path: root/part3.tex
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1 files changed, 104 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/part3.tex b/part3.tex
index 46d23b6..27ec3ba 100644
--- a/part3.tex
+++ b/part3.tex
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ biting into femur ; member, pressed back, resting on cartridge-pack
; Standing up --- sweat scintillating on pubescent chest ---, pulling
spongy dish-cloth from crack in wall level with counter, wiping black
snot --- running around mouth of whore in two distinct threads.
-spreading out over chin ---, flinging rag onto counter, fist pulling
+spreading out over chin {\dashcom} flinging rag onto counter, fist pulling
whore's retracted member down, kissing mouth, wiped chin, laugh
disgorged vibrating under lips marked with imprints of teeth ; whore-
master, at other end of counter, removing djellaba, jeans --- seam
-stuck to buttocks by dog-master's jissom ---, throwing clothes under
+stuck to buttocks by dog-master's jissom {\dashcom} throwing clothes under
wash-bowl, over sleeping body of frizzy worker, scratching --- naked
free arm pulling at shoulder --- trace of dried jissom on fat of
buttocks ; dog-master, fingers caught in folds behind neck of whore
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ thrown back, jaw lifting chin of latter ; whole torso of whore, down to
rounded belly, enrobed in saliva, throat scintillating squeezed
between fingers, in light filtered through window framed with barley-
straw ; sticky pants slapping between shaken thighs of dog-master
-Wazzag moaning : member aroused by jissom, forcing dog-master's
+Wazzag moaning {\col} member aroused by jissom, forcing dog-master's
fist, hands sweating, pressed against counter ; pimp pissing into
-open latrine ; waking blond worker : straightening up, pulling gluey
-% 102
+open latrine ; waking blond worker {\col} straightening up, pulling gluey
member from between buttocks of club-foot, standing, straddling
body of whore, placing foot onto bloody coccyx, readjusting
bandage, stretching arms, yawning ; muscle at coccyx twitching
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ turned towards wall ; dog-master driving Wazzag back towards end
of counter ; feet striking body of frizzy worker, worker moaning, eyes
closed, licking heel of whore powdered with dry jissom ; dog-master
pushing Wazzag against doorpost of passage, against blond worker
-: blond squeezing whore between arms --- foot digging in jerks into
-fat of buttocks of feverish club-foot ---, thrusting pelvis, crying out,
+{\col} blond squeezing whore between arms --- foot digging in jerks into
+fat of buttocks of feverish club-foot {\dashcom} thrusting pelvis, crying out,
buggering Wazzag ; arched member, sliding over fresh jissom of dog-
master, proliferating in Wazzag's arse ; blond worker, tense, bandage
pulling away from belly hardened sweating. rocking, leaning over
@@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ fingers of youth around clammy fingers of whore ; ring-finger
brushing over epidermis --- pitted with tooth-marks --- of blond
worker's member ; dog-master's saliva running into mouth of blond,
lips shifting, opening over ear, nostrils sniffing, brushing over
-Finglets on temples : {\gl}{\thd} dogs, my bitches, oh prince of Koukou,
+ringlets on temples \colsaid{{\fivedots}my dogs, my bitches, oh prince of Koukou,
have bitten, by night, your member here joined with mine, double
-Pipes played by these lips, these animal fingers{\thd} in this bed worked
-Over by wind, oil, gas, ruins, through rhododendrons, reeds riddled
-With shot, your swollen feet trampling on fossil-sand, you run, blond
-Kbail{\thd} shrouded in rebel perfume ; Venus goes before, tossed
+pipes played by these lips, these animal fingers{\thd} in this bed worked
+over by wind, oil, gas, ruins, through rhododendrons, reeds riddled
+with shot, your swollen feet trampling on fossil-sand, you run, blond
+\define{Kba\"{\i}l}{\thd} shrouded in rebel perfume ; Venus goes before, tossed
between your knees, biting at your crotch, tearing cloth, catching
-Member ; sweat blackening shirt stuck to your back{\thd} standing on
-% 103
+member ; sweat blackening shirt stuck to your back{\thd} standing on
edge of cliff, reserve-troops panting, growling{\thd} ear-rings clinking in
-blue ozone, dangling from ears blocked with gypsum{\thd} stifled how!
