins, lighter, into open side of bandage, pushing body over onto
crossed bodies of shaved worker, blond worker ; Wazzag hitching up
frizzy driller, violet eyes veiled rolling back, whore-master pulling.
-from sticky pockets : coins, handkerchief, sugar-lump, dirty pants,
+from sticky pockets {\col} coins, handkerchief, sugar-lump, dirty pants,
English brochure with nude photos, packing all under bandage ;
tipping lumpish young body over trellis ; club-foot sidling away,
whore-master grabbing member, drawing youth close, kneeling,
sliding fingers under rigid penis, finger-nail scraping at charred
pubic fleece ; thumb delving into arse, contracted ; standing, both
-hands palpating loins, belly, torso, arms, opened hands, throat, jaw.
-wrenching teeth apart, grasping rosy tongue --- thick, pitted ---.
+hands palpating loins, belly, torso, arms, opened hands, throat, jaw,
+wrenching teeth apart, grasping rosy tongue --- thick, pitted {\dashcom}
pulling at tongue, tapping teeth, sliding finger into jissomy gullet.
pulling slimy fist out of mouth, again seizing member, standing
behind body, palpating shoulders, arms, nape, massaging buttocks.
@@ -834,18 +834,18 @@ with blood, stuffing handkerchief into pocket under bandage.
shuffling, hand stroking skin, alongside leg, down to foot : removing
espadrille ; crouching down, buttocks creased by straw of mattress
touching sand, slipping annealed espadrille onto own foot ; arising.
-again straddling trellis : Wazzag, shadow of pimp shading legs.
+again straddling trellis {\col} Wazzag, shadow of pimp shading legs.
raising arms, opening mouth, spreading thighs ; bent forward, loins
-arched, spreading buttocks ; swinging head : ear-rings, coral ringing
+arched, spreading buttocks ; swinging head {\col} ear-rings, coral ringing
shining, shaking free, out of greasy ringlets ; whore-master sliding
-% 124
same sticky hand between lips, under armpits, under open palms,
under sexual cluster, between buttocks, again feeling teeth between
dried lips of whore ; two whores crouching in sand beside trellis :
members --- re-hardened rigid at sounds of women stirring, clothes
rustling, aroused by passage of whore-master's body embalmed
-intact ---, spurring sand cooled by shadow of bodies ; whore-master,
-beyond trellis, climbing up low dune : on sandy slope, sharp
+intact {\dashcom} spurring sand cooled by shadow of bodies ; whore-master,
+beyond trellis, climbing up low dune {\col} on sandy slope, sharp
branches haif-shading bodies, curly-haired worker, penis pinched in
vulva of shaved girl half-buried in sand by movement, by heavy
heaving, ejaculating, fingers gripping prismatic skull, kissing scalp
@@ -854,26 +854,26 @@ fingers into back pocket of jeans, against --- through stretched
heated denim --- effervescent arse sweating, pulling out tattered
banknote, folding, wrapping note in shaved worker's bloody
handkerchief ; hand, slipped under worker's groin --- hip of shaved
-girl pressing palm ---,, delving, in streaming sweat, into front pocket
+girl pressing palm {\dashcom} delving, in streaming sweat, into front pocket
of jeans ; against phalange, through slimy cloth, beaten member
-heating, vibrating : fingers pinching second note patched with Band-
-Aid. pulling sticky pay-slip against girl's hip ; pimp taking, tucking
+heating, vibrating \col fingers pinching second note patched with Band-
+Aid\textregistered, pulling sticky pay-slip against girl's hip ; pimp taking, tucking
banknote under bandage, stuffing pay-slip into pocket, pulling slip
back out, unfolding, scrutinizing figures, letters, arising, climbing
-back up dune, pay-slip clasped in fingers : his shadow, his perfume,
-arousing hearts of women : thighs spreading, under cloth of robes ;
+back up dune, pay-slip clasped in fingers {\col} his shadow, his perfume,
+arousing hearts of women {\col} thighs spreading, under cloth of robes ;
whore-master stepping over trellis ; bent over Wazzag, sticking pay-
slip onto jissom-smeared neck ; whore rising up on bruised heels,
throwing head sideways, scrutinizing pay-slip level with cheek, rolled
around neck held horizontal ; whore-master stepping over white body
of club-foot fallen back onto sand, bloody nausea swelling mouth
burnt under film of jissom by blue fire, master bowing nape under
-shadow of passage : square croup fading into penumbra powdered
+shadow of passage {\col} square croup fading into penumbra powdered
With saltpetre, undulating, massaged by fingers pulled out of cotton-
lined pouch containing workers' coins, slimy from soiled pants of
frizzy driller ; Wazzag, revolving around tamarisk, kissing --- seam of
lips annealed by kisses --- pay-slip rolled onto finger ; rolling slip
-% 125
around rigid shaft of member, around base, around glans ; lifting slip
in front of eyes ; limpid, hard, eyes scrutinizing letters, figures, signs
in red, fingers following inscriptions, stroking, following lines,
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ curves, jumping from dot to dot, from dot to comma, from hyphen to
cipher, from cipher to letter, from capital to small, from cipher to dot
; foot trampling over cheek of club-foot ; rolling pay-slip around
jissomy neck, pressing thumb against paper, swallowing saliva ---
-slip waving, brushing over platysma ---, bowing head : folds of flesh
+slip waving, brushing over platysma {\dashcom} bowing head {\col} folds of flesh
tolling over sticky slip ; club-foot, knees raised, letting crushed thigh
open out slow, wiping away jissom drying over eyelashes, snorting
jissom out of nostrils ; fresh stench of Wazzag's body, limbs
@@ -897,27 +897,27 @@ powder in layer near surface ; squatting, mixture of jissom, sweat.
