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3 files changed, 98 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/part1.tex b/part1.tex
index 783891c..689bddf 100644
--- a/part1.tex
+++ b/part1.tex
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ inside loins ; Khamssieh, quick, spinning around, squeezing sated boy, kneeling,
sticky penis, pulling out thread of jissom, carrying filament to lips, standing up, kissing boy's
mouth --- boy's eyelashes beating, moist with cold sweat ; Khamssieh putting softened penis back
into pants, buttoning jeans, taking pomegranate perched on edge of counter, sitting on %
step-ladder, teeth opening pomegranate wet with saliva, burying slimy muzzle inside ; free hand
groping under testicles, untying knotted curls stuck down by stale jissom pulling at skin with
movement of thigh ; member, intact, shining, glimmering prismatic, straining engorged --- workers
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ belly, balls suspended on fold of jeans between buttocks, unbuttoning lubricator
of jeans, back of pants --- held at belly by curve of rigid member {\dashcom} drawing away from
worker : member, released, springing out horizontal, glans scraping over elastic of pants ;
laughing, Khamssieh, fingers hooked over lubricator's %
shoulders, pressing, bending vertebrae, plunging member --- jissom seething --- into shit-caked arse
; pumping : sweaty toes tightening over lubricator's espadrilles ; glans, pressing into arse,
expelling burning jissom ; lubricator standing up, hands thrown behind back delving into Khamssieh's
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ against partition ; date-picker lifting boy, standing up in second latrine, pull
up to midriff over top of panel, hand covering sexual cluster ; date-picker, with one quick
movement, swinging boy over ; rough concrete grazing club-foot's member, tuft from pubic fleece left
sticking to concrete ; wounded penis quivering against date-picker's thigh ; %
boy's foot hovering, suspended over concrete, trampled by date-picker ; boy, thrown off balance,
falling into hugging arms, kissed on mouth ; feeling date-picker's member throbbing, hardening
against his belly : rushing, pulling out of embrace, diving into passage ; date-picker following,
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ whore-mistress licking fingers, raising leg, touching soldier's thigh with tip o
females, babies, snuggling into pockets of hanging aprons ; males gathering curls of hair, fleece,
wool fallen from bodies of shepherds, sheep ; soldier shaving around lips, foot of whore-mistress
pressing down on softened member, soldier's mouth pressing against warm %
glass of mirror, kissing sunny reflection of lips ; Rico, Wazzag, fastened together, stepping back,
between sheets, towards edge of terrace ; Wazzag's pubic fleece stroking surface of Rico's buttocks
; Wazzag's chest --- skin stretched down towards pubis {\dashcom} laughing head, crossing top of
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ slapping buttocks of boy bending down --- movement enlarging tear in jeans along
buttocks : tuft of wiry blue hair opening out under butcher's palm {\dashcom} bolting iron shutter ;
pushing back children tearing legs, necks, of drowned birds ; going down street, opening tap in
oasis, entering his field of wheat, squashing moles hidden in earth with %
heel of single boot --- other foot wrapped in blood-soaked goat-hair {\dashcom} pulling up surplus
of green wheat, tying wheat into bunches, hanging bunches at belt ; blood-stained wheat springing
back, closing passage behind butcher ; irrigation ditches overflowing ; noisy flights of sand-larks
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ assailing black ledges cut through with mauve gullies harbouring broods of grey
up ruts in tracks carved out by giant tires, treads of caterpillars, covering skeletons, moulted
skins {\semislash} peasant youth rising from water, penis contracted, climbing up towards town
centre, face wrapped in veil {\semislash} butcher's %
wife watching, lying beside washed, scrubbed, man --- blood haunting bedroom, dry powdered blood
running in butcher's inner ear throbbing with nightmares ; woman rising from bed, walking, barefoot,
through garden ; boy of first union, crouching in clandestine opium, grabbing, squeezing foot of
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ catching, pushing youth towards staircase, youth squatting down, uncovering jars
whore-mistress unbuttoning boy, hugging spattered body ; whores undressing boy, licking body clean,
quick tongues pressing into each fold of flesh ; boy standing up, body revealing tattoos, shining
under neon, covered in foam from head to foot ; black whore kissing swollen %
knees, infected by vagrancy ; whore-mistress pressing hoe into boy's arms, boy grabbing handle,
striking tiles : quick, five hands seizing tool ; boy crouching down, scraping tiles with both hands
pressed together, whore-mistress picking boy up, pressing shovel against belly, boy digging at
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ ground perfumed, heads painted, without attacking body {\dashcom} woman lying ov
lamergeyers falling, fastened together, down along trunk of eucalyptus, beaks tearing at bark, seed
splashing bark, birds sprawling on ground, bleeding ; young woman's hand sliding under boy's shorts,
along thigh, up to pubic fleece, stroking sweaty curls : pulsations of %
quivering member beating with veins of woman's hand ; butcher, risen from bed, springing into
garden, brandishing his knives ; rushing at two bodies enlaced ; slitting throats, hacking at flesh
of necks {\semitwoslash} fire bursting ; butcher standing up, running off, front of naked body
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ packed with soap, toothbrush, pearl button, zip ; Khamssieh pressing ear against
loud-speaker, dozing, fire beating down onto body --- tufts unravelling, opening, curling with
dilation of pores {\semislash} Wazzag rising from whore-master's bed, flattening hand against
window-pane lashed by sunny shower ; %
belly swollen, cooled hand stroking throat, moving past bed, whore-master's hand slipping out from
sheets, grabbing member, pulling, swinging boy down onto bed, pulling up sheet over nape ; Wazzag,
laughing, sliding fingers through brown curls on chest of whore-master leaning over whore ; man's
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ bulging in jeans, clacking tongue in mouth, thumping counter ; Wazzag standing u
to doorstep ; Wazzag wrapping raincoat around body, jumping on wet sand ; date-picker smoking,
apricot-branch crowning turban, tuft of shiny hairs sprouting from singlet, against neck ; eyes
laughing through smoke ; wrinkles creasing under curly fringe on forehead ; body sweating, slumped %
lop-sided : {\thd}\said{{\td}getting married this morning{\td} don't want girl's parents see me
get stiff for daughter{\thd} get to work, sugar{\td}} ; Wazzag puffing on cigarette pulled from
date-picker's lips ; undressing ; pulling off clothes of date-picker shaken by slight laugh
@@ -764,9 +764,9 @@ head submerged up to ears ; desert shimmering ; yellow oilskins sweating, spread
soldiers of border-post, crowding around pool, shoulder to shoulder, standing lop-sided, propped on
one leg, watching nomad bathing ; bare-chested, loins hugged in thin shorts cut brief, members
protruding, flaccid, pink glans on smooth thighs, smoking dried tamarisk in long %
-\crpage{31} % TODO double check following page after due to weird pdf reader problem
+\crpage{32} % TODO double check following page after due to weird pdf reader problem
leaves ; post-commander, squatting in sand under embankment, pressing baby-bottle of concentrated milk between teeth of gazelle ; group of nomads wrapped in long ashen robes, lying against wall of sick-bay ; two soldiers, bellies squeezed in khaki woollen pants, filling guerbas from water-spout ; bending from loins spittle foaming at lips tying strings : pants sliding down over buttocks, exposing top of mauve arse-slit seamed with fresh shit ; in corner of courtyard, women, sheltering under awning of stitched goat-skins, fondling premature baby smeared with tar, buried between thighs of pale girl, eyes closed, breast heaving ; camels, watered, rolling in sand, shepherd squatting down, washing hands in water ; lice, buried in folds of body, crawling beneath rags ; nomad, pubic fleece rippling in the receding current, dozing, head resting against wooden groyne ; shepherd filling guerbas ; soldiers chewing sugar-lumps ; nomad opening eyes, sugar shining in soldiers' fists ; nomad licking lips ; rolling head in water, turning over onto belly, lifting lips out of water{\td} \colsaid{{\td}akli{\td} suck soldiers{\td} get sugar{\td}} ; sun drying blood suspended in ginger curls of Khamssieh's armpits --- boy sleeping on side ; tarantula crawling from sticky pubic hair, climbing up onto whore's swollen belly, distended abdomen dividing blood over chest ; body of whore shuddering, hand following steps of tarantula around right nipple \colsaid{{\td}suck lower, man{\td}} ; penis, tucked back into hollow of groin, hardening : tarantula brushing against tip of tongue poking between lips ; jissom slopping out of Wazzag's arse, pushed back, driven out along anal passage by date-picker's member ; Wazzag stifling fit of laughter ; Khamssieh waking : tarantula, alarmed by twitching of muscles, crawling into nostril ; Khamssieh sniffing scent, stifling sneeze, pulling legs together, suppressing shivers of body smeared with cold sweat moistening dried blood, beads of sweat glistening in fresh blood over loins ; nostril swollen with jissom squashing spider ; Wazzag exploding into laughter ; tarantula stinging nostril : venom, flowing with blood, veiling eyes of whore, softening eyelid ; Khamssieh's hand, weak, crushing tarantula in nostril : venom hardening forehead ; fingernails scraping cold blood
around nipples : pulling dead tarantula, pinching sticky legs, out of nostril, pushing crushed
spider between buttocks ; exhausted elbows dropping onto heaps of floor-cloths : penis contracting
into shrivelled scrotum ; odour of sodomy wafting through room ; rubbing of jeans, farts : regular
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ standing up, bare legs spread planted on one side, other side of rump of whore s
toes delving into hairs, under armpits ; slow, stroking, with dusty heel, shoulder, neck, greasy
curls over sticky nape, palpating balls against jissom-spattered thigh : toes closing eyelids of
whore against wood : {\td} \said{sleep, sunshine,
you've dried me out.} ; Wazzag rolling head over arm --- soft hairs shining, plastered down by
jissom {\dashcom} other arm dragging over floor up to bare foot of date-picker buttoning jeans :
Wazzag's fingers stroking date-picker's toe-nails, slipping between phalanges, rubbing, sticky,
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ gathering up date-picker's member ; date-picker kicking at Wazzag's chest ; whor
sprawling on back, legs spread ; date-picker buttoning jeans, pressing foot against Wazzag's chest ;
shaken by laugh : date-picker, chin squashed into folds of neck, eyes open pressing down into lower
eyelids, forehead bent forward, cheeks swollen, mouth hanging
loose, following awkward movements of fingers in buttonholes, Wazzag, skin of torso rolled over
bones by date-picker's foot, biting into fist ; date-picker, from pile of bodies heaped against
door, picking up, flinging espadrilles onto Wazzag's belly, leaning, balancing, slipping shoes onto
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ butcher's cock onto mine{\td}} ; Wazzag standing, pulling Khamssieh by feet, und
tears bathing Wazzag's bloody face : blue eye fixed in violaceous socket ; Wazzag throwing
floor-cloth over Khamssieh's thighs ; through window, head smudged with grease popping up, body
propped against wall ; shaved scalp, bluish, framed
square ; mouth, wide open, exposing shining teeth, saliva flowing, held back by purple tongue
\colsaid{{\td} fuck you through wall, dog.} ; breath of panel-beater blowing out adobe-dust ;
{\fourdots} {\slash} eyes, teeth biting into high mouth, high throat of whore scratching chest,
@@ -866,32 +866,31 @@ clap his arse.} ; Wazzag, strangled, choking, spitting scant mucus onto glans \c
clip my wings{\fourdots} you seen his face ?{\td}}, chewing --- after speaking {\dashcom} swallowing
mucus ; licking glans, pushing tip of tongue between tiny lips of member held horizontal in front of
wide-open mouth ; foam rising between teeth, escaping from corners of
-lips ; whore-master laughing, knee kicking Wazzag's throat ; head of whore thumping wooden frame of bed ; whore-master sitting on edge of bed, gripping head between thighs ; beneath master's fingers, bump forming under Wazzag's hair \colsaid{{\td} panel-beater will straighten you out, Wawa.} ; whore-master wiping dusty hips of Wazzag standing up \colsaid{{\td} Khamssieh all dried up{\td} stung by tarantula{\td}} ; whore-master sprawling, legs spread, on bed, burying head in pillow \colsaid{{\td} jissom comes back before dawn{\td} careful of butchers, butchers' lads, tarantulas love to nest in beams over vapours of blood{\fourdots} after embrace, shake out your hair, your body{\td}} ; Wazzag going down stairs, date-picker coming out of latrine ; Wazzag opening door onto street, date-picker buttoned back up over sated flesh, panel-beater buttoned over erectile flesh, brushing together ; Wazzag squeezing date-picker's buttock \colsaid{{\td} come back and see me before the births{\thd}} ; jeans smeared with cold jissom, Wazzag wiping hand on hip ; same moment : panel-beater, unbuttoned, pouncing from behind, hugging whore, striking nape --- Wazzag bending top of body {\dashcom} impaling arse, sharp cry gurgling drowned in saliva ; hands, coated with verdigris, fists, covered in aluminium-dust, pressing Wazzag's belly ; mutilated foot --- big toe sliced off by metal sheet --- curling up, bound tight in espadrille, against toe of whore ; panel-beater whistling, modulating : two apprentice-boys, members spurring jeans, looming ; nostrils smudged with grease ; in movement propping elbows on counter{\comdash} {\slash} opening, lifting flaps of denim jackets buttoned over bare chests {\slash} {\dashcom} skin of bellies appearing convex, pearly ; bodies thrown forward, one leg bent back under buttocks, foot jammed against zinc, lifting thigh --- inner surface broken by bulge of member drawn down, squeezed inside sticky jeans {\dashcom} crotch-seam cutting into balls pressed under buttocks towards arse, chewing sticks of licorice ; gaze settling on heavy mass --- weighing down despite pressure of panel-beater's legs --- of Wazzag's buttocks, sexual cluster retracted into pubic fleece ; apprentice-boys regulating breathing with panting of panel-beater ; elbows, propped together, vibrating against zinc ; during orgasm, %
-eyes of panel-beater, dim, veiled, assailed by flies ; apprentice-boys' members pulsating against thighs, pubic curls caught under seam pulling at wrinkled skin of scrotum ; panel-beater panting over rump of whore ; jeans hugging panel-beater's buttocks : Wazzag, throwing hands behind back, groping at jeans, kneading damp patches of denim soaked with sweat ; hands of panel-beater grabbing Wazzag's sexual cluster, pushing organs up against belly, stroking membranes, stretched smooth back to edge of arse : {\td} \said{{\td} dog{\td} dog{\td} twins want to fuck you{\thd} grind your bones{\thd} saw you yesterday with women{\fourdots} sweaty hands mark sheet-metal{\fourdots} paint won't stick{\td} boss says \insaid{get Wazzag, Khamssieh, dry out my boys} {\fourdots}they come from north{\thd} finger-nails clipped{\td} sundays, dress smart{\td} cut deep, sting hard{\td} squirt their juice in garage, over Lockheed{\td} in shithouse, foot slips on slab : bowl, step, sprayed with jissom{\thd} sand sticks to Brylcreem in their hair{\td} boss says : \insaid{let weak one sniff brown dog, strong one, red dog}{\thd} they sleep in same bed, behind workshop{\td} strong one sticks hub-caps on weak one's breasts, ties him up in sheet, lies on top{\td} morning, I unwrap them, chilled by night-wind{\td}} ; Wazzag, bending over, raising eyes towards bottom of twins' bodies, tongue licking lips, wrinkles smoothing out on forehead, around edge of eye-sockets ; third orgasm pulling panel-beater down over loins of whore : Wazzag clearing throat, spitting ; spittle shooting in front of espadrille of one twin : fresh eye riveted on naked eye of Wazzag, squashing, spreading spittle over wood --- rope sole slipping over gobs, member rising, swelling against thigh, stretching horizontal folds of jeans ; squashed mucus wetting skin of foot through rope fibres worn bare, mixing with layer of excrement --- dogs and men --- stuck to rope over layer of grease ; panel-beater, quick, pulling out member, squashing, pressing violaceous glans, tinted pink by transparent film, against Wazzag's arse, rubbing member down over sheer surface of buttocks : filament broken at roots of member --- panel-beater sighing, shivering {\dashcom} adhering to buttocks describing shaky pattern over downy black hairs ; panel-beater, sated --- retracted member cooling against Wazzag's buttock {\dashcom} rubbing %
+lips ; whore-master laughing, knee kicking Wazzag's throat ; head of whore thumping wooden frame of bed ; whore-master sitting on edge of bed, gripping head between thighs ; beneath master's fingers, bump forming under Wazzag's hair \colsaid{{\td} panel-beater will straighten you out, Wawa.} ; whore-master wiping dusty hips of Wazzag standing up \colsaid{{\td} Khamssieh all dried up{\td} stung by tarantula{\td}} ; whore-master sprawling, legs spread, on bed, burying head in pillow \colsaid{{\td} jissom comes back before dawn{\td} careful of butchers, butchers' lads, tarantulas love to nest in beams over vapours of blood{\fourdots} after embrace, shake out your hair, your body{\td}} ; Wazzag going down stairs, date-picker coming out of latrine ; Wazzag opening door onto street, date-picker buttoned back up over sated flesh, panel-beater buttoned over erectile flesh, brushing together ; Wazzag squeezing date-picker's buttock \colsaid{{\td} come back and see me before the births{\thd}} ; jeans smeared with cold jissom, Wazzag wiping hand on hip ; same moment : panel-beater, unbuttoned, pouncing from behind, hugging whore, striking nape --- Wazzag bending top of body {\dashcom} impaling arse, sharp cry gurgling drowned in saliva ; hands, coated with verdigris, fists, covered in aluminium-dust, pressing Wazzag's belly ; mutilated foot --- big toe sliced off by metal sheet --- curling up, bound tight in espadrille, against toe of whore ; panel-beater whistling, modulating : two apprentice-boys, members spurring jeans, looming ; nostrils smudged with grease ; in movement propping elbows on counter{\comdash} {\slash} opening, lifting flaps of denim jackets buttoned over bare chests {\slash} {\dashcom} skin of bellies appearing convex, pearly ; bodies thrown forward, one leg bent back under buttocks, foot jammed against zinc, lifting thigh --- inner surface broken by bulge of member drawn down, squeezed inside sticky jeans {\dashcom} crotch-seam cutting into balls pressed under buttocks towards arse, chewing sticks of licorice ; gaze settling on heavy mass --- weighing down despite pressure of panel-beater's legs --- of Wazzag's buttocks, sexual cluster retracted into pubic fleece ; apprentice-boys regulating breathing with panting of panel-beater ; elbows, propped together, vibrating against zinc ; during orgasm, %
-shaved scalp down sweaty back of whore standing erect ; twins, fingers stained with minium, squeezing members, through jeans ; panel-beater jerking head forward, flinging Wazzag against apprentice-boys : stronger boy grabbing, pulling at penis, hugging whore around loins with other arm, kissing mouth, spitting licorice-juice into throat, chewing licorice-stick against Wazzag's teeth. lips pressed together ; at same time, apprentice-boy rolling Wazzag's penis against own member squeezed in jeans, from fold to fold ; lifting knee along Wazzag's hip, leg tightening against bottom of whore's buttocks ; articulation of knee hugged in jeans rubbing folds of flesh, jissom dried in folds falling in powder over calves of whore ; short cry from him, bursting out of constricted chest --- apprentice-boy hugging in violent jerks ; impassive hands of Wazzag stroking trembling buttocks of apprentice, thumb hooked into belt-loops of jeans against loins : other fingers rubbing at stitches between buttocks, sliding into slit pinching seam, pressing in towards arse ; one hand --- thumb hooked into back pocket, cut small for repairs to jeans --- enveloping buttock, finger-nails scraping seam soaked with seminal sweat, against slope of thigh ; apprentice pressing open jaw into hollow of Wazzag's cheek, hand, at same time, grabbing, pulling Wazzag's testicles downwards : whore, collared, scrotum mauled, quick, hand --- busy scraping boy's arse --- wriggling under jeans, out through other side, onto hip of other apprentice, finger brushing over fat in olive folds of bare flesh released through tear in back pocket, hanging over mound of buttocks ; apprentice, staring at Wazzag, letting licorice-juice overflow, drip over chin, down onto palpitating throat, bucking pelvis towards Wazzag's hips embraced : movement creasing edges of tear, folds under buttocks, jeans pressing deep into anal slit --- cloth softened by friction, by constant secretions of love {\dashcom} buttocks, pressed against cold metal to calm erect member, pulling apart, lifted from counter by twitch of nerve ; loins shifting towards Wazzag, flaps of denim jacket rubbing over hollow belly, sweat gleaming ; Wazzag licking wiry black hair of stronger apprentice, Brylcreem greasing lips ; apprentice jamming
+eyes of panel-beater, dim, veiled, assailed by flies ; apprentice-boys' members pulsating against thighs, pubic curls caught under seam pulling at wrinkled skin of scrotum ; panel-beater panting over rump of whore ; jeans hugging panel-beater's buttocks : Wazzag, throwing hands behind back, groping at jeans, kneading damp patches of denim soaked with sweat ; hands of panel-beater grabbing Wazzag's sexual cluster, pushing organs up against belly, stroking membranes, stretched smooth back to edge of arse : {\td} \said{{\td} dog{\td} dog{\td} twins want to fuck you{\thd} grind your bones{\thd} saw you yesterday with women{\fourdots} sweaty hands mark sheet-metal{\fourdots} paint won't stick{\td} boss says \insaid{get Wazzag, Khamssieh, dry out my boys} {\fourdots}they come from north{\thd} finger-nails clipped{\td} sundays, dress smart{\td} cut deep, sting hard{\td} squirt their juice in garage, over Lockheed{\td} in shithouse, foot slips on slab : bowl, step, sprayed with jissom{\thd} sand sticks to Brylcreem in their hair{\td} boss says : \insaid{let weak one sniff brown dog, strong one, red dog}{\thd} they sleep in same bed, behind workshop{\td} strong one sticks hub-caps on weak one's breasts, ties him up in sheet, lies on top{\td} morning, I unwrap them, chilled by night-wind{\td}} ; Wazzag, bending over, raising eyes towards bottom of twins' bodies, tongue licking lips, wrinkles smoothing out on forehead, around edge of eye-sockets ; third orgasm pulling panel-beater down over loins of whore : Wazzag clearing throat, spitting ; spittle shooting in front of espadrille of one twin : fresh eye riveted on naked eye of Wazzag, squashing, spreading spittle over wood --- rope sole slipping over gobs, member rising, swelling against thigh, stretching horizontal folds of jeans ; squashed mucus wetting skin of foot through rope fibres worn bare, mixing with layer of excrement --- dogs and men --- stuck to rope over layer of grease ; panel-beater, quick, pulling out member, squashing, pressing violaceous glans, tinted pink by transparent film, against Wazzag's arse, rubbing member down over sheer surface of buttocks : filament broken at roots of member --- panel-beater sighing, shivering {\dashcom} adhering to buttocks describing shaky pattern over downy black hairs ; panel-beater, sated --- retracted member cooling against Wazzag's buttock {\dashcom} rubbing %
-head against Wazzag's chin, kissing whore's throat, lips spread, snot, expelled with jerks of breathing, splashing throat ; apprentice-boy whining, squashing nostril into mucus, spreading gob over skin ridged by spine ; leg rubbing hardened calf of whore ; Wazzag seizing, pulling at genital cluster of weaker boy drawn out in blunt spur under jeans over slope of thigh, hand of whore spread wide. thumb hooked over stitches of fly ; stronger boy striking middle of Wazzag's arm with clenched fist, knocking into upper body of whore ; quick, fist catching Wazzag's testicles, turning towards twin, spitting, kicking between boy's thighs : twin groaning, doubled up, cupping sexual cluster in both hands, unbuttoning fly, index finger gathering reddening member packed into white cotton pants smeared with grease ; stronger boy pushing Wazzag, held by member, towards first latrine in passage : panel-beater, squatting, excrement bursting between buttocks, eating pomegranate picked up from concrete, held in sticky hand, other hand pulling thread of jissom from member stiffened again at sound of breathing, grinding muscles of apprentice-boys squeezing Wazzag ; boy pressing Wazzag against soiled wall ; panel-beater throwing pomegranate onto flow of red excrements, scraping, with juice-smeared fingers, shit caked around arse, dipping fingers into water-can, wiping hand on wall, on Wazzag's calf, standing up, buttoning fly, bringing mouth against ear of apprentice \colsaid{fuck him, what are you waiting for ? {\td} for my jissom to dry in his arse ? {\thd} twist a wet floor-cloth up his hole{\td} a dog never washes{\comtd} licks, gets licked{\thd} this one can't bend back to reach his own arse{\thd} gets Khamssieh to lick it{\td} Khamssieh, at dawn one day each month, after embraces, goes out into street, buttocks rub together, shine in red sunlight ; brushes past wall beside trash-cans, climbs up onto mound strewn over with chicken-carcasses attacked by white dogs, chases dogs away, kneels. stretches out over carcasses ; throws hands behind back, spreads buttocks ; hot tongues of sunbeams, tongue of dog with dew-soaked coat, push into half-open arse ; Khamssieh howls, dogs rummage, alongside body, into spongy layer of rubbish crawling with tiny
+shaved scalp down sweaty back of whore standing erect ; twins, fingers stained with minium, squeezing members, through jeans ; panel-beater jerking head forward, flinging Wazzag against apprentice-boys : stronger boy grabbing, pulling at penis, hugging whore around loins with other arm, kissing mouth, spitting licorice-juice into throat, chewing licorice-stick against Wazzag's teeth. lips pressed together ; at same time, apprentice-boy rolling Wazzag's penis against own member squeezed in jeans, from fold to fold ; lifting knee along Wazzag's hip, leg tightening against bottom of whore's buttocks ; articulation of knee hugged in jeans rubbing folds of flesh, jissom dried in folds falling in powder over calves of whore ; short cry from him, bursting out of constricted chest --- apprentice-boy hugging in violent jerks ; impassive hands of Wazzag stroking trembling buttocks of apprentice, thumb hooked into belt-loops of jeans against loins : other fingers rubbing at stitches between buttocks, sliding into slit pinching seam, pressing in towards arse ; one hand --- thumb hooked into back pocket, cut small for repairs to jeans --- enveloping buttock, finger-nails scraping seam soaked with seminal sweat, against slope of thigh ; apprentice pressing open jaw into hollow of Wazzag's cheek, hand, at same time, grabbing, pulling Wazzag's testicles downwards : whore, collared, scrotum mauled, quick, hand --- busy scraping boy's arse --- wriggling under jeans, out through other side, onto hip of other apprentice, finger brushing over fat in olive folds of bare flesh released through tear in back pocket, hanging over mound of buttocks ; apprentice, staring at Wazzag, letting licorice-juice overflow, drip over chin, down onto palpitating throat, bucking pelvis towards Wazzag's hips embraced : movement creasing edges of tear, folds under buttocks, jeans pressing deep into anal slit --- cloth softened by friction, by constant secretions of love {\dashcom} buttocks, pressed against cold metal to calm erect member, pulling apart, lifted from counter by twitch of nerve ; loins shifting towards Wazzag, flaps of denim jacket rubbing over hollow belly, sweat gleaming ; Wazzag licking wiry black hair of stronger apprentice, Brylcreem greasing lips ; apprentice jamming
-worms aroused by weight of body, by rays of fire ; bitch licks boy's hair spattered with jissom ; tongue wraps around ear of whore, Khamssieh's tongue pokes out, rolls back onto cheek ; two tongues touch ; dog nuzzles into Khamssieh's arse, growls, springs over body of whore onto bitch, bites throat ; Khamssieh swallows juices from tongue of bitch, slips arm between back legs of dog planted in swirl of mud, grabs, squeezes penis ; dog slumps down, sits with arse pressed against cheek of whore, heavy bushy tail digs into neck ; turns back towards Khamssieh's arse, leans back onto hind legs, rubs reddening member, sticky, against slope of buttocks spread wide ; Khamssieh thrusts pelvis, pushes dog back, stands up, wipes front of body spotted with mud ; tiny abscess tears open on throat{\td}} ; apprentice-boy pushing Wazzag out of latrine --- moving out : two simmering bodies stuck between lintels {\dashcom} leaning against wall of passage, opening tap fixed to wall between Wazzag's legs spread, hand curved directing stream of water towards thigh of whore ; panel-beater crossing saloon, embalmed loins breathing hot, chafed by jeans ; apprentice rubbing Wazzag's streaming thigh with flat of hand ; Wazzag's member rigid, catching in flap of denim jacket of apprentice leaning over alongside whore ; boy's hand stopping over bottom of Wazzag's buttock{\td} \said{Khemissa {\thd} I'm afraid of his shit{\thd}} : weaker twin, pain heating belly, turning, elbows propped on counter, towards door left ajar by panel-beater ; hip brushing hip of panel-beater ; latter throwing coins, in front of Khemissa, onto zinc ; Khemissa puffing out chest to touch elbow of panel-beater turning away ; eyes, half-open, fixed on shining eyes of panel-beater, teeth bared, chest purring, growling in throat ; {\thd}\said{Khemissa{\thd} your wiry hands have wiped babies' bottoms{\comthd} scrubbed saucepans{\thd} cleaned out clogged carburettors{\td}}, Khemissa cooling, head tilted down onto shoulder ; penis, tucked into pouch of pants, poking out of jeans, spurring soiled cotton, stretching elastic of seam, tuft of flaxen hair sprouting over curve of member visible through opening of fly ; stronger twin pulling strip of spongy cloth from hole in wall, wringing cloth under tap, dipping into box of Vim, raising rag, striking,
+head against Wazzag's chin, kissing whore's throat, lips spread, snot, expelled with jerks of breathing, splashing throat ; apprentice-boy whining, squashing nostril into mucus, spreading gob over skin ridged by spine ; leg rubbing hardened calf of whore ; Wazzag seizing, pulling at genital cluster of weaker boy drawn out in blunt spur under jeans over slope of thigh, hand of whore spread wide. thumb hooked over stitches of fly ; stronger boy striking middle of Wazzag's arm with clenched fist, knocking into upper body of whore ; quick, fist catching Wazzag's testicles, turning towards twin, spitting, kicking between boy's thighs : twin groaning, doubled up, cupping sexual cluster in both hands, unbuttoning fly, index finger gathering reddening member packed into white cotton pants smeared with grease ; stronger boy pushing Wazzag, held by member, towards first latrine in passage : panel-beater, squatting, excrement bursting between buttocks, eating pomegranate picked up from concrete, held in sticky hand, other hand pulling thread of jissom from member stiffened again at sound of breathing, grinding muscles of apprentice-boys squeezing Wazzag ; boy pressing Wazzag against soiled wall ; panel-beater throwing pomegranate onto flow of red excrements, scraping, with juice-smeared fingers, shit caked around arse, dipping fingers into water-can, wiping hand on wall, on Wazzag's calf, standing up, buttoning fly, bringing mouth against ear of apprentice \colsaid{fuck him, what are you waiting for ? {\td} for my jissom to dry in his arse ? {\thd} twist a wet floor-cloth up his hole{\td} a dog never washes{\comtd} licks, gets licked{\thd} this one can't bend back to reach his own arse{\thd} gets Khamssieh to lick it{\td} Khamssieh, at dawn one day each month, after embraces, goes out into street, buttocks rub together, shine in red sunlight ; brushes past wall beside trash-cans, climbs up onto mound strewn over with chicken-carcasses attacked by white dogs, chases dogs away, kneels. stretches out over carcasses ; throws hands behind back, spreads buttocks ; hot tongues of sunbeams, tongue of dog with dew-soaked coat, push into half-open arse ; Khamssieh howls, dogs rummage, alongside body, into spongy layer of rubbish crawling with tiny
-bending Wazzag over --- latter spreading buttocks with hands {\dashcom} wiping Wazzaq's arse with strip stretched out at arm's length ; lather mixed with jissom, excrements, bubbling in slit of arse, dripping onto legs of whore : lifted up on cloth, shaken out, splashing front of apprentice-boy's body, forehead, folds of jeans between thighs ; Khemissa following panel-beater, unbuttoning, buttoning up worker on doorstep ; apprentice-boy throwing soiled rag into half-open latrine, pushing Wazzag's curved loins towards tap, positioning coccyx of whore against tap, turning tap full on, jumping aside ; water washing brown lather out of Wazzag's arse ; Wazzag, numbed, penis, balls, contracted by cold into drenched fleece, hands on knees, staring, eyes wide open, at puddle lapping over feet on floor of beaten earth, advancing up to tiles of saloon ; apprentice-boy turning off water, dragging Wazzag, shivering, out into garden, wiping legs of whore with tarpaulin shading caged leverets ; pressing, twisting corner of hardened tarpaulin into whore's streaming arse ; Wazzag whining ; apprentice-boy's fist squeezing hip ; thrown forward by twisting of tarpaulin between buttocks, Wazzag swaying, holding onto wooden frame of cage. hardened penis --- fist of apprentice kneading hip : pulling at skin of lower belly, from root of member up towards loins --- squashed against wire netting, glans caught in mesh, peppered with sand kicked up by fleeing leverets ; apprentice pulling out wad from Wazzag's arse, tarpaulin collapsing at feet ; rustling, trampled by furious feet of boy thrown back against whore, whole jaw biting into Wazzag's neck from behind ; Khemissa, on doorstep, squeezing buttocks of panel-beater, latter slipping finger under arched member of whore pulled up out of pants against elastic : opposite brothel, on mound rising above wall of street, pair of loaded camels copulating, kneeling in burning sand ; with movement of spasm, knees digging deeper into cooler, heavier sand, seed scintillating on white coats ; open muzzles assailed by flies aroused by dawn fire ; threads of slaver, shaken in spasms, hanging out of lower jaws ; Khemissa letting saliva mixed with licorice overflow from lips, run out of wide-open mouth, over chin : neck,