+blue ozone, dangling from ears blocked with gypsum{\thd} stifled howl
driving back blood between your teeth{\thd} gun-butt grinding skull of
-Venus, dagger piercing eyes hardened in anger{\thd} Venus sprawling
-trembling, scraps of your shag catching in her teeth, jerking.{\gr}
+Venus, dagger piercing eyes hardened in anger{\thd} Venus sprawling,
+trembling, scraps of your shag catching in her teeth, jerking{\td}} ;
blond worker's penis retracting between Wazzag's lips ; whore
stroking two members, with fingers, coughing, single clot of mucus
expelled from throat enrobing two glans rolled in tongue, caressing
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ movements of sucking ; free fist clenching pants, shorts ; {\slash} frizzy
worker rising up on knees, advancing, fists on ground, into box-
room, between Khamssieh's legs spread ; swollen member of whore
bouncing, arched, onto side of thigh --- hands of frizzy worker
-digging under hairy balls ---, springing up arched over belly
+digging under hairy balls {\dashcom} springing up arched over belly
hardening, straining, pulling at membranes of sexual cluster
Khamssieh's legs closing over arms, over cheeks of frizzy worker
whore-master looming, member erect, violet, perpendicular to belly.
-quivering at sight of Khamssieh's member swelling : master
+quivering at sight of Khamssieh's member swelling {\col} master
crouching, drawing frizzy worker by shoulders, standing worker up
-pulling man out of box-room {\slash} ; dark worker standing, front of body
+pulling man out of box-room {\slashsemi} dark worker standing, front of body
caught by fire, at edge of sand, swaying, stretching arms, eyes
closed, towards shaved worker tottering, jeans stuck to arse by shit
hand digging into back of jeans, scraping shit, throwing some onto
@@ -134,46 +134,46 @@ sand, smearing rest over skull, cheeks, lips, hairs, ears, teeth ; dog-
master, armed, member spurring sticky pants, syringe case tucked
into empty cartridge-pack --- belt, pack, spattered with jissom ---
crossing garden ; flies assailing hands, soiled face of shaved worker
-i dog-master grabbing stiffened member, pulling, twisting ; shaved
+; dog-master grabbing stiffened member, pulling, twisting ; shaved
worker jumping ; excremental odour, unsettled, wafting through
garden ; shaved worker, moaning, falling down onto sand, legs
-Pinched together ; dog-master, unfastening gun, setting barrel
-% 104
+pinched together ; dog-master, unfastening gun, setting barrel
against cheek ; shaved worker down on knees, on fists, rearing up,
bruised mouth opened over teeth dripping with saliva, painted fangs
creased over dilated cheeks, turning in circles around pile of sandy
shit ; springing up, trotting around tamarisk ; dog-master levelling
sub-machine gun, pressing light finger onto locked trigger, popping
-mouth : shaved worker jumping, flopping into shit soiled by fists,
+mouth {\col} shaved worker jumping, flopping into shit soiled by fists,
straightening up, belching, collapsing onto belly ; dog-master
crouching, touching sweaty back, lifting jeans, flies plunging into
-layer of fresh shit --- hard crust uncapped ---. dog-master spreading
+layer of fresh shit --- hard crust uncapped {\coldash} dog-master spreading
cloth over swarm, standing up, foot trampling on inert head, turning
head over, covered in sand, iris scintillating among crystals ; swollen
-mouth lifting, opening layer of sand stuck to traces of shit :
-{\gl},{\thd}.Simulated shot destroys simulated man{\td} go back into brothel,
+mouth lifting, opening layer of sand stuck to traces of shit
+\colsaid{{\fivedots}simulated shot destroys simulated man{\td} go back into brothel,
trainer{\thd} with first blow of gun-butt, turn walls into fences, with
-second, bodies into dogs{\thd}{\td} {\gr} ; {\slash} Wazzag, member of blond worker
+second, bodies into dogs{\fivedots}} {\semislash} Wazzag, member of blond worker