blood, streaming out of arse opened between smooth sides of
buttocks, scorching membrane ; one hand thrust over croup, scraping
slit of arse, moaning ; sweat, run down from roots of ringlets over
-forehead, stinging eyes, wrinkles rolling ; Wazzag arising : folds of
+forehead, stinging eyes, wrinkles rolling ; Wazzag arising {\col} folds of
groin opening, slimy member catching dust ; pay-slip quivering over
breast ; club-foot, on horny knees, loins arched, farting beneath
-fiery rays, crawling towards tamarisk, rubbing itchy arse, spread
+fiery rays, crawling towards \define{tamarisk}, rubbing itchy arse, spread
open, against trunk ; Wazzag emerging from shed, chin pinning pay-
slip onto throat, licking paper ; hot mixture oozing from arse down
along legs ; beyond trellis, heaped bodies of drillers --- women
-again slumping back drowsy, bitch licking scalps --- fuming ; {\slash}{\slash}{\slash}{\slash} blue
-gangas flying up under shepherd's feet, swirling in odour of
-abscesses hollowed by flint, beaks buzzing : nests palpitating
+again slumping back drowsy, bitch licking scalps --- fuming {\semifourslash}
+\define{gangas} flying up under shepherd's feet, swirling in odour of
+abscesses hollowed by flint, beaks buzzing {\col} nests palpitating
beneath acheb ; water-logged down of breasts skimming over
-% 126
shepherd's hams ; sand mixing with laterite, pink under levelling fire
-; far off, grassy backwash frothing yellow : two white camels grazing,
+; far off, grassy backwash frothing yellow {\col} two white camels grazing,
males female, violet flanks plastered with human excreta ; close by,
under shelter of skins mounted on two thorny poles, a woman,
young, epidermis ochre-mauve wrapped in violet cloth --- fire
-drinking last traces of perfume ---, sleeping, baby dozing tucked into
+drinking last traces of perfume {\dashcom} sleeping, baby dozing tucked into
hollow of bare armpit ; hair uncovered, mixed with sand, greasy,
blue, woman breathing inside robe reinforced over breasts with
-rectangles of sackcloth sewn with black goat-hair : behind two
+rectangles of sackcloth sewn with black goat-hair {\col} behind two
camels, five black goats browsing ; on tent-skin, a monkey, slender,
bluish-black, white patches under throat, inside legs, around arse,
gnawing at wart-hog's trotter poking from sand, hot leather heating
@@ -926,14 +926,14 @@ baby's flank, hand holding bottle of white grease stopped with green
grass bung ; pearly spittle buzzing at corner of baby's lips ; nomad
walking, distant ; shepherd holding reins of mehoui ; fist pressing
into intestines, churning charged with jissom, scales, claws ; nomad's
-head, swinging, turning towards youth : cheeks holding back sugar
+head, swinging, turning towards youth {\col} cheeks holding back sugar
in dry pockets ; eyes shining, golden, between flaps of bluish veil,
hips spurring robe embalmed by thorn-bushes blooming ; laughter
Projecting foam onto veil ; young nomad rushing at shepherd, kissing
mouth swollen in heat, hugging youth sweating under rags, teeth
-exposed under blubber lip scratching at neck itchy under haik,
+exposed under blubber lip scratching at neck itchy under ha\"{\i}k,
pulling rein from hand, tying around wrist, feet trampling grassy
-ground sprinkled with debris of ganga-eggs, with snails, springing
+ground sprinkled with debris of \define{ganga-eggs}, with snails, springing
forth, hands holding cloth over hips --- akli crouching, placing lips,
cracked fist, onto patch of ground trampled by feet of master,
gulping, lapping up shells, debris, from salty lawn ---, running
@@ -942,8 +942,8 @@ bouncing out of turban, biue robe shaken over legs ; standing still,
foot pressed into burning sand, at edge of border ; slow, light, with
breath, muscles, held back, advancing towards shelter ; monkey,
dropping wart-hog trotter, jumping down beside skin roof, tapping
-woman's bare arm : baby, face brushed by monkey's tufted tail,
-% 127
+woman's bare arm {\col} baby, face brushed by monkey's tufted tail,
waking, crying ; woman, breasts swelling sackcloth rectangles,
standing, pushing back monkey ; nomad's member spurring robe :
veiled head turning aside ; woman rising, sand, straw, running down
@@ -957,28 +957,28 @@ of blades of grass reviving green, woman's shadow touching
nomad's foot ; grass, cloth, rippling under embalmed zephyr ; sex
organs blooming under billowing cloth ; monkey pursuing swirl of
sand spinning out from behind grassy border ; woman approaching.
-tipping spout against palm of hand : drop of grease filtering through
+tipping spout against palm of hand {\col} drop of grease filtering through
compressed grass stopper, spreading over palm ; woman lifting
upturned hand towards nomad's mouth ; baby crawling forwards on
knees, on fists, hand gripping neck of small shriveled guerba :
-nomad turning head aside : smile pushing veil down over lips :
+nomad turning head aside {\col} smile pushing veil down over lips :
woman pressing thumb down onto stopper, wiping thumb, quick,
greased, over boy's lips --- ochre lined with mauve ; nomad holding
lips spread back ; woman pressing, keeping thumb pressed against
lower lip ; nomad, swallowing sugary spittle --- drops foaming over
-lower gums, wetting finger ---, closing lips around thumb ; baby
+lower gums, wetting finger {\dashcom} closing lips around thumb ; baby
placing guerba at nomad's feet ; nomad kissing, sucking thumb, baby
-sucking at smooth heel : woman, bending down to pick up guerba,
+sucking at smooth heel {\col} woman, bending down to pick up guerba,
lifting shrivelled bag up along bodies feverish with pressure of
blood, juices, seed ; nomad nibbling woman's thumb, traces of milk
turning sour under nail ; thighs spreading under dress ; hands
-covering woman's breast drooping over creased rectangle ; guerba.
+covering woman's breast drooping over creased rectangle ; guerba,
hardened, angular, caught between breasts, softening in panting
breaths ; nomad's lips slapping over woman's phalange, back of
hand, of wrist, of forearm, inside fold of elbow ; member hardening
in jerks, hollowing pubis beaten stiff by walking ; other arm, slipped
-Over croup, hugging woman, lifting lips from fold of elbow, up to
-% 128
+over croup, hugging woman, lifting lips from fold of elbow, up to
woman's cheeks ; woman, thighs spreading, sand running from pubic
fleece opened out by swelling of vulva, pushing back baby with foot,
tickling nomad's heel, ankle, pressing bottle clenched in fist against
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ cool mouth ; monkey dancing beside swirl of laterite ; fingers of
nomad kneading over woman's croup, cloth moistened by zephyr
embalming sweaty patches perspired in sleep ; tongue gathering
lump of date-flesh from inside woman's cheek, curling back towards
-own lips, into own mouth, swallowing : smile closing woman's lips
+own lips, into own mouth, swallowing {\col} smile closing woman's lips
over boy's lips rolled back, bringing cheeks together ; zephyr bathing
legs under robes ; snot susurrating in nostrils, in boy's throat ; cough
raising torso, lung burning, boy turning lips aside, spitting --- level
@@ -997,15 +997,15 @@ puffing out robe ; woman leading boy towards shelter ; woman's
rump shifting, square, under light loose robe, touching cloth with
swinging of hips ; boy, eye filling with tears, blood again scalding
lungs, caressing, tickling buttocks with long fingers lined mauve ;
-breast --- trembling, filled with milk ---, of woman, pressing, heating,
-one side of boy's chest : palm of free hand --- lips, shaken by
+breast --- trembling, filled with milk {\dashcol} of woman, pressing, heating,
+one side of boy's chest {\col} palm of free hand --- lips, shaken by
movement of walking, rubbing against woman's mouth --- covering
breast, smoothing nipple between fingers, pressing, holding breast
against burning side of chest, coughing, spitting drops of pink blood
onto grass ; baby, bluish tuft --- straggling over shaved occiput ---
caught in clump of razor-grass, crying, shit-caked buttocks raised,
mauve slit of arse half-open ; monkey thrusting hand into swirling
-Sand, covering mouth, springing forth, jumping beside baby,
+sand, covering mouth, springing forth, jumping beside baby,
disentangling tuft, slipping finger, tongue, into slit of arse --- smooth
sides glimmering in wetted fire ; boy, puffing out cheeks, kissing
mouth of woman leaning back against belly of female camel ;
@@ -1013,11 +1013,11 @@ hugging, drawing woman towards shelter ; rolling her backwards onto
flattened grass, marked with imprint of body dozing : powdered milk
in imprint of arm drawn away from torso, blurred by imprint of baby
Sleeping tucked into armpit ; woman, buttocks touching grass,
-% 129
contracting loins, cheeks, placing bottle on sand, standing up against
boy, pushing him back outside ; enlacing fingers of both hands with
those of nomad bent forward, letting her body fall back onto
-threshold of shelter : boy blocking their hands against ground,
+threshold of shelter {\col} boy blocking their hands against ground,
lowering body onto woman, rubbing chest --- fire fading --- against
bare breast, knee pushing robe up over thighs ; bottle twinkling,
brushed by grass, grease melting ; nomad moaning, penis, buried in
@@ -1033,57 +1033,57 @@ ground, shepherd crouching, scratching face, itchy neck, on sand.
camel straightening up, akli rising ; camel browsing, akli, bending
backwards, nibbling highest stalks ; camel lifting tail, draining bluish
urine, akli, against effervescent belly, raising thigh under rags.