+worms aroused by weight of body, by rays of fire ; bitch licks boy's hair spattered with jissom ; tongue wraps around ear of whore, Khamssieh's tongue pokes out, rolls back onto cheek ; two tongues touch ; dog nuzzles into Khamssieh's arse, growls, springs over body of whore onto bitch, bites throat ; Khamssieh swallows juices from tongue of bitch, slips arm between back legs of dog planted in swirl of mud, grabs, squeezes penis ; dog slumps down, sits with arse pressed against cheek of whore, heavy bushy tail digs into neck ; turns back towards Khamssieh's arse, leans back onto hind legs, rubs reddening member, sticky, against slope of buttocks spread wide ; Khamssieh thrusts pelvis, pushes dog back, stands up, wipes front of body spotted with mud ; tiny abscess tears open on throat{\td}} ; apprentice-boy pushing Wazzag out of latrine --- moving out : two simmering bodies stuck between lintels {\dashcom} leaning against wall of passage, opening tap fixed to wall between Wazzag's legs spread, hand curved directing stream of water towards thigh of whore ; panel-beater crossing saloon, embalmed loins breathing hot, chafed by jeans ; apprentice rubbing Wazzag's streaming thigh with flat of hand ; Wazzag's member rigid, catching in flap of denim jacket of apprentice leaning over alongside whore ; boy's hand stopping over bottom of Wazzag's buttock{\td} \said{Khemissa {\thd} I'm afraid of his shit{\thd}} : weaker twin, pain heating belly, turning, elbows propped on counter, towards door left ajar by panel-beater ; hip brushing hip of panel-beater ; latter throwing coins, in front of Khemissa, onto zinc ; Khemissa puffing out chest to touch elbow of panel-beater turning away ; eyes, half-open, fixed on shining eyes of panel-beater, teeth bared, chest purring, growling in throat ; {\thd}\said{Khemissa{\thd} your wiry hands have wiped babies' bottoms{\comthd} scrubbed saucepans{\thd} cleaned out clogged carburettors{\td}}, Khemissa cooling, head tilted down onto shoulder ; penis, tucked into pouch of pants, poking out of jeans, spurring soiled cotton, stretching elastic of seam, tuft of flaxen hair sprouting over curve of member visible through opening of fly ; stronger twin pulling strip of spongy cloth from hole in wall, wringing cloth under tap, dipping into box of Vim, raising rag, striking,
-sticky collar of denim jacket, shining wet ; camels uncoupling, sprawling on sides, eyes closed, muzzles half-closed : woman wrapped in bluish veils looming, green plastic bucket in hand, followed by naked child, coarse grains of salt sticking to short penis : woman's bare foot kicking into palpitating chest of female, forcing animal up ; under camel's belly, fixing bucket ; squatting, child lounging against flank of male playing with sticky penis retracted into fleshy folds, grabbing teat of female, milking, coppery eyelids closed over eyes reddened by salt, by fury of night-love ; Khemissa rubbing encrusted eyes ; panel-beater disappearing at corner of street ; Khemissa closing door, leaning, squeezing latch between thighs, legs stiffened, manoeuvring latch against member softened in pants pulled out of jeans, seizing, turning member, latch, with both hands together, espadrille smearing gob of jissom --- from panel-beater : thick clots swimming in thin liquid --- over floor ; whore-master coming down staircase, forearm holding plate of omelette against hairy chest, gaze sweeping sideways past eyes of Khemissa ; boy's member, sticky neck, beating with flux of blood ; whore-master opening second latrine in passage ; buttocks, smoothed tight by movement raising foot onto step, rolling in bluish penumbra of passage, loins, back, undulating ; eye, catching Khemissa's member springing, marbled, out of pants ; whore-master setting plate in front of foot of club-foot crouched cross-legged on step, dozing, head pressed into corner, face dotted with small flecks of hardened jissom, singlet streaked with traces of excrement ; whore-master stepping back out, double-locking door ; key clutched in fist, coming back into saloon ; penis stretched, softened, bouncing against hairy thighs ; Khemissa lifting arm in front of eyes, heart jumping in chest, knees quaking ; whore-master climbing back up to bedroom : top of body disappearing at top of stairs, jissom glistening on downy black hairs under buttocks ; Khemissa stretching out on side, against door, rolling on belly, crawling, panting, raising dust, alongside counter ; seam of jeans tearing between spread buttocks ; hitching body up onto staircase, licking footprints of whore-master in dust on steps ;
+bending Wazzag over --- latter spreading buttocks with hands {\dashcom} wiping Wazzaq's arse with strip stretched out at arm's length ; lather mixed with jissom, excrements, bubbling in slit of arse, dripping onto legs of whore : lifted up on cloth, shaken out, splashing front of apprentice-boy's body, forehead, folds of jeans between thighs ; Khemissa following panel-beater, unbuttoning, buttoning up worker on doorstep ; apprentice-boy throwing soiled rag into half-open latrine, pushing Wazzag's curved loins towards tap, positioning coccyx of whore against tap, turning tap full on, jumping aside ; water washing brown lather out of Wazzag's arse ; Wazzag, numbed, penis, balls, contracted by cold into drenched fleece, hands on knees, staring, eyes wide open, at puddle lapping over feet on floor of beaten earth, advancing up to tiles of saloon ; apprentice-boy turning off water, dragging Wazzag, shivering, out into garden, wiping legs of whore with tarpaulin shading caged leverets ; pressing, twisting corner of hardened tarpaulin into whore's streaming arse ; Wazzag whining ; apprentice-boy's fist squeezing hip ; thrown forward by twisting of tarpaulin between buttocks, Wazzag swaying, holding onto wooden frame of cage. hardened penis --- fist of apprentice kneading hip : pulling at skin of lower belly, from root of member up towards loins --- squashed against wire netting, glans caught in mesh, peppered with sand kicked up by fleeing leverets ; apprentice pulling out wad from Wazzag's arse, tarpaulin collapsing at feet ; rustling, trampled by furious feet of boy thrown back against whore, whole jaw biting into Wazzag's neck from behind ; Khemissa, on doorstep, squeezing buttocks of panel-beater, latter slipping finger under arched member of whore pulled up out of pants against elastic : opposite brothel, on mound rising above wall of street, pair of loaded camels copulating, kneeling in burning sand ; with movement of spasm, knees digging deeper into cooler, heavier sand, seed scintillating on white coats ; open muzzles assailed by flies aroused by dawn fire ; threads of slaver, shaken in spasms, hanging out of lower jaws ; Khemissa letting saliva mixed with licorice overflow from lips, run out of wide-open mouth, over chin : neck,
-on landing, standing up : razor held in fist, whore-master, standing on one leg, other folded back, heel pressed against knee of other leg, disentangling curly hairs over surface of thigh ; Khemissa shuddering, diving, penis spurring pants, at whore-master, pulling razor from fist, kneeling, kissing tufts : perfume, taste, of seminal sweat bathing nostrils, settling on tip of tongue, relaxing boy's muscles, nerves ; forehead lightening, clothes --- pants, jeans, jacket, espadrilles, Brylcreem --- falling away from ripening body {\semislash} Wazzag, sprawling on hay in shed, clean arse speared by apprentice-boy's member, head shaking at each spurt, chewing dusty hay ; under spreading buttocks of apprentice hugged in jeans with fly half-buttoned, whore's grimy ochre-coloured balls sweating, gleaming in hay : hands convulsing, oozing sugar --- from body of date-picker --- over wisps of hay, member straining underneath, pressed back against belly ; licorice-juice flowing from mouth of apprentice onto honeyed ear of whore ; apprentice, orgasm suspended, weighing down onto Wazzag, pressing head of whore into hay ; Wazzag struggling ; quick, strong, rolling over onto back ; apprentice, member twisted, howling, collapsing, legs spread, onto back, in hay ; Wazzag crouching alongside apprentice, licking cold sweat pearling on forehead, on navel ; teeth unbuttoning top of fly, pulling apart flaps of jeans, on one side, other side, of member --- throbbing reddened, resting on elastic of pants ; Wazzag, back struck by apprentice-boy's fist, burying mouth in pants, sucking up spots of jissom caught on cotton ; tongue curled back, dripping with saliva, bringing testicles back under member, gulping, breathing in balls ; snapping up glans from above ; apprentice-boy's hand stroking vertebrae of back{\td} \said{find it{\td} find it{\thd} fetch{\thd} fetch{\td}}, Wazzag shaking muzzle crammed full, pulling at roots, placing arm in slit of arse, waving arm raised tall over rolling buttocks : jissom spurting against strangled throat turning sour with anger ; apprentice standing up, Wazzag swallowing, wiping mouth on wrist : nausea curving head over hay, Wazzag spitting saliva mixed with blood ; apprentice, standing straight, throwing out buttocks{\td} \said{dog, lick the
+sticky collar of denim jacket, shining wet ; camels uncoupling, sprawling on sides, eyes closed, muzzles half-closed : woman wrapped in bluish veils looming, green plastic bucket in hand, followed by naked child, coarse grains of salt sticking to short penis : woman's bare foot kicking into palpitating chest of female, forcing animal up ; under camel's belly, fixing bucket ; squatting, child lounging against flank of male playing with sticky penis retracted into fleshy folds, grabbing teat of female, milking, coppery eyelids closed over eyes reddened by salt, by fury of night-love ; Khemissa rubbing encrusted eyes ; panel-beater disappearing at corner of street ; Khemissa closing door, leaning, squeezing latch between thighs, legs stiffened, manoeuvring latch against member softened in pants pulled out of jeans, seizing, turning member, latch, with both hands together, espadrille smearing gob of jissom --- from panel-beater : thick clots swimming in thin liquid --- over floor ; whore-master coming down staircase, forearm holding plate of omelette against hairy chest, gaze sweeping sideways past eyes of Khemissa ; boy's member, sticky neck, beating with flux of blood ; whore-master opening second latrine in passage ; buttocks, smoothed tight by movement raising foot onto step, rolling in bluish penumbra of passage, loins, back, undulating ; eye, catching Khemissa's member springing, marbled, out of pants ; whore-master setting plate in front of foot of club-foot crouched cross-legged on step, dozing, head pressed into corner, face dotted with small flecks of hardened jissom, singlet streaked with traces of excrement ; whore-master stepping back out, double-locking door ; key clutched in fist, coming back into saloon ; penis stretched, softened, bouncing against hairy thighs ; Khemissa lifting arm in front of eyes, heart jumping in chest, knees quaking ; whore-master climbing back up to bedroom : top of body disappearing at top of stairs, jissom glistening on downy black hairs under buttocks ; Khemissa stretching out on side, against door, rolling on belly, crawling, panting, raising dust, alongside counter ; seam of jeans tearing between spread buttocks ; hitching body up onto staircase, licking footprints of whore-master in dust on steps ;
-plate.} ; Wazzag, chin bathed in pink slaver, standing, sniffing boy's buttocks, jeans wet with sweat in folds, with jissom on seam under crotch ; on knees, squeezing loins of apprentice, unbuttoning boy, sliding jeans down over knees, sniffing at sticky pants, quick strokes of tongue touching loose cotton over arse{\td} \said{too hot ?{\td} quick{\thd} there's man's work waiting for me outside{\td}} ; Wazzag's teeth pulling pants over loins : cotton stuck to skin by hardened jissom, fresh traces of excrement --- Wazzag licking deposits ; cotton, wet, pulling away ; Wazzag's fists rolling pants under buttocks ; placing lips over slit of arse lined with dark brown silky down ; Wazzag spreading arse with hands, jamming muzzle between relaxed buttocks ; eyes closed buried in fat of buttocks, tongue slipping over encrusted membrane ; apprentice, shaken by laughter --- nostrils expelling mucus mixed with grease {\dashcom} tightening buttocks over muzzle of whore, bending down, hand pressed against brick wall, pulling sticky buttock aside with free hand ; Wazzag, upper rims of ears rubbing over fatty sides of arse with movement of licking, shooting measured strokes of tongue into congested opening : gust of wind slamming door against buttocks, darkness bracing, chilling bodies, tongue contracting ; darkness evaporating, member blooming back, buttocks quivering, boy's hand covering damp hair of whore ; whore kicking door open against wind : fire striking sweaty back ; in bedroom, across bed, whore-master, Khemissa, naked, sleeping side by side on bellies : key of latrine, of box-room, stuck between Khemissa's buttocks, oscillating to rhythm of boy's breathing ; on slope of buttocks of whore-master, transparent film of jissom glimmering between curls {\slashsemislash} negroes, masturbated, dozing on sand ; shepherd washing jissom-spattered hands in ditch of reddish water ; kneeling, drinking, cheeks swelling, spitting out water mixed with jissom, onto sand ; nomad sitting in pool : sugar crunching between teeth ; sugar swelling pockets of sleeping negroes, spots of jissom wetting shorts ; two twins lying side by side, away from other soldiers : long mottled members, protruding from shorts, resting on mauve pebbles poking, sharp, from sand ; fistful of sugar distending shorts from pocket to
+on landing, standing up : razor held in fist, whore-master, standing on one leg, other folded back, heel pressed against knee of other leg, disentangling curly hairs over surface of thigh ; Khemissa shuddering, diving, penis spurring pants, at whore-master, pulling razor from fist, kneeling, kissing tufts : perfume, taste, of seminal sweat bathing nostrils, settling on tip of tongue, relaxing boy's muscles, nerves ; forehead lightening, clothes --- pants, jeans, jacket, espadrilles, Brylcreem --- falling away from ripening body {\semislash} Wazzag, sprawling on hay in shed, clean arse speared by apprentice-boy's member, head shaking at each spurt, chewing dusty hay ; under spreading buttocks of apprentice hugged in jeans with fly half-buttoned, whore's grimy ochre-coloured balls sweating, gleaming in hay : hands convulsing, oozing sugar --- from body of date-picker --- over wisps of hay, member straining underneath, pressed back against belly ; licorice-juice flowing from mouth of apprentice onto honeyed ear of whore ; apprentice, orgasm suspended, weighing down onto Wazzag, pressing head of whore into hay ; Wazzag struggling ; quick, strong, rolling over onto back ; apprentice, member twisted, howling, collapsing, legs spread, onto back, in hay ; Wazzag crouching alongside apprentice, licking cold sweat pearling on forehead, on navel ; teeth unbuttoning top of fly, pulling apart flaps of jeans, on one side, other side, of member --- throbbing reddened, resting on elastic of pants ; Wazzag, back struck by apprentice-boy's fist, burying mouth in pants, sucking up spots of jissom caught on cotton ; tongue curled back, dripping with saliva, bringing testicles back under member, gulping, breathing in balls ; snapping up glans from above ; apprentice-boy's hand stroking vertebrae of back{\td} \said{find it{\td} find it{\thd} fetch{\thd} fetch{\td}}, Wazzag shaking muzzle crammed full, pulling at roots, placing arm in slit of arse, waving arm raised tall over rolling buttocks : jissom spurting against strangled throat turning sour with anger ; apprentice standing up, Wazzag swallowing, wiping mouth on wrist : nausea curving head over hay, Wazzag spitting saliva mixed with blood ; apprentice, standing straight, throwing out buttocks{\td} \said{dog, lick the
-crotch ; shepherd dipping strip of sacking --- hooked onto string holding ragged robes at waist --- into water ; wringing out streaming rag, rubbing strip between two scorching pebbles, wetting, wringing, unravelling ; separating rags covering thighs, sheathing member, balls, slit of arse, with rinsed rag tied back around string, over loins ; nomad standing, shepherd picking up, holding out gandourah in front of slim body dripping ; nomad emerging from pool, lifting arms, shepherd rolling gandourah, dressing nomad, gandourah sticking to body, nomad shivering, shepherd blowing breath, heated by sucking, over nomad's ear ; twins' legs quivering on sand, white of nomad's eye sparkling at edge of amber face : sugar slipping out of pockets of twins tormented by dreams ; nomad opening mouth, chewing bits of sugar stuck in gums, clapping hand over shepherd's buttock. pushing shepherd towards twins, chewing, throat shaken by muffled laughter, munching, mouth open, sugar running over lower lip ; shepherd approaching twins ; nomad pulling camels up, stuffing copper beakers into saddle-pack, tying guerbas around flanks of camels, pulling both animals towards cirque carpeted with pebbles, with dehorned carcasses ; shepherd crouching near twins, gathering up sugar-lumps scattered on sand, burying big scaly hand into pocket of one twin, seizing sugar-lumps ; shifting, crouched, towards other twin, sucking sugar-lump jammed between teeth, emptying soldier's pocket ; soldier, awakened by sound of sucking, by rubbing of fold of shorts against thigh --- light brushing of shepherd's hand in pocket, disturbing, gradual, folds of shorts buried between thighs under member {\dashcom} sitting up, grabbing, twisting shepherd's wrist --- crushed sugar scintillating between shepherd's clenched fingers {\dashcom} standing up, other fist catching shepherd's ear, spitting black saliva mixed with tiny bones of leverets into shepherd's face{\td} \said{meat for vulture{\td}} ; soldier pressing bare foot onto bare foot of shepherd, digging into sand underneath, rubbing heel against shepherd's heel, twisting ear : shepherd wailing raucous : other twin, woken, sitting up, one side of face coated with sand{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} look{\td} I twist his ear, skin stretches on toe, corn twitches on heel{\td}}, shepherd licking wrist
+plate.} ; Wazzag, chin bathed in pink slaver, standing, sniffing boy's buttocks, jeans wet with sweat in folds, with jissom on seam under crotch ; on knees, squeezing loins of apprentice, unbuttoning boy, sliding jeans down over knees, sniffing at sticky pants, quick strokes of tongue touching loose cotton over arse{\td} \said{too hot ?{\td} quick{\thd} there's man's work waiting for me outside{\td}} ; Wazzag's teeth pulling pants over loins : cotton stuck to skin by hardened jissom, fresh traces of excrement --- Wazzag licking deposits ; cotton, wet, pulling away ; Wazzag's fists rolling pants under buttocks ; placing lips over slit of arse lined with dark brown silky down ; Wazzag spreading arse with hands, jamming muzzle between relaxed buttocks ; eyes closed buried in fat of buttocks, tongue slipping over encrusted membrane ; apprentice, shaken by laughter --- nostrils expelling mucus mixed with grease {\dashcom} tightening buttocks over muzzle of whore, bending down, hand pressed against brick wall, pulling sticky buttock aside with free hand ; Wazzag, upper rims of ears rubbing over fatty sides of arse with movement of licking, shooting measured strokes of tongue into congested opening : gust of wind slamming door against buttocks, darkness bracing, chilling bodies, tongue contracting ; darkness evaporating, member blooming back, buttocks quivering, boy's hand covering damp hair of whore ; whore kicking door open against wind : fire striking sweaty back ; in bedroom, across bed, whore-master, Khemissa, naked, sleeping side by side on bellies : key of latrine, of box-room, stuck between Khemissa's buttocks, oscillating to rhythm of boy's breathing ; on slope of buttocks of whore-master, transparent film of jissom glimmering between curls {\slashsemislash} negroes, masturbated, dozing on sand ; shepherd washing jissom-spattered hands in ditch of reddish water ; kneeling, drinking, cheeks swelling, spitting out water mixed with jissom, onto sand ; nomad sitting in pool : sugar crunching between teeth ; sugar swelling pockets of sleeping negroes, spots of jissom wetting shorts ; two twins lying side by side, away from other soldiers : long mottled members, protruding from shorts, resting on mauve pebbles poking, sharp, from sand ; fistful of sugar distending shorts from pocket to
-of soldier pulling ear{\td} \said{leech{\thd} for you, my jissom, blood of wounded sheep{\thd} for my twin brother, my man-blood spurting under needle, under prongs of fork{\td}} ; Hamza, moving behind shepherd, nose pinched between fingers, grabbing leg, pressing pink palm against shepherd's heel; twin twisting ear, forearm dripping with sugary slaver spat by shepherd, shepherd's wrinkled forehead filling out, hardening ; skin, tough, stretching over jaw, over torso, over hip ; under soldier's palm, corn on heel trembling ; soldier laughing, twisting foot ; other soldier pinching skin stretched over cheek, grabbing shepherd's jaw, hollowing cheeks with fingers, palm squashing shepherd's nose, squeezing throat : shepherd swallowing sugar between rotten teeth ; both soldiers palpating limbs of shepherd, under rags ; shepherd closing mouth ; lips, sugary, shining : soldier, standing up, stroking creases with damp finger-nails{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} made to measure, for glans{\thd} you, your master, no love, no food-weight slowing spurts of master's jissom in your throat{\td}} ; Hamza finding flute tied to shepherd's knee, seizing flute, standing up ; other twin twisting back shepherd's ear, Hamza pointing flute towards mouth opened in pain, rough breathing of shepherd forcing note : croaking of flute waking other soldiers : standing up, members spurring shorts ; breath quavering in pipe ; soldiers encircling shepherd held down by twins, spreading rags, curved finger-nails scraping scaly skin of shepherd's loins ; phalanges rolling over coccyx ; breath moaning in pipe ; twins pushing back soldiers ; collaring, rolling shepherd outside circle, onto sand, releasing hold, pushing youth, with feet, with tip of charred handle picked up beside remains of fire, towards cirque ; nomad, sitting beside cirque, legs buried in sand mixed with bits of bone, skinning live lizard : fire burning in crevice of cliff ; shepherd, loins, back, powdered with ash, squatting in front of fire, stoking, heaping up coals with bare hands ; twins pulling long matches from pockets, tipping matches into hollow of gandourah \colsaid{we rent your akli{\td} feed him{\thd} after, you get medicine{\td}} ; nomad, flesh of cheeks palpitating, dermis sliding in transparency under epidermis, seizing, stuffing
+crotch ; shepherd dipping strip of sacking --- hooked onto string holding ragged robes at waist --- into water ; wringing out streaming rag, rubbing strip between two scorching pebbles, wetting, wringing, unravelling ; separating rags covering thighs, sheathing member, balls, slit of arse, with rinsed rag tied back around string, over loins ; nomad standing, shepherd picking up, holding out gandourah in front of slim body dripping ; nomad emerging from pool, lifting arms, shepherd rolling gandourah, dressing nomad, gandourah sticking to body, nomad shivering, shepherd blowing breath, heated by sucking, over nomad's ear ; twins' legs quivering on sand, white of nomad's eye sparkling at edge of amber face : sugar slipping out of pockets of twins tormented by dreams ; nomad opening mouth, chewing bits of sugar stuck in gums, clapping hand over shepherd's buttock. pushing shepherd towards twins, chewing, throat shaken by muffled laughter, munching, mouth open, sugar running over lower lip ; shepherd approaching twins ; nomad pulling camels up, stuffing copper beakers into saddle-pack, tying guerbas around flanks of camels, pulling both animals towards cirque carpeted with pebbles, with dehorned carcasses ; shepherd crouching near twins, gathering up sugar-lumps scattered on sand, burying big scaly hand into pocket of one twin, seizing sugar-lumps ; shifting, crouched, towards other twin, sucking sugar-lump jammed between teeth, emptying soldier's pocket ; soldier, awakened by sound of sucking, by rubbing of fold of shorts against thigh --- light brushing of shepherd's hand in pocket, disturbing, gradual, folds of shorts buried between thighs under member {\dashcom} sitting up, grabbing, twisting shepherd's wrist --- crushed sugar scintillating between shepherd's clenched fingers {\dashcom} standing up, other fist catching shepherd's ear, spitting black saliva mixed with tiny bones of leverets into shepherd's face{\td} \said{meat for vulture{\td}} ; soldier pressing bare foot onto bare foot of shepherd, digging into sand underneath, rubbing heel against shepherd's heel, twisting ear : shepherd wailing raucous : other twin, woken, sitting up, one side of face coated with sand{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} look{\td} I twist his ear, skin stretches on toe, corn twitches on heel{\td}}, shepherd licking wrist
-matches into one of leather bags hung around neck, grabbing arm of shepherd squatting, pushing youth over in sand against knees, kissing mouth, coating lips with sand, knee goading shepherd up onto feet, foot driving youth towards twins ; twins gripping shoulders of youth, fists pummelling fat of buttocks : youth thrown out of cirque, pushed over in sand, forced to crawl flanked by twins, out behind camp ; standing up, stepping over barbed wire ; shepherd, pushed by Hamza shaken by laughter, staggering, barbs catching wet rag wrapping genital cluster, Hamza striking heavy hand buried in rags, picking up bludgeon coated with shit thrown out of camp by fatigue-men, slipping stick between shepherd's legs, squashing soiled tip against knots of barbed wire, pulling up middle of stick against slit of arse ; barbed wire tearing rag, scratching shepherd's testicles ; Hamza, violent, grabbing leg, swinging youth over wire onto other side ; falling, shepherd letting leg bounce back against barbs ; Hamza, jumping ; blood spurting along bare leg ; Hamza throwing sand onto wounds ; twins dragging youth over sand strewn with rubbish ; Hamza holding flute between teeth ; foot of other twin pushing open gate of low stable built into skeleton of armoured car covered with skins, with sheet metal ; twins throwing shepherd onto straw mixed with crushed colocynth, against flank of cow dozing : Hamza crouching in front of youth ; twin coming out ; Hamza laughing ; with soiled bludgeon, squashing shepherd's sexual cluster ; shepherd, sprawled over cow, spreading thighs in hay ; Hamza, purple of laughter flushing ebony cheeks, rolling black balls around stick ; cow stretching, hollowing belly, top of shepherd's belly sliding along cow's belly, back squashing dugs ; Hamza moving stick over shepherd's torso, digging under ribs, delving into armpits, into hollow of neck --- youth choking, head shaken spitting pink saliva onto dirt of bludgeon {\dashsemi} cow throwing head back over neck, tongue enveloping soiled stick, boy's jaw ; boy turning pale, shaken upright coughing, hand pushing stick aside ; fire burning in chest, eyes fuming, Hamza poking eyes with stick ; shepherd burying face in cow's belly, stick striking temple ; stretching legs along belly, burying
+of soldier pulling ear{\td} \said{leech{\thd} for you, my jissom, blood of wounded sheep{\thd} for my twin brother, my man-blood spurting under needle, under prongs of fork{\td}} ; Hamza, moving behind shepherd, nose pinched between fingers, grabbing leg, pressing pink palm against shepherd's heel; twin twisting ear, forearm dripping with sugary slaver spat by shepherd, shepherd's wrinkled forehead filling out, hardening ; skin, tough, stretching over jaw, over torso, over hip ; under soldier's palm, corn on heel trembling ; soldier laughing, twisting foot ; other soldier pinching skin stretched over cheek, grabbing shepherd's jaw, hollowing cheeks with fingers, palm squashing shepherd's nose, squeezing throat : shepherd swallowing sugar between rotten teeth ; both soldiers palpating limbs of shepherd, under rags ; shepherd closing mouth ; lips, sugary, shining : soldier, standing up, stroking creases with damp finger-nails{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} made to measure, for glans{\thd} you, your master, no love, no food-weight slowing spurts of master's jissom in your throat{\td}} ; Hamza finding flute tied to shepherd's knee, seizing flute, standing up ; other twin twisting back shepherd's ear, Hamza pointing flute towards mouth opened in pain, rough breathing of shepherd forcing note : croaking of flute waking other soldiers : standing up, members spurring shorts ; breath quavering in pipe ; soldiers encircling shepherd held down by twins, spreading rags, curved finger-nails scraping scaly skin of shepherd's loins ; phalanges rolling over coccyx ; breath moaning in pipe ; twins pushing back soldiers ; collaring, rolling shepherd outside circle, onto sand, releasing hold, pushing youth, with feet, with tip of charred handle picked up beside remains of fire, towards cirque ; nomad, sitting beside cirque, legs buried in sand mixed with bits of bone, skinning live lizard : fire burning in crevice of cliff ; shepherd, loins, back, powdered with ash, squatting in front of fire, stoking, heaping up coals with bare hands ; twins pulling long matches from pockets, tipping matches into hollow of gandourah \colsaid{we rent your akli{\td} feed him{\thd} after, you get medicine{\td}} ; nomad, flesh of cheeks palpitating, dermis sliding in transparency under epidermis, seizing, stuffing
-bare feet in dewlap, throwing arms around rump ; cow licking wounds on legs ; youth coughing into coat ; Hamza striking fat of buttocks ; cow jerking horn against stick ; twin looming, arms holding out pot with steam hissing over disturbed water bathing all of upper body gleaming : naked child, tottering, hooked onto leg of twin ; twin putting pot down on hay ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's neck, pulling head, holding head over pot, in steam ; twin, pushing shepherd aside, wedging baby in angle of cow's thigh, gripping, stuffing teat into baby's mouth ; crouching, opposite Hamza, blowing onto slop of beans ; shepherd grabbing handle of pot, plunging muzzle into steam ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's hair, standing up, dragging youth by hair, towards back of shelter ; baby suckling, face splashed with milk ; twins diving at slop, lapping cooled surface, plunging deeper with cupped hands, lifting moulded lumps to lips ; eyes, lips of shepherd shining in steamy half-light : slaver drooling over chin ; shorts of crouching twins sliding over buttocks with swelling of stomachs filling ; nostrils aspiring beans ; between gulps, rolling onto backs, pulling members from shorts, aiming, straining towards shepherd ; shepherd, eyelids trembling over eyeballs, sucking blades of hay wetted in wounds ; twins, glutted, rolling back against flank of cow, muzzles splashed with slop, beans squashed at corners of eyes, pressed together, joined at hips, lips touching against teat : baby, placed by Hamza against animal's arse, head leaning against root of tail, sleeping, milk drying bluish all over small body quivering ; two twins laughing, arses slackened, suckling, teeth against teeth, at swollen teat ; cheek to cheek, between sucks, pressing buttressed against cow ; forehead bumping on ground carpeted with soiled straw, watching, eyes upside-down under arch of thighs, shepherd --- dozing, seated, head thrown back into hands crossed under nape ; shepherd, mouths of twins turning back onto teat, walking, on all fours, towards pot steaming with remains of slop, tongue lolling, saliva catching hay-dust ; Hamza's foot overturning pot, heel striking shepherd's mouth ; bloody gums chomping, shepherd drawing back into shadows ; Hamza, hand grabbing hide of rump, hitching up onto
+matches into one of leather bags hung around neck, grabbing arm of shepherd squatting, pushing youth over in sand against knees, kissing mouth, coating lips with sand, knee goading shepherd up onto feet, foot driving youth towards twins ; twins gripping shoulders of youth, fists pummelling fat of buttocks : youth thrown out of cirque, pushed over in sand, forced to crawl flanked by twins, out behind camp ; standing up, stepping over barbed wire ; shepherd, pushed by Hamza shaken by laughter, staggering, barbs catching wet rag wrapping genital cluster, Hamza striking heavy hand buried in rags, picking up bludgeon coated with shit thrown out of camp by fatigue-men, slipping stick between shepherd's legs, squashing soiled tip against knots of barbed wire, pulling up middle of stick against slit of arse ; barbed wire tearing rag, scratching shepherd's testicles ; Hamza, violent, grabbing leg, swinging youth over wire onto other side ; falling, shepherd letting leg bounce back against barbs ; Hamza, jumping ; blood spurting along bare leg ; Hamza throwing sand onto wounds ; twins dragging youth over sand strewn with rubbish ; Hamza holding flute between teeth ; foot of other twin pushing open gate of low stable built into skeleton of armoured car covered with skins, with sheet metal ; twins throwing shepherd onto straw mixed with crushed colocynth, against flank of cow dozing : Hamza crouching in front of youth ; twin coming out ; Hamza laughing ; with soiled bludgeon, squashing shepherd's sexual cluster ; shepherd, sprawled over cow, spreading thighs in hay ; Hamza, purple of laughter flushing ebony cheeks, rolling black balls around stick ; cow stretching, hollowing belly, top of shepherd's belly sliding along cow's belly, back squashing dugs ; Hamza moving stick over shepherd's torso, digging under ribs, delving into armpits, into hollow of neck --- youth choking, head shaken spitting pink saliva onto dirt of bludgeon {\dashsemi} cow throwing head back over neck, tongue enveloping soiled stick, boy's jaw ; boy turning pale, shaken upright coughing, hand pushing stick aside ; fire burning in chest, eyes fuming, Hamza poking eyes with stick ; shepherd burying face in cow's belly, stick striking temple ; stretching legs along belly, burying
-cow's belly ; rolled onto back, spreading, stiffening legs, pulling head up onto top of rump, unbuttoning, folding flaps of shorts back against thighs, pulling out member --- glans pinched in seam of crotch ; member springing out, bouncing from base ; pressed up against belly, springing back, circumcised flesh pulled towards middle of shaft ; other twin standing up, leaning against door of shelter, unbuttoning, letting thin shorts slide down over knees, stiffening legs, top of nape striking top of door, ringed throat laughing ; both twins stripped naked, laughter shaking bodies from top to bottom, expelling snot from slackened nostrils, mouths hissing, half-open, through foam, goading --- bellies rippling, hips swinging --- shepherd looming back out of shadows groping towards pot ; Hamza, standing up. grabbing hair of shepherd kneeling, pulling youth, hip striking handle of pot, between straightened legs, forcing nape, pushing head crowned with acrid hair down between smooth thighs, striking nape, falling back onto rump of cow ; Hamza's legs stiffening against shepherd's shoulders : youth, wrinkles of forehead touching Hamza's belly, opening lips onto soldier's spongy member, lifting up head --- trace of blood marking place of kiss on member ; shepherd kneeling, blood beating in temples, taking member in both hands, caressing hardening organ pulling at balls, one hand closing around imbibed balls, fingers of other hand, numbed, chapped, pumping erect member swelling against palm with surge of jissom ; jissom spurting, coating throat, overflowing at corner of lips ; youth chewing jissom against glans, pulling member out of mouth, pushing glans into wide snotty nostril, breath aspiring final filament --- running, glans withdrawn, out of nostril over edge of upper lip ; shepherd licking lips ; Hamza, sated, drawing legs together ; youth backing off, sneezing, coughing, coming to rest --- knees, fists, on ground --- in front of long smooth legs of other twin, pulling body up along legs, catching, pumping scalded member, bridled muscles of thigh touching cheek ; alerted by Hamza standing back up, coming out of shelter, all soldiers, glutted with stew, shorts pulled up in haste over buttocks spattered