squeezed at right corner of lips, tickling glans with tongue ; buttocks
of dog-master undulating hugged at middle by striped pants,
Wazzag's fingers scraping crusts on dried shrunken balls, glans
proliferating in mouth of whore, reaching throat ; Wazzag coughing,
chewing at glans, mucus, pulling member from mouth ; worker
catching, shaking member, squashing glans into eye ; ochre blood
-dripping down towards pubic fleece :{\thd} {\gl} taking my jissom, my
+dripping down towards pubic fleece \colthdsaid{{\td}dog taking my jissom, my
veins filled with spittle, with snot, with digestive juices{\thd} hungry dog,
pull, untie, devour dead membranes blocking my arse, hanging from
my member{\thd} even aroused, they only harden by half{\thd} eat folds,
fleshy seams{\td} gobble{\td} gulp{\td} let your teeth, your lips, shape me a
-Smooth body, full, polished{\thd} let contraction of toe shake back of
-head, contraction of member shake lips{\thd}{\gr} ; Wazzag sniffing,
-Smelling balls hanging out of shorts, rolling balls over ridge of nose,
-Unbuttoning top of fly, pulling shorts down over knees, over hams,
+smooth body, full, polished{\thd} let contraction of toe shake back of
+head, contraction of member shake lips{\thd}} ; Wazzag sniffing,
+smelling balls hanging out of shorts, rolling balls over ridge of nose,
+unbuttoning top of fly, pulling shorts down over knees, over hams,
down around ankles, crumpled ; lifting neck, turning head, burying
fringed temple in sweaty hollows of groin, caressing hot stiffened
arch against ridge of nose, pressing lips over circumcised flesh,
-licking --- member jerking, tingling, heating ---, cheek vibrating,
-% 105
+licking --- member jerking, tingling, heating {\dashcom} cheek vibrating,
modulated murmur rising from throat, against blond worker's groin
chipped teeth nibbling soft flesh pulled back, arm squeezing
immaculate buttocks of worker ; fingers, palm of other hand touching
@@ -193,30 +193,30 @@ further forward into arse, touching glans squashed onto lower edge
of arse, with tip of tongue ; back of worker's knees vibrating, damp.
against elbows of whore ; worker slumping down, farts bathing
Wazzag's muzzle ; Wazzag standing up, holding on to buttocks ---
-shit fermenting in blood ---, fingers, palms, sliding over membranes
+shit fermenting in blood {\dashcom} fingers, palms, sliding over membranes
smeared with saliva, between effervescent buttocks of blond
worker's cheek, head bent, rubbing Wazzag's swollen mouth
meanwhile, frizzy worker, emerging from arms of whore-master ---
going back up to bedroom, fist pressing back, deeper into arse
driller's jissom discharged in volleys onto inner slope of retracted
-buttock ---, stopping, legs spread, stitches of fly gaping, exposing
+buttock {\dashcom} stopping, legs spread, stitches of fly gaping, exposing
root of folded member re-ejaculating, under jeans, onto side of thigh
squeezed in denim, opening flaps of denim jacket. approaching
mouth swollen, head flung forwards, loins arched, pressing breasts
against those of blond worker buggered ; Wazzag pulling thighs
away from buttocks, heaving, stiffened against wall, breath held back
-+ blond worker, frizzy worker, nipples joined, mouths kissing
+; blond worker, frizzy worker, nipples joined, mouths kissing
discharging, heads jerking, teeth clenched, breath diverted through
nostrils ; blond worker raising feet ; buttocks, convulsed, rolling
-% 106
ejaculating member ; shaking feet, heels trampling, crumpling sticky
shorts beneath toes ; frizzy worker placing shoed foot onto shorts,
jissom, spittle, sweat squeezed out, squelching under rope of
-espadrilles ; {\slash} dog-master, throwing gun, cartridge-pack, under table,
+espadrilles {\semislash} dog-master, throwing gun, cartridge-pack, under table,
taking off pants, falling onto mattress, tip of bare foot kicking gluey
pants onto shoulder of sauce-boy turned back towards gun ; boy,