-pissing ; crouching, knotted flute pinching knee : sliding flute out of
+pissing ; crouching, knotted flute pinching knee {\col} sliding flute out of
knot, lifting to lips ; nomad closing woman's eyes, pouring sand over
quivering lids ; milky breath of woman --- mouth open --- bathing
front of veiled face ; panting breath moistening, soiling blood-
-spattered veil ; shepherd sucking flute, blowing : moistened, crusts
+spattered veil ; shepherd sucking flute, blowing {\col} moistened, crusts
of Hamza's jissom hardening timbre ; slime frothing in holes ; throat
swollen, wrinkles smoothing, veinlets standing out, crackling
between enlarged pores ; sweat oozing at heels ; crusts of jissom
cracking in contracted nostrils ; film of soldier's jissom covering
-bottom of face beaten violaceous, glimmering, liquefied by sweat :
+bottom of face beaten \define{violaceous}, glimmering, liquefied by sweat :
strident, member stiffening raising rag, flute buzzing, spitting :
nomad, lips sucking at woman's gums imbibed with milk, heaving :
torso pitching into bared breasts ; raucous cough shaking pubis.
-Pressing retracted penis into vagina, lungs burning, throat expelling
-clot of jissom enrobed in salty blood ; lips spitting clot, haik raised.
-% 130
-over woman's head : clot catching on curled ringlets interspersed
+pressing retracted penis into vagina, lungs burning, throat expelling
+clot of jissom enrobed in salty blood ; lips spitting clot, ha\"{\i}k raised.
+over woman's head {\col} clot catching on curled ringlets interspersed
between bands of straight hair ; eyelids throbbing under sand ;
nomad picking up fistful of sand, smoothing soiled ringlets in fist
closed over sand ; glans touching depths of vagina ; sweat sticking
to back, to coccyx, robe rolled up over tightened hams ; monkey
-dragging guerba around shelter, untying neck of bottle, sliding
+dragging \define{guerba} around shelter, untying neck of bottle, sliding
member into opening ; foot trampling patch of earth smoking strewn
with violet embers from hearth --- trodden down all around by heels,
-by toes smeared with henna, of woman, of baby ---, holding back
+by toes smeared with henna, of woman, of baby {\dashcom} holding back
urine in bladder, pulling member out from neck of guerba, tossing,
tying bottle over shoulders, falling backwards beside baby again
dozing slumped against other side of shelter, zephyr skimming over
pubescent scalp ; spurts throwing nomad, fists pressed into ground,
onto woman ; moaning, lips soiled, swollen, buzzing over woman's
-nostrils ; whistle fading, tremulous : shepherd's spittle running out
+nostrils ; whistle fading, tremulous {\col} shepherd's spittle running out
of flute, hanging stretched down right to ground ; camel turning ;
shepherd, right hand held in rein pulled by camel's head, other hand
seizing flute, bending down, rolling whole filament around pipe ;
camel, turning neck away quick, muzzle striking shepherd's head ;
thrown off balance, rein drawn tight around wrist, akli sprawling ;
-elbow, twisted : fractured ; flute rolling on ground ; shepherd,
+elbow, twisted {\col} fractured ; flute rolling on ground ; shepherd,
grabbing rein in free hand, standing, moaning, spittle running pink
between lips ; placing wounded wrist in able hand, raising hand to
mouth, licking wrist, forearm, elbow heated by fracture, with cool flat
-Surface of pitted tongue ; camel advancing, akli lifting two fists
+surface of pitted tongue ; camel advancing, akli lifting two fists
before face, camel trotting, swinging towards patch of turf revived
green under zephyr, akli hooking able hand into knot of rein under
-tuffled neck, suspending fractured arm from neck with rein, trotting
+ruffled neck, suspending fractured arm from neck with rein, trotting
beside camel ; head raised, camel roaring, trotting with belly
bouncing, slaver shaken under muzzle ; woman hugging nomad's
-Veiled head against face ; fingers sliding into folds of haik, touching
+veiled head against face ; fingers sliding into folds of ha\"{\i}k, touching
lips, nostrils, cheeks, loosened jaw, ear-lobes ; under her fingers.
-Smile creasing cheeks, taut skin dilating, softening, pubescent
+smile creasing cheeks, taut skin dilating, softening, pubescent
towards ear ; fingers, sliding into neckline of djellaba tickling
-% 131
nipples, young torso exuding sweat at centre, heated by burning of
lung, sweat spreading over finger-nails, in acid droplets ; fingers,
palm, covering armpits, clavicles, vertebrae rippling under silky skin
@@ -1099,26 +1099,26 @@ jissom itching at glans ; breasts pulled outside robe, heavy, humid,
spots of dried milk melting in sweat on teats, stuffed effervescent
against boy's throat ; woman arching loins, spreading thighs, flat
side of wrist bringing boy's balls against vagina, rolling balls in fold
-of groin; scent of leather, wafted down by zephyr, embalming shiny
-muzzies ; woman moaning, frizzy curls of hair sticking in sweat on
+of groin ; scent of leather, wafted down by zephyr, embalming shiny
+muzzles ; woman moaning, frizzy curls of hair sticking in sweat on
neck, unveiling nomad's face, elbows propped on sand, rolling back
-haik to forehead, sliding thumb between strips of supple blue hair
+ha\"{\i}k to forehead, sliding thumb between strips of supple blue hair
sweating, rooted at top of forehead, covering whole of face with
flattened palm of dry hand softened by tickling youth's tender
cuticle, wiping boy's nostrils, cleaning snotty fingers on sand, on hip
hugged in cloth ; sour cough pricking glans, duct of shaft, expelling
-jerky series of bloody clots from nomad's throat, into mouth : held
+jerky series of bloody clots from nomad's throat, into mouth {\col} held
back in cheeks ; rolling head to one side, moaning, tears drowning
-mauve iris, spitting clots onto turf : sand soaking up clots, stalks.