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+bare feet in dewlap, throwing arms around rump ; cow licking wounds on legs ; youth coughing into coat ; Hamza striking fat of buttocks ; cow jerking horn against stick ; twin looming, arms holding out pot with steam hissing over disturbed water bathing all of upper body gleaming : naked child, tottering, hooked onto leg of twin ; twin putting pot down on hay ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's neck, pulling head, holding head over pot, in steam ; twin, pushing shepherd aside, wedging baby in angle of cow's thigh, gripping, stuffing teat into baby's mouth ; crouching, opposite Hamza, blowing onto slop of beans ; shepherd grabbing handle of pot, plunging muzzle into steam ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's hair, standing up, dragging youth by hair, towards back of shelter ; baby suckling, face splashed with milk ; twins diving at slop, lapping cooled surface, plunging deeper with cupped hands, lifting moulded lumps to lips ; eyes, lips of shepherd shining in steamy half-light : slaver drooling over chin ; shorts of crouching twins sliding over buttocks with swelling of stomachs filling ; nostrils aspiring beans ; between gulps, rolling onto backs, pulling members from shorts, aiming, straining towards shepherd ; shepherd, eyelids trembling over eyeballs, sucking blades of hay wetted in wounds ; twins, glutted, rolling back against flank of cow, muzzles splashed with slop, beans squashed at corners of eyes, pressed together, joined at hips, lips touching against teat : baby, placed by Hamza against animal's arse, head leaning against root of tail, sleeping, milk drying bluish all over small body quivering ; two twins laughing, arses slackened, suckling, teeth against teeth, at swollen teat ; cheek to cheek, between sucks, pressing buttressed against cow ; forehead bumping on ground carpeted with soiled straw, watching, eyes upside-down under arch of thighs, shepherd --- dozing, seated, head thrown back into hands crossed under nape ; shepherd, mouths of twins turning back onto teat, walking, on all fours, towards pot steaming with remains of slop, tongue lolling, saliva catching hay-dust ; Hamza's foot overturning pot, heel striking shepherd's mouth ; bloody gums chomping, shepherd drawing back into shadows ; Hamza, hand grabbing hide of rump, hitching up onto
+cow's belly ; rolled onto back, spreading, stiffening legs, pulling head up onto top of rump, unbuttoning, folding flaps of shorts back against thighs, pulling out member --- glans pinched in seam of crotch ; member springing out, bouncing from base ; pressed up against belly, springing back, circumcised flesh pulled towards middle of shaft ; other twin standing up, leaning against door of shelter, unbuttoning, letting thin shorts slide down over knees, stiffening legs, top of nape striking top of door, ringed throat laughing ; both twins stripped naked, laughter shaking bodies from top to bottom, expelling snot from slackened nostrils, mouths hissing, half-open, through foam, goading --- bellies rippling, hips swinging --- shepherd looming back out of shadows groping towards pot ; Hamza, standing up. grabbing hair of shepherd kneeling, pulling youth, hip striking handle of pot, between straightened legs, forcing nape, pushing head crowned with acrid hair down between smooth thighs, striking nape, falling back onto rump of cow ; Hamza's legs stiffening against shepherd's shoulders : youth, wrinkles of forehead touching Hamza's belly, opening lips onto soldier's spongy member, lifting up head --- trace of blood marking place of kiss on member ; shepherd kneeling, blood beating in temples, taking member in both hands, caressing hardening organ pulling at balls, one hand closing around imbibed balls, fingers of other hand, numbed, chapped, pumping erect member swelling against palm with surge of jissom ; jissom spurting, coating throat, overflowing at corner of lips ; youth chewing jissom against glans, pulling member out of mouth, pushing glans into wide snotty nostril, breath aspiring final filament --- running, glans withdrawn, out of nostril over edge of upper lip ; shepherd licking lips ; Hamza, sated, drawing legs together ; youth backing off, sneezing, coughing, coming to rest --- knees, fists, on ground --- in front of long smooth legs of other twin, pulling body up along legs, catching, pumping scalded member, bridled muscles of thigh touching cheek ; alerted by Hamza standing back up, coming out of shelter, all soldiers, glutted with stew, shorts pulled up in haste over buttocks spattered \ No newline at end of file
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-with flatulent excrement, emerging from siesta, on detachment, hurrying, naked, half-naked, naked with cartridge-packs hanging from belts girding loins, shoulders bridled by sub-machine guns, naked with helmets wrinkled from lying asleep, half-naked with slop sticking shorts to buttocks, half-naked with torsos perspiring transparent sweat ; Hamza taking sugar, tobacco, from soldiers' fists, pockets, opening door of shelter ; youth, chin bathed in jissom, gulping down penis of twin ; on upper lip curled back, jissom, mucus, running together, scintillating ; soldiers jostling Hamza, masturbated twin, knees, feet pushing youth towards back of shelter ; shoving unequal organs pell-mell against mouth, into open hands of youth ; youth, cheeks hollowed by hardened glans of soldiers pressed together, whole face touched by bundle of members --- sucked by him beside pool, hardened again at dreams in sleep {\dashcom} eye-sockets filled, hair rolled back, temples beaten by musky balls, snapping up glans nearest teeth, pulling out one hand from grip of soldier, fingers climbing up stiffened leg, catching balls hanging over bare thigh : member quivering against ear, hand groping between thighs pressed before face, seizing bunched balls : glans covered by lips, vibrating, hand of youth enveloping, starting movement to pump juice from balls dangling over slope of hairy thigh --- sand running through dry curls ; youth sucking, gulping glans into spit-filled mouth ; circumcised flesh dilating against muscular edges of lips ; glans jammed against palate, lips slipping over gnarled member ; hand tightened around balls, sliding up towards root of member : two fingers squeezing root, lips working on middle of shaft ; sweat flowing over soldier's thigh, pearling on phalanges, on edge of lips, of shepherd ; bare legs sliding over ankles, bare thighs, sexual cluster of soldier touching toes curled back in kneeling ; soldier, throwing arms around shepherd's loins, sliding over fat of buttocks, pressing bare torso down onto back of youth, squashing balls against rough toes of him suffocating, squirming, pulling back, mouth filled with heavy, pearl jissom --- masturbated soldier squeezing thigh around mouth distended in front : root of penis,
-under pressure, expelling intermittent jissom spreading in clots over shepherd's tongue ; shepherd, with jissom-smeared hand --- other hand, opened, crushed, pulled apart, made to touch, palpate, knead, unsheathe, shake soldiers' members {\dashcom} groping for other balls, eyes closed beneath ardent glans, lips sucking at softened member of soldier ; blocked between two others, pelvis askew, shorts, unbuttoned, held up by raised hip, soldier, naked, helmeted, jugular vein bridling panting throat, masturbating, shoulders compressed, thrusting ejaculating member against lips of shepherd ; youth --- at contact of sticky flesh --- blocking glans of sucked soldier inside cheek, pulling out tongue, licking member, rammed against cheek, of soldier with helmet : member discharging, jissom bathing chin of youth ; helmeted soldier, shoving other soldiers aside, pushing belly towards shepherd's mouth ; shepherd, with flick of tongue, catching member in mouth ; soldier, naked, belt strung with chargers, sitting behind shepherd, pressing member between buttocks --- denuded by rubbing of lower belly --- of youth : youth rolling, inside mouth, against member of masturbated soldier, member --- still ejaculating --- of helmeted soldier ; cow, underneath Hamza lying back resting, eyes half-closed --- between legs, stiffened in turn, of dolichocephalic soldiers, movement of flesh, of skin, sucked, bridled, swollen, retracted, scintillating from throat, ears, of shepherd, to torso, of masturbated soldier, to throat, of helmeted soldier, lower down, level with hay, from breasts, ankles, of belted soldier, towards lower belly drawn tight in slit of shepherd's buttocks {\dashcom} flicking tongue between Hamza's thighs, delving into skin, membranes, flaps of shorts, pubic curls, mixed together, stuck with jissom {\slash} {\td} \said{Mama President, grant us one fatted calf{\td} even caked with shit, riddled with pox, orifices of this precious akli are narrower, softer than yours, rotting teeth cannot wound our members unsheathed{\thd} costly flesh, for three fistfuls of tobacco, five of sugar{\thd} bubonic flesh{\thd} mouth that sucks member of immaculate lord{\thd} O Mama President, given to us hungry ones at frontier of great desert by our President of the river, of the electrified bush{\thd} O Mama
+with flatulent excrement, emerging from siesta, on detachment, hurrying, naked, half-naked, naked with cartridge-packs hanging from belts girding loins, shoulders bridled by sub-machine guns, naked with helmets wrinkled from lying asleep, half-naked with slop sticking shorts to buttocks, half-naked with torsos perspiring transparent sweat ; Hamza taking sugar, tobacco, from soldiers' fists, pockets, opening door of shelter ; youth, chin bathed in jissom, gulping down penis of twin ; on upper lip curled back, jissom, mucus, running together, scintillating ; soldiers jostling Hamza, masturbated twin, knees, feet pushing youth towards back of shelter ; shoving unequal organs pell-mell against mouth, into open hands of youth ; youth, cheeks hollowed by hardened glans of soldiers pressed together, whole face touched by bundle of members --- sucked by him beside pool, hardened again at dreams in sleep {\dashcom} eye-sockets filled, hair rolled back, temples beaten by musky balls, snapping up glans nearest teeth, pulling out one hand from grip of soldier, fingers climbing up stiffened leg, catching balls hanging over bare thigh : member quivering against ear, hand groping between thighs pressed before face, seizing bunched balls : glans covered by lips, vibrating, hand of youth enveloping, starting movement to pump juice from balls dangling over slope of hairy thigh --- sand running through dry curls ; youth sucking, gulping glans into spit-filled mouth ; circumcised flesh dilating against muscular edges of lips ; glans jammed against palate, lips slipping over gnarled member ; hand tightened around balls, sliding up towards root of member : two fingers squeezing root, lips working on middle of shaft ; sweat flowing over soldier's thigh, pearling on phalanges, on edge of lips, of shepherd ; bare legs sliding over ankles, bare thighs, sexual cluster of soldier touching toes curled back in kneeling ; soldier, throwing arms around shepherd's loins, sliding over fat of buttocks, pressing bare torso down onto back of youth, squashing balls against rough toes of him suffocating, squirming, pulling back, mouth filled with heavy, pearl jissom --- masturbated soldier squeezing thigh around mouth distended in front : root of penis,
-President Odalisque, Mistress of Whores{\thd}} ; mauve reflection undulating over sweaty coccyx of helmeted soldier : stiffened for second orgasm, clasping splayed hands onto shepherd's skull crowned with glans ; mouth of youth, exposed, two members removed, invested by other members, tapered, twisted, knotted, pock-marked, smooth ; belted soldier, hitching up body against rump of shepherd, tipping youth forward, pinning him onto ground, pressing sweaty body onto boy's body wrapped in stinking rags, stiffening high coppery legs, buggering boy ; knees burying into straw-dust, chargers beating into loins of youth, belt streaming with sweat, bridling buttocks of buggering soldier ; soldiers kneeling before head of shepherd ; leaning against straw, lowering bellies towards dusty skull, pressing straining members towards face squashed beneath the black stone ; youth, chilling under constricted lungs, advancing mouth in front of distended cheeks, opening lips, pressing mouth over glans ; soldiers, thighs, legs, stiffened on one side, other side of bridled knee, masturbating, discharging between spreading lips, collapsing on top of two bodies coupled ; soldier buggering, after three spurts, standing up, shit bubbling at rim of arse ; stepping over rump of youth, going outside, fiery rays catching, biting sticky penis ; squatting against barbed wire, behind mound of swollen tar overlooking incandescent slope of desert ; excrement bursting under buttocks, belt leashing stomach, member dangling shit-caked over sand ; with each burst of shit, clot of jissom expelled by violaceous glans ; on threshold of Morse-room, post-commander sprawling, thin shorts, shirt, drawn back around navel, fists lifting up gazelle gorged with concentrated milk, letting animal fall back, legs flailing, onto swollen belly ; gradual, warmer with each descent, downy arse of animal touching commander's lower belly, commander rolling onto one side, hugging gazelle, coat tressed by sweat, against chest, raising leg, pushing animal back towards thighs, gripping upper hind leg behind articulation of knee ; hands palpating Muzzle, fingers pressing into ears of animal bleating ; penis, through shorts, spurring belly, arse of gazelle ; belted soldier
+under pressure, expelling intermittent jissom spreading in clots over shepherd's tongue ; shepherd, with jissom-smeared hand --- other hand, opened, crushed, pulled apart, made to touch, palpate, knead, unsheathe, shake soldiers' members {\dashcom} groping for other balls, eyes closed beneath ardent glans, lips sucking at softened member of soldier ; blocked between two others, pelvis askew, shorts, unbuttoned, held up by raised hip, soldier, naked, helmeted, jugular vein bridling panting throat, masturbating, shoulders compressed, thrusting ejaculating member against lips of shepherd ; youth --- at contact of sticky flesh --- blocking glans of sucked soldier inside cheek, pulling out tongue, licking member, rammed against cheek, of soldier with helmet : member discharging, jissom bathing chin of youth ; helmeted soldier, shoving other soldiers aside, pushing belly towards shepherd's mouth ; shepherd, with flick of tongue, catching member in mouth ; soldier, naked, belt strung with chargers, sitting behind shepherd, pressing member between buttocks --- denuded by rubbing of lower belly --- of youth : youth rolling, inside mouth, against member of masturbated soldier, member --- still ejaculating --- of helmeted soldier ; cow, underneath Hamza lying back resting, eyes half-closed --- between legs, stiffened in turn, of dolichocephalic soldiers, movement of flesh, of skin, sucked, bridled, swollen, retracted, scintillating from throat, ears, of shepherd, to torso, of masturbated soldier, to throat, of helmeted soldier, lower down, level with hay, from breasts, ankles, of belted soldier, towards lower belly drawn tight in slit of shepherd's buttocks {\dashcom} flicking tongue between Hamza's thighs, delving into skin, membranes, flaps of shorts, pubic curls, mixed together, stuck with jissom {\slash} {\td} \said{Mama President, grant us one fatted calf{\td} even caked with shit, riddled with pox, orifices of this precious akli are narrower, softer than yours, rotting teeth cannot wound our members unsheathed{\thd} costly flesh, for three fistfuls of tobacco, five of sugar{\thd} bubonic flesh{\thd} mouth that sucks member of immaculate lord{\thd} O Mama President, given to us hungry ones at frontier of great desert by our President of the river, of the electrified bush{\thd} O Mama
-wiping arse with fingers, rubbing fingers in sand ; vultures, gathered around pool, snapping up clots of jissom ; soldiers, one by one, coming out of shelter, laughing, goading others forward with knees, bodies lightened, thighs shining ; inside shelter, two twins, throats dried by masturbation, suckling, sprawled, fingers interlaced around teat ; alone, helmeted soldier --- helmet slipped down over nape, freeing blue hair {\dashcom} lying on youth, buggering with powerful thrusts of pelvis, hair standing in flaming locks swinging shining ; quick jissom forcing back, in shepherd's corroded arse, excremental gluey jissom of previous soldier ; laughter overwhelming panting torso ; pot tipped over, shining in straw-dust : shepherd's freed eyes staring at flow of slop along rim of vessel ; helmeted soldier, head raised, hands crossed flat across nape of youth, whinnying ; shepherd's buttocks, compressed by soldier's thighs, trembling : during erection, scaly cuticle sticking to smooth, hairless skin of soldier ; pulling apart, after orgasm : sweat of soldier cooling ; soldier standing up, member unsheathed beating against thigh, lifting up shepherd's head with foot buried under chin : cheeks of youth, forehead, hands spread out in hay, drying, turning pale ; eyes revulsing ; soldier picking up curry-comb --- for stripping sheep --- from hay, crouching down, scraping boy's buttocks, loins, back ; abscesses bursting between teeth of comb ; blood flushing, forehead, cheeks, hands of shepherd reddening, grime in fleshy folds, in wrinkles, shining with sweat ; helmeted soldier tossing away comb, lifting loins --- clot of jissom, expelled from member by nervous tension of pelvic muscles, spurting onto soldier's thigh, rolling onto knee {\dashcom} rising up, legs stiffened, onto sweaty toes, hardening penis, hitching it higher ; spitting, onto head of resuscitated shepherd, saliva mixed with stew ; youth, at sound of sucking lips, of erectile muscles around penis, moaning : soldier spitting ; shepherd burying face inside elbow of bare arm ; Hamza, shifting pot with tip of foot ; youth raising head, pulling up chest, leaning on fist pressed against ground ; soldier, muscles relaxed, moving forward, clamping shoulder of shepherd between knees ;
+President Odalisque, Mistress of Whores{\thd}} ; mauve reflection undulating over sweaty coccyx of helmeted soldier : stiffened for second orgasm, clasping splayed hands onto shepherd's skull crowned with glans ; mouth of youth, exposed, two members removed, invested by other members, tapered, twisted, knotted, pock-marked, smooth ; belted soldier, hitching up body against rump of shepherd, tipping youth forward, pinning him onto ground, pressing sweaty body onto boy's body wrapped in stinking rags, stiffening high coppery legs, buggering boy ; knees burying into straw-dust, chargers beating into loins of youth, belt streaming with sweat, bridling buttocks of buggering soldier ; soldiers kneeling before head of shepherd ; leaning against straw, lowering bellies towards dusty skull, pressing straining members towards face squashed beneath the black stone ; youth, chilling under constricted lungs, advancing mouth in front of distended cheeks, opening lips, pressing mouth over glans ; soldiers, thighs, legs, stiffened on one side, other side of bridled knee, masturbating, discharging between spreading lips, collapsing on top of two bodies coupled ; soldier buggering, after three spurts, standing up, shit bubbling at rim of arse ; stepping over rump of youth, going outside, fiery rays catching, biting sticky penis ; squatting against barbed wire, behind mound of swollen tar overlooking incandescent slope of desert ; excrement bursting under buttocks, belt leashing stomach, member dangling shit-caked over sand ; with each burst of shit, clot of jissom expelled by violaceous glans ; on threshold of Morse-room, post-commander sprawling, thin shorts, shirt, drawn back around navel, fists lifting up gazelle gorged with concentrated milk, letting animal fall back, legs flailing, onto swollen belly ; gradual, warmer with each descent, downy arse of animal touching commander's lower belly, commander rolling onto one side, hugging gazelle, coat tressed by sweat, against chest, raising leg, pushing animal back towards thighs, gripping upper hind leg behind articulation of knee ; hands palpating Muzzle, fingers pressing into ears of animal bleating ; penis, through shorts, spurring belly, arse of gazelle ; belted soldier
-youth placing lips --- blood flowing back under feverish cuticle --- over soldier's glans, licking film of grimy jissom, eyes closed, legs pressed beneath buttocks, arse, throat, sticky, shoulders drooping ; sucking up final thread ; soldier, cheek tipped down against shoulder, raising hand, finger-nail gathering tear at corner of eyelid ; eyes of shepherd opening, staring, pale, flecked red, at bloody copper-coloured eyes of helmeted soldier pressing boy's face against thighs, letting brown saliva run from half-open mouth, in filament over shepherd's nape ; Hamza pulling flute --- taken from boy --- from pocket, pressing pipe into shorts, between buttocks, twisting mouthpiece in soiled arse ; straightening up, walking on knees towards shepherd, grabbing leg of helmeted soldier \colsaid{{\td}Assa, you cook egg and potatoes ?} ; soldier, starting back, detaching glans from bubonic lips of youth, wiping hair of him dazed by fever, heavy sigh swelling, hollowing torso : hair, cinders, mixed, frizzing in sweat between breasts ; shepherd, freed, stretching out arm towards pot ; Hamza springing up, striking boy's wrist with tooth-comb soiled with pus, diving, on knees, hugging boy from front, mouth open miming, turned away from poxy face, bites marked on scalp with kisses ; shepherd drawing lips towards Hamza's slavering mouth ; Hamza spitting ; shepherd pulling back spattered lips ; Hamza picking up fistfuls of hay ; tufts entwined around fingers, fists pummelling boy's loins, digging into fat of buttocks : wet rag --- pulled away from arse by soldiers {\dashcom} wrung in fist, discharging load of spent jissom ; Hamza, drawing away from shepherd, straightening up, leaning back, standing against door opened back : helmeted soldier squatting beside petrol-tank, shitting in sand, eyes closed, pubis, lower belly, thighs exhausted, penis mangled --- in front of excremental ditch, wide body of woman moulded in sand by soiled fingers of soldiers, clots of jissom superimposed on belly of figure ; Hamza masturbating, flute whistling ; jissom spurting, drowning trill ; shepherd aspiring spurts of jissom running in shaken tube ; member dried out, Hamza abandoning shepherd ; shepherd standing up, wiping rags --- in hay, rags torn during buggery from loins, from
+wiping arse with fingers, rubbing fingers in sand ; vultures, gathered around pool, snapping up clots of jissom ; soldiers, one by one, coming out of shelter, laughing, goading others forward with knees, bodies lightened, thighs shining ; inside shelter, two twins, throats dried by masturbation, suckling, sprawled, fingers interlaced around teat ; alone, helmeted soldier --- helmet slipped down over nape, freeing blue hair {\dashcom} lying on youth, buggering with powerful thrusts of pelvis, hair standing in flaming locks swinging shining ; quick jissom forcing back, in shepherd's corroded arse, excremental gluey jissom of previous soldier ; laughter overwhelming panting torso ; pot tipped over, shining in straw-dust : shepherd's freed eyes staring at flow of slop along rim of vessel ; helmeted soldier, head raised, hands crossed flat across nape of youth, whinnying ; shepherd's buttocks, compressed by soldier's thighs, trembling : during erection, scaly cuticle sticking to smooth, hairless skin of soldier ; pulling apart, after orgasm : sweat of soldier cooling ; soldier standing up, member unsheathed beating against thigh, lifting up shepherd's head with foot buried under chin : cheeks of youth, forehead, hands spread out in hay, drying, turning pale ; eyes revulsing ; soldier picking up curry-comb --- for stripping sheep --- from hay, crouching down, scraping boy's buttocks, loins, back ; abscesses bursting between teeth of comb ; blood flushing, forehead, cheeks, hands of shepherd reddening, grime in fleshy folds, in wrinkles, shining with sweat ; helmeted soldier tossing away comb, lifting loins --- clot of jissom, expelled from member by nervous tension of pelvic muscles, spurting onto soldier's thigh, rolling onto knee {\dashcom} rising up, legs stiffened, onto sweaty toes, hardening penis, hitching it higher ; spitting, onto head of resuscitated shepherd, saliva mixed with stew ; youth, at sound of sucking lips, of erectile muscles around penis, moaning : soldier spitting ; shepherd burying face inside elbow of bare arm ; Hamza, shifting pot with tip of foot ; youth raising head, pulling up chest, leaning on fist pressed against ground ; soldier, muscles relaxed, moving forward, clamping shoulder of shepherd between knees ;
-buttocks, lying stuck together, among jissom-smeared sheaves ; Hamza, other twin, jumping up, grabbing shoulders, pushing boy outside, clenched fists sliding over buttocks shining with jissom, with pus ; beside barbed wire, lying youth down in sand ; each holding one ear, squatting, shitting, on one side, other side, of poxy head ; in cirque, throwing youth, covered in sand, at feet of nomad ; nomad, tearing roast lizard between teeth --- veil wrapping lips soiled with cinders, with grease {\dashcom} cramming tail, feet, into shepherd's mouth ; Hamza, running back to camp, crossing through bunk-house packed with simmering bodies, naked, half-naked, sprawled out away from incandescent partitions, opening bag, taking out vaporizer of \propernoun{Eau de Cologne}, stuffing bottle into pocket, running back in long strides, running back towards cirque : nomad, lizard devoured, wiping lips with strip of veil spread over shepherd's chest ; shepherd seated between thighs of nomad, crunching scales of lizard's tail, claws --- tongue of youth emerging, thick, between teeth, to lick greasy fingers of nomad ; Hamza crouching down, breathless, vaporizing, between thighs of shepherd, rag sheathing sexual cluster ; nomad wrenching vaporizer from Hamza's fist, caressing blue bottle, grey bulb, vaporizing skull of shepherd huddled against chest, placing lips bridled by veil onto perfumed skull ; beneath rag, shepherd's member twitching, stiffening ; nomad laying hand over shepherd's sexual cluster : abscesses bursting with hardening of flesh : shepherd lifting up head turned back, drawing mouth towards nomad's bridled lips ; nomad flinging head back, squeezing fingers over hardened member of shepherd, through rag ; fingers moving down onto slope of thigh ; on contact with oozing groin, recoiling ; twins, bellies bridled, throats nauseous, arses, members exuding sticky sweat, standing aside~; heads turned back steaming at edge of cirque, gaze piercing, through haze of incandescence, golden blood-flecked eyes of shepherd smeared with dirt ; at movement of lips enveloping, sucking charred head of lizard, twins' members stiffening inside shorts ; crouching back down near barbed wire, shitting again onto imprint of youth's body dragged over sand ;
+youth placing lips --- blood flowing back under feverish cuticle --- over soldier's glans, licking film of grimy jissom, eyes closed, legs pressed beneath buttocks, arse, throat, sticky, shoulders drooping ; sucking up final thread ; soldier, cheek tipped down against shoulder, raising hand, finger-nail gathering tear at corner of eyelid ; eyes of shepherd opening, staring, pale, flecked red, at bloody copper-coloured eyes of helmeted soldier pressing boy's face against thighs, letting brown saliva run from half-open mouth, in filament over shepherd's nape ; Hamza pulling flute --- taken from boy --- from pocket, pressing pipe into shorts, between buttocks, twisting mouthpiece in soiled arse ; straightening up, walking on knees towards shepherd, grabbing leg of helmeted soldier \colsaid{{\td}Assa, you cook egg and potatoes ?} ; soldier, starting back, detaching glans from bubonic lips of youth, wiping hair of him dazed by fever, heavy sigh swelling, hollowing torso : hair, cinders, mixed, frizzing in sweat between breasts ; shepherd, freed, stretching out arm towards pot ; Hamza springing up, striking boy's wrist with tooth-comb soiled with pus, diving, on knees, hugging boy from front, mouth open miming, turned away from poxy face, bites marked on scalp with kisses ; shepherd drawing lips towards Hamza's slavering mouth ; Hamza spitting ; shepherd pulling back spattered lips ; Hamza picking up fistfuls of hay ; tufts entwined around fingers, fists pummelling boy's loins, digging into fat of buttocks : wet rag --- pulled away from arse by soldiers {\dashcom} wrung in fist, discharging load of spent jissom ; Hamza, drawing away from shepherd, straightening up, leaning back, standing against door opened back : helmeted soldier squatting beside petrol-tank, shitting in sand, eyes closed, pubis, lower belly, thighs exhausted, penis mangled --- in front of excremental ditch, wide body of woman moulded in sand by soiled fingers of soldiers, clots of jissom superimposed on belly of figure ; Hamza masturbating, flute whistling ; jissom spurting, drowning trill ; shepherd aspiring spurts of jissom running in shaken tube ; member dried out, Hamza abandoning shepherd ; shepherd standing up, wiping rags --- in hay, rags torn during buggery from loins, from
-young nomad leaning against gate of camp, opposite pool, holding his akli by shoulder ; twins, shit greasing chafed buttocks, trampling on sand ; nomad bending down, face bridled, gripping leg of youth, caressing wounds, lifting up denuded leg, blowing onto bleeding heel, letting go of leg, standing in front of youth, thrusting long smooth hand between thighs, pulling aside, with fist, rag covering member, grabbing embalmed sexual cluster, pressing organs back against belly, finger-nails catching raw membranes ; shepherd raising extended thigh ; eyes rolling under pock-marked eyelids ; Hamza undoing shorts, folding back flap over thigh, thumb of nomad touching literacy-medal pinned inside cloth ; Hamza unhooking medal, pressing disc into nomad's hand ; nomad fixing medal onto veil bridling eyes ; pushing shepherd outside camp ; Hamza, other twin, shoulders joined, squatting, drinking from trough in long draughts, sprinkling whole bodies with red water from hose-pipe held in hands ; standing up, streaming, each diving at other, hugging, falling, rolling in sand, slumping down, each squeezing each other's stiffened member, biting foreheads, crawling, stuck together, sand covering bare shoulders, head shaken in kiss : skull, ears, scarified throat, nape, marked by mesh of hamac ; Hamza's fists digging into sand under belly, delving into sand-filled shorts of twin ; Assa emerging from bunk-house, naked, helmeted ; mauve feet grinding into burning sand ; sand caught on streaks of jissom over thighs, streaks of shit on fat of buttocks ; other soldiers jostling behind, members stiffened naked, stiffened inside shorts, stiffened inside pants ; gripping fat of Assa's buttocks ; nomad, shepherd, pressed close to camels, drawing away distant, bowed beneath wind, nomad, medal glimmering on veil between eyes, vaporizing skull, thighs, buttocks of youth, exposed with each gust of wind {\twoslash} whore-master standing beside bed, dry jissom sparkling over bridled skin, trampling Khemissa's clothes underfoot, sliding big toe of raised foot through tear in jeans, on outer edge of back pocket, pressing toes against seam of crotch, tip of foot catching pants stuck to jeans, pulling pants out of jeans ; lifting up leg, grabbing pants in fist ;
+buttocks, lying stuck together, among jissom-smeared sheaves ; Hamza, other twin, jumping up, grabbing shoulders, pushing boy outside, clenched fists sliding over buttocks shining with jissom, with pus ; beside barbed wire, lying youth down in sand ; each holding one ear, squatting, shitting, on one side, other side, of poxy head ; in cirque, throwing youth, covered in sand, at feet of nomad ; nomad, tearing roast lizard between teeth --- veil wrapping lips soiled with cinders, with grease {\dashcom} cramming tail, feet, into shepherd's mouth ; Hamza, running back to camp, crossing through bunk-house packed with simmering bodies, naked, half-naked, sprawled out away from incandescent partitions, opening bag, taking out vaporizer of \propernoun{Eau de Cologne}, stuffing bottle into pocket, running back in long strides, running back towards cirque : nomad, lizard devoured, wiping lips with strip of veil spread over shepherd's chest ; shepherd seated between thighs of nomad, crunching scales of lizard's tail, claws --- tongue of youth emerging, thick, between teeth, to lick greasy fingers of nomad ; Hamza crouching down, breathless, vaporizing, between thighs of shepherd, rag sheathing sexual cluster ; nomad wrenching vaporizer from Hamza's fist, caressing blue bottle, grey bulb, vaporizing skull of shepherd huddled against chest, placing lips bridled by veil onto perfumed skull ; beneath rag, shepherd's member twitching, stiffening ; nomad laying hand over shepherd's sexual cluster : abscesses bursting with hardening of flesh : shepherd lifting up head turned back, drawing mouth towards nomad's bridled lips ; nomad flinging head back, squeezing fingers over hardened member of shepherd, through rag ; fingers moving down onto slope of thigh ; on contact with oozing groin, recoiling ; twins, bellies bridled, throats nauseous, arses, members exuding sticky sweat, standing aside~; heads turned back steaming at edge of cirque, gaze piercing, through haze of incandescence, golden blood-flecked eyes of shepherd smeared with dirt ; at movement of lips enveloping, sucking charred head of lizard, twins' members stiffening inside shorts ; crouching back down near barbed wire, shitting again onto imprint of youth's body dragged over sand ;
-meanwhile, Khemissa moaning --- growling in throat, lips releasing drop of foam onto sheet {\dashcom} asleep, tightening buttocks around key, whore-master slipping boy's pants on : hem of pants rubbing into secretions of thigh-joint ; whore-master squashing hardened penis against thigh, cotton soaking up moisture of sexual cluster stimulated by successive scrutinization --- loins arched, fingers spread over hips --- of Khemissa's smooth flattened buttocks, smooth rosy cheeks ; member spurring pants, glans pressed back against cotton, approaching bed, leaning over Khemissa, projecting heat of thighs onto naked body, light hand turning key in boy's arse ; boy jumping, hip striking engorged member of whore-master, rolling over onto back, raising knee, cheek streaked with foam, towards master's member, knee touching testicles drawn out of buttressed pants ; laugh exploding, shaking boy's torso ; eyes buried in cheeks creased with laughter, fixing eyes of whore-master, oblique under shading lashes, pulling key out from under genital cluster ; whore-master leaning forward, squatting down, mouth drawn forward level with Khemissa's belly ; boy spreading fingers over master's lips ; trembling laughter --- breath of whore-master bathing hips, side of belly --- freeing, at tip of member, drops of urine held back after buggery by whore-master, during sleep ; drops rolling over downy slope of thigh ; whore-master, slipping arm under shoulders bathed in sweat beneath sheet, standing, pulling Khemissa up squeezing sexual cluster, still sticky, in fist ; whore-master hugging boy from behind, pushing boy along balmy bed to window ; one hand sliding pants down over thighs, other enclosing hand of boy --- holding penis swollen with urine ; Khemissa, hand pressed by whore-master's fingers, releasing contracted bladder ; master sliding erect penis between boy's buttocks ; urine, jissom, spurting ; all muscles of legs pressed together, relaxing ; whore-master thrusting mouth into Khemissa's wavy hair, hand groping at testicles ; in palm of master's hand, boy's member emptying : arched stream drilling into sand beside butcher's lad shitting ; apron-string trailing in excrements ; burning stream splashing bare foot of lad, head raised, sniffing back