spinning around, member bouncing over shorts pulled down to mid-
-thigh. rolling head to one side, biting, sniffing distended pouch of
+thigh, rolling head to one side, biting, sniffing distended pouch of
pants caught on shoulder, letting pants fall down over belly, over
arched member, gathered up between two fingers ; tongue
protruding, frothing, from thin lips seamed mauve, boy stuffing pants
@@ -227,30 +227,30 @@ clouded by heat from two entangled bodies ; foot moving up along
wall, damp toes touching woman spread open with outlines inflamed,
nail of big toe scratching clitoris stretched by spread of thighs,
heavy breasts lifted by upward spread of arms, rubbing --- on throat,
-under one breast ---, rectangular marks of bandages removed for
-pose : pale patches on grimy cuticle blushing red ; other leg, lifted,
+under one breast {\dashcom} rectangular marks of bandages removed for
+pose {\col} pale patches on grimy cuticle blushing red ; other leg, lifted,
stretched out, foot resting on thigh of sauce-boy standing close ;
member springing out, standing stiff between legs open with
muscles of thighs, network of veins on calves, rippling ; head rolling
over top of bed, into hollow of shoulder, mouth breathing onto spit-
-soaked sheet --- transparent, revealing barley-dust beneath ---,
-foam frothing in vermilion cheeks : {\td} {\gl} {\thd} I've shot all my night-juice
-: you may now swallow the filaments, trailing in water, pulled from
+soaked sheet --- transparent, revealing barley-dust beneath {\dashcom}
+foam frothing in vermilion cheeks \coltdsaid{{\thd} I've shot all my night-juice
+{\col} you may now swallow the filaments, trailing in water, pulled from
these pants that I order you to wash in the trough, to hang out on
barbed wire in fiery wind, on the double{\thd} after, while my pants are
drying, I'll keep you in my bed, cook you in my sauce{\td} come, bend
-down, whistle : let me touch you, feel you, hear you{\thd} I'll make a
-Special sauce{\td} kiss my mouth, my glans, give it some spice.{\gr} ; {\slash} on
+down, whistle {\col} let me touch you, feel you, hear you{\thd} I'll make a
+special sauce{\td} kiss my mouth, my glans, give it some spice{\td}} {\semislash} on
dune, curly-haired worker, knee digging between thighs of shaved
-Girl, pushing girl back onto sand ; fists plunging into slope, ridge
-% 107
+girl, pushing girl back onto sand ; fists plunging into slope, ridge
collapsing, silky, over forearm ; top of shaved girl's body, breasts
emerging from dress, falling back onto shaded slope ; curly worker
licking hot nipples sliding under nostrils, under lips ; in girl's open
mouth, tongue mottled mauve, pearly, scintillating, reflecting rays
filtered through thorny branches ; vulva oozing against knee
-squeezed in patched jeans : curly worker, lifting chest, shaking
-inflamed head : shiver shaking nape, under sweat ; hands covering
+squeezed in patched jeans {\col} curly worker, lifting chest, shaking
+inflamed head {\col} shiver shaking nape, under sweat ; hands covering
belly of girl trembling under heated cloth, enveloping breasts
nipples settling into hollowed palms, squeezing globes thrown out of
orbit by movement tipping body backwards, nipples bulging between
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ haired worker stiffening, stretched flesh soaking up sweat ; worker
slumping down, elbows grafting into sand, fingers interlacing under
nape of shaved girl, girl's breasts, squashed under torso, supporting
shifting torso shaken by panting, floating ribs protruding ; worker's
-mouth breathing into mouth of shaved girl --- lips stuck together ---
-, aspiring her breath : member digging into vulva opened gluey ; two
+mouth breathing into mouth of shaved girl --- lips stuck together {\dashcom}
+aspiring her breath {\col} member digging into vulva opened gluey ; two
movements of breathing, one to other, each aspiring other's breath