+mauve iris, spitting clots onto turf {\col} sand soaking up clots, stalks.
moistened, reviving green ; nomad bringing lightened head in front
-of woman's sunny face : tip of woman's tongue forcing lips, teeth of
+of woman's sunny face {\col} tip of woman's tongue forcing lips, teeth of
boy, licking inside of cheeks, gums, tongue ; boy choking ; woman
-digging hand under boy's buttock's, kneading, through cloth, balls
+digging hand under boy's buttocks, kneading, through cloth, balls
settled against sand, squeezed in embroidered opening of cloth.
lifting balls back against throbbing plug of penis, vulva, sealed under
tangled ringlets, back of fist digging into pubis of boy, touching.
pinching, tickling gluey base of penis shaken by jissom drawn out of
-% 132
pubis ; jissom flowing into penis caught in cunt ; woman withdrawing
hand, carrying fingers, covered with curls, to boy's lips, rubbing
trembling fingers over cheeks ; jissom pushed back out of upturned
@@ -1135,30 +1135,30 @@ sweaty ; monkey's member, slipped between baby's buttocks,
hardening, sharpening ; heaving, monkey writhing, scrutinizing
stratosphere --- to soften member ; wrapping buttocks around
embedded shaft, fondling root, stroking baby's bare nape, grasping
-fists flailing in sand, kissing hands : member, sharpened, touching
-baby's arse ; baby arching loins ; sigh from woman : monkey's
-forehead quivering, baby pressing opened hands over ears : monkey
+fists flailing in sand, kissing hands {\col} member, sharpened, touching
+baby's arse ; baby arching loins ; sigh from woman {\col} monkey's
+forehead quivering, baby pressing opened hands over ears ; monkey
withdrawing ejaculating member, straddling buttocks, springing up,
squeezing member in fist ; baby sitting up, rolling splashed buttocks
-in sand, crawling towards shelter : monkey, sprawled over stretched
+in sand, crawling towards shelter {\col} monkey, sprawled over stretched
skin, finishing orgasm, bitter scent falling over two heads pressed
together, hair untied mixing in mouths, rustling on sand ; akli,
sprawled beside camel kneeling on turf, licking fractured arm ; blood
blackening in fold of elbow ; paralysed wrist, heating ; placing
wounded arm on knees, pressing fingers of able hand into hair,
-Scratching patches of scabies on skull with edge of nail, pulling
+scratching patches of scabies on skull with edge of nail, pulling
fingers out of sweaty hair, holding drop of foam at middle of half-
-Open lips, pressing pale head against neck of mehari, slowing
-tespiration against accelerated heart-beats, rolling head against
-Shit- caked coat ; sweat cooling over knees spread, softened penis
+open lips, pressing pale head against neck of \define{mehari}, slowing
+respiration against accelerated heart-beats, rolling head against
+shit-caked coat ; sweat cooling over knees spread, softened penis
trailing on sand, under rag dampened with urine, with cold sweat ;
-amel rubbing top of neck onto shepherd's scalp : mash of grass. of
-% 133
+camel rubbing top of neck onto shepherd's scalp {\col} mash of grass, of
pink sand, oozing out of clenched jaw ; akli, abscesses chafed,
shuddering ; lifted away from torso, from refrigerated body, fractured
arm throbbing, swelling, nerves, muscles, contracting ; akli lifting
arm, able hand held flat, up beneath right ear of head tipped
-sideways : arm prickling effervescent, forcing shoulder ; baby,
+sideways {\col} arm prickling effervescent, forcing shoulder ; baby,
kneeling under shelter, between legs of monkey, stroking monkey's
humid eyes ; monkey closing knees ; baby, turned with back against
monkey's chest, sitting on gluey member, rubbing back onto chest,
@@ -1183,18 +1183,18 @@ breasts, onto hips ; hands wrapped together, rolling her robe up to
neck ; boy, penis bouncing back touching woman's swollen belly.
stepping aside ; woman, squeezing wrists between fingers, back of
hand lifting robe, gathered at neckline, over head, tossing robe, onto
-roof, on top of boy's djellaba ; boy's turban untied tumbling over
-chest, gathering on erect penis pulled down by weight of cloth :
+roof, on top of boy's \define{djellaba} ; boy's turban untied tumbling over
+chest, gathering on erect penis pulled down by weight of cloth ;
woman, hugging boy shuddering, arm wrapped around back, hand on
-Coccyx, flicking away bunched cloth with raised knee, standing on
-toes, again impaling body on hardened penis : nomad moaning.
-% 134
-pulling back : penis proliferating, tucked inside cunt ; body
+coccyx, flicking away bunched cloth with raised knee, standing on
+toes, again impaling body on hardened penis {\col} nomad moaning,
+pulling back {\col} penis proliferating, tucked inside cunt ; body
buttressed, root of member stretched, covering, fondling breasts,
letting spittle run from lips over right breast pressed in woman's
palm, lifted towards lips of boy's head inclined ; sweaty body
-heaving. lips sucking : muscles, menses, working over engulfed
-penis, teeth teasing grimy teat : jissom, milk, squirting ; monkey in
+heaving, lips sucking {\col} muscles, menses, working over engulfed
+penis, teeth teasing grimy teat {\col} jissom, milk, squirting ; monkey in
orgasm, baby, side by side, rolling in sand ; shepherd vomiting blood
over camel's neck ; woman's hand palpating, kneading sweaty
buttocks, boy lifting lips from breast, raising milk-filled mouth
@@ -1203,8 +1203,8 @@ jissom --- driven back inert towards hollow of pubis --- into shaft,
boy, milk swallowed, biting greasy mouth of woman ; bitter milk
circulating tepid, calming feverish torso ; panting breath shifting
curly hairs of woman stuck inside boy's mouth ; breasts, shaken by
-tush of milk, trembling against upper chest ; back of hand lifting
-fight breast towards chin, rolling breast against sweating throat :
+rush of milk, trembling against upper chest ; back of hand lifting
+right breast towards chin, rolling breast against sweating throat :
turban unravelling --- jerking with kisses, with undulation of wrinkles
on forehead --- down over face, sliding down, blinding sweaty eyes,
rubbing raw lining of lips rolled back --- whole of sweaty body
@@ -1213,19 +1213,19 @@ balls, suspended beneath woman's clitoris, exuding sweat mixed with
jissom, with pink blood ; penis heating, woman throwing arms around
boy's neck, squeezing neck in joints of elbows, hitching up onto
toes, hanging, knees raised, around neck of boy staggering,
-Spreading thighs, forcing boy's pubis with hard swollen pelvis
+spreading thighs, forcing boy's pubis with hard swollen pelvis
jerking, lifting knees, crossing feet over sweaty back of boy's
hardened hams ; heels rubbing palets detached from fascicle of
muscles, of contracted nerves ; boy, tottering, crossing long hands
under woman's buttocks --- threads of jissom, of seed drawn out
over fat --- lifting, heaving ; woman kissing, licking, nibbling boy's
-Nape under flap of turban flopping, sliding over her fingers entwined
+nape under flap of turban flopping, sliding over her fingers entwined
around neck, sliding down along croup, cool underneath, amassing,
--- moistened, dotted with small holes pierced by blood, by pus of
-boils on occiput, at top of forehead, on temples ---, over woman's
-% 135
+boils on occiput, at top of forehead, on temples {\dashcom} over woman's
feet crossed contracted ; boy, one side of head fondled, one side
-tubbed : forehead, temples, ears, cheeks, jaw, of woman's head,
+rubbed {\col} forehead, temples, ears, cheeks, jaw, of woman's head,
panting, thrown forward with thrusting of pubis, flung back --- pubis
withdrawn gluey ; under armpit opened with stretching of arms, blue
hair, smoothed back by sweat, bristling, curling ; dry farts from boy's
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ slimy arse rippling over woman's knees joined ; zephyr skimming,
bathing, enveloping both rumps ; muscles standing out along boy's
outstretched arms ; in folds, sweat exuded, rusty ; baby, underneath
camel, pushing back --- with elbow, belly, foot, forehead --- monkey
-Pressing close, feverish, holding ejaculating member between furry
+pressing close, feverish, holding ejaculating member between furry
fingers ; baby spitting, fist striking member ; free fist scratching,
scraping at slit of arse flooded with bitter seed ; monkey, thrusting
loins, jumping onto baby's shoulders, clenching feet, tottering.