+young nomad leaning against gate of camp, opposite pool, holding his akli by shoulder ; twins, shit greasing chafed buttocks, trampling on sand ; nomad bending down, face bridled, gripping leg of youth, caressing wounds, lifting up denuded leg, blowing onto bleeding heel, letting go of leg, standing in front of youth, thrusting long smooth hand between thighs, pulling aside, with fist, rag covering member, grabbing embalmed sexual cluster, pressing organs back against belly, finger-nails catching raw membranes ; shepherd raising extended thigh ; eyes rolling under pock-marked eyelids ; Hamza undoing shorts, folding back flap over thigh, thumb of nomad touching literacy-medal pinned inside cloth ; Hamza unhooking medal, pressing disc into nomad's hand ; nomad fixing medal onto veil bridling eyes ; pushing shepherd outside camp ; Hamza, other twin, shoulders joined, squatting, drinking from trough in long draughts, sprinkling whole bodies with red water from hose-pipe held in hands ; standing up, streaming, each diving at other, hugging, falling, rolling in sand, slumping down, each squeezing each other's stiffened member, biting foreheads, crawling, stuck together, sand covering bare shoulders, head shaken in kiss : skull, ears, scarified throat, nape, marked by mesh of hamac ; Hamza's fists digging into sand under belly, delving into sand-filled shorts of twin ; Assa emerging from bunk-house, naked, helmeted ; mauve feet grinding into burning sand ; sand caught on streaks of jissom over thighs, streaks of shit on fat of buttocks ; other soldiers jostling behind, members stiffened naked, stiffened inside shorts, stiffened inside pants ; gripping fat of Assa's buttocks ; nomad, shepherd, pressed close to camels, drawing away distant, bowed beneath wind, nomad, medal glimmering on veil between eyes, vaporizing skull, thighs, buttocks of youth, exposed with each gust of wind {\twoslash} whore-master standing beside bed, dry jissom sparkling over bridled skin, trampling Khemissa's clothes underfoot, sliding big toe of raised foot through tear in jeans, on outer edge of back pocket, pressing toes against seam of crotch, tip of foot catching pants stuck to jeans, pulling pants out of jeans ; lifting up leg, grabbing pants in fist ;
-sandy snot ; tongue emerging from mouth : red turd emerging from arse ; whore-master kissing Khemissa's laughing torso : sand drawn up towards glans along erect member of butcher's lad ; turd staying stuck in arse ; lad flinging head to one side, shaking loins, moaning, biting shoulder, straining : arse dried out by wind : thumping buttocks, turd swinging, sticking to coccyx ; black child, naked, pulling metal cart over sand : \propernoun{Shell} oil-drum mounted on wheels, lad throwing coin before feet of boy, presenting soiled buttocks ; child dropping toy, squatting in front of buttocks, scraping turd with both hands interlaced ; lad taking another coin from pocket of bloody shirt, throwing coin over shoulder, onto sand, child covering coin with foot ; turd sliding over sand, another, embedded with tiny crushed bones, emerging from arse, child leaning cheek onto knee, grabbing, pulling turd towards sand ; opening hand under arse of lad ; lad straining : sweat diffusing blood of butchery over wrinkles of tense forehead ; child shaking hand under arse, gnashing teeth ; butcher's lad, arse closed back tight, refreshed, standing up, knee pushing away child grasping flaps at front of jeans ; buttoning up ; child biting coins, wiping hands on wall of brothel ; butcher's lad, heavy buttocks packed into jeans, walking towards wall soiled by hot stream from Khemissa, pulling head up towards bedroom ; Khemissa, shaken by whore-master's violent discharge, clapping splayed fingers over damp thighs ; sweat running through black pubic fleece ; whore-master's arms squeezing boy's torso ; whore-master's hip hollowing, swelling, against boy's loins ; butcher's lad licking traces of urine stream from wall, standing up on toes ; Khemissa pulling member down towards lad's spreading lips ; sharper discharge from whore-master flinging Khemissa forwards, glans touching lips of butcher's lad ; lad wrapping glans in tongue ; thighs of Khemissa quivering against sill ; whore-master pulling Khemissa inside ; lad pressing tongue against imprint of Khemissa's thighs on adobe ; master, Member floundering in Khemissa's jissomy arse, pushing boy, foot against foot, towards staircase : downstairs, butcher's lad, apron rolled up, twisted in open-necked shirt, hands on hips, loins arched,
+meanwhile, Khemissa moaning --- growling in throat, lips releasing drop of foam onto sheet {\dashcom} asleep, tightening buttocks around key, whore-master slipping boy's pants on : hem of pants rubbing into secretions of thigh-joint ; whore-master squashing hardened penis against thigh, cotton soaking up moisture of sexual cluster stimulated by successive scrutinization --- loins arched, fingers spread over hips --- of Khemissa's smooth flattened buttocks, smooth rosy cheeks ; member spurring pants, glans pressed back against cotton, approaching bed, leaning over Khemissa, projecting heat of thighs onto naked body, light hand turning key in boy's arse ; boy jumping, hip striking engorged member of whore-master, rolling over onto back, raising knee, cheek streaked with foam, towards master's member, knee touching testicles drawn out of buttressed pants ; laugh exploding, shaking boy's torso ; eyes buried in cheeks creased with laughter, fixing eyes of whore-master, oblique under shading lashes, pulling key out from under genital cluster ; whore-master leaning forward, squatting down, mouth drawn forward level with Khemissa's belly ; boy spreading fingers over master's lips ; trembling laughter --- breath of whore-master bathing hips, side of belly --- freeing, at tip of member, drops of urine held back after buggery by whore-master, during sleep ; drops rolling over downy slope of thigh ; whore-master, slipping arm under shoulders bathed in sweat beneath sheet, standing, pulling Khemissa up squeezing sexual cluster, still sticky, in fist ; whore-master hugging boy from behind, pushing boy along balmy bed to window ; one hand sliding pants down over thighs, other enclosing hand of boy --- holding penis swollen with urine ; Khemissa, hand pressed by whore-master's fingers, releasing contracted bladder ; master sliding erect penis between boy's buttocks ; urine, jissom, spurting ; all muscles of legs pressed together, relaxing ; whore-master thrusting mouth into Khemissa's wavy hair, hand groping at testicles ; in palm of master's hand, boy's member emptying : arched stream drilling into sand beside butcher's lad shitting ; apron-string trailing in excrements ; burning stream splashing bare foot of lad, head raised, sniffing back
-legs spread, dense woolly hair peppered with small bones, scraps of nerve fibre, of shaken flesh, thrusting violaceous member forward, sand sparkling on glans, out of unbuttoned fly ; whore-master pulling out penis, pushing Khemissa down onto staircase, jissom flowing over legs of boy ; Khemissa, shivering, sitting on step, head, torso turned towards wall, ridge of step separating sticky buttocks ; butcher's lad, swinging penis in hand, placing foot on first step ; whore-master wiping jissomy member on hooked index ; lad raising legs, placing foot on second step, curving torso over knee --- stiffened member drawing back at crotch, pulled by movement of thigh {\dashcom} bloody hand reaching out towards Khemissa's buttock, seizing, lifting fat, eyes narrowing in head falling back over shoulder, feeling flesh, delving beneath, groping around sexual cluster ; grasping, at same time, Khemissa's tobacco-coloured hair, kissing boy's face thrown back, kissing mouth, lips spread gathering frothing saliva ; lips of lad stroking forehead, roots of hair, hand, loins, Khemissa letting body slide down, legs spread, to bottom of stairs ; flat of buttocks touching ground, dry jissom sparkling on hardened balls ; foetid body of butcher's lad, jissom circulating pumping blood in lips, crouching, leaning over languid body of Khemissa sated ; propped against wall of passage opposite latrine, Wazzag, lips soiled, scraping at lump of hardened jissom under left breast : apprentice stepping down from latrine, penis dangling out of jeans ; hands splashed with urine slicking back hair ; movement of arms lifting flaps of denim jacket, uncovering fatty folds of hips over top of jeans ; Wazzag drawing apprentice close, pulling at jeans ; buttoning fly spotted with minium, pulling jeans up above waist, palms covering compressed buttocks, stroking till jissom, smeared over buttocks, soaks through denim ; finger-tips grinding into gluey spots ; apprentice arching loins, taking wide head of whore between palms, squashing, wiping. over forehead, his lips. nostrils blocked with snot ; Wazzag, palms massaging sticky buttocks of apprentice panting, licking, aspiring snot ; bitter fluid running from forehead, sticking to eyebrows of whore ; butcher's lead lying, fully dressed,
+sandy snot ; tongue emerging from mouth : red turd emerging from arse ; whore-master kissing Khemissa's laughing torso : sand drawn up towards glans along erect member of butcher's lad ; turd staying stuck in arse ; lad flinging head to one side, shaking loins, moaning, biting shoulder, straining : arse dried out by wind : thumping buttocks, turd swinging, sticking to coccyx ; black child, naked, pulling metal cart over sand : \propernoun{Shell} oil-drum mounted on wheels, lad throwing coin before feet of boy, presenting soiled buttocks ; child dropping toy, squatting in front of buttocks, scraping turd with both hands interlaced ; lad taking another coin from pocket of bloody shirt, throwing coin over shoulder, onto sand, child covering coin with foot ; turd sliding over sand, another, embedded with tiny crushed bones, emerging from arse, child leaning cheek onto knee, grabbing, pulling turd towards sand ; opening hand under arse of lad ; lad straining : sweat diffusing blood of butchery over wrinkles of tense forehead ; child shaking hand under arse, gnashing teeth ; butcher's lad, arse closed back tight, refreshed, standing up, knee pushing away child grasping flaps at front of jeans ; buttoning up ; child biting coins, wiping hands on wall of brothel ; butcher's lad, heavy buttocks packed into jeans, walking towards wall soiled by hot stream from Khemissa, pulling head up towards bedroom ; Khemissa, shaken by whore-master's violent discharge, clapping splayed fingers over damp thighs ; sweat running through black pubic fleece ; whore-master's arms squeezing boy's torso ; whore-master's hip hollowing, swelling, against boy's loins ; butcher's lad licking traces of urine stream from wall, standing up on toes ; Khemissa pulling member down towards lad's spreading lips ; sharper discharge from whore-master flinging Khemissa forwards, glans touching lips of butcher's lad ; lad wrapping glans in tongue ; thighs of Khemissa quivering against sill ; whore-master pulling Khemissa inside ; lad pressing tongue against imprint of Khemissa's thighs on adobe ; master, Member floundering in Khemissa's jissomy arse, pushing boy, foot against foot, towards staircase : downstairs, butcher's lad, apron rolled up, twisted in open-necked shirt, hands on hips, loins arched,
-over Khemissa, turning boy over onto belly ; bloody apron covering Khemissa's back, nape ; apprentice, jeans stuck to skin, advancing towards counter ; Wazzag wiping hands at hips, leaning in corner of passage ; apprentice, stopped in middle of room, fingering spongy flesh between thighs ; butcher's lad aroused by Wazzag's odour, rearing up, fist squashing flat of Khemissa's buttocks, swinging around, diving, member pointing stiff, onto Wazzag, hugging whore from behind, panting, snarling, against wall flecked with saltpetre ; Wazzag, head bent down into fleshy folds of neck, licking fingers interlaced under breasts : regular strokes of tongue on phalanges, between fingers, on nails : saltpetre sprinkling in powder over shaken hair ; testicles of lad hanging cold over fat of Wazzag's buttocks ; apprentice picking up twin, wiping, with flaps of denim jacket, buttocks soiled with sticky dust, marked on top by imprint of lad's bloody fist ; whore-master throwing down Khemissa's clothes from top of stairs ; turning back seam of pants --- slipped on back to front {\dashcom} against lower belly ; pubic fleece showing bluish through knit of cotton ; whore-master stroking luxury label ; Khemissa dressing, over naked loins ; Khemissa's twin, denim stuck smooth against buttocks, thin fold bordering edge of arse, smoking cigarette between lips soiled with snot ; thumbs stuck in jeans, over fly ; smoke enveloping slimy head ; butcher's lad greasing Wazzag ; whore-master snapping elastic of pants against belly \colsaid{{\td} I keep this for payment{\thd} my intended, come back quick, let these pants squeeze our thighs together, our buttocks, our members{\thd} my whore, I will give you back your prize on feast days{\td} go{\thd} let your juices seep from bare flesh{\td}} ; whore-master going back to bed, stretching out on belly, exhaustion of buggery bringing sleep ; apprentice moving over to wall, grabbing Wazzag's chin, butcher's lad thrusting knee into thigh ; Wazzag, quick, stroking hip of apprentice ; butcher's lad spitting into apprentice's ear, bloodshot eyes of lad piercing eyes, veiled, drowsy, of apprentice \colsaid{{\td} leave the bitch, she's mine{\thd} my turn to slaughter{\thd} she's under my spell{\thd} offers her throat{\td} I knew her from start{\thd} fed her with thorns from steppes{\thd} tongue still torn to
+legs spread, dense woolly hair peppered with small bones, scraps of nerve fibre, of shaken flesh, thrusting violaceous member forward, sand sparkling on glans, out of unbuttoned fly ; whore-master pulling out penis, pushing Khemissa down onto staircase, jissom flowing over legs of boy ; Khemissa, shivering, sitting on step, head, torso turned towards wall, ridge of step separating sticky buttocks ; butcher's lad, swinging penis in hand, placing foot on first step ; whore-master wiping jissomy member on hooked index ; lad raising legs, placing foot on second step, curving torso over knee --- stiffened member drawing back at crotch, pulled by movement of thigh {\dashcom} bloody hand reaching out towards Khemissa's buttock, seizing, lifting fat, eyes narrowing in head falling back over shoulder, feeling flesh, delving beneath, groping around sexual cluster ; grasping, at same time, Khemissa's tobacco-coloured hair, kissing boy's face thrown back, kissing mouth, lips spread gathering frothing saliva ; lips of lad stroking forehead, roots of hair, hand, loins, Khemissa letting body slide down, legs spread, to bottom of stairs ; flat of buttocks touching ground, dry jissom sparkling on hardened balls ; foetid body of butcher's lad, jissom circulating pumping blood in lips, crouching, leaning over languid body of Khemissa sated ; propped against wall of passage opposite latrine, Wazzag, lips soiled, scraping at lump of hardened jissom under left breast : apprentice stepping down from latrine, penis dangling out of jeans ; hands splashed with urine slicking back hair ; movement of arms lifting flaps of denim jacket, uncovering fatty folds of hips over top of jeans ; Wazzag drawing apprentice close, pulling at jeans ; buttoning fly spotted with minium, pulling jeans up above waist, palms covering compressed buttocks, stroking till jissom, smeared over buttocks, soaks through denim ; finger-tips grinding into gluey spots ; apprentice arching loins, taking wide head of whore between palms, squashing, wiping. over forehead, his lips. nostrils blocked with snot ; Wazzag, palms massaging sticky buttocks of apprentice panting, licking, aspiring snot ; bitter fluid running from forehead, sticking to eyebrows of whore ; butcher's lead lying, fully dressed,
-shreds{\thd}} ; Wazzag keeping scarred tongue inside mouth ; apprentice shifting hip to one side \colsaid{go upstairs, bring back my brother's luxury prize{\thd}} ; butcher's lad grabbing jacket of apprentice ; apprentice, squashing glowing tip of cigarette against sticky buttocks, pulling lad's fist away ; lad's member retracting in Wazzag's arse ; violent lurch pulling member out ; apprentice leaping, forcing butcher's lad onto knees, laying boy out on ground, fist pressed against nape ; Wazzag running off, climbing up to bedroom, leaning over whore-master sleeping, pinching pants against loins, pulling down towards legs ; butcher's lad, standing, striking member of apprentice, jumping forward, spinning around to face apprentice, leaning back against latrine, unrolling apron, pulling up cloth in front of torso, springing forward ; apprentice bearing down, fists between thighs ; flinging apron into face ; Wazzag, pulling pants over top of legs, slipping hand under whore-master's belly, pulling out member ; Wazzag stroking nape, hair, of whore-master growling ; Khemissa, dressed, nibbling pomegranate left on counter by Khamssieh, fist closed around chunk bitten out by Khamssieh ; Wazzag clasping pants in fist, kissing luxury label, lifting leg, slipping pants on, crouching down, rummaging in master's possessions piled in corner on floor, pulling out broken mirror --- high in deserted brothel on stormy evenings over steppes, his shivering dogs smeared with stale jissom pacing through saloon under wavering light, whore-master examines downy underside of his sexual cluster pressed up over lower belly {\dashsemi} tipping mirror against thigh, under clothed sexual organs ; laughing ; holding mirror behind, label sprouting, frayed, over skin of buttock ; butcher's lad wrapping head of apprentice in bloody apron, apprentice howling ; Wazzag throwing mirror onto pile, going back down into saloon ; buttocks quivering, hugged in cotton ; at bottom of stairs, rubbing thighs on cotton, pulling pants up over navel, raising leg. grabbing foot, rubbing horny skin against sexual cluster tucked inside cotton ; Khemissa coming forward, teeth catching pomegranate, striking belly of whore with both fists, thrusting leg forward, pulling pants down --- toes caught
+over Khemissa, turning boy over onto belly ; bloody apron covering Khemissa's back, nape ; apprentice, jeans stuck to skin, advancing towards counter ; Wazzag wiping hands at hips, leaning in corner of passage ; apprentice, stopped in middle of room, fingering spongy flesh between thighs ; butcher's lad aroused by Wazzag's odour, rearing up, fist squashing flat of Khemissa's buttocks, swinging around, diving, member pointing stiff, onto Wazzag, hugging whore from behind, panting, snarling, against wall flecked with saltpetre ; Wazzag, head bent down into fleshy folds of neck, licking fingers interlaced under breasts : regular strokes of tongue on phalanges, between fingers, on nails : saltpetre sprinkling in powder over shaken hair ; testicles of lad hanging cold over fat of Wazzag's buttocks ; apprentice picking up twin, wiping, with flaps of denim jacket, buttocks soiled with sticky dust, marked on top by imprint of lad's bloody fist ; whore-master throwing down Khemissa's clothes from top of stairs ; turning back seam of pants --- slipped on back to front {\dashcom} against lower belly ; pubic fleece showing bluish through knit of cotton ; whore-master stroking luxury label ; Khemissa dressing, over naked loins ; Khemissa's twin, denim stuck smooth against buttocks, thin fold bordering edge of arse, smoking cigarette between lips soiled with snot ; thumbs stuck in jeans, over fly ; smoke enveloping slimy head ; butcher's lad greasing Wazzag ; whore-master snapping elastic of pants against belly \colsaid{{\td} I keep this for payment{\thd} my intended, come back quick, let these pants squeeze our thighs together, our buttocks, our members{\thd} my whore, I will give you back your prize on feast days{\td} go{\thd} let your juices seep from bare flesh{\td}} ; whore-master going back to bed, stretching out on belly, exhaustion of buggery bringing sleep ; apprentice moving over to wall, grabbing Wazzag's chin, butcher's lad thrusting knee into thigh ; Wazzag, quick, stroking hip of apprentice ; butcher's lad spitting into apprentice's ear, bloodshot eyes of lad piercing eyes, veiled, drowsy, of apprentice \colsaid{{\td} leave the bitch, she's mine{\thd} my turn to slaughter{\thd} she's under my spell{\thd} offers her throat{\td} I knew her from start{\thd} fed her with thorns from steppes{\thd} tongue still torn to
-under elastic ; pomegranate falling inside denim jacket buckled beneath ribs \colsaid{{\thd} dog, give back my prize{\td} man's arse is all your clothes{\td}} ; Wazzag bent over, taking off pants ; Khemissa taking pants from Wazzag's hand ; Wazzag leaning on wall, stroking thighs, sexual cluster, buttocks ; Khemissa stuffing pants into pocket ; butcher's lad, apprentice, heads covered, wrestling against door of latrine, hands on necks, knees knocking ; lad's member retracted rigid, poking out of bloody jeans, curving back against fly of apprentice ; falling back onto ground, fists striking faces ; Wazzag approaching, two youths standing up, jostling around whore, panting, Wazzag grabbing members, naked inside jeans ; muscles relaxing, breath mixing over throat of whore \colsaid{keep the bitch{\thd}}, apprentice, breathing in long draughts, pulling Wazzag's hand from crotch, slicking back hair wet with sweat \colsaid{{\td} in exchange, cut us two kids' hearts for this evening{\thd}} ; apprentice walking away, hand on Khemissa's shoulder, rushing twin towards door, turning slimy latch \colsaid{{\td} exhaust the bitch{\thd} you have your knives{\thd} I have my mallets, my hammers{\td}} ; outside {\td} two twins, stuck together, kissing on mouth, bodies arched in flying sand ; naked black child abandoning toy on slope of dune strewn with bones, with excrements, approaching youths, picking up fistful of sand, rubbing sticky buttocks of apprentice ; warm sand adhering to denim, absorbing jissom ; child rubbing seam of crotch ; apprentice biting Khemissa's mouth, two twins mixing saliva ; buttocks of apprentice, squeezed in jeans, rounding out, wet sand sliding down legs, child scraping remaining film of jissom with finger-nails ; apprentice taking coin out of back pocket of jeans pressed under child's palm, throwing money onto sand ; child fetching coin with tip of foot, kicking into air, catching in shining hand ; Wazzag returning, standing against saltpetred wall ; butcher's lad, muscles again tensing, wiping sweaty forehead with flap of apron ; one hand separating buttocks of whore, thumb spread from index in gluey curls ; bringing swollen penis forward, digging between buttocks, pulling out, turning away from whore, going into open latrine, pissing hard, hot, coming out of latrine, pressing
+shreds{\thd}} ; Wazzag keeping scarred tongue inside mouth ; apprentice shifting hip to one side \colsaid{go upstairs, bring back my brother's luxury prize{\thd}} ; butcher's lad grabbing jacket of apprentice ; apprentice, squashing glowing tip of cigarette against sticky buttocks, pulling lad's fist away ; lad's member retracting in Wazzag's arse ; violent lurch pulling member out ; apprentice leaping, forcing butcher's lad onto knees, laying boy out on ground, fist pressed against nape ; Wazzag running off, climbing up to bedroom, leaning over whore-master sleeping, pinching pants against loins, pulling down towards legs ; butcher's lad, standing, striking member of apprentice, jumping forward, spinning around to face apprentice, leaning back against latrine, unrolling apron, pulling up cloth in front of torso, springing forward ; apprentice bearing down, fists between thighs ; flinging apron into face ; Wazzag, pulling pants over top of legs, slipping hand under whore-master's belly, pulling out member ; Wazzag stroking nape, hair, of whore-master growling ; Khemissa, dressed, nibbling pomegranate left on counter by Khamssieh, fist closed around chunk bitten out by Khamssieh ; Wazzag clasping pants in fist, kissing luxury label, lifting leg, slipping pants on, crouching down, rummaging in master's possessions piled in corner on floor, pulling out broken mirror --- high in deserted brothel on stormy evenings over steppes, his shivering dogs smeared with stale jissom pacing through saloon under wavering light, whore-master examines downy underside of his sexual cluster pressed up over lower belly {\dashsemi} tipping mirror against thigh, under clothed sexual organs ; laughing ; holding mirror behind, label sprouting, frayed, over skin of buttock ; butcher's lad wrapping head of apprentice in bloody apron, apprentice howling ; Wazzag throwing mirror onto pile, going back down into saloon ; buttocks quivering, hugged in cotton ; at bottom of stairs, rubbing thighs on cotton, pulling pants up over navel, raising leg. grabbing foot, rubbing horny skin against sexual cluster tucked inside cotton ; Khemissa coming forward, teeth catching pomegranate, striking belly of whore with both fists, thrusting leg forward, pulling pants down --- toes caught
-splashed legs against legs of Wazzag, seizing fleshy folds around loins of whore propped on one hip while worker pissing, twisting apron in shirt, thumb scraping jissom clogging fleece around Wazzag's arse, positioning marbled member in arse, shaking hand, pressing finger against lips of whore, to lick ; club-foot, stirring in bolted latrine ; butcher's lad labouring over haunches of whore, cheek to cheek, tongue protruding, Sticky with saliva bitter with gall, licking Wazzag's fat dried lips \colsaid{{\td} you're my second beast this morning{\td} first one a calf{\td} took my time killing it{\thd}}, Wazzag's eyes palpitating under palm of hand \colsaid{{\td} right front hoof twitched against my bare foot{\td}}, knees of lad striking Wazzag's hams, hot jissom, expelled, burning in loins of whore {\thd} \said{{\td} under shock of mallet, feathered head, covered in dew, sliding over my belly, catching on jeans, muzzle bleeding in my cupped hand{\td} branded ewes, kids, bleating in darkened yard{\thd} free flocks rolling between walls of streaked adobe{\thd} my member stiffens, pressed bare against neck of calf{\thd}} ; whore-master rolling moaning on bed \colsaid{butcher{\td} whore-master{\thd} your bitch feels love for me{\thd} tail, arm wrapping around my arse{\td} nose spitting out love-snot{\td}}, jissom overflowing, oozing back from arse after fourth discharge, running down legs, flowing over hams ; heel ; Wazzag's feet, feet of butcher's lad, bathing in jissom, lad grabbing ears of whore, stiffening, labouring, discharging, member buried in tangle of jissomy curls \colsaid{{\thd} my bare feet paddling in blood of calf{\thd} butcher, whore-master, for you : earth, water, flesh, jissom, meat, blood, for you : dung, eggs, hay{\thd} nomad, bury your excrement{\thd} whore, hold back your jissom{\thd} cattle, flee{\thd}} ; rough tongue of lad undulating over Wazzag's shoulder ; bushy hair, shaken, sweeping over nape, over cheek of whore, hand playing with whore's sexual cluster ; whore tipping head sideways, muscled neck nibbled by lad's rotten teeth, breaking into sharp bursts of rough laughter, arching back, hollowing sweaty rump, leaning on one hip --- lad's penis slipping out of arse {\dashcom} flinging hands behind lad's body --- hands gripping buttocks, nails hooked onto seam of crotch, seam of back pocket of jeans, drawing lad close against simmering body ;
+under elastic ; pomegranate falling inside denim jacket buckled beneath ribs \colsaid{{\thd} dog, give back my prize{\td} man's arse is all your clothes{\td}} ; Wazzag bent over, taking off pants ; Khemissa taking pants from Wazzag's hand ; Wazzag leaning on wall, stroking thighs, sexual cluster, buttocks ; Khemissa stuffing pants into pocket ; butcher's lad, apprentice, heads covered, wrestling against door of latrine, hands on necks, knees knocking ; lad's member retracted rigid, poking out of bloody jeans, curving back against fly of apprentice ; falling back onto ground, fists striking faces ; Wazzag approaching, two youths standing up, jostling around whore, panting, Wazzag grabbing members, naked inside jeans ; muscles relaxing, breath mixing over throat of whore \colsaid{keep the bitch{\thd}}, apprentice, breathing in long draughts, pulling Wazzag's hand from crotch, slicking back hair wet with sweat \colsaid{{\td} in exchange, cut us two kids' hearts for this evening{\thd}} ; apprentice walking away, hand on Khemissa's shoulder, rushing twin towards door, turning slimy latch \colsaid{{\td} exhaust the bitch{\thd} you have your knives{\thd} I have my mallets, my hammers{\td}} ; outside {\td} two twins, stuck together, kissing on mouth, bodies arched in flying sand ; naked black child abandoning toy on slope of dune strewn with bones, with excrements, approaching youths, picking up fistful of sand, rubbing sticky buttocks of apprentice ; warm sand adhering to denim, absorbing jissom ; child rubbing seam of crotch ; apprentice biting Khemissa's mouth, two twins mixing saliva ; buttocks of apprentice, squeezed in jeans, rounding out, wet sand sliding down legs, child scraping remaining film of jissom with finger-nails ; apprentice taking coin out of back pocket of jeans pressed under child's palm, throwing money onto sand ; child fetching coin with tip of foot, kicking into air, catching in shining hand ; Wazzag returning, standing against saltpetred wall ; butcher's lad, muscles again tensing, wiping sweaty forehead with flap of apron ; one hand separating buttocks of whore, thumb spread from index in gluey curls ; bringing swollen penis forward, digging between buttocks, pulling out, turning away from whore, going into open latrine, pissing hard, hot, coming out of latrine, pressing
-straightening hips ; member of lad, excited by pressure of hands, by nails of whore stroking jeans, swelling, poking back into Wazzag's arse --- jissom streaming over relaxed legs, run out as Wazzag pulled dreamy lad up against own body, uncoupled ; dripping over curls on sides of buttocks, gluing folds of jeans onto lad's thighs ; wrinkles of member smoothing out with pressure of jissom, fist bowing Wazzag's nape ; whore, torso inclined, hands pressed against knees, bumping forehead onto saltpetred wall ; butcher's lad thumping fists into articulation at middle of Wazzag's body, into folds of groin, body beating against haunches of whore ; wet friction of jeans on coccyx of lad, trace of excrement melting in red sweat ; long orgasm narrowing, veiling eyes, trembling torso jumping in jerks ; hands of Wazzag covering damp convulsive hands of lad, hooked onto belly ; butcher's lad stiffening legs, rubbing thighs against buttocks of whore, all of frenzied body contracting ; toe-nails, bending back against those of Wazzag, scratching : short fluid spurt from glans expelling deposit of previous discharge, clearing duct charged with heavy jissom ; Wazzag, wrinkles over square forehead rolling under brown curls pressed back streaked with saltpetre, sniffing up apprentice's snot ; hands of sated butcher's lad palpating belly, fingers pulling at pubic fleece ; whore-master, returned downstairs, sliding fingers into back pocket of lad's jeans, pulling ; at same time, shaking shoulder, slipping hand over Wazzag's buttocks, between two bodies enrobed in sweat --- cold : butcher's lad, warm : Wazzag {\dashcom} pressing at root of lad's member, bitter breath bathing ear of lad \colsaid{{\td}let go, little killer{\comthd} how many times, Wazzo?{\td}} ; whore, head against wall, stamping on ground, eight times \coltdsaid{eight livers for my dogs, little killer, with cartilage, with guts{\thd}} ; whore-master's thumb flicking out penis of butcher's lad ; Wazzag, uncoupled, edging along wall, towards latrine : stepping inside ; legs spread, member bouncing against thighs, pissing, soft, in dank darkness, saltpetre falling over neck, heel slapping in jissom on foot-slab ; whore-master going into second latrine, pulling away plate beside club-foot's feet ; bits of egg squashed over mouth, shitting, contracted buttocks
+splashed legs against legs of Wazzag, seizing fleshy folds around loins of whore propped on one hip while worker pissing, twisting apron in shirt, thumb scraping jissom clogging fleece around Wazzag's arse, positioning marbled member in arse, shaking hand, pressing finger against lips of whore, to lick ; club-foot, stirring in bolted latrine ; butcher's lad labouring over haunches of whore, cheek to cheek, tongue protruding, Sticky with saliva bitter with gall, licking Wazzag's fat dried lips \colsaid{{\td} you're my second beast this morning{\td} first one a calf{\td} took my time killing it{\thd}}, Wazzag's eyes palpitating under palm of hand \colsaid{{\td} right front hoof twitched against my bare foot{\td}}, knees of lad striking Wazzag's hams, hot jissom, expelled, burning in loins of whore {\thd} \said{{\td} under shock of mallet, feathered head, covered in dew, sliding over my belly, catching on jeans, muzzle bleeding in my cupped hand{\td} branded ewes, kids, bleating in darkened yard{\thd} free flocks rolling between walls of streaked adobe{\thd} my member stiffens, pressed bare against neck of calf{\thd}} ; whore-master rolling moaning on bed \colsaid{butcher{\td} whore-master{\thd} your bitch feels love for me{\thd} tail, arm wrapping around my arse{\td} nose spitting out love-snot{\td}}, jissom overflowing, oozing back from arse after fourth discharge, running down legs, flowing over hams ; heel ; Wazzag's feet, feet of butcher's lad, bathing in jissom, lad grabbing ears of whore, stiffening, labouring, discharging, member buried in tangle of jissomy curls \colsaid{{\thd} my bare feet paddling in blood of calf{\thd} butcher, whore-master, for you : earth, water, flesh, jissom, meat, blood, for you : dung, eggs, hay{\thd} nomad, bury your excrement{\thd} whore, hold back your jissom{\thd} cattle, flee{\thd}} ; rough tongue of lad undulating over Wazzag's shoulder ; bushy hair, shaken, sweeping over nape, over cheek of whore, hand playing with whore's sexual cluster ; whore tipping head sideways, muscled neck nibbled by lad's rotten teeth, breaking into sharp bursts of rough laughter, arching back, hollowing sweaty rump, leaning on one hip --- lad's penis slipping out of arse {\dashcom} flinging hands behind lad's body --- hands gripping buttocks, nails hooked onto seam of crotch, seam of back pocket of jeans, drawing lad close against simmering body ;
-raised over edge of hole, foot jammed against ridge of foot-slab ; Wazzag, downy knee streaming with piss, emerging, moving towards butcher's lad leaning --- legs spread, penis drooping over jeans --- against dirt-spattered wall ; apron rolled up, twisted, bulging under bloody shirt ; Wazzag --- whore-master picking up plate licked clean --- seizing member of lad ; other hand grabbing balls through jeans ; laughing, palpating ; butcher's lad, head tipped onto shoulder, moaning, legs stiffening ; Wazzag pumping slimy member, crouching, licking, pumping ; member softened, lad relaxing muscles ; whore-master emerging from latrine ; Wazzag rising, chest swelling, touching chest of butcher's lad through sweaty shirt, pushing lad's member back into fly, buttoning jeans, pulling twisted apron out of shirt, smoothing, spreading apron over front of lad's body, pushing stiffened penis over to one side of apron stitched in rough-cut skin, in sackcloth ; whore-master putting plate on zinc counter ; Wazzag pecking kiss at dried mouth of butcher's lad ; lad holding back vomit --- whore pressing lips onto those, pinched together convulsive, of lad ; whore-master grasping Wazzag's hair, drawing whore close, knee pushing forward towards garden ; Wazzag, bloody body bitten by rays of fire, sprawling in burying sand, hitching up head towards shifting shadow of tamarisk ; butcher's lad sliding down wall ; whore-master catching boy under armpits, standing body straight, turning on tap, wetting hand in jet, gathering water in hand, splashing lad's forehead ; lad sniffing up droplets, coughing, spitting phlegm onto wall pulling away from whore-master, tying apron around loins ; Wazzag quivering, standing facing light at threshold of garden, upright, in front of passage, sand running over slimy skin, pink glans vibrating at tip of hardened member, against coppery-black surface of belly ; smile wandering, transparent under amber skin of cheeks, of forehead, of lips ; behind, on tarmac beyond barrier bordering garden, bevy of women walking against wind, jewels clinking under folds --- scarlet, mauve --- of black gandourahs ; carrying bundles of green wheat, barley, on shoulders, against breasts, laughing ; Wazzag, lips spreading, tossing back head ; with amber hand, downy