genitals clamping together at same time ; froth filling girl's mouth in
time with jissom filling vulva ; eyes of worker, opened wide, rolling
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ above closed eyes of girl ; curly worker moaning, sweat coating
coccyx, dripping down in slit of arse, sticking jissom-spattered denim
of jeans to coccyx ; rearing up in orgasm, thread of spit vibrating
scintillating from jaw down to shaved girl's throat ; hands spread out
-Propped on sand, worker's belly pressing against belly of girl, top
+propped on sand, worker's belly pressing against belly of girl, top
button of fly fitting over girl's navel, through cloth hitched up
jissom worked into flesh, into nerves, into muscles of hams, of
thighs, rushing to pubis, pouring into member ; simultaneous spasms
@@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ watery snot running along thread down to girl's lips ; thumbs of
worker scraping sweat over breasts, hands spinning, shaken
alongside belly, delving into tufted fly, swollen root of member.
rubbing gluey seam of vulva ; girl, fingers kneading sand, arching
-% 108
-loins --- worker's member, half expelled, discharging fluid jissom ---
-, lifting breasts underneath mouth of worker sucking up thread,
+loins --- worker's member, half expelled, discharging fluid jissom {\dashcom}
+lifting breasts underneath mouth of worker sucking up thread,
twisting filament around nipple, raising neck, throwing back head
helmeted with sweat ; breath of two bodies, transmitted along
thread, shaking knot coiled on nipple ; fart separating seam of jeans
@@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ singlet, soiled with grease, with jissom, with shit, hanging from neck
; frizzy worker, blond worker, kneeling, turning Wazzag over, kissing,
prodding, pulling at limbs, Wazzag's head striking steps of latrine ;
workers taking ears of whore in hands, making ear-rings tinkle near
-their tympana : whore's head reddening ; two drillers, each with one
+their \define{tympana} {\col} whore's head reddening ; two drillers, each with one
of Wazzag's legs clamped between thighs, pulling apart --- member
-of whore blooming between his thighs spread wide ---, drillers
+of whore blooming between his thighs spread wide {\dashcom} drillers
grinding own members into Wazzag's thighs squeezed ; spitting onto
hands of whore, splayed over concrete, butting heads hard against
torso ; hands together grabbing his member ; Wazzag's legs
@@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ latrine ; club-foot, on fists, on knees, walking towards street-door :
door swinging in wind, wooden floor, splashed with panel-beater's
jissom, scintillating, swept with sand ; club-foot, swollen member
dragging on floor, farts rippling over shiny seam of buttocks with fire
-Outdoors seizing jissom-smeared head, wealed shoulders ; black
-Child pulling toy over dune ; shit scraped from arse of butcher's lad
-Smearing hands clenched around string ; club-foot, shaking heavy
-Member hanging at loins, climbing up dune, placing head onto oil
-% 109
+outdoors seizing jissom-smeared head, wealed shoulders ; black
+child pulling toy over dune ; shit scraped from arse of butcher's lad
+smearing hands clenched around string ; club-foot, shaking heavy
+member hanging at loins, climbing up dune, placing head onto oil
drum mounted on wheels, letting head slump, light, detached from
rest of body ; child dragging cart up to ridge of dune, mauve sand
struck by fire ; child, dropping toy, stretching out, naked, black skin
@@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ child, onto top of burning back ; whole body shuddering rimmed with
fuming sand ; in cirque carpeted with ash, dogs, bitches, attacking
wounded vulture ; heavy red bitch nuzzling under splayed wing.
catching vulture's neck ; breasts, arse, uncovered in twisting
-movement, shining through flying ash ; club-foot, member dragging.