@@ -1245,8 +1245,8 @@ member ; monkey fondling forehead, pressing --- eyes roving ---
root of member, pushing semen up towards glans, cupping hand
beneath member, fondling cheek sucking ; semen filling cheek.
flowing out over tongue ; baby, semen swallowed, biting member,
-spitting, crying, flesh of member transpierced by new teeth, saliva
-mixed with semen ; monkey, nails scratching at baby's lips, yelping :
+spitting, crying, flesh of member \define{transpierced} by new teeth, saliva
+mixed with semen ; monkey, nails scratching at baby's lips, yelping ;
baby shaking shoulders, dropping member, swallowing, kneeling on
spattered turf ; monkey springing forth, one lightened hand holding
grazed member, trotting, bounding, sliding, slipping between high
@@ -1256,13 +1256,13 @@ under rag, inert fractured arm, blackened on both sides of elbow.
barring bloodless face ; monkey snuggling between thighs of akli.
settling furry haunches over cold pubis, grimacing, wiping member
on rag covering sexual cluster, placing member in fold of groin.
-Pressing knees together, slapping hands --- wrists crossed --- over
+pressing knees together, slapping hands --- wrists crossed --- over
shoulders, twitching, darting hand onto rein coiled in trampled grass.
-% 136
taking, lifting rein to lips, nibbling, chewing --- feverish, arse
-palpitating against pubis in core of haunches ---, other hand
+palpitating against pubis in core of haunches {\dashcom} other hand
fondling shepherd's hip through putrid rag ; rein, gnawed, giving way
-: camel flinging head to one side, sprawling back onto sand, rolling,
+{\col} camel flinging head to one side, sprawling back onto sand, rolling,
rubbing flank on ground ; monkey wetting finger at lip, holding finger
up in zephyr ; rising, crouching beside akli, peeling back. smoothing
out tangled rags tucked around body, spreading rags over top of
@@ -1270,9 +1270,9 @@ body, packing them alongside, lifting fractured arm, Pulling, tussling,
arranging arm on belly, covering it --- blackened, leaden --- with rag
pulled out of neckline of lambskin jerkin, kneeling, both hands
opened pushing sand back towards body, snatching blades, tufts,
-plumes, stalks, heaping all against ridge rising between troughs :
+plumes, stalks, heaping all against ridge rising between troughs ;
pushing pink sand between akli's thighs, covering drooping sexual
-cluster throbbing through sand --- soaking sand with cold sweat ---,
+cluster throbbing through sand --- soaking sand with cold sweat {\dashcom}
drawing back, digging at sand around, underneath heels, covering
raw feet, scorched to very bone on incandescent pebbles embedded
in sand trampled ; crouching beside akli's head, fingers darting into
@@ -1280,30 +1280,30 @@ crinkled hair, pinching, lifting lice --- stuck to nail in blood --- onto
tongue ; swallowing ; scratching plaques of scabies spreading over
onto forehead ; whining, mouth open rasping, puffing hot breath
over livid face, pressing belly, at point of accelerated heart-beat,
-onto ovoid occiput ; zephyr fanning out scent from thorn-tree planted
+onto ovoid \define{occiput} ; zephyr fanning out scent from thorn-tree planted
before dune coiled swollen over steppe, perfume radiating stellated
towards troop of black goats encircling tree ; jissom discharged, boy
thrown off balance, legs collapsing --- muscles, nerves, relaxing.
-Pushing filaments back towards pubis ; kneeling, bones grinding, on
+pushing filaments back towards pubis ; kneeling, bones grinding, on
sand ; knees smooth, sanded, boy hugging woman, settling sweaty
haunches onto heels ; woman's buttocks pressed against his upper
thighs strained, urine secreting from bladder, stirring in duct of
-cockled penis ; woman's head rolling in jerks, face forward, against
+\define{cockled} penis ; woman's head rolling in jerks, face forward, against
boy's back, hair hanging down brushing over his coccyx ; insides of
-Woman's thighs rubbing at his hips ; boy raising haunches, lurching
+woman's thighs rubbing at his hips ; boy raising haunches, lurching
forward, pushing woman's croup back onto sand --- member,
-Withdrawn from cunt as far as glans, scintillating, crumpled, pores
-% 137
-itching under curls ---, swinging over, lips rolled back, saliva frothing
+withdrawn from cunt as far as glans, scintillating, crumpled, pores
+itching under curls {\dashcom} swinging over, lips rolled back, saliva frothing
over gums, on top of woman lying back ; cunt tugging at glans,
mouth fastening cross-ways onto smooth lips of woman, her heels,
joined, vibrating over heels perspiring, of boy ; boy amassing saliva
in cheeks, pouring, spitting into mouth surging with taste of
-prelusive seed, of juices, driven up by contractions from clitoris, from
+\define{prelusive} seed, of juices, driven up by contractions from clitoris, from
belly, into gullet ; boy rolling nostrils swollen with snot over woman's
teeth, plunging nostrils, cheek-bones, ears, chin, into mouth.
pressing all against snotty muzzle ; member sliding back into
-crackling cunt, pubis, again hardened, grinding, releasing, grinding
+\hmm{crackling cunt}, pubis, again hardened, grinding, releasing, grinding
bruised pelvis ; with surface of upper torso, spreading slimy swollen
breasts apart, jamming nipples under armpits, into curls --- sweat
streaming along hairs stiffened by stale sweat ; woman moaning,
@@ -1313,25 +1313,25 @@ frothing muzzle ; orgasm, flesh rubbed slapping wet, freeing.
through pores enlarged in slow shudder, aroma of body hot from
wandering under sun ; jissom, seed, dripping under clitoris ; grease
running back, settling in bottle cooled by zephyr ; boy's snot aspired
-into woman's nostrils, blown back by expiration into nostrils of boy.
-heating : ball of snot tickling nostril walls, boy, pulling one hand from
-under woman's croup, sliding thumb into nostril, pulling out ball.
-lifting hand, raising sticky finger, opening level with woman's muzzle.