+straightening hips ; member of lad, excited by pressure of hands, by nails of whore stroking jeans, swelling, poking back into Wazzag's arse --- jissom streaming over relaxed legs, run out as Wazzag pulled dreamy lad up against own body, uncoupled ; dripping over curls on sides of buttocks, gluing folds of jeans onto lad's thighs ; wrinkles of member smoothing out with pressure of jissom, fist bowing Wazzag's nape ; whore, torso inclined, hands pressed against knees, bumping forehead onto saltpetred wall ; butcher's lad thumping fists into articulation at middle of Wazzag's body, into folds of groin, body beating against haunches of whore ; wet friction of jeans on coccyx of lad, trace of excrement melting in red sweat ; long orgasm narrowing, veiling eyes, trembling torso jumping in jerks ; hands of Wazzag covering damp convulsive hands of lad, hooked onto belly ; butcher's lad stiffening legs, rubbing thighs against buttocks of whore, all of frenzied body contracting ; toe-nails, bending back against those of Wazzag, scratching : short fluid spurt from glans expelling deposit of previous discharge, clearing duct charged with heavy jissom ; Wazzag, wrinkles over square forehead rolling under brown curls pressed back streaked with saltpetre, sniffing up apprentice's snot ; hands of sated butcher's lad palpating belly, fingers pulling at pubic fleece ; whore-master, returned downstairs, sliding fingers into back pocket of lad's jeans, pulling ; at same time, shaking shoulder, slipping hand over Wazzag's buttocks, between two bodies enrobed in sweat --- cold : butcher's lad, warm : Wazzag {\dashcom} pressing at root of lad's member, bitter breath bathing ear of lad \colsaid{{\td}let go, little killer{\comthd} how many times, Wazzo?{\td}} ; whore, head against wall, stamping on ground, eight times \coltdsaid{eight livers for my dogs, little killer, with cartilage, with guts{\thd}} ; whore-master's thumb flicking out penis of butcher's lad ; Wazzag, uncoupled, edging along wall, towards latrine : stepping inside ; legs spread, member bouncing against thighs, pissing, soft, in dank darkness, saltpetre falling over neck, heel slapping in jissom on foot-slab ; whore-master going into second latrine, pulling away plate beside club-foot's feet ; bits of egg squashed over mouth, shitting, contracted buttocks
-above, smooth pink beneath, stroking member, balls, eye drawn white towards women ; butcher's lad coming outside ; whore-master approaching, turning around whore ; Wazzag's drawn gaze deviated by approaching rotations of whore-master ; hip brushing against hip of whore, against hand, against scabs of dried blood on rump, whore-master \coltdsaid{{\td} shake your hair, your head, body, groin, brows, lashes, ears, fingers{\td}} ; Wazzag shaking whole body, raising arm, blowing down under armpits, up into eyes, flicking at pubic fleece, spreading fingers, shaking hand, spreading buttocks, bending over, slipping thumb into slit of arse \colsaid{{\thd} leave that{\thd} adults, babies, eggs, all drown down there{\td}}, straightening up, dried blood crumbling over loins \colsaid{{\thd} remove aprons from butchers{\thd} you stink of calf's blood{\td} what is grease to date-picker, date-sugar to lubricator, blood spurted from your lips, your nostrils?{\td} no man wants blood of butcher's shop, unless boiled{\comtd} not even hospital boy} ; whore-master slapping palms, wrinkled in sleep, against flat of whore's buttocks, Wazzag pressing lips towards neck --- downy in hollow between muscles {\dashcom} eye fixed on pink lips of women \colsaid{{\fourdots} drain all jissom from their men, drillers of Amguid{\thd} arrived from desert this morning, unloading equipment at water-tower{\thd} getting paid{\thdcom} covered with dust, muscles hardened, clothes steeped in sweat, they rush to brothel, jump on you{\thd} five men{\thd} belly-muscles hardened by handle of pneumatic drill{\thd} they fuck lying down{\thd} I've only you and club-foot to serve them{\thd}}, whore-master fondling fat of Wazzag's buttocks, coccyx, bottom of hips, fingers brushing over mark from elastic of pants ; blood bubbling in throat of whore ; whore-master pinching mark \colsaid{{\thd} my jissom resting in his loins ; awake, asleep, my stiffened member has been in his pants{\thd} I'll feed him liver{\thd}} ; whore-master going up stairs, into bedroom, crouching under gas-ring, opening green plastic bucket, pulling out in handfuls scraps of boiled meat : cartilage, guts, in pink mass swelling transparent plastic ; Wazzag springing onto staircase, edging --- slow, simmering --- along bedroom wall, over to encrusted gas-ring ; slaver frothing at comers of lips ; whore-master plunging scraps back into stew,
+raised over edge of hole, foot jammed against ridge of foot-slab ; Wazzag, downy knee streaming with piss, emerging, moving towards butcher's lad leaning --- legs spread, penis drooping over jeans --- against dirt-spattered wall ; apron rolled up, twisted, bulging under bloody shirt ; Wazzag --- whore-master picking up plate licked clean --- seizing member of lad ; other hand grabbing balls through jeans ; laughing, palpating ; butcher's lad, head tipped onto shoulder, moaning, legs stiffening ; Wazzag pumping slimy member, crouching, licking, pumping ; member softened, lad relaxing muscles ; whore-master emerging from latrine ; Wazzag rising, chest swelling, touching chest of butcher's lad through sweaty shirt, pushing lad's member back into fly, buttoning jeans, pulling twisted apron out of shirt, smoothing, spreading apron over front of lad's body, pushing stiffened penis over to one side of apron stitched in rough-cut skin, in sackcloth ; whore-master putting plate on zinc counter ; Wazzag pecking kiss at dried mouth of butcher's lad ; lad holding back vomit --- whore pressing lips onto those, pinched together convulsive, of lad ; whore-master grasping Wazzag's hair, drawing whore close, knee pushing forward towards garden ; Wazzag, bloody body bitten by rays of fire, sprawling in burying sand, hitching up head towards shifting shadow of tamarisk ; butcher's lad sliding down wall ; whore-master catching boy under armpits, standing body straight, turning on tap, wetting hand in jet, gathering water in hand, splashing lad's forehead ; lad sniffing up droplets, coughing, spitting phlegm onto wall pulling away from whore-master, tying apron around loins ; Wazzag quivering, standing facing light at threshold of garden, upright, in front of passage, sand running over slimy skin, pink glans vibrating at tip of hardened member, against coppery-black surface of belly ; smile wandering, transparent under amber skin of cheeks, of forehead, of lips ; behind, on tarmac beyond barrier bordering garden, bevy of women walking against wind, jewels clinking under folds --- scarlet, mauve --- of black gandourahs ; carrying bundles of green wheat, barley, on shoulders, against breasts, laughing ; Wazzag, lips spreading, tossing back head ; with amber hand, downy
-pulling, lifting basket against chest, going down stairs ; hitched up on sweaty toes, blaze of hair skin eyes nails body-hair reinforced, curves of cheeks shoulders chest buttocks hams shaped afresh, capturing all light, Wazzag, standing in front with head turned back, quivering, eyes fixed on tepid mass slopping, held against whore-master's chest ; master placing bucket in front of bolted latrine, moving away : Wazzag, whimpering, crouching, plunging head into bucket, lapping up stew ; teeth catching on meaty bone ; face rising, smattered with juice, bone held up against nostrils ; plunging back down ; Wazzag, spitting out bone, gobbling soft meat, cartilage broken by cooking, swallowing chunks unchewed ; gulping, swallowing ; muscles of neck, stiffened, dilating under pressure of pieces swallowed ; top of belly hollowing, bottom swelling ; pushing bone aside with muzzle, snuffling meaty juices ; whore's member, softened, bouncing on thighs, hands trembling on rim of bucket ; whore-master pulling at hips of whore, grasping hair, neck, pulling ; Wazzag growling, gravy drowning cry ; whore-master seizing shoulders, knee striking small of back, stroking nape ; on wall, mucus of butcher's lad dripping ; on ground, jissom spreading out drying ; whore-master, Wazzag's mouth growling against arm, pulling meaty bone from bucket, holding bone between fingers above mouth of Wazzag rearing up on haunches, rounded buttocks pressed firm against heels ; tongue of whore touching bone ; whore-master letting bone drop, Wazzag catching morsel between teeth, crouching, sidling along wall to garden ; leaning back against tamarisk, nibbling bone, tearing, swallowing meat, neck thrown back --- smooth, straining, spurred at top by swallowed lump ; shambling across garden ; whore-master opening latrine, placing bucket on foot-slab ; club-foot straightening up, pulling up scrap of pink meat rimmed with fat, lifting fist over face flung back, juicy scrap of meat trailing over lips : sucked into mouth ; whore-master lifting leg ; toes stroking club-foot's straining neck, jamming neck into corner ; body suffocating ; scrap of meat, half-swallowed, not chewed, obstructing gullet ; whore-master grabbing hair of choking boy, bowing head towards
+above, smooth pink beneath, stroking member, balls, eye drawn white towards women ; butcher's lad coming outside ; whore-master approaching, turning around whore ; Wazzag's drawn gaze deviated by approaching rotations of whore-master ; hip brushing against hip of whore, against hand, against scabs of dried blood on rump, whore-master \coltdsaid{{\td} shake your hair, your head, body, groin, brows, lashes, ears, fingers{\td}} ; Wazzag shaking whole body, raising arm, blowing down under armpits, up into eyes, flicking at pubic fleece, spreading fingers, shaking hand, spreading buttocks, bending over, slipping thumb into slit of arse \colsaid{{\thd} leave that{\thd} adults, babies, eggs, all drown down there{\td}}, straightening up, dried blood crumbling over loins \colsaid{{\thd} remove aprons from butchers{\thd} you stink of calf's blood{\td} what is grease to date-picker, date-sugar to lubricator, blood spurted from your lips, your nostrils?{\td} no man wants blood of butcher's shop, unless boiled{\comtd} not even hospital boy} ; whore-master slapping palms, wrinkled in sleep, against flat of whore's buttocks, Wazzag pressing lips towards neck --- downy in hollow between muscles {\dashcom} eye fixed on pink lips of women \colsaid{{\fourdots} drain all jissom from their men, drillers of Amguid{\thd} arrived from desert this morning, unloading equipment at water-tower{\thd} getting paid{\thdcom} covered with dust, muscles hardened, clothes steeped in sweat, they rush to brothel, jump on you{\thd} five men{\thd} belly-muscles hardened by handle of pneumatic drill{\thd} they fuck lying down{\thd} I've only you and club-foot to serve them{\thd}}, whore-master fondling fat of Wazzag's buttocks, coccyx, bottom of hips, fingers brushing over mark from elastic of pants ; blood bubbling in throat of whore ; whore-master pinching mark \colsaid{{\thd} my jissom resting in his loins ; awake, asleep, my stiffened member has been in his pants{\thd} I'll feed him liver{\thd}} ; whore-master going up stairs, into bedroom, crouching under gas-ring, opening green plastic bucket, pulling out in handfuls scraps of boiled meat : cartilage, guts, in pink mass swelling transparent plastic ; Wazzag springing onto staircase, edging --- slow, simmering --- along bedroom wall, over to encrusted gas-ring ; slaver frothing at comers of lips ; whore-master plunging scraps back into stew,
-hole, placing foot over meat-scrap trailing with one end stuck to layer of excrement, pushing head of body back up, into corner ; scrap of meat emerging, dripping with slaver ; body panting, catching scrap --- still stuck to chin --- between teeth, sucking, swallowing ; whore-master pulling meat from mouth, scrap coiling up in hole ; body heaving, pressing back into corner ; whore-master lifting bucket, opening mouth in view of body, tipping bucket towards fat lips of body ; lips opening, master pouring meat-juice, in small doses ; eyes of body, after each mouthful, looking up, shining ; lid of bucket beating against throat ; Wazzag sitting cross-legged on hay, in shed --- acid odour of apprentice lingering {\dashcom} nibbling at bone, sniffing at pockets of air embalmed with jissom, with minium, tearing meat from bone : all around, in shifting hay, jissom dripping mixed with dust, with sand ; Wazzag's piglets grunting in shed, his birds, driven up into beams during coupling, drawn by smell of meat, perching on shoulders ; member, stiffening at din of club-foot choking, bouncing back over heels pressed together : pinching balls between hard sticky corns ; club-foot, belly bloated, rising up, positioning feet on foot-slab, crouching ; whore-master holding lightened bucket against chest, closing door ; excrement bursting shiny pink, burying disgorged meat-scrap in hole ; whore-master carrying bucket back up to bedroom ; Wazzag stuffing bone into saltpetred hole of wall, standing up, wiping hands on hips ; women wandering over tarmac ; Wazzag approaching, pressing swollen belly against trellis, slipping member between two strips of reed, panting : women turning back ; one girl, shaved head unveiled, cheeks reddened with henna, black breasts pressed against neck-line of open gandourah, throwing body against trellis, bending, hairs glistening under armpits, gripping bundle of barley, propped against fence ; Wazzag's arm hugging, pulling girl against body half hidden by trellis : member swelling cut between strips, whole mouth kissing lips, ears, neck, breasts, of shaved girl ; girl held at waist, struggling, spitting, toes hollowing sand, bending sharp tips of reeds against Wazzag's bloated belly ; other women, seated on sand, languid, rolling onto sides ; rumps
+pulling, lifting basket against chest, going down stairs ; hitched up on sweaty toes, blaze of hair skin eyes nails body-hair reinforced, curves of cheeks shoulders chest buttocks hams shaped afresh, capturing all light, Wazzag, standing in front with head turned back, quivering, eyes fixed on tepid mass slopping, held against whore-master's chest ; master placing bucket in front of bolted latrine, moving away : Wazzag, whimpering, crouching, plunging head into bucket, lapping up stew ; teeth catching on meaty bone ; face rising, smattered with juice, bone held up against nostrils ; plunging back down ; Wazzag, spitting out bone, gobbling soft meat, cartilage broken by cooking, swallowing chunks unchewed ; gulping, swallowing ; muscles of neck, stiffened, dilating under pressure of pieces swallowed ; top of belly hollowing, bottom swelling ; pushing bone aside with muzzle, snuffling meaty juices ; whore's member, softened, bouncing on thighs, hands trembling on rim of bucket ; whore-master pulling at hips of whore, grasping hair, neck, pulling ; Wazzag growling, gravy drowning cry ; whore-master seizing shoulders, knee striking small of back, stroking nape ; on wall, mucus of butcher's lad dripping ; on ground, jissom spreading out drying ; whore-master, Wazzag's mouth growling against arm, pulling meaty bone from bucket, holding bone between fingers above mouth of Wazzag rearing up on haunches, rounded buttocks pressed firm against heels ; tongue of whore touching bone ; whore-master letting bone drop, Wazzag catching morsel between teeth, crouching, sidling along wall to garden ; leaning back against tamarisk, nibbling bone, tearing, swallowing meat, neck thrown back --- smooth, straining, spurred at top by swallowed lump ; shambling across garden ; whore-master opening latrine, placing bucket on foot-slab ; club-foot straightening up, pulling up scrap of pink meat rimmed with fat, lifting fist over face flung back, juicy scrap of meat trailing over lips : sucked into mouth ; whore-master lifting leg ; toes stroking club-foot's straining neck, jamming neck into corner ; body suffocating ; scrap of meat, half-swallowed, not chewed, obstructing gullet ; whore-master grabbing hair of choking boy, bowing head towards
-rounding under black dresses ; lying on sand propped up on elbows, fists creasing cheeks, pouring sand over breasts ; in trees, thorns pricking flowers in wind : Wazzag groaning ; member reddening, pinched ; hands, jerking, stroking loins of shaved girl ; girl undulating against trellis ; Wazzag, head buried in breasts, moaning ; shaved girl pressing chin onto Wazzag's nape, rubbing chin, hands stroking hips of whore, fingers pinching, rolling up gandourah, sliding against trellis ; veins palpitating on skull ; elbows squeezing rolled-up gandourah against hips, hands pulling reeds apart ; Wazzag's member retracting into pubic fleece ; hands of shaved girl releasing reeds, pushing back Wazzag's belly, lifting arms from waist ; Wazzag hitching up onto heels, forehead jammed against simmering breasts ; softened penis opening violaceous over top of reeds, swelling towards exposed belly of woman ; woman, mauve skull gleaming under fiery rays, drawing back, Wazzag's slimy hair sliding over neckline of gandourah ; Wazzag, sweat sticking curls to forehead, sniffing, head dropped relaxing legs, settling heels into sand, crossing thighs over smarting penis ; woman grabbing bundle, running off, green barley waving behind head ; Wazzag lifting leg over trellis ; balls, exposed, glistening pink ; drowsy women rolling gandourahs up over knees ; Wazzag straddling trellis, pressing buttocks against reeds ; women, breathing curling back ochre lips, striking foreheads over sand ; Wazzag stepping forward ; sand kicked up sticking to hams, member stiffening, pointing ; approaching, crouching in front of women ; member swelling along folded leg ; scent opening women's nostrils ; Wazzag kneeling, leaning over sand on elbows, bumping curly-fringed forehead against foreheads of women, lifting leg over croup of woman with bracelets clinking ; woman catching knee, stroking curls of thigh ; whore placing leg onto woman's croup, foot delving, through heated black cloth, into cleft of buttocks ; woman's breasts, swollen, bulging over neckline ; hand, mauve above, ochre beneath, moving along Wazzag's thigh, up to tangle of long supple shiny hairs merging into curly fluff on thigh ; thumb, pink nail pitted, pressing into groin, slipping along seam of
+hole, placing foot over meat-scrap trailing with one end stuck to layer of excrement, pushing head of body back up, into corner ; scrap of meat emerging, dripping with slaver ; body panting, catching scrap --- still stuck to chin --- between teeth, sucking, swallowing ; whore-master pulling meat from mouth, scrap coiling up in hole ; body heaving, pressing back into corner ; whore-master lifting bucket, opening mouth in view of body, tipping bucket towards fat lips of body ; lips opening, master pouring meat-juice, in small doses ; eyes of body, after each mouthful, looking up, shining ; lid of bucket beating against throat ; Wazzag sitting cross-legged on hay, in shed --- acid odour of apprentice lingering {\dashcom} nibbling at bone, sniffing at pockets of air embalmed with jissom, with minium, tearing meat from bone : all around, in shifting hay, jissom dripping mixed with dust, with sand ; Wazzag's piglets grunting in shed, his birds, driven up into beams during coupling, drawn by smell of meat, perching on shoulders ; member, stiffening at din of club-foot choking, bouncing back over heels pressed together : pinching balls between hard sticky corns ; club-foot, belly bloated, rising up, positioning feet on foot-slab, crouching ; whore-master holding lightened bucket against chest, closing door ; excrement bursting shiny pink, burying disgorged meat-scrap in hole ; whore-master carrying bucket back up to bedroom ; Wazzag stuffing bone into saltpetred hole of wall, standing up, wiping hands on hips ; women wandering over tarmac ; Wazzag approaching, pressing swollen belly against trellis, slipping member between two strips of reed, panting : women turning back ; one girl, shaved head unveiled, cheeks reddened with henna, black breasts pressed against neck-line of open gandourah, throwing body against trellis, bending, hairs glistening under armpits, gripping bundle of barley, propped against fence ; Wazzag's arm hugging, pulling girl against body half hidden by trellis : member swelling cut between strips, whole mouth kissing lips, ears, neck, breasts, of shaved girl ; girl held at waist, struggling, spitting, toes hollowing sand, bending sharp tips of reeds against Wazzag's bloated belly ; other women, seated on sand, languid, rolling onto sides ; rumps
-thigh, scraping sweat mixed with jissom, hay, grease, date-sugar, shit ; Wazzag thrusting mouth onto woman's lips, drawing belly close to woman's, other knee digging down, elbow vibrating in sand ; young woman with shaved scalp leaning against thorn-tree, bundle of green barley perched in crotch of trunk, bending branch towards mouth ; cheeks swollen, lips sucking yellow fruit-flowers ; eyes staring, through arms of women interlaced, at Wazzag's member swelling in jerks, at sweat rising over coccyx of whore ; lips throbbing, nostrils inhaling sugary pollen ; nipples, dilated, pulling arms from cloth ; free hand stroking nipples ; croup rounding out against bark ; hams, heels lifted, scraping trunk {\dubsemi} wind carrying birds dirtied in dustbins, towards high sandy enclaves {\dubsemi} women separating foreheads, standing up, swinging bundles over shoulders ; Wazzag grasping bare feet, biting bottom of dresses ; women running off, cloth rustling over heated bodies, throwing --- bending, standing erect, bending --- burning pebbles at Wazzag ; Wazzag running, lame --- nerve strained while raising leg over woman's, croup, tender from continuous forced erections {\dashcom} member pointing stiffened, towards women, fingers catching pebbles embalmed in painted hands{\thd} \said{{\thd}back, jissom-eater{\td} back, back, jissom-eater{\td} jissom-eater, man-eater{\fourdots} baby-eater{\td} back, baby-eater{\thd} dogs that make us widows, in our prime{\thd} little husbands, drill his loins to the heart{\thd}}, women, hair shaken, green barley whipping cheeks, one hand hitching cloth over thighs glistening along prismatic ridge of femurs up to groins, moaning, pressing pebbles over vulvas ; Wazzag jumping up, darting through volley, springing onto shaved girl, hugging girl ; bundle tumbling ; girl's hand tremulous placing pebble over exposed vulva : Wazzag's violaceous penis scorched, quick sizzle ; women encircling Wazzag, seizing arms, legs, jaw, hair, pushing whore back over sand towards fence of brothel ; Wazzag pulling back, hitching whore by ears, onto broken trellis ; crying in throat ; shaved girl holding fat of Wazzag's buttocks, pushing at coccyx \coltdsaid{{\td} back into your sty, swine{\td}} ; hands sliding over sticky cuticle ; whore-master coming down, opening box-room : crouching, clapping hands smeared with
+rounding under black dresses ; lying on sand propped up on elbows, fists creasing cheeks, pouring sand over breasts ; in trees, thorns pricking flowers in wind : Wazzag groaning ; member reddening, pinched ; hands, jerking, stroking loins of shaved girl ; girl undulating against trellis ; Wazzag, head buried in breasts, moaning ; shaved girl pressing chin onto Wazzag's nape, rubbing chin, hands stroking hips of whore, fingers pinching, rolling up gandourah, sliding against trellis ; veins palpitating on skull ; elbows squeezing rolled-up gandourah against hips, hands pulling reeds apart ; Wazzag's member retracting into pubic fleece ; hands of shaved girl releasing reeds, pushing back Wazzag's belly, lifting arms from waist ; Wazzag hitching up onto heels, forehead jammed against simmering breasts ; softened penis opening violaceous over top of reeds, swelling towards exposed belly of woman ; woman, mauve skull gleaming under fiery rays, drawing back, Wazzag's slimy hair sliding over neckline of gandourah ; Wazzag, sweat sticking curls to forehead, sniffing, head dropped relaxing legs, settling heels into sand, crossing thighs over smarting penis ; woman grabbing bundle, running off, green barley waving behind head ; Wazzag lifting leg over trellis ; balls, exposed, glistening pink ; drowsy women rolling gandourahs up over knees ; Wazzag straddling trellis, pressing buttocks against reeds ; women, breathing curling back ochre lips, striking foreheads over sand ; Wazzag stepping forward ; sand kicked up sticking to hams, member stiffening, pointing ; approaching, crouching in front of women ; member swelling along folded leg ; scent opening women's nostrils ; Wazzag kneeling, leaning over sand on elbows, bumping curly-fringed forehead against foreheads of women, lifting leg over croup of woman with bracelets clinking ; woman catching knee, stroking curls of thigh ; whore placing leg onto woman's croup, foot delving, through heated black cloth, into cleft of buttocks ; woman's breasts, swollen, bulging over neckline ; hand, mauve above, ochre beneath, moving along Wazzag's thigh, up to tangle of long supple shiny hairs merging into curly fluff on thigh ; thumb, pink nail pitted, pressing into groin, slipping along seam of
-gravy over Khamssieh's belly ; whore shuddering, mouth swelling, throat regurgitating pomegranate-flesh ; whore-master moving one chubby hand onto hip, groping under Khamssieh's buttocks, touching arse of whore, other hand palpating blood-stained belly ; member twitching in pubic curls ; whore-master withdrawing finger ; sliding finger, soiled with shit, with dried jissom, over Khamssieh's lifeless lips ; Khamssieh raising, folding arms beside hip, pressing transparent fingers onto whore-master's hairy arm ; epidermis, under ginger curls rooted over forehead, blushing pink ; whore-master pulling fat lips apart with thumb, rubbing thumb-nail over jaw --- saliva circulating afresh ; Khamssieh's lips closing over whore-master's thumb, member, stiffening in black tangle, pulling at freckled cuticle ; eyes, scintillating between encrusted lids, squinting, fixing vibrant piercing eyes of whore-master ; fingers climbing up along fluffy arm of master burying fingers, at same moment, into pubic curls of whore, squeezing dry balls ; alive --- swelling between whore-master's fingers ; Khamssieh sucking whore-master's thumb, licking gravy smeared over phalanges ; whore-master pulling hand back, placing fingers onto breasts of whore ; pulling other hand out of tangle, massaging top of whore's thigh, enveloping knee ; Khamssieh spreading thighs, stiffening legs, slipping finger through curls, underneath penis arching, swelling, enlarging ; pushing penis back against extended thumb, drawing member upwards, pumping ; sweat covering whole body, veins of tremulous skull palpitating, blood glowing in neck ; one hand of whore-master, coated with saltpetre, massaging femur, inside slope of thigh ; fingers of other hand, small, plump, interlacing with whore's free hand open, damp, against hip ; Khamssieh's toes curling back : sweat running in hollows of phalanges {\dubsemi} whore-master dropping knee, other hand pushing hand of whore back onto belly ; crouching, thrusting foot into Khamssieh's flank{\thd} \said{give{\thd} give{\thd} force the juice{\od}} ; Khamssieh, tongue protruding, panting, chest raised ; fist pumping at softened penis{\td} \colsaid{{\td} grubs of tarantulas crawl in butcher's armpits{\td}} ; whore-master pushing fist, away from member ; tapping
+thigh, scraping sweat mixed with jissom, hay, grease, date-sugar, shit ; Wazzag thrusting mouth onto woman's lips, drawing belly close to woman's, other knee digging down, elbow vibrating in sand ; young woman with shaved scalp leaning against thorn-tree, bundle of green barley perched in crotch of trunk, bending branch towards mouth ; cheeks swollen, lips sucking yellow fruit-flowers ; eyes staring, through arms of women interlaced, at Wazzag's member swelling in jerks, at sweat rising over coccyx of whore ; lips throbbing, nostrils inhaling sugary pollen ; nipples, dilated, pulling arms from cloth ; free hand stroking nipples ; croup rounding out against bark ; hams, heels lifted, scraping trunk {\dubsemi} wind carrying birds dirtied in dustbins, towards high sandy enclaves {\dubsemi} women separating foreheads, standing up, swinging bundles over shoulders ; Wazzag grasping bare feet, biting bottom of dresses ; women running off, cloth rustling over heated bodies, throwing --- bending, standing erect, bending --- burning pebbles at Wazzag ; Wazzag running, lame --- nerve strained while raising leg over woman's, croup, tender from continuous forced erections {\dashcom} member pointing stiffened, towards women, fingers catching pebbles embalmed in painted hands{\thd} \said{{\thd}back, jissom-eater{\td} back, back, jissom-eater{\td} jissom-eater, man-eater{\fourdots} baby-eater{\td} back, baby-eater{\thd} dogs that make us widows, in our prime{\thd} little husbands, drill his loins to the heart{\thd}}, women, hair shaken, green barley whipping cheeks, one hand hitching cloth over thighs glistening along prismatic ridge of femurs up to groins, moaning, pressing pebbles over vulvas ; Wazzag jumping up, darting through volley, springing onto shaved girl, hugging girl ; bundle tumbling ; girl's hand tremulous placing pebble over exposed vulva : Wazzag's violaceous penis scorched, quick sizzle ; women encircling Wazzag, seizing arms, legs, jaw, hair, pushing whore back over sand towards fence of brothel ; Wazzag pulling back, hitching whore by ears, onto broken trellis ; crying in throat ; shaved girl holding fat of Wazzag's buttocks, pushing at coccyx \coltdsaid{{\td} back into your sty, swine{\td}} ; hands sliding over sticky cuticle ; whore-master coming down, opening box-room : crouching, clapping hands smeared with
+gravy over Khamssieh's belly ; whore shuddering, mouth swelling, throat regurgitating pomegranate-flesh ; whore-master moving one chubby hand onto hip, groping under Khamssieh's buttocks, touching arse of whore, other hand palpating blood-stained belly ; member twitching in pubic curls ; whore-master withdrawing finger ; sliding finger, soiled with shit, with dried jissom, over Khamssieh's lifeless lips ; Khamssieh raising, folding arms beside hip, pressing transparent fingers onto whore-master's hairy arm ; epidermis, under ginger curls rooted over forehead, blushing pink ; whore-master pulling fat lips apart with thumb, rubbing thumb-nail over jaw --- saliva circulating afresh ; Khamssieh's lips closing over whore-master's thumb, member, stiffening in black tangle, pulling at freckled cuticle ; eyes, scintillating between encrusted lids, squinting, fixing vibrant piercing eyes of whore-master ; fingers climbing up along fluffy arm of master burying fingers, at same moment, into pubic curls of whore, squeezing dry balls ; alive --- swelling between whore-master's fingers ; Khamssieh sucking whore-master's thumb, licking gravy smeared over phalanges ; whore-master pulling hand back, placing fingers onto breasts of whore ; pulling other hand out of tangle, massaging top of whore's thigh, enveloping knee ; Khamssieh spreading thighs, stiffening legs, slipping finger through curls, underneath penis arching, swelling, enlarging ; pushing penis back against extended thumb, drawing member upwards, pumping ; sweat covering whole body, veins of tremulous skull palpitating, blood glowing in neck ; one hand of whore-master, coated with saltpetre, massaging femur, inside slope of thigh ; fingers of other hand, small, plump, interlacing with whore's free hand open, damp, against hip ; Khamssieh's toes curling back : sweat running in hollows of phalanges {\dubsemi} whore-master dropping knee, other hand pushing hand of whore back onto belly ; crouching, thrusting foot into Khamssieh's flank{\thd} \said{give{\thd} give{\thd} force the juice{\od}} ; Khamssieh, tongue protruding, panting, chest raised ; fist pumping at softened penis{\td} \colsaid{{\td} grubs of tarantulas crawl in butcher's armpits{\td}} ; whore-master pushing fist, away from member ; tapping
knee ; Khamssieh relaxing muscles, breathing deep \colsaid{{\td}work till
tomorrow{\thd} drillers knocking{\thd} open your ears against bolted door{\thd}
driven by my knee, Wazzag, buggered by driller with broadest chest,
@@ -76,58 +77,57 @@ grabbing hips, faces reaching up, simmering, kissing, sniffing, licking
ears, of fellow workers ; {\thd} \said{{\td} give me one with square loins, member
stiffening quick, after fucking, member hard as my arm{\td} one I can
keep catching, pulling back by his cock{\td} any other cock is just too
human, it doesn't matter who gets hold of it, it's just no good{\td}} ; driller sits up, propped on fist ; other fist rolling back sheet, over whore-master's head, nape, back ; whore-master arching loins, lifting driller's hardened midriff ; driller, backing off, squatting on heels ; whore-master hitching legs up between legs of driller folded back, heels sliding under buttocks hugged in jeans worn bare by pistons, by rubbing of ropes ; climbing out of bed, sheet flowing crumpled, soiled with clay, over loins ; driller, crouched on bed, massaging member inside pants ; whore-master taking soiled key, from gas-ring ; driller jumping to foot of bed, lifting lid of bucket of meat, bending down, sniffing balmy vapour, dipping finger into gravy, pulling out, licking finger ; whore-master coming down stairs ; driller pressing close behind ; stiffened penis, through pants, rubbing bare buttocks of whore-master{\td} \said{..quick{\thd} quarry-work grinds my bones{\td}} ; small dagger gleaming in fist ; pushing whore-master, teeth nibbling ear, fist digging into sexual cluster ; pimp crossing passage, entering garden, stopping, pressing hand against driller's crotch ; driller pressing dagger onto thigh ; Wazzag, stretched out, legs held up on broken trellis, member falling back out of pubic curls onto belly, buttocks touching sand, nibbling green barley-stalk ; women backing off, hiding, in line, behind tree ; Wazzag, chin bathed in green foam, sucking barley-stalk held in fist, grinding neck into sand ; right foot slipping over trellis, cheek sliding on sand ; wrinkles of forehead rolling up towards curly fringe, eyes revulsing : blood throbbing in throat, Wazzag's eyes enveloping belly of driller : silky swelling of pants at centre of folds ; Wazzag, sniffing up snot, rolling onto belly, member hollowing sand, loins lifting ; driller quivering ; whore-master whistling ; Wazzag kneeling, crawling, fists in sand, shiny penis dragging over sand marked with footprints, spinning around on knees, arching gleaming buttocks, moving backwards towards shed, chin tipped back onto shoulder, narrowed eyes expelling encrusted secretions, foam scintillating at corner of mouth ; rim of arse, crimson, glistening ; whore-master pulling hand from driller's member \coltdsaid{{\thd} workers fucked him all morning{\td} they battered his
-\crpage{74} % till -> 'til ?