+movement, shining through flying ash ; club-foot, member dragging,
swollen with jissom, over child's simmering buttocks, scrutinizing veil
of ash whipped up by red tufts of raised tail, advancing, thighs
clasping loins, chest, back --- child stretching arms forwards, over
-sand ---, shoulders ; child raising fuzzy head rolled under gluey balls
+sand {\dashcom} shoulders ; child raising fuzzy head rolled under gluey balls
of club-foot, turning head, snapping up garnet-red glans of youth
club-foot slumping onto cooler slope ; child licking heel of youth
club-foot thrusting hands into veil of ash splashed with blood
@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@ hindquarters of bitch out of veil of ash, sitting up on toes, grabbing
both thighs of bitch, lifting tail with twist of torso ; sweaty tufted tail
wrapping around neck, member trained thrusting into arse of bitch
fangs of latter vibrating in wound, growl driving back frothing blood
-fangs tearing at throat, digging into lungs, crushing heart : jissom.
+; fangs tearing at throat, digging into lungs, crushing heart : jissom.
after quick friction, shaking --- hot, curdled, heavy --- club-foot's
member, filling shitty arse ; bitch tossing, pushing, nuzzling heart in
ashes, club-foot steadying breath, sprawled back on fallen rump
torso, shoulders, bottom of neck trembling with slow spurts, pearly
-% 110
tears forming in eyes ; small black dog looming up, burying muzzle
into club-foot's buttocks, licking sexual cluster, jissom driven back
dripping ; tufted brush of red bitch tensing along neck of youth ;
@@ -356,12 +356,12 @@ ashes settling on naked body, sweaty, of club-foot ; black child
letting body slide, legs spread, down slope ; fire scorching
protruding glans ; straightened up beside club-foot, under veil of
ash, offering hands for black bitch to lick, beneath club-foot's sexual
-cluster grasped in fingers : above fresh, fragile wrist of child, crusts
+cluster grasped in fingers \col above fresh, fragile wrist of child, crusts
caked onto curls cracking, crumbling in club-foot's arse --- youth
again rubbing knees against flanks of red bitch ; powdered jissom,
shit, running over wrists ; licked hand of child squashing tongue of
black bitch against arse of club-foot ; hams of latter vibrating ; rush
-of jissom shaking ischium ; held in child's hand, flesh enrobing bone
+of jissom shaking \define{ischium} ; held in child's hand, flesh enrobing bone
vibrating, heated by jissom ; other bitches, dogs, pulling at other
wing of vulture, bloody claws pressed onto raised feet of youth ;
black bitch, pulling muzzle from under buttocks of club-foot, licking
@@ -370,20 +370,21 @@ of child, club-foot's balls emptying ; black bitch nuzzling between
child's thighs, sniffing at member, placing legs onto thighs, licking
slender torso, pushing child back onto sand, arching rump, lowering,
impaling arse onto small member ; front legs clasping torso, armpits
-: child, stiffening legs, grabbing claws, bringing claws towards mouth
-contracted by erection ; jissom spurting : pearly, forced back out of
+{\col} child, stiffening legs, grabbing claws, bringing claws towards mouth
+contracted by erection ; jissom spurting {\col} pearly, forced back out of
arse of bitch, dripping over bluish down of pubis ; child rubbing
nape onto sand ; hind claws of bitch scratching hips ; tail of bitch
curled back, wrapping around stretched member --- arse biting glans
-: child kissing claws ; clubfoot standing upright among dogs, member
-Stretched, soft, sticky, reddened, in hollow of clasped thighs, hands
-Crossed over lowered nape, rag stuck to breast by sweat ; bitches
-driven out of mélée, licking youth's member, buttocks, leaving trails