-palpitating, scrutinizing : finger drying in zephyr, denuded hip,
+into woman's nostrils, blown back by expiration into nostrils of boy,
+heating {\col} ball of snot tickling nostril walls, boy, pulling one hand from
+under woman's croup, sliding thumb into nostril, pulling out ball,
+lifting hand, raising sticky finger, opening level with woman's muzzle,
+palpitating, scrutinizing {\col} finger drying in zephyr, denuded hip,
cheek, of swooning akli, level with crane ; whereupon, boy squashing
-thumb against top of rump : with enlarging of pores in final shudder
+thumb against top of rump {\col} with enlarging of pores in final shudder
of ejaculation, ball of snot sliding, dried, into slit of arse ; boy's
buttocks, shaken by shudder, glimmering, coppery, level with fire.
-curls of drooping sexual cluster mixing with blades of grass :
-vertebrae, ribs, rippling along boy's croup, exchanging perspiration
+curls of drooping sexual cluster mixing with blades of grass ;
+vertebrae, ribs, rippling along boy's \define{croup}, exchanging perspiration
; hair unravelled, oscillating over occiput, frayed, tight curls rolling in
spirals along smooth strands ; turban, crushed, heaped, sticky, one
flap caught between hips pressed together, piled on turf, against
-boy's flank ; bluish haik rolled between spreading breasts of woman.
-% 138
-sticking gluey ; boy nibbling, lifting haik, head raised, spitting cloth
+boy's flank ; bluish ha\"{\i}k rolled between spreading breasts of woman.
+sticking gluey ; boy nibbling, lifting ha\"{\i}k, head raised, spitting cloth
back over woman's muzzle ; tongue flicking, teeth pulling,
-straightening creases, smoothing haik over muzzle, kissing --- head
+straightening creases, smoothing ha\"{\i}k over muzzle, kissing --- head
lightened --- bridled mouth ; edge of finger-nail forcing closed
eyelids, cleaning out corner of sandy eye ; mouth lowered licking iris.
iris reviving ; contact contracting lips of cunt ; penis, bitten, blushing
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ up pubic curls, pulling, lips rolled back adhering to bottom of pubis,
to throat articulating balls onto duct of shaft ; boy, mouth fastened
to eyebrows, moaning, laughter bursting, lifting middle of body,
pulling penis out of cunt, raising top of body, fists pressed onto
-sand, filaments of spittle, of snot, stretching from mouth down to
-muzzle veiled in film of seed. of jissom, stretching from glans to
+sand, \define{filaments} of spittle, of snot, stretching from mouth down to
+muzzle veiled in film of seed, of jissom, stretching from glans to
cunt, boy bending loins --- woman's legs, relaxed, sliding to one
side, other side of boy's legs lifted ; foot kicking into gluey cunt.
other foot stiffened on ground away from sprawled body, boy
@@ -1356,18 +1356,18 @@ surface of thigh ; pulling foot out from under penis, stepping over
woman's thigh, spinning around, farting into zephyr, springing forth,
leaping, sand sticking to sweaty heels ; hair twisted, rushing, penis
hardened by sprint, towards rocky outcrop, kneeling, applying belly,
-penis : veins, veinlets sizzling on scorching flint ; boy applying torso,
+penis {\col} veins, veinlets sizzling on scorching flint ; boy applying torso,
cheeks, forehead, ear, rubbing pubis onto flint ; ear detecting
vibrations of flock, of wind rising over steppe ; member stretching,
proliferating in lump of soft sandstone, glans touching traces of
pollen ; lips drooling, foam crackling, drying on eroded flint ; fold of
flesh burning navel, boy lifting belly ; toes digging into sand ; tall
-Qrasses, stalks reviving greenish, shaken by zephyr, shading croup ;
-% 139
+grasses, stalks reviving greenish, shaken by zephyr, shading croup ;
green sap rising in stalks ; member, recharged, retracting in
sandstone ; nomad thrusting pelvis, elbows held against body,
standing upright, eyes dropped scrutinizing front of body reddened
-in patches : pollen crowning glans ; walking, straight, direct, spying
+in patches {\col} pollen crowning glans ; walking, straight, direct, spying
toughened member bouncing against sides of thighs, drawing all
circulation of hunger towards pubis, from occiput down to toe ;
kneeling before feet of woman, taking, lifting feet to mouth, kissing
@@ -1375,15 +1375,15 @@ nails packed with bloody sand, spreading feet, moving forward on
knees, between open legs, lifting legs under kneecaps, up against
hips ; member hardened, boy swinging down over sweating breasts,
woman's legs crossing over his dried haunches, over backs of knees,
-he stiffening whole body over woman ; member curving back against
+\hmm{he stiffening whole body} over woman ; member curving back against
closed cunt ; boy, with hand slipped under belly, fondling woman's
clitoris, smoothing penis between two fingers ; withdrawing hand.
bringing hand back onto woman's lips, sliding balmy fingers under
-nostrils : cunt half opening, spitting, opening : glans pushing pollen
+nostrils {\col} cunt half opening, spitting, opening {\col} glans pushing pollen
inside ; under fingers of boy, lips, cheeks, of woman blooming.
-thighs thrown back ; penis sliding, melting into cunt ; boy panting :
+thighs thrown back ; penis sliding, melting into cunt ; boy panting {\col}
in torso, heart forcing lung ; prismatic eyes filling with tears ; legs
-vibrating, pubis held back ; between two fingers, pressing throat :
+vibrating, \hmm{pubis} held back ; between two fingers, pressing throat ;
drawing face aside, disgorging phlegm --- in mouth, saliva
circulating, tinted with blood ; dry lips squeezing closed ; woman
pressing palms against raised torso ; respiration slowing, woman
@@ -1397,11 +1397,11 @@ jissomy fingers onto torso, belly, sliding filament into cavity of navel
; resting hand on breasts draped with low curls of hair, sweaty ; rising
onto knees, standing up, straddling woman --- her lustrous legs
dropping back onto sweat-soaked sand ; fist pressing throat.
-Moaning, belching pink saliva ; head jerking, --- forehead, nose
-% 140
+moaning, belching pink saliva ; head jerking{\comdash} forehead, nose
pushing tears towards eyes, clots of jissom expelled from glans with
-shaking sobs ---, burning, throttled, in fire ; zephyr skimming,
-shaking. rolling, exhausting head ; woman laughing, chortling. lifting
+shaking sobs {\dashcom} burning, throttled, in fire ; zephyr skimming,
+shaking, rolling, exhausting head ; woman laughing, chortling. lifting
hand to muzzle ; jissom, seed, frothing, thrown out onto edge of cunt
by heaving laughter ; boy taking head in both hands, butting forward,
boxing head with fists, spitting into palms, smearing head, slicking
@@ -1410,9 +1410,9 @@ buttressing body over sand, sinking spit-soaked head into sand,
throwing softened member onto sand, with thrust of loins ; leaping
up onto feet, grabbing penis, stretching, whipping stretched shaft of
penis with hot sand mixed with immaculate cockles flung from other
-fist : same fist stuffing sand into arse, both fists filled with sand
+fist ; same fist stuffing sand into arse, both fists filled with sand
pressed over breasts, opening fists, moulding sweaty sand over
-nipples ; torso raised, sand running under paims. over mound of
+nipples ; torso raised, sand running under palms, over mound of
belly, pulling tongue out of mouth, heating tongue in rays of fire,
leaning back ; fire flowing over hollow of croup ; loins arched. hips
askew, shoulders dropped, boy letting sweat drip onto ilium, psoas
@@ -1420,30 +1420,30 @@ stirring ; tears touching, at edge of cheek, drops of sweat drawn
down line of grime from ear --- sweat formed, exuded under
temporal curls ; woman, laughter extinguished squeezing breasts
filled with fresh milk under tepid zephyr, raising knees, fondling
-clitoris with heel, thigh falling back : sandy horn of heel sliding over
-Qluey cunt ; breasts swelling ; boy, sniffing zephyr, crouching.