+\crpage{75} % till -> 'til ?
arse to bits{\thd} now it's your turn, drill your way in{\td} the soft layers, perfumed, are for you{\td} go on, big man} ; driller, shaking bushy head, trembling fingers buttoning up jeans spurred by buttressed pants, advancing over sand ; Wazzag bumping forehead against sand, arching loins ; arse-hairs, stuck with jissom, pulling apart, between separating buttocks ; driller, fingers pinching bottom of fly, leg raised, shaking sexual cluster, slipping espadrille over horny foot, Wazzag flinging head back, white of eye shining in amber orbit ; driller's foot sliding over flat of buttocks smoothed out in movement arching loins, touching edge of arse ; Wazzag pulling back buttocks, shoed foot of driller curling up against arse ; Wazzag, bursts of laughter muffled in torso, gums expelling green scum held foaming on edge of lip ; whore-master seizing buttocks of driller through jeans, rushing man forward, Wazzag, standing, belly twisted, diving, spinning, at driller's leg, squeezing leg in arms ; teeth, hooked into fly, with tongue, unbuttoning jeans ; against teeth, lips, through denim, cotton, driller's penis swelling, forcing, heating ; Wazzag's tongue, inside open fly, licking cotton, wetting cotton till epidermis of member shows through, stuck to cloth ; Wazzag pulling whore-master's fingers off driller's buttocks, pushing away whore-master's thigh, holding tongue back in mouth, fangs bared, till whore-master moves away ; whereupon, wide naked body of whore-master, splashed by sun, penetrating excremental shadow of passage, Wazzag snapping at driller's penis, inside pants ; fingers gripping buttock, over whore-master's fingerprints ; driller shoving into coiled hairs of Wazzag's chest, kicking sexual cluster ; flick of thumb pushing member out of pants ; seam shining, violaceous over glans, on tip of member clenched in driller's fist, nerves, muscles, circumcised flesh forcing rusty palm --- other hand scratching around mop of infested hair ; Wazzag, standing up, walking backwards, moving closer to driller, breath hissing --- driller, hearing noise, letting go of member, jissom starting to well up under steady pressure of fingers {\dashcom} haunches rolling, lateral folds of neck palpitating, silky, under black curls, chubby mound of cheek
-quivering, driller, panting, one hand placed on distended belly of whore pulling Wazzag close, palm of other hand pressing tips of fingers touching encrusted corners of boy's lips ; driller's hand feeling Wazzag's mouth ; member wedged, hard, against hairy surrounds of arse, glans jerking touching lateral rolls of fat on buttocks ; Wazzag licking driller's palm, fingers ; driller, leg against leg, pushing whore towards shed ; women sitting back in sand ; woman with shaved head, burying head in sand ; women caressing her croup, her legs ; whore-master, in bedroom, bolting cubby-holes filled with tools, dishes, weapons, hollowed out in wall, coming back down stairs, opening door of brothel ; drillers, seated on slope of dune, sitting up, pulling apart ; approaching, hips cocked, eyes lowered, two fingers of right hands pinching crotches ; whore-master, leaning against wood of open door, clinking against member ; soles of shoes touching tiles. spongy surface of wooden floor, hurried, raising bodies to full height, heated fleshy cheeks touching eyelashes, drillers unbuttoning : members springing out ; Wazzag, in shed, pressing hands against wall ; driller, forehead striking skull of whore, fingers separating fat of buttocks, tense, shoving member into arse, stiffening legs, heaving, rubbing chest over Wazzag's back ; surface only of hair on heads, one shaken other still, scintillating, sweat creeping up along curls, in shadows, in rays filtered through roof of palm-fronds ; Wazzag banging forehead against wall, flinging arms behind driller's body, catching hold of buttocks, kneading fat through denim impregnated with sweat seeping from arse \coltdsaid{{\td} discharge your load, big curly one{\thd}} ; driller interlacing fingers over belly of whore ; muscles, nerves, fortifying Wazzag's sweaty belly ; whore-master opening latrine ; driller with shaved head, jostling whore-master, rushing, penis projecting stiffened, hands spread, into darkness ; whore-master closing door behind panting body, pushing back other three drillers{\td} \said{for shaved one : club-foot, for you others : what's left : red-haired dog stung by tarantula{\thd} later, Wazzag, brown dog, pulled from arms of curly-haired driller, your jissom-king{\thd} club-foot unstuck from shaved one, both hot, awakened to
-your skilled muscles{\thd} count your number, drillers{\td}} {\dashcom} drillers opening other latrine, groping in darkness, hands searching in corners, coming out ; whore-master pulling close, tugging at jeans, youngest of five drillers{\comdash} with crinkled hair, fat violet lips {\dashcom} member spurring jeans down over slope of thigh, dragging youth towards box-room ; behind counter, driller, panting, one hand starting to unbutton fly, to separate buttocks of whore-master ; master, thrusting loins, diving forward : turban unravelling, strip of cloth flowing over shoulders, down to coccyx, covering driller's hand drawn back ; whore-master, with flick of head, rolling turban back around skull, opening box-room door, pushing young driller inside, climbing back up to bedroom ; seated on edge of bed, tying turban around head, falling back onto bed ; traces of rust staining edge of arse : wiped off with back of thumb ; sprawling on back, chin buried in folds of neck, eye narrowed, drawing circle of rust, around nipples, with thumb ; shaved driller heaving, stiffened, over rump of club-foot bent over towards hole of latrine, hands hooked onto pipe ; club-foot moaning, shoed feet of driller squashing bare feet onto foot-slab ; rough denim of jeans, creased, rubbing loins : epidermis reddening ; eyes spying mound of turds, red, ochre, blackened, sliding towards edge of hole ; jissom spurting, mound melting : swarm of wasps --- asleep in mound, glutted --- flying up, assailing bare legs of club-foot ; youth pulling back, pressing partner against door {\semislash} young driller, in sunny shade of box-room, lying on Khamssieh ; epidermis of whore, stretched, creased by heavy movements of driller, expelling blood dried into powder ; driller hitching up bare chest smudged with rust against pale weakened chest of Khamssieh, pressing fat nipples, vermilion, onto withered nipples of whore ; Khamssieh half-opens dry lips, head rolls to one side ; driller, hands gathering up ginger head from underneath, lifting, squeezing temples, biting mouth ; member, protruding from jeans, forcing, stubby, Khamssieh's sexual cluster ; jeans, soaked with sweat, with genital juices, sticking to cold thighs of whore ; driller hugging softened face against his, burying tongue into slack
+quivering, driller, panting, one hand placed on distended belly of whore pulling Wazzag close, palm of other hand pressing tips of fingers touching encrusted corners of boy's lips ; driller's hand feeling Wazzag's mouth ; member wedged, hard, against hairy surrounds of arse, glans jerking touching lateral rolls of fat on buttocks ; Wazzag licking driller's palm, fingers ; driller, leg against leg, pushing whore towards shed ; women sitting back in sand ; woman with shaved head, burying head in sand ; women caressing her croup, her legs ; whore-master, in bedroom, bolting cubby-holes filled with tools, dishes, weapons, hollowed out in wall, coming back down stairs, opening door of brothel ; drillers, seated on slope of dune, sitting up, pulling apart ; approaching, hips cocked, eyes lowered, two fingers of right hands pinching crotches ; whore-master, leaning against wood of open door, clinking against member ; soles of shoes touching tiles. spongy surface of wooden floor, hurried, raising bodies to full height, heated fleshy cheeks touching eyelashes, drillers unbuttoning : members springing out ; Wazzag, in shed, pressing hands against wall ; driller, forehead striking skull of whore, fingers separating fat of buttocks, tense, shoving member into arse, stiffening legs, heaving, rubbing chest over Wazzag's back ; surface only of hair on heads, one shaken other still, scintillating, sweat creeping up along curls, in shadows, in rays filtered through roof of palm-fronds ; Wazzag banging forehead against wall, flinging arms behind driller's body, catching hold of buttocks, kneading fat through denim impregnated with sweat seeping from arse \coltdsaid{{\td} discharge your load, big curly one{\thd}} ; driller interlacing fingers over belly of whore ; muscles, nerves, fortifying Wazzag's sweaty belly ; whore-master opening latrine ; driller with shaved head, jostling whore-master, rushing, penis projecting stiffened, hands spread, into darkness ; whore-master closing door behind panting body, pushing back other three drillers{\td} \said{for shaved one : club-foot, for you others : what's left : red-haired dog stung by tarantula{\thd} later, Wazzag, brown dog, pulled from arms of curly-haired driller, your jissom-king{\thd} club-foot unstuck from shaved one, both hot, awakened to
-mouth, licking back of palate, gums : Khamssieh's penis twitching under penis of driller, driller pulling out tongue {\slashsemi} glans of curly-haired driller grafting into Wazzag's arse ; perspiring fingers pressing small vendetta-knife against whore's navel ; blast of sand pelting shed ; Wazzag, quick, turning hot cheek against cheek of worker, kissing lips wet with spittle : jissom spurting into loins, dagger sliding out of fingers open in orgasm, over slope of thigh, down leg, onto hay ; worker, jissom expelled, slobbering over cheek of whore ; sweat cooling on fingers ; Wazzag's buttocks heating thighs, pubis ; two unoccupied drillers --- one, honey-coloured hair, bandage on abdomen, loins squeezed into US shorts, other, dark hair, packed tight into jeans rolled up over knees, wearing green plastic sunglasses {\dashcom} sprawling in corner of room, smoking, legs entwined, members protruding red, touching ; club-foot stung on knees by wasps, slumping down along legs of shaved driller ; worker, member sliding, viscous, out of club-foot's arse, holding up collapsed body by hips ; striking wasps, with rough hand coated with dry clay, on chest, neck, belly, sexual cluster, thighs, of club-foot ; wasps, crushed, tumbling over skin, hanging on to pubic curls ; others, aroused, assailing sexual cluster of club-foot ; driller grabbing, squeezing boy's crotch, bodies bursting against membranes ; club-foot biting cuff of denim jacket, pulling undulating rump up along driller's thighs ; worker pinning club-foot's shoulder under chin against top of chest, both hands stroking swollen knees ; wasps still alive gleaning, between toes of whore, jissom mixed with mud, grease, shit, from foot-slab ; driller crushing wasps --- together with club-foot's soiled toes {\dashcom} under sole of espadrilles ; at same moment, member, re-hardened, digging back into club-foot's arse, between diagonal buttocks {\semislash} young driller, dropping ginger head, fingers digging under loins of whore, spitting onto Khamssieh's face, hands lifting middle of flaccid, milky body ; straightening up, both fists pressing into Khamssieh's torso ; rising from body, crouching on one side, rolling body onto belly --- buttocks of whore, turning, dusty, marked in folds with traces of dried jissom {\dashcom} driller standing
+your skilled muscles{\thd} count your number, drillers{\td}} {\dashcom} drillers opening other latrine, groping in darkness, hands searching in corners, coming out ; whore-master pulling close, tugging at jeans, youngest of five drillers{\comdash} with crinkled hair, fat violet lips {\dashcom} member spurring jeans down over slope of thigh, dragging youth towards box-room ; behind counter, driller, panting, one hand starting to unbutton fly, to separate buttocks of whore-master ; master, thrusting loins, diving forward : turban unravelling, strip of cloth flowing over shoulders, down to coccyx, covering driller's hand drawn back ; whore-master, with flick of head, rolling turban back around skull, opening box-room door, pushing young driller inside, climbing back up to bedroom ; seated on edge of bed, tying turban around head, falling back onto bed ; traces of rust staining edge of arse : wiped off with back of thumb ; sprawling on back, chin buried in folds of neck, eye narrowed, drawing circle of rust, around nipples, with thumb ; shaved driller heaving, stiffened, over rump of club-foot bent over towards hole of latrine, hands hooked onto pipe ; club-foot moaning, shoed feet of driller squashing bare feet onto foot-slab ; rough denim of jeans, creased, rubbing loins : epidermis reddening ; eyes spying mound of turds, red, ochre, blackened, sliding towards edge of hole ; jissom spurting, mound melting : swarm of wasps --- asleep in mound, glutted --- flying up, assailing bare legs of club-foot ; youth pulling back, pressing partner against door {\semislash} young driller, in sunny shade of box-room, lying on Khamssieh ; epidermis of whore, stretched, creased by heavy movements of driller, expelling blood dried into powder ; driller hitching up bare chest smudged with rust against pale weakened chest of Khamssieh, pressing fat nipples, vermilion, onto withered nipples of whore ; Khamssieh half-opens dry lips, head rolls to one side ; driller, hands gathering up ginger head from underneath, lifting, squeezing temples, biting mouth ; member, protruding from jeans, forcing, stubby, Khamssieh's sexual cluster ; jeans, soaked with sweat, with genital juices, sticking to cold thighs of whore ; driller hugging softened face against his, burying tongue into slack
-up, treading on rump --- espadrille, rope sole stuck with tar, squeezing pubescent cuticle {\dashcom} shaking buttocks ; ginger head thumping on floor ; young driller, leg lifted, scratching sexual cluster, finger-nails packed underneath with clay ; ribs rolling under skin of torso, in jacket gaping open ; kneeling, stretching out over whore, pulling cold buttocks apart with both hands, lodging ardent member in slit, pushing glans towards frozen arse, bending head down towards Khamssieh's nape, biting, pulling faded red curls of hair between teeth, drawing hands out from under belly, striking flanks of whore \colsaid{{\td} warm, death, warm {\td}} {\slashsemi} whore-master, both breasts smeared, slumbering in intermittent sleep ; between dreams --- dogs with bodies of Wazzag, Khamssieh, fighting over guts, gristle, of his body {\dashcom} opening one eye ; at muffled sounds of panting, member twitching --- distant laughter of Wazzag, covered by rustle of hay, making member bounce up, hardened, swollen, shit from Khemissa's arse crumbling, in powder, over violaceous cuticle of glans ; toad, in corner, emerged from drain-hole --- filtering gases of cesspool {\dashcom} jumping onto knee of dark-haired driller, legs entwined with blond driller, diving under jeans rolled up to thigh ; blond driller, sitting up, flattening toad against skin, under sticky denim of jeans, erect member of dark worker touching wrist ; dark worker shuddering, cigarette falling over ear, placing hand onto hand of blond ; toad, sliding forward, emerging from opening of fly, bracing body, ready to jump, against sexual cluster, gumming pubic hair with gall mixed with excremental mud ; driller seizing toad against thigh, standing up, slapping toad against arse of blond, in folds of shorts ; blond hollowing loins, throwing arm behind back, pulling leg of toad from under fingers of driller ; fingers, vibrations accelerating, releasing shorts ; blond grabbing toad, thrusting fist towards thighs of driller, unclenching, quick, closing back over driller's bouncing penis ; toad's flesh squashed under palm, mouth drooling over glans, feet gripping stretched cuticle {\semislash} curly-haired driller, leg drawn out over leg of Wazzag, penis sliding half out of arse, tipping Wazzag back onto soiled hay, dragging whore up towards top of heap, fists squeezing
+mouth, licking back of palate, gums : Khamssieh's penis twitching under penis of driller, driller pulling out tongue {\slashsemi} glans of curly-haired driller grafting into Wazzag's arse ; perspiring fingers pressing small vendetta-knife against whore's navel ; blast of sand pelting shed ; Wazzag, quick, turning hot cheek against cheek of worker, kissing lips wet with spittle : jissom spurting into loins, dagger sliding out of fingers open in orgasm, over slope of thigh, down leg, onto hay ; worker, jissom expelled, slobbering over cheek of whore ; sweat cooling on fingers ; Wazzag's buttocks heating thighs, pubis ; two unoccupied drillers --- one, honey-coloured hair, bandage on abdomen, loins squeezed into US shorts, other, dark hair, packed tight into jeans rolled up over knees, wearing green plastic sunglasses {\dashcom} sprawling in corner of room, smoking, legs entwined, members protruding red, touching ; club-foot stung on knees by wasps, slumping down along legs of shaved driller ; worker, member sliding, viscous, out of club-foot's arse, holding up collapsed body by hips ; striking wasps, with rough hand coated with dry clay, on chest, neck, belly, sexual cluster, thighs, of club-foot ; wasps, crushed, tumbling over skin, hanging on to pubic curls ; others, aroused, assailing sexual cluster of club-foot ; driller grabbing, squeezing boy's crotch, bodies bursting against membranes ; club-foot biting cuff of denim jacket, pulling undulating rump up along driller's thighs ; worker pinning club-foot's shoulder under chin against top of chest, both hands stroking swollen knees ; wasps still alive gleaning, between toes of whore, jissom mixed with mud, grease, shit, from foot-slab ; driller crushing wasps --- together with club-foot's soiled toes {\dashcom} under sole of espadrilles ; at same moment, member, re-hardened, digging back into club-foot's arse, between diagonal buttocks {\semislash} young driller, dropping ginger head, fingers digging under loins of whore, spitting onto Khamssieh's face, hands lifting middle of flaccid, milky body ; straightening up, both fists pressing into Khamssieh's torso ; rising from body, crouching on one side, rolling body onto belly --- buttocks of whore, turning, dusty, marked in folds with traces of dried jissom {\dashcom} driller standing
-forearms, bending sweaty feet back inside espadrilles around naked, sticky feet of Wazzag, snapping at ear, nibbling root, drawing blood ; tear-drop forming at corner of whore's eye --- head turned down into hay {\dashcom} rolling over ridge of nose, swallowed up in other eye-socket ; curly-haired driller unclenching fists, tongue licking blood flowing over ear-lobe, hand stroking shaggy black mop spiked with thorny twigs, tongue soiled with blood covering eye, licking trail of tear over nose, throbbing against other eye ; Wazzag darting tongue --- taste of jissom lingering --- onto vermilion tongue of driller, lips drawing close, sticking together, blood bathing Wazzag's cheek, reaching corners of lips joined ; laughter expelling snot from nostrils, mixing in hollow of upper lip swollen by kiss ; teeth striking through saliva ; hand of driller, thumb linked to index, gripping Wazzag's head ; member delving into arse, epidermis over duct erupting on contact with sides of arse, jissom shaking glans ; mouth of driller slipping in jerks towards cheek bathed in blood ; jissom splashing loins, Wazzag bringing knees back under belly ; driller, belly heaving, thrusting member ; legs contracting ; mouth, twisted open, closing over mouth of Wazzag, dilated with laughter ; whore, propped on knees, lifting up driller sprawled over rump ; penis, expelled, bouncing up, shining, transparent film of jissom coating reddened flesh, violaceous on glans, marked with ringed imprints ; Wazzag, squatting, shambling over scattered hay, up to driller's open legs ; worker raising, pressing knees into armpits of whore ; member softening over seam of fly, expelling pearly filament stretching hooked onto middle button, shaft retracting into pubic curls ; Wazzag spreading both hands over drillers belly, marked, beneath navel, with smudge of red, palpating, kneading, massaging hardened muscles ; driller lifting loins ; belly oozing sweat embalmed with clay, under fingers of whore ; Wazzag sprawling between legs squeezed in jeans, rubbing chest against gluey penis, twisting, wriggling rump ; driller opening thighs wide ; Wazzag, pulling back, burying bloody muzzle into gaping fly, snapping, chewing, nostrils tickled by hairs, at jissom-smeared balls ; throat yelping, hands kneading driller's
+up, treading on rump --- espadrille, rope sole stuck with tar, squeezing pubescent cuticle {\dashcom} shaking buttocks ; ginger head thumping on floor ; young driller, leg lifted, scratching sexual cluster, finger-nails packed underneath with clay ; ribs rolling under skin of torso, in jacket gaping open ; kneeling, stretching out over whore, pulling cold buttocks apart with both hands, lodging ardent member in slit, pushing glans towards frozen arse, bending head down towards Khamssieh's nape, biting, pulling faded red curls of hair between teeth, drawing hands out from under belly, striking flanks of whore \colsaid{{\td} warm, death, warm {\td}} {\slashsemi} whore-master, both breasts smeared, slumbering in intermittent sleep ; between dreams --- dogs with bodies of Wazzag, Khamssieh, fighting over guts, gristle, of his body {\dashcom} opening one eye ; at muffled sounds of panting, member twitching --- distant laughter of Wazzag, covered by rustle of hay, making member bounce up, hardened, swollen, shit from Khemissa's arse crumbling, in powder, over violaceous cuticle of glans ; toad, in corner, emerged from drain-hole --- filtering gases of cesspool {\dashcom} jumping onto knee of dark-haired driller, legs entwined with blond driller, diving under jeans rolled up to thigh ; blond driller, sitting up, flattening toad against skin, under sticky denim of jeans, erect member of dark worker touching wrist ; dark worker shuddering, cigarette falling over ear, placing hand onto hand of blond ; toad, sliding forward, emerging from opening of fly, bracing body, ready to jump, against sexual cluster, gumming pubic hair with gall mixed with excremental mud ; driller seizing toad against thigh, standing up, slapping toad against arse of blond, in folds of shorts ; blond hollowing loins, throwing arm behind back, pulling leg of toad from under fingers of driller ; fingers, vibrations accelerating, releasing shorts ; blond grabbing toad, thrusting fist towards thighs of driller, unclenching, quick, closing back over driller's bouncing penis ; toad's flesh squashed under palm, mouth drooling over glans, feet gripping stretched cuticle {\semislash} curly-haired driller, leg drawn out over leg of Wazzag, penis sliding half out of arse, tipping Wazzag back onto soiled hay, dragging whore up towards top of heap, fists squeezing
-thighs, tongue licking bottom rim of arse --- worker's member bouncing up beside bloody cheek {\dashcom} digging deeper to fringe of shit-caked hairs ; driller flinging legs over Wazzag's loins ; Wazzag spitting out balls, pulling back soiled muzzle, pink lips feathering erect member from bottom to top, up to glans, narrowed eyes shining beneath lashes, sweaty fingers gripping curly slope --- oozing under jeans --- of driller's thighs, tickling chin, throat, top of chest against driller's glans ; penis curved back against Wazzag's pubescent torso, vibrating ; Wazzag sliding member around lips, pushing glans into nostril, tip of tongue flicking shaft away, blowing onto flesh, slipping member --- head flung back, dried blood sliding in powder over creases of cheek --- into ringlets stuck with stalks {\col} at same moment, fingers, interlaced, bearing up balls dripping with saliva, out of jeans ; worker's espadrille rubbing slit of arse ; folded torso hollowing, pubis swelling, sweat drawing grime away from navel ; Wazzag unbuttoning top of fly with teeth, uncovering pubis, driller stiffening legs ; Wazzag's hand, other hand holding back balls, grasping, pumping member ; sweat oozing in joint of thigh, sweat flowing over phalanges ; driller's damp buttocks throbbing against hay, mouth panting ; sweat sticking stalks to cheeks ; hands, convulsed, grabbing hay, knees creaking, toe-nails scraping inside of espadrilles, thighs hardening against forearm of whore ; Wazzag massaging slimy balls over seam of fly, pointing glans towards mouth, eyes staring, level with line of belly, with incandescent breasts, at wandering eyes of driller ; jissom forcing fist ; relaxed mouth filling with spurt {\col} driller's eye twinkling, shining through twitching eyelid flickering over eye --- nerves of palate splashed ; fingers pulling glans out of lips, throat swallowing clot ; second spurt coating chin ; snapping glans back into mouth, squeezing flesh between teeth, thumb bringing deposit stuck to pubescent chin back towards corner of lips, sucking clots back over gums ; driller stretching torso, arms ; foot, again rubbing Wazzag's buttocks ; hand, sweat cooling, opening out over hay ; whore holding root of member between two fingers, squeezing member from bottom to top,
+forearms, bending sweaty feet back inside espadrilles around naked, sticky feet of Wazzag, snapping at ear, nibbling root, drawing blood ; tear-drop forming at corner of whore's eye --- head turned down into hay {\dashcom} rolling over ridge of nose, swallowed up in other eye-socket ; curly-haired driller unclenching fists, tongue licking blood flowing over ear-lobe, hand stroking shaggy black mop spiked with thorny twigs, tongue soiled with blood covering eye, licking trail of tear over nose, throbbing against other eye ; Wazzag darting tongue --- taste of jissom lingering --- onto vermilion tongue of driller, lips drawing close, sticking together, blood bathing Wazzag's cheek, reaching corners of lips joined ; laughter expelling snot from nostrils, mixing in hollow of upper lip swollen by kiss ; teeth striking through saliva ; hand of driller, thumb linked to index, gripping Wazzag's head ; member delving into arse, epidermis over duct erupting on contact with sides of arse, jissom shaking glans ; mouth of driller slipping in jerks towards cheek bathed in blood ; jissom splashing loins, Wazzag bringing knees back under belly ; driller, belly heaving, thrusting member ; legs contracting ; mouth, twisted open, closing over mouth of Wazzag, dilated with laughter ; whore, propped on knees, lifting up driller sprawled over rump ; penis, expelled, bouncing up, shining, transparent film of jissom coating reddened flesh, violaceous on glans, marked with ringed imprints ; Wazzag, squatting, shambling over scattered hay, up to driller's open legs ; worker raising, pressing knees into armpits of whore ; member softening over seam of fly, expelling pearly filament stretching hooked onto middle button, shaft retracting into pubic curls ; Wazzag spreading both hands over drillers belly, marked, beneath navel, with smudge of red, palpating, kneading, massaging hardened muscles ; driller lifting loins ; belly oozing sweat embalmed with clay, under fingers of whore ; Wazzag sprawling between legs squeezed in jeans, rubbing chest against gluey penis, twisting, wriggling rump ; driller opening thighs wide ; Wazzag, pulling back, burying bloody muzzle into gaping fly, snapping, chewing, nostrils tickled by hairs, at jissom-smeared balls ; throat yelping, hands kneading driller's
-forcing jissom up to glans --- pulled out of mouth, stuffed into nostril, squashed, sticky, into corner of both eyes ; driller standing up, Wazzag dropping member, shambling over to wall, penis dragging over soiled hay, straightening up against wall, squeezing member between thighs, standing on toes, elbows pressed into body, hands wide open spreading jissom, spat back out, over whole of face {\col} hairline, ears, muffled laughter bursting through torso ; driller rolling onto belly, onto back, shiny skin between thighs, hardened member, strewn with thorns, sprinkled with rotting acheb, twisting, smacking lips, forcing pubis with flat of heavy hand ; Wazzag dusted with saltpetre smearing throat, torso, worker straightening up, bucking loins, jumping up onto feet, springing towards whore, swift, picking up dagger \colsaid{{\thd} eat my love-juice, black dog, eat{\thd} outside your arse, your mouth, it dies, exposed to air, to cold, to eyes of men{\thd}} ; catching hold of Wazzag's hair, scraping, with blade of knife, cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, eyebrows, corner of eyes, ears, neck, palpitating throat, panting torso of whore ; Wazzag slapping clammy hands onto brick wall, raising knee between thighs of worker, up to softened sexual cluster, lifting marbled member on top of femur ; against Wazzag's half-open lips, driller spreading out jissom collected on blade ; whore lapping up jissom, closing lips ; driller forcing lips apart with handle of dagger, flat surface of thumb stuffing jissom between teeth of whore ; Wazzag rolling tongue over deposit, holding jissom in mouth, closing eyes --- driller pressing point of dagger onto chin, glans onto thigh, holding head, grasping hair, pinned against wall {\dashcol} swallowing saliva ; driller releasing grip, moving off, back turned, Wazzag spitting jissom, mixed with sputum, onto own glans, rushing from behind, eyes open washed clear, at powerful body, flick of fingers sliding jeans down over hips ; plunging crowned member between driller's bluish buttocks, towards arse blocked with sand ; driller, volte-face, --- Wazzag's member withdrawing from arse, ring of jissom removed --- pulling whore back to wall, holding jeans up over hips with one hand, other clenching dagger, pressing blade against thigh-joint of whore flattened against
+thighs, tongue licking bottom rim of arse --- worker's member bouncing up beside bloody cheek {\dashcom} digging deeper to fringe of shit-caked hairs ; driller flinging legs over Wazzag's loins ; Wazzag spitting out balls, pulling back soiled muzzle, pink lips feathering erect member from bottom to top, up to glans, narrowed eyes shining beneath lashes, sweaty fingers gripping curly slope --- oozing under jeans --- of driller's thighs, tickling chin, throat, top of chest against driller's glans ; penis curved back against Wazzag's pubescent torso, vibrating ; Wazzag sliding member around lips, pushing glans into nostril, tip of tongue flicking shaft away, blowing onto flesh, slipping member --- head flung back, dried blood sliding in powder over creases of cheek --- into ringlets stuck with stalks {\col} at same moment, fingers, interlaced, bearing up balls dripping with saliva, out of jeans ; worker's espadrille rubbing slit of arse ; folded torso hollowing, pubis swelling, sweat drawing grime away from navel ; Wazzag unbuttoning top of fly with teeth, uncovering pubis, driller stiffening legs ; Wazzag's hand, other hand holding back balls, grasping, pumping member ; sweat oozing in joint of thigh, sweat flowing over phalanges ; driller's damp buttocks throbbing against hay, mouth panting ; sweat sticking stalks to cheeks ; hands, convulsed, grabbing hay, knees creaking, toe-nails scraping inside of espadrilles, thighs hardening against forearm of whore ; Wazzag massaging slimy balls over seam of fly, pointing glans towards mouth, eyes staring, level with line of belly, with incandescent breasts, at wandering eyes of driller ; jissom forcing fist ; relaxed mouth filling with spurt {\col} driller's eye twinkling, shining through twitching eyelid flickering over eye --- nerves of palate splashed ; fingers pulling glans out of lips, throat swallowing clot ; second spurt coating chin ; snapping glans back into mouth, squeezing flesh between teeth, thumb bringing deposit stuck to pubescent chin back towards corner of lips, sucking clots back over gums ; driller stretching torso, arms ; foot, again rubbing Wazzag's buttocks ; hand, sweat cooling, opening out over hay ; whore holding root of member between two fingers, squeezing member from bottom to top,
-wall, members touching amidst simmering bodies ; blade, scraping sweat from curls, scratching around member ; Wazzag slapping mouth over snotty nose of driller, yelping, licking inside nostrils, nibbling crusts, whining ; his member, softened, curving over driller's fist ; worker dropping knife, turning back, both hands spreading buttocks again denuded ; Wazzag, member stiffening, kneeling, burying slimy muzzle between buttocks, opening mouth towards arse, tongue delving --- filament hooked onto shit-caked hairs sticking to tip of tongue ; one gulp, breathing in filament between lips, pulling muzzle back, hands releasing driller's hairy legs ; driller, turning back, jeans sliding over hams, squeezing whore --- standing erect --- from front, slapping wet flaps of denim jacket around Wazzag's sweaty loins, nibbling closed lips of whore ; Wazzag, fingers pulling at arse-hairs of man enlaced, chewing jissom mixed with shit ; driller pulling apart lips of whore with teeth, pushing clot into mouth of him patting worker's shoulder-blade, collar-bone, nape, with big blue fingers, cracked ; driller spitting clot back between Wazzag's lips, laughing, spitting soiled saliva over gums of whore ; Wazzag chewing deposit, swallowing ; hand of driller, jerking, jumping, from top to bottom, over pubescent back of whore, down to loins --- movement of digestion stretching muscles, nerves ; Wazzag's member striking driller's ; worker taking both members together in fist, squeezing {\col} Wazzag grasping, flattening driller's balls against thigh, rolling balls, sticky, flaccid, over hairy skin ; remaining jissom, expelled from glans of driller, crowning Wazzag's glans, between worker's fingers ; driller's wrist crossing, rubbing wrist of Wazzag, in steam of two bellies stuck together ; Wazzag, jissom swallowed, kissing closed mouth, cheeks of driller, hand wrapping man's shiny head, digging into sandy hair, scratching itchy spots marked on scalp by worker, with thumb-nail ; driller scratching joint of thigh with nail of little finger of hand squeezing members, Wazzag waggling this hand, pulling own hand from man's balls, fingers spread scratching around member, sexual cluster, mouth fastening, splashed with snot, onto dry lips of worker ; driller,
+forcing jissom up to glans --- pulled out of mouth, stuffed into nostril, squashed, sticky, into corner of both eyes ; driller standing up, Wazzag dropping member, shambling over to wall, penis dragging over soiled hay, straightening up against wall, squeezing member between thighs, standing on toes, elbows pressed into body, hands wide open spreading jissom, spat back out, over whole of face {\col} hairline, ears, muffled laughter bursting through torso ; driller rolling onto belly, onto back, shiny skin between thighs, hardened member, strewn with thorns, sprinkled with rotting acheb, twisting, smacking lips, forcing pubis with flat of heavy hand ; Wazzag dusted with saltpetre smearing throat, torso, worker straightening up, bucking loins, jumping up onto feet, springing towards whore, swift, picking up dagger \colsaid{{\thd} eat my love-juice, black dog, eat{\thd} outside your arse, your mouth, it dies, exposed to air, to cold, to eyes of men{\thd}} ; catching hold of Wazzag's hair, scraping, with blade of knife, cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, eyebrows, corner of eyes, ears, neck, palpitating throat, panting torso of whore ; Wazzag slapping clammy hands onto brick wall, raising knee between thighs of worker, up to softened sexual cluster, lifting marbled member on top of femur ; against Wazzag's half-open lips, driller spreading out jissom collected on blade ; whore lapping up jissom, closing lips ; driller forcing lips apart with handle of dagger, flat surface of thumb stuffing jissom between teeth of whore ; Wazzag rolling tongue over deposit, holding jissom in mouth, closing eyes --- driller pressing point of dagger onto chin, glans onto thigh, holding head, grasping hair, pinned against wall {\dashcol} swallowing saliva ; driller releasing grip, moving off, back turned, Wazzag spitting jissom, mixed with sputum, onto own glans, rushing from behind, eyes open washed clear, at powerful body, flick of fingers sliding jeans down over hips ; plunging crowned member between driller's bluish buttocks, towards arse blocked with sand ; driller, volte-face, --- Wazzag's member withdrawing from arse, ring of jissom removed --- pulling whore back to wall, holding jeans up over hips with one hand, other clenching dagger, pressing blade against thigh-joint of whore flattened against
-member rehardened, straining stiff under Wazzag's fingers, shaking hair, letting saliva drip down over chin, raising throat, emitting stifled cry, drawing away from Wazzag, buttoning up top of fly over sweaty navel, holding prismatic member in fist, rushing at whore ; driving Wazzag back, turned around, kicking, goading with knees, spitting, towards open door ; front only of Wazzag's body touching fire, driller jostling body, penetrating arse, heaving over rump catching light, ejaculating, rolling head over shoulder of whore. hair, crown of skull, slimy, caught in fire ; Wazzag, shaking fingers at ends of arms thrown behind man's body, fiddling with seam of jeans, below buttocks, pushing seam back into slit of arse, pulling out fingers, bringing fingers up to mouth, to nostrils ; belly of driller rumbling against loins ; Wazzag releasing light fart enveloping, arousing member {\col} member swelling, digging deeper ; stepping forward, crossing driller's hands under belly, advancing beneath fire, feet placed light on hot sand ; sweat flowing over insides of thighs, down to ankles, struck by ankles packed into espadrilles, of man stuck close ; women, sprawled under thorn-tree, lifting torsos ; shaved girl scrutinizing top of four legs pressed together, jissom streaming, shining, over oozing sweat, girl kneeling, rolling gandourah up over thighs, stuffing sand into half-open vulva ; in full light, feet trampling on bleached sand, two youths, pressed close, walking diagonally into middle of garden, towards broken trellis, front of Wazzag's body turning, brown mass of driller's body rising up regular ring over outline of coppery body bleached white in patches by fire, towards panting group of women lying back down, heads, breasts, covered with points of shadow, bellies, legs, bathed in fire ; Wazzag leaning belly onto upright section of trellis ; buggered, rear of body buttressed, belly, loins harnessed by powerful flesh of curly-haired driller, eyeing group of women sprawled on ground {\col} dazzled gaze caressing prismatic scalp of crouching girl ; driller forcing Wazzag's rump down --- Wazzag grabbing stake --- heaving, burying eyes into hair of whore ; Wazzag's free hand palpating worker's buttocks, through drenched denim ; hands of girl digging into sand ; Wazzag's fist gripping stake