-Of blood, flesh, grey down, on scaly cuticle ; in mélée, carcass flung
+; child kissing claws ; clubfoot standing upright among dogs, member
+stretched, soft, sticky, reddened, in hollow of clasped thighs, hands
+crossed over lowered nape, rag stuck to breast by sweat ; bitches
+driven out of m\^{e}l\'{e}e, licking youth's member, buttocks, leaving trails
+pf blood, flesh, grey down, on scaly cuticle ; in mélée, carcass flung
dismembered over muzzle, falling back onto rumps of dogs ; fangs
-Catching together, eyes brushing close, bulging from orbits ; club-
-stepping over bitches --- tongues wrapping around gluey balls
-% 111
+catching together, eyes brushing close, bulging from orbits ; club-
+foot stepping over bitches --- tongues wrapping around gluey balls
+{\dashcom} crawling on knees over slope, hand hollowing sand beneath
body, shitting, leaning on right side of loins ; shit running over
mound of right buttock, spreading along fleshy fold squashed onto
sand ; bitches digging up sand soiled with shit, licking, carrying off
@@ -400,13 +401,13 @@ feathers ; planting white feather in hair, lifting rag over mouth
limping up slope, bitches, dogs devouring carcass enrobed in shit
child --- half-covered by black bitch slumped down, impaled on
member pressed back --- moaning, leg stiffened, transparent
-vibrating beneath fire ; {\slash} in sand, hands of dark worker stroking
+vibrating beneath fire {\semislash} in sand, hands of dark worker stroking
shaved worker's skull ; two bodies, hugged in jeans from navel to
heel, writhing, twisting close, on top, underneath, alongside, all
-around ; twisting of limbs creasing jeans : folds, seams, stretched
+around ; twisting of limbs creasing jeans {\col} folds, seams, stretched
spitting frothy jissom ; one hand of blond, streaked with cuts
crammed with grease --- other polished ochre gripping, pulling at
-fleshy folds of belly of Wazzag buggered ---, spread out on wall
+fleshy folds of belly of Wazzag buggered {\dashcom} spread out on wall
coated with saltpetre, contracting tense --- frizzy worker's member
crushing member of blond exhausted against rim of whore's arse
jissom spurting from member of blond, splashing member of frizzy
@@ -414,11 +415,10 @@ worker ; glans of latter capped with deposit of jissom spurted by
accident, touching depths of Wazzag's arse, rubbing scorched sides
stinging ; whore grasping at sticky ejaculating member pressed, by
blond driller stepping aside, against hip under elbow of frizzy driller
-barring belly of whore with arm, --- rolling member against creased
+barring belly of whore with arm {\comdash} rolling member against creased
loins of frizzy driller ; frizzy driller's espadrille, soaked in puddle of
urine trapped at centre of nest of turds, settling against foot of
----, crawling on knees over slope, hand hollowing sand beneath
-% 112
whore, drawing up along hams, spurts contracting, lifting thigh of
buggering worker ; jissom of blond running over curls of Wazzag's
leg, mixing with shit squashed against ham by espadrille ; glans of
@@ -428,32 +428,32 @@ frizzy worker smoothing glans between two fingers ; blond worker
spreading jissomy hand over Wazzag's face, straining forwards,
kissing lips, nostrils, gluey eyes of whore, through fingers ; tears
shaking eyelids of whore ; lips of blond worker tracking trail of tears
---- salty, corroding layer of jissom ---., lips drinking foam from corner
+--- salty, corroding layer of jissom {\dashcom} lips drinking foam from corner
of mouth ; Wazzag's hand, reddened by rush of blood, fingers
spread, covering hand of blond ; blond kissing hand, groping under
Wazzag's chest towards other hand held back flecked with egg.