+clitoris with heel, thigh falling back {\col} sandy horn of heel sliding over
+gluey cunt ; breasts swelling ; boy, sniffing zephyr, crouching.
walking, shuffling, stopping in smell of milk wafted ; woman holding
out arms --- heavy sweating hands grasped by fists of boy with torso
-sighing : woman, muzzle throbbing beneath haik, pulling at fists,
+sighing {\col} woman, muzzle throbbing beneath ha\"{\i}k, pulling at fists,
chest of boy swinging down, rings forming under pink skin of
member, towards breasts swelling bluish with milk ; placing fists on
breasts, nipples seething with milk ; boy, raising one arm, flattened
fingers holding back hair falling over forehead, rubbing washed
nipple with rim of lips ; woman squeezing head ; hair mixing together
in centripetal flurry ; knees of boy digging into sand ; under belly.
-member proliferating : woman, stretching out arms, touching glans
+member proliferating {\col} woman, stretching out arms, touching glans
with thumb ; boy's muzzle spreading open ; woman pinching sliding
-% 141
glans between two fingers, pulling ; member, bruised, electrifying
grains ; mica scintillating stuck to rippling veinlets ; woman's fingers
touching folds around boy's creased belly, under floating ribs ; boy
lifting one knee, spreading thigh ; woman's fingers rubbing at fold of
groin ; sweat from boy's torso running over arm ; fingers grabbing
spangled penis ; thigh spread sideways, sweating ; shaken --- sweaty
-foot digging into sand ---, strengthening, filling with jissom ; on
+foot digging into sand {\dashcom} strengthening, filling with jissom ; on
slope of thigh ridged by pectineus, member, dropped by fingers of
-woman suffocating --- muzzles pressed together ---, shedding folds
-: glans twisting, separating from duct, bursting over hairy thigh :
+woman suffocating --- muzzles pressed together {\dashcom} shedding folds
+{\col} glans twisting, separating from duct, bursting over hairy thigh ;
zephyr clearing foam frothing at contours of clamped muzzles ; boy
pulling back head ; rearing up, crouched ; hair curling sweaty over
forehead, eyes, lips, chin ; arms held away from torso, boy pinching
@@ -1460,15 +1460,15 @@ other fingers between teeth, passing fingers over retracted tongue.
reaching to back of palate, scraping saliva mixing sticky with droplet.
pulling out fingers rubbing fingers on grimy throat ; grime flowing
powdery over pubescent torso ; spit-soaked thumb scraping dirt
-from poxy cuticle under lower jaw, forcing ganglions under tonsils.
-tolling grime from behind ear, from downy nape ; standing straight.
+from \hmm{poxy} cuticle under lower jaw, forcing ganglions under tonsils.
+rolling grime from behind ear, from downy nape ; standing straight.
boy shaking, hopping, jumping, seizing pubic fleece flecked with
crab-lice, lifting one leg, feverish, falling back onto haunches flecked
with pus, with blood, drawing leg back over opposite thigh, jamming
horny foot under sexual cluster ; knee, strained, glimmering, blood
-violaceous ; heel lifting sexual cluster : hand holding penis down over
+\hmm{violaceous} ; heel lifting sexual cluster {\col} hand holding penis down over
thigh ; on heel, balls spreading, pores scintillating ; chipped thumb-
-% 142
nail scratching balls, along veinlets, lifting bitter sweat to lips ; boy,
swinging forward in jerks, sinking head into sand mixed with laterite,
screwing skull into spongy mass, hair sweeping over chalky cockles
@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ thighs tense, abdomen hardening, boy diving forward onto acheb ;
boy sliding sandy head under creeping ivy, cutting roots with teeth,
crawling --- back, croup, loins flattened --- under cool, bristling,
bitter, grasses, stopping ; muscles of abdomen, bones of
-epigastrium forcing, grinding rancid sand underneath ; top layer of
+\hmm{epigastrium} forcing, grinding rancid sand underneath ; top layer of
sand removed, musty stench, raised dust disintegrating zephyr, fire,
around body palpitating immaculate under ivy cut back ; woman,
rolled back onto belly, crawling out of patch of white sand, hitching
@@ -1491,20 +1491,20 @@ shoulder, uprooting acheb, overturning woman ; torso squashed
against sand, sliding body out of ivy, crawling towards patch of white
sand ; woman grabbing his feet, crawling behind, abdomen
annulated, breasts moving over brittle hay ; in white sand, coiled, on
-sides, face to face : boy caressing breasts, woman wiping, with
+sides, face to face {\col} boy caressing breasts, woman wiping, with
moistened fingers, syphilitic spots burst over vertebral throat ; glans
touching, retracting, against closed cunt ; knees, crowned with
beaten blood, vibrating ; baby, dozing, hissing, purring, buried in
warm coat of camel's neck ; grasses crackling ; flock of goats
-assailing tahla, sidling against trunk, browsing on thorns, berries,
+assailing \hmm{tahla}, sidling against trunk, browsing on thorns, berries,
flowers spattered with shit by drunken gangas --- driven from tree,
disgorging, swooping down over grass, iris veiled ; monkey crossing
feverish black hands over akli's forehead, raising eyes, scrutinizing
-Prismatic stratosphere ; tail curling around akli's poxy throat ; eyes
-Scintillating between flecked lashes ; singed muzzle throbbing ; fire
+prismatic stratosphere ; tail curling around akli's poxy throat ; eyes
+scintillating between flecked lashes ; singed muzzle throbbing ; fire
reddening ruffled coat ; blood flowing from akli's frozen head,
-% 143
-susurrating at corner of lips ; monkey wiping blood on fingers.
+\hmm{susurrating} at corner of lips ; monkey wiping blood on fingers.
standing, walking, swinging hairy, over turf gorged with sweat, with
steam expelled from swooning body, stopping on white sand, sitting
beside dishevelled heads, slipping bloody hand between faces held
@@ -1512,10 +1512,10 @@ apart, sealed together by gazing eyes ; nostrils quivering ; boy
detaching eyes from woman's gaze, raising head, scrutinizing
ambient life, rising, thrusting pelvis, bounding, crouched over turf.
beside akli, lifting fractured arm, caressing cold cuticle, wrapping
-blackened stump under palm : mass of muscles, nerves, bones.
+blackened stump under palm {\col} mass of muscles, nerves, bones.
flesh, immobilised in coagulated blood, weighing arm down into hand
; resting arm on torso, pinching flaccid cuticle of neck, cheeks, hips.