+wall, members touching amidst simmering bodies ; blade, scraping sweat from curls, scratching around member ; Wazzag slapping mouth over snotty nose of driller, yelping, licking inside nostrils, nibbling crusts, whining ; his member, softened, curving over driller's fist ; worker dropping knife, turning back, both hands spreading buttocks again denuded ; Wazzag, member stiffening, kneeling, burying slimy muzzle between buttocks, opening mouth towards arse, tongue delving --- filament hooked onto shit-caked hairs sticking to tip of tongue ; one gulp, breathing in filament between lips, pulling muzzle back, hands releasing driller's hairy legs ; driller, turning back, jeans sliding over hams, squeezing whore --- standing erect --- from front, slapping wet flaps of denim jacket around Wazzag's sweaty loins, nibbling closed lips of whore ; Wazzag, fingers pulling at arse-hairs of man enlaced, chewing jissom mixed with shit ; driller pulling apart lips of whore with teeth, pushing clot into mouth of him patting worker's shoulder-blade, collar-bone, nape, with big blue fingers, cracked ; driller spitting clot back between Wazzag's lips, laughing, spitting soiled saliva over gums of whore ; Wazzag chewing deposit, swallowing ; hand of driller, jerking, jumping, from top to bottom, over pubescent back of whore, down to loins --- movement of digestion stretching muscles, nerves ; Wazzag's member striking driller's ; worker taking both members together in fist, squeezing {\col} Wazzag grasping, flattening driller's balls against thigh, rolling balls, sticky, flaccid, over hairy skin ; remaining jissom, expelled from glans of driller, crowning Wazzag's glans, between worker's fingers ; driller's wrist crossing, rubbing wrist of Wazzag, in steam of two bellies stuck together ; Wazzag, jissom swallowed, kissing closed mouth, cheeks of driller, hand wrapping man's shiny head, digging into sandy hair, scratching itchy spots marked on scalp by worker, with thumb-nail ; driller scratching joint of thigh with nail of little finger of hand squeezing members, Wazzag waggling this hand, pulling own hand from man's balls, fingers spread scratching around member, sexual cluster, mouth fastening, splashed with snot, onto dry lips of worker ; driller,
-; driller, stiffened, tensing muscles, nerves, ejaculating, flinging muscles, nerves, flesh, at Wazzag's bruised body ; girl, crouching, advancing towards trellis, pressing fists against Wazzag's bare feet, straightening up alongside body, breath bathing ear of whore --- hot hand enveloping, supporting, mound of Wazzag's buttock \colsaid{{\thd} heavy jissom for you, whore{\thd} filtered jissom of love for me, wife{\thd}}, sliding down along legs clamped tight, pressing mouth onto slope of driller's thigh, between folds of spattered jeans, fingers pulling Wazzag's buttock to one side, darting tongue into plug of jissom-smeared flesh, root of driller's member throbbing with intermittent ejaculation, sucking up jissom, swallowing, pulling out tongue, licking surrounding hairs, licking, over coccyx, fat of buttocks, hams of whore, traces --- dried, drying --- of driller's former spurts ; Wazzag's hand interweaving with hand of driller placed on girl's skull ; women, sitting up, scrutinizing dark passage {\col} two unoccupied drillers fighting for club-foot pulled out of latrine, struggling with shaved worker buggering youth ; three men --- three of women carrying their seed in flanks --- fighting with fists striking heads, spitting ; spittle, swerved punches, showering head of club-foot ; drawn by penis, towards blond driller, pulling to uncouple youth ; shaved driller squeezing knees of club-foot between legs ; other driller, member dangling over jeans, slapping hands over hips of shaved worker pulling at flat heavy body shaken by movements of wrestling, heaving ; shaved driller, with thrust of pelvis, swinging back, stuck to club-foot, into latrine ; blond keeping inert club-foot close, holding penis, forearm, shaved worker's member slipping out of arse, ejaculating ; club-foot, buttocks splashed, hugged from front by blond ; dark-haired driller, quick, thumbs pressed into waistband of jeans, buggering boy in haste, member sliding in tube gorged with jissom ; blond driller biting club-foot's mouth, swollen ; same moment, dark worker, stiffened, ejaculating ; shaved worker, sated, crouching on foot-slab, shitting, door closed by blond worker's foot ; blond, hand supporting bandage on belly, slapping tongue between joined lips, against tongue of club-foot ; patted by eyelashes,
+member rehardened, straining stiff under Wazzag's fingers, shaking hair, letting saliva drip down over chin, raising throat, emitting stifled cry, drawing away from Wazzag, buttoning up top of fly over sweaty navel, holding prismatic member in fist, rushing at whore ; driving Wazzag back, turned around, kicking, goading with knees, spitting, towards open door ; front only of Wazzag's body touching fire, driller jostling body, penetrating arse, heaving over rump catching light, ejaculating, rolling head over shoulder of whore. hair, crown of skull, slimy, caught in fire ; Wazzag, shaking fingers at ends of arms thrown behind man's body, fiddling with seam of jeans, below buttocks, pushing seam back into slit of arse, pulling out fingers, bringing fingers up to mouth, to nostrils ; belly of driller rumbling against loins ; Wazzag releasing light fart enveloping, arousing member {\col} member swelling, digging deeper ; stepping forward, crossing driller's hands under belly, advancing beneath fire, feet placed light on hot sand ; sweat flowing over insides of thighs, down to ankles, struck by ankles packed into espadrilles, of man stuck close ; women, sprawled under thorn-tree, lifting torsos ; shaved girl scrutinizing top of four legs pressed together, jissom streaming, shining, over oozing sweat, girl kneeling, rolling gandourah up over thighs, stuffing sand into half-open vulva ; in full light, feet trampling on bleached sand, two youths, pressed close, walking diagonally into middle of garden, towards broken trellis, front of Wazzag's body turning, brown mass of driller's body rising up regular ring over outline of coppery body bleached white in patches by fire, towards panting group of women lying back down, heads, breasts, covered with points of shadow, bellies, legs, bathed in fire ; Wazzag leaning belly onto upright section of trellis ; buggered, rear of body buttressed, belly, loins harnessed by powerful flesh of curly-haired driller, eyeing group of women sprawled on ground {\col} dazzled gaze caressing prismatic scalp of crouching girl ; driller forcing Wazzag's rump down --- Wazzag grabbing stake --- heaving, burying eyes into hair of whore ; Wazzag's free hand palpating worker's buttocks, through drenched denim ; hands of girl digging into sand ; Wazzag's fist gripping stake
-narrowed eyes of dark worker scintillating behind green-rimmed sunglasses ; throat rumbling ; belly, hams, shuddering, jissom expelled ; blond driller pinching rough-circumcised glans of club-foot, with free fingers ; stump of youth bouncing over ground in jerks, youth covering blond driller's hand, shaking loins, twisting back, lifting knee up between thighs of driller squeezed into shorts --- driller's member poking out stiff, root pinched in gap between two chipped buttons ; blond worker scratching glans, club-foot leaping forward, onto blond ; dark worker, lenses steamed up, pulling at own member, drawing back towards garden, creased jeans stuck with jissom onto stocky thighs ; blond driller, turning club-foot around, pressing thighs against buttocks of youth ; shaved worker, buttoned up, coming out of latrine, in cloud of excremental odour, sliding jissom-smeared hand back over scalp ; jeans, tight, swollen at top of thigh by gluey balls, on slope, by enlarged member ; pressing shit-soiled hand over mouth of club-foot --- blushing legs of youth scintillating, smeared with jissom down to heel {\dashcol} pulling lips, teeth open, pressing thumb into mouth, finger-nail scratching back of palate, squeezing jaw of youth between other fingers ; whore strangled, spitting mucus, saliva {\col} blond worker heaving over croup, catching rope of espadrilles onto hooked toe-nails of youth, shorts stuck to buttocks scraped raw to veins ; torso of club-foot wilting ; epidermis of skin, over whole body swollen, contracted by venom of wasps, fading pale, softening ; fingers of blond, convulsed, pinching flaccid folds over belly ; shaved worker withdrawing hand, stroking whore's red member flecked white, wiping muddy glans ; member bouncing back ; shaved worker pulling lighter from pocket, striking flint ; bluish flame biting into pubic curls ; club-foot spreading thighs --- vibrating, covered with charred hairs ; dark worker, leaning against doorpost, one leg stiffened in rays, masturbating, balls hanging pink, viscous, over side of thighs, outside jeans, clenched, gluey, in hand, with member ; ejaculating onto belly of Wazzag brushing close, buggered, head reddened beneath fire --- women, crouching, rubbing sand, barley, onto mouth of shaved girl, girl's fingers
+; driller, stiffened, tensing muscles, nerves, ejaculating, flinging muscles, nerves, flesh, at Wazzag's bruised body ; girl, crouching, advancing towards trellis, pressing fists against Wazzag's bare feet, straightening up alongside body, breath bathing ear of whore --- hot hand enveloping, supporting, mound of Wazzag's buttock \colsaid{{\thd} heavy jissom for you, whore{\thd} filtered jissom of love for me, wife{\thd}}, sliding down along legs clamped tight, pressing mouth onto slope of driller's thigh, between folds of spattered jeans, fingers pulling Wazzag's buttock to one side, darting tongue into plug of jissom-smeared flesh, root of driller's member throbbing with intermittent ejaculation, sucking up jissom, swallowing, pulling out tongue, licking surrounding hairs, licking, over coccyx, fat of buttocks, hams of whore, traces --- dried, drying --- of driller's former spurts ; Wazzag's hand interweaving with hand of driller placed on girl's skull ; women, sitting up, scrutinizing dark passage {\col} two unoccupied drillers fighting for club-foot pulled out of latrine, struggling with shaved worker buggering youth ; three men --- three of women carrying their seed in flanks --- fighting with fists striking heads, spitting ; spittle, swerved punches, showering head of club-foot ; drawn by penis, towards blond driller, pulling to uncouple youth ; shaved driller squeezing knees of club-foot between legs ; other driller, member dangling over jeans, slapping hands over hips of shaved worker pulling at flat heavy body shaken by movements of wrestling, heaving ; shaved driller, with thrust of pelvis, swinging back, stuck to club-foot, into latrine ; blond keeping inert club-foot close, holding penis, forearm, shaved worker's member slipping out of arse, ejaculating ; club-foot, buttocks splashed, hugged from front by blond ; dark-haired driller, quick, thumbs pressed into waistband of jeans, buggering boy in haste, member sliding in tube gorged with jissom ; blond driller biting club-foot's mouth, swollen ; same moment, dark worker, stiffened, ejaculating ; shaved worker, sated, crouching on foot-slab, shitting, door closed by blond worker's foot ; blond, hand supporting bandage on belly, slapping tongue between joined lips, against tongue of club-foot ; patted by eyelashes,
-holding tuft of sweating hairs from husband's pubis ; dark worker squashing glans against Wazzag's navel ; Wazzag, eye flooded by excess of light, scrutinizing lenses brushed by eyelashes of driller, catching member in fingers, forcing out jissom --- gathered on thumb, carried to lips {\dashcom} dazzled ; pressing lips, soiled --- filament hanging from chin {\dashcom} onto lips of driller, half-open in remaining orgasm, sliding tongue into mouth, covering palate of youth --- member striking thigh {\dashcom} picking out threads, tiny bones stuck between teeth ; one wrinkled hand spreading spurt of jissom over belly, other, twisted arm outstretched, digging into back pocket of driller's jeans ; worker pulling Wazzag towards open latrine ; dark-haired driller, embalmed lips smoothing out bare, straightening up along door-post, sneezing --- gentle gust of wind feathering sweaty chest {\dashcom} shifting along wall, standing still opposite three youths stuck together ; one side of club-foot's pubic fleece, charred, falling in cinders over leg {\col} eye wide open, white shining immaculate, pressing finger onto naked cuticle ; shaved youth drawing flame towards remaining pubic hair ; driller, leaning head back against wall, shadow of chin severing throat, blowing sugary breath over lips, drops from member dripping onto jeans rolled up over knees, eyes reddening behind lenses \colsaid{{\thd}oh shaved one, bleed him before you grill him{\thd}} ; blond driller, slobbering in jerks over shoulder of club-foot ; on legs, jissom streaming mixed with ash ; bandage oozing, reddening club-foot's coccyx ; in open latrine, curly-haired driller, propped back against wall, top of fly unbuttoned, jeans sliding down over both sides of buttocks of Wazzag stuck to worker's thighs, bending knees --- Wazzag, buggered, slumping down in front of arched body {\dashcol} releasing excrement ; excrement bursting out, embalming both sweaty bodies {\col} Wazzag, mouth filled with saliva, With debris from mouth of dark worker, rubbing cheek against lips of curly-haired driller soaked with foam in effort, expelling excrement ; curly-haired worker moaning, bloody shit heating bottom of arse ; with one thrust of loins, re-aligning Wazzag slumped against front of body ; whore, member erect eyes throbbing at top of inverted body,
+narrowed eyes of dark worker scintillating behind green-rimmed sunglasses ; throat rumbling ; belly, hams, shuddering, jissom expelled ; blond driller pinching rough-circumcised glans of club-foot, with free fingers ; stump of youth bouncing over ground in jerks, youth covering blond driller's hand, shaking loins, twisting back, lifting knee up between thighs of driller squeezed into shorts --- driller's member poking out stiff, root pinched in gap between two chipped buttons ; blond worker scratching glans, club-foot leaping forward, onto blond ; dark worker, lenses steamed up, pulling at own member, drawing back towards garden, creased jeans stuck with jissom onto stocky thighs ; blond driller, turning club-foot around, pressing thighs against buttocks of youth ; shaved worker, buttoned up, coming out of latrine, in cloud of excremental odour, sliding jissom-smeared hand back over scalp ; jeans, tight, swollen at top of thigh by gluey balls, on slope, by enlarged member ; pressing shit-soiled hand over mouth of club-foot --- blushing legs of youth scintillating, smeared with jissom down to heel {\dashcol} pulling lips, teeth open, pressing thumb into mouth, finger-nail scratching back of palate, squeezing jaw of youth between other fingers ; whore strangled, spitting mucus, saliva {\col} blond worker heaving over croup, catching rope of espadrilles onto hooked toe-nails of youth, shorts stuck to buttocks scraped raw to veins ; torso of club-foot wilting ; epidermis of skin, over whole body swollen, contracted by venom of wasps, fading pale, softening ; fingers of blond, convulsed, pinching flaccid folds over belly ; shaved worker withdrawing hand, stroking whore's red member flecked white, wiping muddy glans ; member bouncing back ; shaved worker pulling lighter from pocket, striking flint ; bluish flame biting into pubic curls ; club-foot spreading thighs --- vibrating, covered with charred hairs ; dark worker, leaning against doorpost, one leg stiffened in rays, masturbating, balls hanging pink, viscous, over side of thighs, outside jeans, clenched, gluey, in hand, with member ; ejaculating onto belly of Wazzag brushing close, buggered, head reddened beneath fire --- women, crouching, rubbing sand, barley, onto mouth of shaved girl, girl's fingers
-captured in single filtered glance of dark-haired driller ; Wazzag, withdrawing lips from mouth of curly-haired worker, sniffing excremental odour, spitting debris from dark driller's mouth over side of cheek ; arse, stuffed with crumpled flesh of member, smarting ; boiled meat cooling inside torso ; shaved driller moving flame of lighter over club-foot's throat {\col} grease, gravy crackling over cuticle ; head of blond, heated by flame, slumping over shoulder of club-foot, finger-nails scratching torso ; dark worker flattening buttocks against wall, crossing legs, pulling out balls ; club-foot holding back saliva, muscles of neck ; shaved driller sliding lighter into sticky pocket ; penis pushing back under re-buttoned fly ; blond straining, bandage pulling at skin of groin ; jissom mixed with blood, with ashes, enrobing heel of club-foot ; shaved worker, wet hip brushing against club-foot's belly, leaning head towards face of blond, tipped, sideways, over shoulder of club-foot, kissing sweaty cheek, blowing laboured breath over eye of youth bathed in tears, hand covering, kneading buttock through thin khaki cloth of shorts ; foot of curly-haired worker slipping on foot-slab ; in movement keeping balance, member falling out {\col} Wazzag, with quick thrust of pelvis, uncoupling, diving forward ; curly worker wrapping shirt around shivering torso, fists rubbing belly, thighs, dressed with elated flesh of rear of Wazzag's body, crouching down, gluey jeans wrung under articulation of knees ; Wazzag coming out of latrine ; shaved worker placing foot shoed with tarred rope onto Wazzag's bare foot, pressing hand heated by flame of lighter onto bottom of belly of him walking --- lightened, arse, crotch, greased by jissom of curly-haired driller {\dashcol} towards dark worker with violaceous member swelling, burning, circumcised flesh stretched ; Wazzag's hip brushing over buttocks of blond hugged in shorts ; shaved worker grabbing whore's member, little finger separating pubic curls ; blond pushing club-foot into corner of first latrine, bandaged belly throbbing under fleshy folds ; stream of sweat marking cloth of shorts, from coccyx down beneath arse, along seam ; club-foot trembling purple, lifted off ground, nails hooked into rough layer of saltpetre coating wall ;
+holding tuft of sweating hairs from husband's pubis ; dark worker squashing glans against Wazzag's navel ; Wazzag, eye flooded by excess of light, scrutinizing lenses brushed by eyelashes of driller, catching member in fingers, forcing out jissom --- gathered on thumb, carried to lips {\dashcom} dazzled ; pressing lips, soiled --- filament hanging from chin {\dashcom} onto lips of driller, half-open in remaining orgasm, sliding tongue into mouth, covering palate of youth --- member striking thigh {\dashcom} picking out threads, tiny bones stuck between teeth ; one wrinkled hand spreading spurt of jissom over belly, other, twisted arm outstretched, digging into back pocket of driller's jeans ; worker pulling Wazzag towards open latrine ; dark-haired driller, embalmed lips smoothing out bare, straightening up along door-post, sneezing --- gentle gust of wind feathering sweaty chest {\dashcom} shifting along wall, standing still opposite three youths stuck together ; one side of club-foot's pubic fleece, charred, falling in cinders over leg {\col} eye wide open, white shining immaculate, pressing finger onto naked cuticle ; shaved youth drawing flame towards remaining pubic hair ; driller, leaning head back against wall, shadow of chin severing throat, blowing sugary breath over lips, drops from member dripping onto jeans rolled up over knees, eyes reddening behind lenses \colsaid{{\thd}oh shaved one, bleed him before you grill him{\thd}} ; blond driller, slobbering in jerks over shoulder of club-foot ; on legs, jissom streaming mixed with ash ; bandage oozing, reddening club-foot's coccyx ; in open latrine, curly-haired driller, propped back against wall, top of fly unbuttoned, jeans sliding down over both sides of buttocks of Wazzag stuck to worker's thighs, bending knees --- Wazzag, buggered, slumping down in front of arched body {\dashcol} releasing excrement ; excrement bursting out, embalming both sweaty bodies {\col} Wazzag, mouth filled with saliva, With debris from mouth of dark worker, rubbing cheek against lips of curly-haired driller soaked with foam in effort, expelling excrement ; curly-haired worker moaning, bloody shit heating bottom of arse ; with one thrust of loins, re-aligning Wazzag slumped against front of body ; whore, member erect eyes throbbing at top of inverted body,
-shaved driller hugging Wazzag from front, member of whore, pressed back upwards, warming worker's groin ; Wazzag's wide mouth kissing mouth of worker ; eyes, level with worker's eyes, gleaming, staring at shining chest of dark worker, at folds of neck, at tender amber epidermis of temple squeezed by green plastic frame, at sweat, filtered by bluish glass, beading on eyelids ; shaved worker pulling Wazzag's buttocks apart with big heavy hands --- articulated at ends of long hairless arms {\dashcom} kneading sticky fat {\col} Wazzag lowering eyelids, shaved worker's foot squashing foot of whore ; curly-haired driller straightening up, fingers scraping shit hooked into arse-hairs, dipping fingers into rusty tin of water, standing up, pulling up jeans, buttoning fly, running fingers with grubby nails through hair, pulling fingers out, stroking surface of Wazzag's hair, shaken by kiss, with flattened palm of same hand ; loins of whore shuddering ; curly worker drawing thighs, hugged in creased jeans, close to Wazzag's buttocks ; member, bridled by greasy denim on side of thigh, touching fat of Wazzag's arse held in shaved worker's hand ; cheek of whore rounding out, downy mound simmering ; removing one bruised arm from shaved worker's back, flinging arm behind, onto hip of curly worker with member, quivering{\comdash} glans straining, distinct from shaft, under worn, threadbare, denim --- stuck against slope of Wazzag's buttock, heating slimy cuticle, excremental ; muffled moan in torso, vibrating lips fastened to jaw of shaved driller ; hand feeling thigh of curly-haired worker {\col} worker pulling away, hand of whore pawing at member squeezed in jeans ; blond holding hips of club-foot, pressing top of boy's body down ; club-foot banging forehead reddened by rush of blood, against soiled tiles ; exposed coccyx shining bloody {\col} thumbs of blond digging in, hollowing ; Wazzag pulling back buttocks, pushing curly-haired worker towards latrine, lifting arm from shaved worker's back, removing lips from lips, wiping saliva from worker's mouth with back of hand, freeing body from driller, taking lighter from pocket, sucking lighter, standing slumped on one hip ; thread of snot catching onto roller, Wazzag closing cap, putting lighter back in pocket of shaved
+captured in single filtered glance of dark-haired driller ; Wazzag, withdrawing lips from mouth of curly-haired worker, sniffing excremental odour, spitting debris from dark driller's mouth over side of cheek ; arse, stuffed with crumpled flesh of member, smarting ; boiled meat cooling inside torso ; shaved driller moving flame of lighter over club-foot's throat {\col} grease, gravy crackling over cuticle ; head of blond, heated by flame, slumping over shoulder of club-foot, finger-nails scratching torso ; dark worker flattening buttocks against wall, crossing legs, pulling out balls ; club-foot holding back saliva, muscles of neck ; shaved driller sliding lighter into sticky pocket ; penis pushing back under re-buttoned fly ; blond straining, bandage pulling at skin of groin ; jissom mixed with blood, with ashes, enrobing heel of club-foot ; shaved worker, wet hip brushing against club-foot's belly, leaning head towards face of blond, tipped, sideways, over shoulder of club-foot, kissing sweaty cheek, blowing laboured breath over eye of youth bathed in tears, hand covering, kneading buttock through thin khaki cloth of shorts ; foot of curly-haired worker slipping on foot-slab ; in movement keeping balance, member falling out {\col} Wazzag, with quick thrust of pelvis, uncoupling, diving forward ; curly worker wrapping shirt around shivering torso, fists rubbing belly, thighs, dressed with elated flesh of rear of Wazzag's body, crouching down, gluey jeans wrung under articulation of knees ; Wazzag coming out of latrine ; shaved worker placing foot shoed with tarred rope onto Wazzag's bare foot, pressing hand heated by flame of lighter onto bottom of belly of him walking --- lightened, arse, crotch, greased by jissom of curly-haired driller {\dashcol} towards dark worker with violaceous member swelling, burning, circumcised flesh stretched ; Wazzag's hip brushing over buttocks of blond hugged in shorts ; shaved worker grabbing whore's member, little finger separating pubic curls ; blond pushing club-foot into corner of first latrine, bandaged belly throbbing under fleshy folds ; stream of sweat marking cloth of shorts, from coccyx down beneath arse, along seam ; club-foot trembling purple, lifted off ground, nails hooked into rough layer of saltpetre coating wall ;
-worker ; dancing, feet spread flat striking floor, belly hollowed, member in fist, head shaken, knees knocking, shoulders swinging, neck drawn out, arms folded back undulating over hips, hand raised shading forehead, hand spread wide waving in front of member shaken, thumb hooked into groin, hands slapped over nipples thumbs joined, Wazzag advancing towards dark-haired driller striking floor with one foot ; shaved worker, curly worker, shoulder to shoulder, beneath fire, each darting quick kisses onto other's lips, trampling on bleached sand, kneeling down in garden, unbuttoning jeans, pouring fistfuls of burning sand over thighs, over sexual clusters coated with jissom, with shit ; dark worker, heat, perfume of Wazzag's approaching body steaming over belly, bathing nostril, member stiffening, slaver dripping at corner of lips wiped by tip of whore's crumpled fingers, sweaty ringlets frizzing ; curly-haired worker, shaved worker, heads pressed close, knees trampling sand up to trellis ; women, again dozing, breasts purring in shade ; drillers, jeans half-open, rolling back beneath fire, buttocks against heels, throats stretched backwards throbbing, sun heating jeans over knees, beating into circumcised flesh of straining members ; farts, outside arse bridled by seam of jeans, bathing sexual cluster, embalming rays ; odour waking shaved girl {\col} sand running over thighs of husband ; mica scintillating, stuck with jissom to violaceous member ; gust of wind flinging thorns over bared breasts of women ; shaved girl, skull riddled with thorns, with sugary petals, straightening up, advancing, on knees, on fists pressed into sand, towards trellis ; vapour exhaled by breasts shaken in top of dress steaming, bathing face {\col} nipple emerging, catching at hem of neckline ; curly-haired driller aligning incandescent head, staring at nipple ; rays oiling member ; girl clenching mauve fists onto trellis ; curly worker advancing, slapping slimy hands over fists ; girl blowing onto member, through trellis ; worker pressing small ears of girl between fingers smoothed on handle of drill, kissing girl's forehead, top of nape, golden lozenge encrusted over fontanelle in sooty cuticle ; Wazzag, stuck to dark worker, keeping eyes fixed on trellis {\col}
+shaved driller hugging Wazzag from front, member of whore, pressed back upwards, warming worker's groin ; Wazzag's wide mouth kissing mouth of worker ; eyes, level with worker's eyes, gleaming, staring at shining chest of dark worker, at folds of neck, at tender amber epidermis of temple squeezed by green plastic frame, at sweat, filtered by bluish glass, beading on eyelids ; shaved worker pulling Wazzag's buttocks apart with big heavy hands --- articulated at ends of long hairless arms {\dashcom} kneading sticky fat {\col} Wazzag lowering eyelids, shaved worker's foot squashing foot of whore ; curly-haired driller straightening up, fingers scraping shit hooked into arse-hairs, dipping fingers into rusty tin of water, standing up, pulling up jeans, buttoning fly, running fingers with grubby nails through hair, pulling fingers out, stroking surface of Wazzag's hair, shaken by kiss, with flattened palm of same hand ; loins of whore shuddering ; curly worker drawing thighs, hugged in creased jeans, close to Wazzag's buttocks ; member, bridled by greasy denim on side of thigh, touching fat of Wazzag's arse held in shaved worker's hand ; cheek of whore rounding out, downy mound simmering ; removing one bruised arm from shaved worker's back, flinging arm behind, onto hip of curly worker with member, quivering{\comdash} glans straining, distinct from shaft, under worn, threadbare, denim --- stuck against slope of Wazzag's buttock, heating slimy cuticle, excremental ; muffled moan in torso, vibrating lips fastened to jaw of shaved driller ; hand feeling thigh of curly-haired worker {\col} worker pulling away, hand of whore pawing at member squeezed in jeans ; blond holding hips of club-foot, pressing top of boy's body down ; club-foot banging forehead reddened by rush of blood, against soiled tiles ; exposed coccyx shining bloody {\col} thumbs of blond digging in, hollowing ; Wazzag pulling back buttocks, pushing curly-haired worker towards latrine, lifting arm from shaved worker's back, removing lips from lips, wiping saliva from worker's mouth with back of hand, freeing body from driller, taking lighter from pocket, sucking lighter, standing slumped on one hip ; thread of snot catching onto roller, Wazzag closing cap, putting lighter back in pocket of shaved
-girl's elbow just resting on fence, above mass of body of curly worker kneeling ; dark worker pinning Wazzag against wall, turning whore around, pressing hip onto wall, punching belly to bend top of body down, thrusting bouncing member towards arse exposed by inclination of body ; jissom spurting --- worker, thrusting, allows leg to stiffen {\dashcom} splashing buttocks {\col} Wazzag, laughing, pushing buttocks between thighs of dark worker, rubbing buttocks, smeared with jissom, against jeans of him wiping, with finger-tip, lenses steamed up in heated tension ; jissom still spurting, clots catching on curls around arse ; buttocks turning, twisting ejaculating member ; dark worker gripping member, squeezing root, squashing glans onto coccyx of whore, drawing circle, spiral, rectangle onto skin ridged by vertebrae ; other hand holding one side of Wazzag's sweaty torso ; pulling jissom off taut hams --- mouth, lungs, spasmodic, thrust forward ; pushing whore towards corner --- blond, head tinged violet by rush of blood, pummelling club-foot bent down ; dark worker uncoupling from Wazzag, directing arse of whore towards club-foot's inclined head ; club-foot, opening mouth, fastening lips swollen with cold blood onto decorated coccyx, sucking up circle, spiral, rectangle, dark worker stuffing member into mouth of Wazzag kneeling, hands squeezing driller's knees ; whore sucking sticky member, swollen, forced by intermittent jissom, eyes turning away from worker's hairy belly, scrutinizing trellis crushed by mass of bodies, scintillating {\col} shaved worker, curly worker, girl, entwined ; dark worker pulling sticky testicles out from between thighs, rolling balls against chin of whore, back towards hollows of cheeks ; loins quivering, encased in creased jeans ; pulling hands away, placing hands on Wazzag's head, sliding fingers through encrusted hair, tightening fingers, digging in, nails scratching scalp ; stiffening legs ; Wazzag turning head beneath nails ; vapours exhaled from driller's Contracted pubis clouding eyes ; lips rubbing at enlarged member ; club-foot licking coccyx, tongue plunging into tangle of jissom-smeared ringlets palpitating over Wazzag's arse ; blond, leaning over croup, catching ears pierced through lobe, twisting ears, pulling,
+worker ; dancing, feet spread flat striking floor, belly hollowed, member in fist, head shaken, knees knocking, shoulders swinging, neck drawn out, arms folded back undulating over hips, hand raised shading forehead, hand spread wide waving in front of member shaken, thumb hooked into groin, hands slapped over nipples thumbs joined, Wazzag advancing towards dark-haired driller striking floor with one foot ; shaved worker, curly worker, shoulder to shoulder, beneath fire, each darting quick kisses onto other's lips, trampling on bleached sand, kneeling down in garden, unbuttoning jeans, pouring fistfuls of burning sand over thighs, over sexual clusters coated with jissom, with shit ; dark worker, heat, perfume of Wazzag's approaching body steaming over belly, bathing nostril, member stiffening, slaver dripping at corner of lips wiped by tip of whore's crumpled fingers, sweaty ringlets frizzing ; curly-haired worker, shaved worker, heads pressed close, knees trampling sand up to trellis ; women, again dozing, breasts purring in shade ; drillers, jeans half-open, rolling back beneath fire, buttocks against heels, throats stretched backwards throbbing, sun heating jeans over knees, beating into circumcised flesh of straining members ; farts, outside arse bridled by seam of jeans, bathing sexual cluster, embalming rays ; odour waking shaved girl {\col} sand running over thighs of husband ; mica scintillating, stuck with jissom to violaceous member ; gust of wind flinging thorns over bared breasts of women ; shaved girl, skull riddled with thorns, with sugary petals, straightening up, advancing, on knees, on fists pressed into sand, towards trellis ; vapour exhaled by breasts shaken in top of dress steaming, bathing face {\col} nipple emerging, catching at hem of neckline ; curly-haired driller aligning incandescent head, staring at nipple ; rays oiling member ; girl clenching mauve fists onto trellis ; curly worker advancing, slapping slimy hands over fists ; girl blowing onto member, through trellis ; worker pressing small ears of girl between fingers smoothed on handle of drill, kissing girl's forehead, top of nape, golden lozenge encrusted over fontanelle in sooty cuticle ; Wazzag, stuck to dark worker, keeping eyes fixed on trellis {\col}
-pushing head back over upper back, hand covering, caressing straining throat {\semislash} frizzy-haired youth pulling member swollen with jissom out from between Khamssieh's buttocks, biting grimy earlobes, spitting onto squashed cheek, grasping --- kneeling on buttocks --- Khamssieh's hair, lifting up inert head, kissing dusty mouth, wiping nose against forehead of whore, pinching eyebrows, eyelashes, pulling lashes, blowing over tarnished eyes, letting saliva run out through teeth over iris, lips curled back, fist striking forehead, standing up, wiping thick violet lips, fingers smoothing back frizzy hair ; member, stiffened, bouncing on sexual cluster spread over seam of fly ; foot trampling on ginger head ; pushing at door, bending down, picking up lifeless arms of whore, pulling body towards door ; behind zinc counter, lifting overturned body, propping whore up, back against zinc ; Khamssieh, panting, flinging arms behind zinc, fingers touching wood worn by contact with sweaty bellies ; dusty, sooty body --- chewed cigarette end, bloody, hooked to pubic curls beside member {\dashcom} stuck with splinters, stroked by driller all over front, from bottom to top {\col} splinters pushed deeper by worker's palm ; hand sliding over knee, over thigh, pulling crumpled penis up against belly, climbing up along groin, thumb digging into navel, palpating belly, covering breasts, throat, bringing all grime of body up towards lips ; driller pouncing onto tottering body, pinning shoulder-blade against counter, pressing lips onto Khamssieh's temples {\col} lips half-opening, breath blowing over ginger tufts, teeth nibbling temporal vein {\col} saliva, driven back, strangling worker, chipped teeth slicing vein ; body collapsing, worker slumping forward ; forehead striking bottom of zinc panel, whole mouth sucking blood ; pink foam frothing over Khamssieh's forehead ; body shivering under weight of driller ; head, emptied of venomous blood, warming ; leg, caught between legs of driller hugged in baked jeans, simmering {\col} member twitching under worker's torn crotch ; aroused , worker aspiring tepid blood, laughter stifled in throat, lips vibrating over wound, snot expelled splashing forehead of whore ; Khamssieh, hot red blood forcing all veins, moving underneath driller, hand
+girl's elbow just resting on fence, above mass of body of curly worker kneeling ; dark worker pinning Wazzag against wall, turning whore around, pressing hip onto wall, punching belly to bend top of body down, thrusting bouncing member towards arse exposed by inclination of body ; jissom spurting --- worker, thrusting, allows leg to stiffen {\dashcom} splashing buttocks {\col} Wazzag, laughing, pushing buttocks between thighs of dark worker, rubbing buttocks, smeared with jissom, against jeans of him wiping, with finger-tip, lenses steamed up in heated tension ; jissom still spurting, clots catching on curls around arse ; buttocks turning, twisting ejaculating member ; dark worker gripping member, squeezing root, squashing glans onto coccyx of whore, drawing circle, spiral, rectangle onto skin ridged by vertebrae ; other hand holding one side of Wazzag's sweaty torso ; pulling jissom off taut hams --- mouth, lungs, spasmodic, thrust forward ; pushing whore towards corner --- blond, head tinged violet by rush of blood, pummelling club-foot bent down ; dark worker uncoupling from Wazzag, directing arse of whore towards club-foot's inclined head ; club-foot, opening mouth, fastening lips swollen with cold blood onto decorated coccyx, sucking up circle, spiral, rectangle, dark worker stuffing member into mouth of Wazzag kneeling, hands squeezing driller's knees ; whore sucking sticky member, swollen, forced by intermittent jissom, eyes turning away from worker's hairy belly, scrutinizing trellis crushed by mass of bodies, scintillating {\col} shaved worker, curly worker, girl, entwined ; dark worker pulling sticky testicles out from between thighs, rolling balls against chin of whore, back towards hollows of cheeks ; loins quivering, encased in creased jeans ; pulling hands away, placing hands on Wazzag's head, sliding fingers through encrusted hair, tightening fingers, digging in, nails scratching scalp ; stiffening legs ; Wazzag turning head beneath nails ; vapours exhaled from driller's Contracted pubis clouding eyes ; lips rubbing at enlarged member ; club-foot licking coccyx, tongue plunging into tangle of jissom-smeared ringlets palpitating over Wazzag's arse ; blond, leaning over croup, catching ears pierced through lobe, twisting ears, pulling,