pulling reddened hand back onto hands interlaced over face, drawing
face near to whore's face, hidden, kissing chin, lapping up jissom
-dripping : at same time, frizzy worker jerking, farting, nibbling salty
+dripping {\col} at same time, frizzy worker jerking, farting, nibbling salty
curls flattened by sweat over nape of whore, arms squeezing latter's
twisted torso --- vomit, abrupt, filling mouth ; perfume exhaled from
Wazzag's lips, through vibrating spittle, alerting drillers : blond
driller stepping aside, slow, pulling back hand, face, springing out of
latrine ; frizzy worker lifting arms from shaken torso, pulling out
penis --- stray membrane, caught on glans, bouncing at edge of arse
----, pushing whore towards back of latrine, coming out, nose
+{\dashcom} pushing whore towards back of latrine, coming out, nose
pinched, closing door ; Wazzag stumbling ; chin thumping on foot-
slab, top ringlets of hair sticking into nest of turds ; vomit flowing
from mouth, onto foot-slab, sliding into hole, bordering nest of turds
-+ driven back into nostrils squashed against foot-slab, Wazzag
-Suffocating ; feet, caught under door, sprayed by drillers with
+; driven back into nostrils squashed against foot-slab, Wazzag
+suffocating ; feet, caught under door, sprayed by drillers with
deflected jet from tap, tied together --- sprinkled with Vim --- with
-Spongy floor-cloths pulled off water-pipes ; Wazzag rising up
-Propped on elbows, wiping : gluey ringlets on saltpetred wall, lips
-Soiled with scraps of regurgitated fat on intact foot-slab ; blond
-Worker trampling on Wazzag's soaked shorts ; {\slash} club-foot crouching,
-Pushing street-door with forehead ; on fists, on knees, drawing back
-% 113
+spongy floor-cloths pulled off water-pipes ; Wazzag rising up
+propped on elbows, wiping {\col} gluey ringlets on saltpetred wall, lips
+soiled with scraps of regurgitated fat on intact foot-slab ; blond
+worker trampling on Wazzag's soaked shorts {\semislash} club-foot crouching,
+pushing street-door with forehead ; on fists, on knees, drawing back
towards darkened corner of room ; drillers entwined, whistling
shifting into corner, kicking club-foot over onto belly, scraping
buttocks with tarred rope of espadrilles ; club-foot purring ; drillers
@@ -468,25 +468,25 @@ knees, belly, breasts, lips, against those of youth, sniffing, farting
gurgle shaking throat, black finger-nail of youth touching vibration
blond driller pulling away, opening, pressing hand onto club-foot's
nape ; club-foot suffocating --- fingers of blond digging into front of
-throat ---, kneeling, huddling, pressed back down into corner ; blond
+throat {\dashcom} kneeling, huddling, pressed back down into corner ; blond
worker, with foot, laying youth flat out on tiles : crouching down
pressing two fists together onto torso, elbow digging into sexual
cluster between thighs --- separating, slow, cool, revealing grimy
sweat in folds of groin ; fists delving under torso, forcing spleen
-kidney, intestines: contracted head of youth groaning, crystalline
+kidney, intestines {\col} contracted head of youth groaning, crystalline
with each compression ; hand of blond worker digging down, seizing
-psoas : head, mute, vibrating ; whereupon, same hand, clenched
+psoas {\col} head, mute, vibrating ; whereupon, same hand, clenched
moving up over torso, forcing serrated muscle, other hand jerking
-groping --- fingers spread, half-closed, spread, joined ---, towards
+groping --- fingers spread, half-closed, spread, joined {\dashcom} towards
source of cry, reaching aortic arch, blocking cry ; frizzy worker
scraping tight-clothed buttocks against wall ; fingers of blond worker
marking in grimy sweat over top of youth's body ; finger-nails of
frizzy worker clawing deep inside moist, sandy pockets of jeans
sweat crowning knees squeezed in jeans ; hands of blond, feverish.
-Pressing into flesh of trunk, forcing flesh through clefts of skeleton
+pressing into flesh of trunk, forcing flesh through clefts of skeleton
; club-foot's member striking elbow ; blond worker, hands resting on
torso, straddling youth, lowering belly, drawn down by weight of
-slimy sexual cluster, onto top of thighs held fully spread, psoas
+slimy sexual cluster, onto top of thighs held fully spread, \define{psoas}
straining ; club-foot's penis, pressed back, forcing bandage ; frizzy
worker, drawing away from wall, raising leg, placing foot onto pink