-epigastrium ; throwing head back, moaning, holding out arm, hand
+\hmm{epigastrium} ; throwing head back, moaning, holding out arm, hand
swinging, towards crouching woman ; breath making blood froth at
corner of lips ; boy throwing hand onto pulse detected in centre of
neck by monkey's finger ; finger of monkey's other hand touching
@@ -1524,11 +1524,11 @@ advancing on knees, towards turf ; boy stepping aside, dropping
penis ; woman stretching out arm, crouching, seizing arm of akli.
lifting stiffened elbow to mouth, sniffing, licking transparent cuticle :
standing, running towards female camel, fists striking neck bringing
-animal onto knees on torn acheb rummaging in saddle-pack, pulling
+animal onto knees on torn \hmm{acheb} rummaging in saddle-pack, pulling
out painted leather bag, returning to swooning body, kneeling.
-pulling decoction of grass, of powdered teboureg, from bag.
+pulling \hmm{decoction} of grass, of powdered teboureg, from bag.
smearing elbow, forearm, wrist, back of hand, shoulder, armpit.
-Massaging greased arm ; monkey holding softened penis ; eyes
+massaging greased arm ; monkey holding softened penis ; eyes
sealed to eyes of nomad, monkey squeezing shaft, with slight
pressure of palm, of fingers ; woman rising, closing bag, throwing
bag beside kneeling camel, hugging --- lowered onto knees ---
@@ -1538,54 +1538,54 @@ her legs, underneath kneecaps, along his flanks, moving forward.
straddling body of akli, rushing forth ; wide-open cunt wetting
middle of back ; trotting towards thorn-tree ; lips, tongue, teeth of
woman sucking, licking, nibbling at nape ; boy entering flock {\gl}
-% 144
-woman's buttocks brushing over sweaty coat of he-goat : foam again
+woman's buttocks brushing over sweaty coat of he-goat {\col} foam again
surging in cunt ; boy dropping down, on knees, in front of tree,
laying woman onto trampled sand, arms embracing shit-smeared
trunk ; shaken, branches browsed by goats flicking foam of flock
onto shoulders, forehead ; frantic he-goat pressing tufted haunches
-against woman's breasts, woman hugging thighs of goat : boy,
+against woman's breasts, woman hugging thighs of goat ; boy,
seated, knees joined, back to trunk, scrutinizing, through hair fallen
over front of face, foaming cunt trampled by hoof of he-goat ;
shoulders drooping, eyes widened veiled by slow beating of lashes,
of lids, hands joined over kneecaps, penis proliferating at foot of
-wealed trunk shaking, breath accelerated, modulated, by
+\hmm{wealed} trunk shaking, breath accelerated, modulated, by
obscuration, by contraction of lungs ; new-born kids butting flanks,
boy grabbing scruffs, tucking kids into lap between lifted legs,
against belly ; soft hoofs touching curly pubis, erect penis ; laughter
expelling drops of bloody saliva from mouth, at corner of lips,
running in two threads over chin ; he-goat, haunches hugged,
trampling on sand ; shit-caked tuft of tail gagging woman's mouth ;
-boy, standing --- kids falling at his feet ---, stroking belly sticky with
-meconium ; tufts of young pink hair mixing with pubic fleece ;
+boy, standing --- kids falling at his feet {\dashcom} stroking belly sticky with
+\hmm{meconium} ; tufts of young pink hair mixing with pubic fleece ;
stretching arms, entwining ringlets, above head, around untouched
branch, bending branch down, covered with flowers, with fruit, into
tangled hair, over forehead, crossing legs --- heel of one leg, beaten
-bruised, held up off sand ---, balls caught under seat, in angle of
+bruised, held up off sand {\dashcom} balls caught under seat, in angle of
buttocks, bulging pink through curls below arse, penis pulling at
-pubis, grimy sweat from open armpits running over sides of thorax :
-kid flicking tongue onto salty sheen of balls : boy, laughing raucous,
+pubis, grimy sweat from open armpits running over sides of thorax ;
+kid flicking tongue onto salty sheen of balls {\col} boy, laughing raucous,
contracting elbow against breast ; kneeling, blooming branch held
clenched with heaviest lock of hair, lowering torso towards brushed
face of woman ; he-goat freeing haunches ; boy pressing rustling
-torso against closed mouth : undulation of vertebrae, of ribs, half-
+torso against closed mouth {\col} undulation of vertebrae, of ribs, half-
opening lips, mouth gulping at cartilage spurring centre of torso ;
penis, drawn out over sand, quivering ; branch snapping, tied into
boy's hair ; branch pulling at lock of hair, boy lowering face, kissing
mouth of woman, one hand pressed against patch of saliva on torso,
-% 145
other thrown over trace of semen on middle of back ; woman
grabbing branch in both hands, pulling towards forehead ; boy
drawing back, shaking head ; woman dropping branch ; boy rolling
woman onto belly, sprawling on side ; crawling between goats,
grabbing swollen dugs ; goats, bucking, farting ; woman wiping,
laughing muffled, mouth of boy laughing loud ; nostrils aspiring,
-puffing back musty smell of tahla ; stopping under belly of heaviest
+puffing back musty smell of \hmm{tahla} ; stopping under belly of heaviest
she-goat, rolling onto backs, pressing, milking dug between their
fingers interlaced ; boy pointing dug towards mouth ; milk spurting
blue over nostrils, over eyes, pressing teat between lips, closing
eyes, suckling ; icy milk, bitter, with strong perfume of tahla, filling
-mouth, rushing into gullet, into belly : separating at pubis.
+mouth, rushing into gullet, into belly {\col} separating at pubis.
streaming, diluting in flesh of legs ; boy, spitting, ejecting pubescent
teat engorging mouth, stuffing spit-soaked dug against woman's
mouth, fingers of woman drawing milk ; woman pushing dug aside,
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ him down towards her face ; boy, blood, spittle, mucus bubbling in
neck, stretched out on back beside woman ; woman pressing ear
against torso ; her ear --- white of boy's eye turning to violet level
with fire, under lustrous lids --- dragging, small, downy, cool, over
-% 146
sweaty torso, detecting, level with upper lobe of right lung, squeaks,
accelerated murmur of vesicles, wheezy rattle ; boy placing both
hands onto woman's head, rolling ringlets. greasy bands of woman's
@@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ heavy hair, around wrists drained of blood : penis, nerves aroused by
cough, by lying stretched out on back, hardening arched ; woman
grabbing, smoothing dried serrated member against palm, between
fingers ; cough lifting torso under lips ; urine forcing root of erect
-member ; hoofs striking flanks, climbing over shaken body ; dugs
+member ; \hmm{hoofs} striking flanks, climbing over shaken body ; dugs
dragging over heated belly ; hair, horn, epidermis, eye. milk. blood,
sweat, urine, circulating from breath to breath ; shadows of flock
covering immaculate body --- woman, mouth filled with blood aspired
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ down onto her breasts, kissing, pulling breasts up against throat :
hand sliding along hips of woman, covering pubis, palpating fat of
thigh ; woman's legs crossing over boy's loins, arms grinding into his
neck, penis, serrations smoothed, grafting into cunt, discharging
-Spurt of fluid jissom ; cunt chewing at tissues of duct, of glans :
+spurt of fluid jissom ; cunt chewing at tissues of duct, of glans :
balls, dried, spreading over sand soaked with oily wet semen ; boy,
torso torn by cough, withdrawing member, standing up, stepping,