-delving taking hold of man's softened penis ; member, pressed back, engorging, swelling, hardening ; frizzy youth taking lips off wound, straightening up, slapping hands onto hips, onto buttocks stuck to jeans by sweat, thrusting member forward, straining hard, arched violet, scrutinizing refreshed eyes of Khamssieh, opening blood-filled mouth, vomiting blood into Orangina\textregistered bottle, wiping bloody lips \colsaid{{\td} stand up{\td} I fuck you till blood curdles in bottle{\td}} ; holding bulbous bottle of roughened glass between fingers {\col} blood cooling ; Khamssieh moving ; lifting one side of body, balls caught under buttocks, shining, polished, through red hair, spreading out against bottom of arse ; frizzy worker pressing balls with tarred rope of espadrille ; Khamssieh, one hand pressed against bloody temple, propping elbow onto zinc ; frizzy worker, four fingers of each hand stuck into front pockets of jeans, thumbs joined over curve of member, leaning on one hip, fingers scratching root of penis through denim --- still dry {\dashcom} spitting onto body ; threads of saliva, hanging, vibrating from mouth down to Khamssieh's breast {\col} swallowing threads, lips touching breast ; body of whore shuddering ; frizzy worker pulling hands out of jeans, slapping hands over Khamssieh's hips, mouth sucking nipple ; members stuck together, Khamssieh pressing hands onto buttocks of worker ; fingers palpating, kneading folds under buttocks, pinching, through threadbare denim soaked with sweat, arse-hairs caked with shit ; frizzy worker pulling away from Khamssieh ; punching fist into hips, spinning whore around, belly against zinc, smoothing member between two fingers, plunging member into Khamssieh's arse ; Wazzag, glans of dark worker blocked against nostril, chewing jissom ; fingers pulling, mauling worker's balls hanging over throat ; blond squeezing head of club- foot standing upright against top of chest, bowing head twisted towards club-foot's spattered face, rubbing face with cheek, kissing jissom-smeared mouth, nibbling curls pulled from Wazzag's engorged arse, enrobed in clots thrown up from club-foot's squeezed throat {\semislash} Khamssieh sniffing, torso touching top of zinc counter, eyes staring at Wazzag's grinding jaw ; glans of frizzy
+pushing head back over upper back, hand covering, caressing straining throat {\semislash} frizzy-haired youth pulling member swollen with jissom out from between Khamssieh's buttocks, biting grimy earlobes, spitting onto squashed cheek, grasping --- kneeling on buttocks --- Khamssieh's hair, lifting up inert head, kissing dusty mouth, wiping nose against forehead of whore, pinching eyebrows, eyelashes, pulling lashes, blowing over tarnished eyes, letting saliva run out through teeth over iris, lips curled back, fist striking forehead, standing up, wiping thick violet lips, fingers smoothing back frizzy hair ; member, stiffened, bouncing on sexual cluster spread over seam of fly ; foot trampling on ginger head ; pushing at door, bending down, picking up lifeless arms of whore, pulling body towards door ; behind zinc counter, lifting overturned body, propping whore up, back against zinc ; Khamssieh, panting, flinging arms behind zinc, fingers touching wood worn by contact with sweaty bellies ; dusty, sooty body --- chewed cigarette end, bloody, hooked to pubic curls beside member {\dashcom} stuck with splinters, stroked by driller all over front, from bottom to top {\col} splinters pushed deeper by worker's palm ; hand sliding over knee, over thigh, pulling crumpled penis up against belly, climbing up along groin, thumb digging into navel, palpating belly, covering breasts, throat, bringing all grime of body up towards lips ; driller pouncing onto tottering body, pinning shoulder-blade against counter, pressing lips onto Khamssieh's temples {\col} lips half-opening, breath blowing over ginger tufts, teeth nibbling temporal vein {\col} saliva, driven back, strangling worker, chipped teeth slicing vein ; body collapsing, worker slumping forward ; forehead striking bottom of zinc panel, whole mouth sucking blood ; pink foam frothing over Khamssieh's forehead ; body shivering under weight of driller ; head, emptied of venomous blood, warming ; leg, caught between legs of driller hugged in baked jeans, simmering {\col} member twitching under worker's torn crotch ; aroused , worker aspiring tepid blood, laughter stifled in throat, lips vibrating over wound, snot expelled splashing forehead of whore ; Khamssieh, hot red blood forcing all veins, moving underneath driller, hand
-worker probing into arse, Khamssieh spreading thighs, buttocks, heels, over bloody tiles ; hands of frizzy worker enveloping bottom of buttocks, seizing balls beneath penis half-penetrating arse, pulling, squashing balls into sexual cluster ; frizzy worker stiffening legs --- muscles vibrating, jerky, against ham hugged in jeans {\dashcom} tensing toes, heels raised, heaving over Khamssieh's rump ; member of whore beating against zinc, worker's fingers, leg raised, knee jammed against zinc, pulling at pubic curls, at membranes of member ; worker's wrist drawn back from between Khamssieh's thighs, moving up, damp, over hips, back, shoulder, barring throat, fingers pulling ear, curling back lips of whore {\col} at same moment, jissom spattering arse {\col} driller's balls, sweating, striking bottom of Khamssieh's buttocks, stiffening powdery curls over whore's temples bristling under worker's breath ; worker's other hand covering Khamssieh's breast, nails scraping sweat over grimy cuticle of nipple ; tense feet forcing espadrilles imbibed with grease ; sweat flowing along legs squeezed under jeans ; torso, flaps of denim jacket thrown back at sides, rubbing back of whore --- sweat diluting bloody finger-prints of butcher ; jissom hardening penis, epidermis adhering to sides of arse ; whore squeezing buttocks over middle of shaft, slobbering, shivering, arms folded back against torso, wrists crossing wrists of worker {\col} expelled jissom, hot, splashing previous spurt cooling ; seams, creases of frizzy worker's jeans {\col} crotch, pockets, fly, bottom of buttocks, groin, knees, hams, soaking up sweat ; worker, convulsed hands pulling away from torso from throat of whore, coughing against Khamssieh's cheek ; spittle, snot, running down towards right corner of Khamssieh's lips ; thick mauve tongue protruding, bringing filaments back towards mouth --- aspired, spittle, suspended from chin, sticking to zinc ; hand bent back pressing, wiping, worker's soiled mouth filled with frothing phlegm ; gathering phlegm in cupped hand, lapping up along crevices --- seeping, reddened by powdered blood held back in folds of contracted hand ; frizzy worker slapping hands onto Khamssieh's hips, fingers digging into groin ; heels raised, hams tensing ; whore
+delving taking hold of man's softened penis ; member, pressed back, engorging, swelling, hardening ; frizzy youth taking lips off wound, straightening up, slapping hands onto hips, onto buttocks stuck to jeans by sweat, thrusting member forward, straining hard, arched violet, scrutinizing refreshed eyes of Khamssieh, opening blood-filled mouth, vomiting blood into Orangina\textregistered bottle, wiping bloody lips \colsaid{{\td} stand up{\td} I fuck you till blood curdles in bottle{\td}} ; holding bulbous bottle of roughened glass between fingers {\col} blood cooling ; Khamssieh moving ; lifting one side of body, balls caught under buttocks, shining, polished, through red hair, spreading out against bottom of arse ; frizzy worker pressing balls with tarred rope of espadrille ; Khamssieh, one hand pressed against bloody temple, propping elbow onto zinc ; frizzy worker, four fingers of each hand stuck into front pockets of jeans, thumbs joined over curve of member, leaning on one hip, fingers scratching root of penis through denim --- still dry {\dashcom} spitting onto body ; threads of saliva, hanging, vibrating from mouth down to Khamssieh's breast {\col} swallowing threads, lips touching breast ; body of whore shuddering ; frizzy worker pulling hands out of jeans, slapping hands over Khamssieh's hips, mouth sucking nipple ; members stuck together, Khamssieh pressing hands onto buttocks of worker ; fingers palpating, kneading folds under buttocks, pinching, through threadbare denim soaked with sweat, arse-hairs caked with shit ; frizzy worker pulling away from Khamssieh ; punching fist into hips, spinning whore around, belly against zinc, smoothing member between two fingers, plunging member into Khamssieh's arse ; Wazzag, glans of dark worker blocked against nostril, chewing jissom ; fingers pulling, mauling worker's balls hanging over throat ; blond squeezing head of club- foot standing upright against top of chest, bowing head twisted towards club-foot's spattered face, rubbing face with cheek, kissing jissom-smeared mouth, nibbling curls pulled from Wazzag's engorged arse, enrobed in clots thrown up from club-foot's squeezed throat {\semislash} Khamssieh sniffing, torso touching top of zinc counter, eyes staring at Wazzag's grinding jaw ; glans of frizzy
-licking hand filled with phlegm, flinging both arms back behind bodies, onto buttocks of frizzy worker, kneading, hitching buttocks up inside denim softened by labour of copulation, slipping thumbs into belt-loops ; tongue of frizzy worker licking --- mouth open panting --- corner of Khamssieh's lips, lips smeared with spittle, tip of tongue protruding ; worker's hairless cheek scraping pock-marked cheek of Khamssieh, belly strengthened on handles of US drills, grinding against horny coccyx --- vertebrae undulating against belly, stimulating blocked member {\dashcom} knees rubbing sweaty hams of whore ; blood curdling in bulbous Orangina bottle {\col} Khamssieh's hot wide body weakening, frizzy worker's jissom, expelled, washing over retracted glans, sagging ; blood bursting from bitten temple ; body collapsing at worker's feet ; worker, drops from retracted member dripping onto seam at bottom of fly, crouching --- jeans squeezing gluey balls, flattened against buttocks {\dashcom} turning whore over onto back, simmering body cooling under fingers, lying out over body, placing lips over wound, sucking blood \colsaid{{\td}naked whore-master, with blue hairs{\thd} your red dog bleeding{\thd}} ; mouth distended over wound, purring, slumping over lifeless body{\td} \said{{\td}dog, mule{\comtd}jissom filling your head, your belly, your hams, let jissom run through your veins, pushing to heart, pumping your blood{\td} fuck, suck, your lips, your hands, your member swollen by jissom equal with blood{\td}} ; whore-master, going to shit, hand spread out over arse, stopping at bottom of stairs ; russet head lying bathed in blood ; buttocks of frizzy worker quivering, hugged in jeans ; whore-master advancing, crouching, lifting Khamssieh's nape{\td}\colsaid{{\td}let go, frizzy man{\thd} your teeth, grinders of carrion, infect wound{\td}} {\semislash} Wazzag's tongue, jissom swallowed, licking under balls of dark worker ; worker, arms raised, buttocks pressed back against wall, spreading thighs, stretching all limbs, yawning ; Wazzag kissing thigh --- stretched muscles heating flesh {\semislash} whore-master's fingers unfastening frizzy worker's lips from wound, pushing back rest of body --- rolling onto back, legs spread alongside Khamssieh {\dashcom} lifting up Khamssieh's bloody feet, dragging cold body into box-room, locking box-room,
+worker probing into arse, Khamssieh spreading thighs, buttocks, heels, over bloody tiles ; hands of frizzy worker enveloping bottom of buttocks, seizing balls beneath penis half-penetrating arse, pulling, squashing balls into sexual cluster ; frizzy worker stiffening legs --- muscles vibrating, jerky, against ham hugged in jeans {\dashcom} tensing toes, heels raised, heaving over Khamssieh's rump ; member of whore beating against zinc, worker's fingers, leg raised, knee jammed against zinc, pulling at pubic curls, at membranes of member ; worker's wrist drawn back from between Khamssieh's thighs, moving up, damp, over hips, back, shoulder, barring throat, fingers pulling ear, curling back lips of whore {\col} at same moment, jissom spattering arse {\col} driller's balls, sweating, striking bottom of Khamssieh's buttocks, stiffening powdery curls over whore's temples bristling under worker's breath ; worker's other hand covering Khamssieh's breast, nails scraping sweat over grimy cuticle of nipple ; tense feet forcing espadrilles imbibed with grease ; sweat flowing along legs squeezed under jeans ; torso, flaps of denim jacket thrown back at sides, rubbing back of whore --- sweat diluting bloody finger-prints of butcher ; jissom hardening penis, epidermis adhering to sides of arse ; whore squeezing buttocks over middle of shaft, slobbering, shivering, arms folded back against torso, wrists crossing wrists of worker {\col} expelled jissom, hot, splashing previous spurt cooling ; seams, creases of frizzy worker's jeans {\col} crotch, pockets, fly, bottom of buttocks, groin, knees, hams, soaking up sweat ; worker, convulsed hands pulling away from torso from throat of whore, coughing against Khamssieh's cheek ; spittle, snot, running down towards right corner of Khamssieh's lips ; thick mauve tongue protruding, bringing filaments back towards mouth --- aspired, spittle, suspended from chin, sticking to zinc ; hand bent back pressing, wiping, worker's soiled mouth filled with frothing phlegm ; gathering phlegm in cupped hand, lapping up along crevices --- seeping, reddened by powdered blood held back in folds of contracted hand ; frizzy worker slapping hands onto Khamssieh's hips, fingers digging into groin ; heels raised, hams tensing ; whore
-crossing saloon, passage, bounding into garden ; frizzy worker, bloody lips throbbing, throat gurgling, rubbing eyes, flinging arm sideways, stroking, with flat of palm, tepid traces of Khamssieh's body on floorboards, finger-tip rubbing blood into dust, licking finger, yawning, pushing softened sticky member back into jeans, buttoning, patting fly raised again by member rehardening ; cheek touching floorboard ; sweat drying in sleep {\semislash} Wazzag, standing up beside dark worker, rubbing ear, temple, against lips of worker \colsaid{{\td}bite my vein, man, then he feeds me lamb-liver{\td}} ; whore-master unravelling jeans, djellaba, of club-foot, tied to trunk of apricot tree in corner, slipping clothes on, straddling trellis {\col} leaning on stake, shaved worker again shitting in burning sand, women, squatting in shade, flinging flowering-fruits fallen from tree onto gleaming skull --- veins, veinlets, standing out, with straining of defecation {\dashcom} pollen bursting over occiput ; curly-haired worker, girl, copulating on debris of reeds, panting, moaning ; women clapping hands dusted with pollen, whore-master running, alongside \said{Dead Ponds}, towards camp --- effluvia from kitchens, trapped, held at noon in bushes, in foliage, driven out in evening by winds from plateau ; crawling under barbed wire --- ground strewn with turds driven out of kennel by wind {\dashcom} skirting around incandescent hut of dog-handlers {\col} lithe dogs, rearing up, claws hooked onto fencing, members projecting erect, sniffing aroma of jissom exhaled by whore-master's body advancing beneath fire ; in bedroom with pink walls plastered with photos of naked women, soldier with curly blond hair, wrapped in sheet, body, sweating naked except for immaculate cotton pants scintillating with crystals of washing-powder, squashing jumbled membranes, tufts, limbs, of black bitch on heat, flopped, eyes hazy, in hollow of mattress ; whore-master kneeling before bed, touching soldier's hand, opened, moist, on pillow ; soldier rolling onto back, legs spread under damp sheet ; bitch, front legs tucked under sheet, growling, slaver drooling between fangs onto soldier's pink shoulder \coltdsaid{{\td}my red dog's bleeding{\td}} ; soldier pushing bitch aside, kissing whore-master's palm, striking flank of bitch {\col} animal
+licking hand filled with phlegm, flinging both arms back behind bodies, onto buttocks of frizzy worker, kneading, hitching buttocks up inside denim softened by labour of copulation, slipping thumbs into belt-loops ; tongue of frizzy worker licking --- mouth open panting --- corner of Khamssieh's lips, lips smeared with spittle, tip of tongue protruding ; worker's hairless cheek scraping pock-marked cheek of Khamssieh, belly strengthened on handles of US drills, grinding against horny coccyx --- vertebrae undulating against belly, stimulating blocked member {\dashcom} knees rubbing sweaty hams of whore ; blood curdling in bulbous Orangina bottle {\col} Khamssieh's hot wide body weakening, frizzy worker's jissom, expelled, washing over retracted glans, sagging ; blood bursting from bitten temple ; body collapsing at worker's feet ; worker, drops from retracted member dripping onto seam at bottom of fly, crouching --- jeans squeezing gluey balls, flattened against buttocks {\dashcom} turning whore over onto back, simmering body cooling under fingers, lying out over body, placing lips over wound, sucking blood \colsaid{{\td}naked whore-master, with blue hairs{\thd} your red dog bleeding{\thd}} ; mouth distended over wound, purring, slumping over lifeless body{\td} \said{{\td}dog, mule{\comtd}jissom filling your head, your belly, your hams, let jissom run through your veins, pushing to heart, pumping your blood{\td} fuck, suck, your lips, your hands, your member swollen by jissom equal with blood{\td}} ; whore-master, going to shit, hand spread out over arse, stopping at bottom of stairs ; russet head lying bathed in blood ; buttocks of frizzy worker quivering, hugged in jeans ; whore-master advancing, crouching, lifting Khamssieh's nape{\td}\colsaid{{\td}let go, frizzy man{\thd} your teeth, grinders of carrion, infect wound{\td}} {\semislash} Wazzag's tongue, jissom swallowed, licking under balls of dark worker ; worker, arms raised, buttocks pressed back against wall, spreading thighs, stretching all limbs, yawning ; Wazzag kissing thigh --- stretched muscles heating flesh {\semislash} whore-master's fingers unfastening frizzy worker's lips from wound, pushing back rest of body --- rolling onto back, legs spread alongside Khamssieh {\dashcom} lifting up Khamssieh's bloody feet, dragging cold body into box-room, locking box-room,
-springing off sheet, jumping to bottom of bed, sniffing, quick, whore-master's arse ; blond soldier drawing close \coltdsaid{{\td} lie down, Sultane{\thd} come, colleague{\thd} let your red dog bleed all his poisoned blood{\td}} ; soldier lifting sheet, whore-master climbing onto bed, sliding under sheet, purring coiled in warm impression left by bitch --- black hairs of animal stuck by slaver to blond curls of soldier ; soldier rolling to one side, palpating whore-master's hot belly under sheet {\col} member quivering underneath, below layer of cloth, of denim ; rolling up djellaba --- whore-master spreading thighs, sandy foot touching damp foot of soldier {\dashcom} unbuttoning dry heated jeans, burying hand, whole wrist, between whore-master's thighs, seizing member, smoothing shaft up to glans ringed with jissom mixed with grease, with minium, from Khemissa's arse {\col} smell of club-foot --- dates, camel-dung, urine, baby's droppings, leather, tea {\dashcom} stirred up in clothes by heat of bodies, mixing with smell of bitch, with cologne sprinkled by soldier over whole body before, after, caring for dogs ; soldier's member spurring, wetting pants ; bellies, breasts touching under stretched sheet filtering pink light of walls ; bitch sitting on haunches, ears flattened back, scrutinizing nude photos ; whore-master rolling onto belly, soldier sitting up, rolling up djellaba, jeans, palpating exposed buttocks, straddling --- fist pressed into mattress --- whore-master's body, pulling member straining stiff out of pants, lodging member between buttocks quivering beneath belly, lowering naked body onto dressed body under sheet ; legs stiffened, hands squeezing shoulders of pimp, vertical friction, pressure, forcing jissom itching in pubis, seething in glans ; outside pants, balls, sweaty, spreading over hem at waist of jeans ; muscles relaxing, tongue licking whore-master's salty cheek, bristly down over upper lip ; bitch lying on concrete floor, stretching legs, founding rump, whining ; soldier squeezing whore-master's jaw, member rehardening, jissom, drawn from groin spurting, mouth opening, neck jerking, cutting across ridge of whore-master's jaw ; teardrop scalding wing of nose ; gust of wind blowing lower eucalyptus branches against sheet-metal roof {\col} white tarantula
+crossing saloon, passage, bounding into garden ; frizzy worker, bloody lips throbbing, throat gurgling, rubbing eyes, flinging arm sideways, stroking, with flat of palm, tepid traces of Khamssieh's body on floorboards, finger-tip rubbing blood into dust, licking finger, yawning, pushing softened sticky member back into jeans, buttoning, patting fly raised again by member rehardening ; cheek touching floorboard ; sweat drying in sleep {\semislash} Wazzag, standing up beside dark worker, rubbing ear, temple, against lips of worker \colsaid{{\td}bite my vein, man, then he feeds me lamb-liver{\td}} ; whore-master unravelling jeans, djellaba, of club-foot, tied to trunk of apricot tree in corner, slipping clothes on, straddling trellis {\col} leaning on stake, shaved worker again shitting in burning sand, women, squatting in shade, flinging flowering-fruits fallen from tree onto gleaming skull --- veins, veinlets, standing out, with straining of defecation {\dashcom} pollen bursting over occiput ; curly-haired worker, girl, copulating on debris of reeds, panting, moaning ; women clapping hands dusted with pollen, whore-master running, alongside \said{Dead Ponds}, towards camp --- effluvia from kitchens, trapped, held at noon in bushes, in foliage, driven out in evening by winds from plateau ; crawling under barbed wire --- ground strewn with turds driven out of kennel by wind {\dashcom} skirting around incandescent hut of dog-handlers {\col} lithe dogs, rearing up, claws hooked onto fencing, members projecting erect, sniffing aroma of jissom exhaled by whore-master's body advancing beneath fire ; in bedroom with pink walls plastered with photos of naked women, soldier with curly blond hair, wrapped in sheet, body, sweating naked except for immaculate cotton pants scintillating with crystals of washing-powder, squashing jumbled membranes, tufts, limbs, of black bitch on heat, flopped, eyes hazy, in hollow of mattress ; whore-master kneeling before bed, touching soldier's hand, opened, moist, on pillow ; soldier rolling onto back, legs spread under damp sheet ; bitch, front legs tucked under sheet, growling, slaver drooling between fangs onto soldier's pink shoulder \coltdsaid{{\td}my red dog's bleeding{\td}} ; soldier pushing bitch aside, kissing whore-master's palm, striking flank of bitch {\col} animal
+springing off sheet, jumping to bottom of bed, sniffing, quick, whore-master's arse ; blond soldier drawing close \coltdsaid{{\td} lie down, Sultane{\thd} come, colleague{\thd} let your red dog bleed all his poisoned blood{\td}} ; soldier lifting sheet, whore-master climbing onto bed, sliding under sheet, purring coiled in warm impression left by bitch --- black hairs of animal stuck by slaver to blond curls of soldier ; soldier rolling to one side, palpating whore-master's hot belly under sheet {\col} member quivering underneath, below layer of cloth, of denim ; rolling up djellaba --- whore-master spreading thighs, sandy foot touching damp foot of soldier {\dashcom} unbuttoning dry heated jeans, burying hand, whole wrist, between whore-master's thighs, seizing member, smoothing shaft up to glans ringed with jissom mixed with grease, with minium, from Khemissa's arse {\col} smell of club-foot --- dates, camel-dung, urine, baby's droppings, leather, tea {\dashcom} stirred up in clothes by heat of bodies, mixing with smell of bitch, with cologne sprinkled by soldier over whole body before, after, caring for dogs ; soldier's member spurring, wetting pants ; bellies, breasts touching under stretched sheet filtering pink light of walls ; bitch sitting on haunches, ears flattened back, scrutinizing nude photos ; whore-master rolling onto belly, soldier sitting up, rolling up djellaba, jeans, palpating exposed buttocks, straddling --- fist pressed into mattress --- whore-master's body, pulling member straining stiff out of pants, lodging member between buttocks quivering beneath belly, lowering naked body onto dressed body under sheet ; legs stiffened, hands squeezing shoulders of pimp, vertical friction, pressure, forcing jissom itching in pubis, seething in glans ; outside pants, balls, sweaty, spreading over hem at waist of jeans ; muscles relaxing, tongue licking whore-master's salty cheek, bristly down over upper lip ; bitch lying on concrete floor, stretching legs, founding rump, whining ; soldier squeezing whore-master's jaw, member rehardening, jissom, drawn from groin spurting, mouth opening, neck jerking, cutting across ridge of whore-master's jaw ; teardrop scalding wing of nose ; gust of wind blowing lower eucalyptus branches against sheet-metal roof {\col} white tarantula
falling onto panting belly of bitch, sting piercing vein through sweaty coat ; bitch howling, standing up, shaking ; weakened, lying back down, licking pink paint of wall, frantic, rolling onto side of belly stung, yelping ; soldier pulling ejaculating penis out of whore-master's arse, jumping to bottom of bed --- member bouncing, thick, on elastic of pants {\dashcom} crouching beside bitch --- jissom flowing from sparkling glans in pearly clots, running over hairy surface of thigh {\dashcom} turning animal over, pinching wound, grasping back leg, squashing tarantula tucked into cavity in concrete ; standing up, taking syringe filled with serum from cupboard paned with frosted glass hanging in corner on wall, crouching back down, lifting fist squeezing syringe {\col} final spurt --- running over retracted glans, streaming over shaft of member down to pubic hair, gumming cotton --- softening arm ; thumb of free hand lifting, squeezing, pushing member back into pants, licking fist smeared with jissom forced back, wiping unclenched fist over loins ; arm falling, syringe piercing tufted epidermis ; bitch shuddering ; soldier withdrawing syringe, patting wet muzzle, standing up, placing wet syringe in cupboard, coming back to bed, sitting down, pushing buttocks towards cheek of whore-master rolled over onto back, sheet flung down, crumpled, onto dusty cement, soldier spinning around, legs jammed against wall, sticky sexual cluster packed into pants sweeping over cheek of pimp, dropping head between thighs of latter hugged in jeans ; pimp's nose sniffing under soldier's arse ; soldier's member again stretching pants, lips sticking to crease of jeans, on pimp's hot thigh ; damp foot pushing against incandescent window-frame {\col} at same moment, one, two, three sentinels of relief guard, bodies girdled after eating, farts drenching arses, looming up towards window ; helmets striking glass, soldiers, quick, pressing grease-smeared mouths onto pane over heel touching glass from inside, eyes feasting --- under matted lashes --- on fold marked out in cotton by member curved back inside pants ; in angle of thighs spread out, whore-master's head rearing up, lips kissing, sucking sticky cotton ; soldier, laughter shaking torso, sliding hands under loins of pimp,
-\crpage{98} % "for when the lymph?" --> how do we feel about spacing of question mark
+\crpage{99} % "for when the lymph?" --> how do we feel about spacing of question mark
member straining against nape, mouth vibrating in fold {\col} {\thd} \said{jissom, blood, sweat, saliva, bile{\td} your dogs working deep on men{\thd} for when the lymph?{\td}} ; Wazzag, crouching, sucking member of dark driller dozing ; blond driller snoring, below latrine, slumped over club-foot ; lips of club-foot soiled with dust, seizing, sucking up scrap of meat stuck to tiling {\col} throat, throbbing on concrete, swallowing ; blood oozing over loins ; dark worker sliding down along wall ; Wazzag, one hand holding up loins, other --- sweat driving seed --- massaging sexual cluster ; dark worker, lying beside wall, sighing ; Wazzag pulling fingers off sleeping body ; standing up, wiping hands on hips, stretching raised arms, splayed legs ; dried jissom crumbling over dilated cuticle ; Wazzag crouching, picking up strips of meat squashed on tiling by tense feet of drillers, lifting meat to mouth, to mouth of club-foot ; arched, heavy vermilion croup, buttocks open, touching soiled tiling, scintillating, from nape down to bottom of buttocks, in penumbra bathed in rays of pink fire {\semislash} soldier, standing, pants stuck to buttocks by jissom smeared over face of pimp, heating syringe on gas-ring screwed to pink wall ; in bluish fire, rounded belly swelling smattered with jissom ; member retracting in heated cotton ; whore-master rising, sitting on edge of bed, buttoning jeans, standing, letting bluish djellaba run down over body, leaning back against doorpost ; soldier, one hand holding handle of saucepan, other, leg raised, scratching sexual cluster {\col} quick fart swelling cotton bridled over buttocks ; packing syringe, removed from gas-ring, into case, taking sub-machine gun from rack, hanging gun on shoulder, tying cartridge-belt around waist, against bare belly, arranging cartridges on each side of member swelling in pants, sliding case into empty cartridge-pack ; emerging from hut, trails of jissom on sides of buttocks, on face of pimp, on sides of thighs, on back of pants, on fingers of one hand of soldier, fuming, caught by fire ; younger soldier leaning on fence, naked but for light US shorts --- olive-coloured matching feverish body, seamless, hugging midriff --- scrutinizing bitches heaped dozing under canopy of palms {\col} member, straining stiff, poking from shorts, over thigh ;
-glans, slipped between links of fence, shining ; soldier touching back marked with splashes of grease, of black gravy ; piece of garlic buzzing in ear of head twisted back \colsaid{{\td} dog-master, cook lends me, his new sauce-boy, to you, everything, back, front, flesh, curls, juice{\comdash} all but bile, blood {\dashcol} in exchange for one pregnant bitch, red-haired, healthy, chosen by me, brother of his fianc\'{e}e in Europe {\col} I feast from his glans furbished on spit of oven{\thd}} ; dog-master entering kennel, bending low, bare feet trampling on sweating bellies of awakened bitches {\col} all stretching, sniffing master's genitals, licking jissom {\col} alone, red bitch, languid, still lying under canopy, eyes half-closed, swimming with tears, belly panting ; dog-master, pushing bitches aside --- tongues enveloping, heating member swollen in sticky cotton {\dashcom} crouching down, groping at belly of red bitch ; animal's eyes opening, sclerotic dilating over golden iris, ringed with blood ; sauce-boy kneeling, palpating arse, sliding finger inside ; hip brushing against hip of dog-master, fingers weaving into sweaty coat ; dog-master, opening mouth, biting sauce-boy's salty shoulder, letting saliva run from between teeth onto olive skin, removing lips, standing up ; outside kennel, sauce-boy straddling bitch, sitting astride {\col} seam of shorts tearing against coat, boy standing, pushing bitch towards kitchens {\col} tuft of hairs from arse, emerging, shaken out by movements of loose friction of buttocks, through tear in shorts {\semislash} whore-master leading dog-master into garden {\col} shaved worker wiping shit-caked arse in sand, hiding face in hand ; curly-haired worker, kneeling, fists in sand, below mound with women dozing beneath tree, pushing --- knee pressed against sticky vulva --- shaved girl panting, dress rolled up over belly, thighs open {\semislash} dog-master, crouching, foaming at lips, jabbing into Khamssieh's arm ; pulling out syringe ; whore-master taking syringe, going up to bedroom, setting syringe onto heat, coming back down, pulling bandage wrapped in cellophane from cash-box ; Wazzag, standing, chewing meat-scrap, chin smeared with foam, leaning panting against doorpost {\col} two threads of black snot hanging from nostrils, spreading over rim of upper lip ; dog-master dressing bite-
-\crpage{100} \ No newline at end of file
+glans, slipped between links of fence, shining ; soldier touching back marked with splashes of grease, of black gravy ; piece of garlic buzzing in ear of head twisted back \colsaid{{\td} dog-master, cook lends me, his new sauce-boy, to you, everything, back, front, flesh, curls, juice{\comdash} all but bile, blood {\dashcol} in exchange for one pregnant bitch, red-haired, healthy, chosen by me, brother of his fianc\'{e}e in Europe {\col} I feast from his glans furbished on spit of oven{\thd}} ; dog-master entering kennel, bending low, bare feet trampling on sweating bellies of awakened bitches {\col} all stretching, sniffing master's genitals, licking jissom {\col} alone, red bitch, languid, still lying under canopy, eyes half-closed, swimming with tears, belly panting ; dog-master, pushing bitches aside --- tongues enveloping, heating member swollen in sticky cotton {\dashcom} crouching down, groping at belly of red bitch ; animal's eyes opening, sclerotic dilating over golden iris, ringed with blood ; sauce-boy kneeling, palpating arse, sliding finger inside ; hip brushing against hip of dog-master, fingers weaving into sweaty coat ; dog-master, opening mouth, biting sauce-boy's salty shoulder, letting saliva run from between teeth onto olive skin, removing lips, standing up ; outside kennel, sauce-boy straddling bitch, sitting astride {\col} seam of shorts tearing against coat, boy standing, pushing bitch towards kitchens {\col} tuft of hairs from arse, emerging, shaken out by movements of loose friction of buttocks, through tear in shorts {\semislash} whore-master leading dog-master into garden {\col} shaved worker wiping shit-caked arse in sand, hiding face in hand ; curly-haired worker, kneeling, fists in sand, below mound with women dozing beneath tree, pushing --- knee pressed against sticky vulva --- shaved girl panting, dress rolled up over belly, thighs open {\semislash} dog-master, crouching, foaming at lips, jabbing into Khamssieh's arm ; pulling out syringe ; whore-master taking syringe, going up to bedroom, setting syringe onto heat, coming back down, pulling bandage wrapped in cellophane from cash-box ; Wazzag, standing, chewing meat-scrap, chin smeared with foam, leaning panting against doorpost {\col} two threads of black snot hanging from nostrils, spreading over rim of upper lip ; dog-master dressing \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/part3.tex b/part3.tex
index 27ec3ba..4b92eb0 100644
--- a/part3.tex
+++ b/part3.tex
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-% 100
-wound ; Wazzag appearing, leaning back against box-room door :
+bite-wound ; Wazzag appearing, leaning back against box-room door ;
dog-master standing straight, rubbing bloody hands together ;
whore-master pulling Khamssieh to back of box-room, onto spongy
heap of floor-cloths ; dog-master, armed, sweat misting gun, charger,
advancing towards Wazzag, red hands outstretched, member
spurring pants between cartridge-packs ; squeezing Wazzag ; gun-
-butt, member, digging into breast, belly : Wazzag pissing over dog-
+butt, member, digging into breast, belly {\col} Wazzag pissing over dog-
master's legs ; soldier, urine frothing at feet, pushing whore back,
-Wazzag's whole body trembling : stream shaken, splashing dog-
+Wazzag's whole body trembling {\col} stream shaken, splashing dog-
master's pants ; Wazzag, driven back into corner of counter, hands
vibrating at belly ; dog-master gripping arm, neck, from side,
squeezing, swinging top of Wazzag's body back over counter,
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@ swinging at sweaty side, jumping back into box-room, pulling at
pants, member dropping out --- shaken dry in fist ; spitting into
stream, onto Wazzag's belly, breasts ; member of whore --- stream
diminished --- retracting, dripping over thigh ; dog-master rushing at
-telieved body, kissing neck marked with finger-prints ; gun-butt
-digging into Wazzag's breast : member swelling with urine ; muscles
-telaxed, hot stream striking foot of dog-master ; dog-master seizing,
+relieved body, kissing neck marked with finger-prints ; gun-butt
+digging into Wazzag's breast {\col} member swelling with urine ; muscles
+relaxed, hot stream striking foot of dog-master ; dog-master seizing,
pointing Wazzag's member towards counter --- hams of whore
flattened back against zinc ; quick, stepping aside, turning Wazzag
around, belly to zinc, buggering whore, damp crumpled pants
-Tubbing, brushing against fat of buttocks ; member bathed in urine,
+rubbing, brushing against fat of buttocks ; member bathed in urine,
sliding into arse cleaned by flicks of club-foot's tongue ; urine
bathing, heating bare feet pressed together ; stream of jissom
-Shaking member of whore, chest panting, barred at level of nipples
+shaking member of whore, chest panting, barred at level of nipples
by rim of counter ; jissom spurted, dog-master's knee raised rubbing
-Over Wazzag's hip, hand groping at retracted member of whore, lips
-Closing around ear weighed down by coral ear-ring ; stream from
-Member stopping under dog-master's fingers, whore arched whining,
-Stretching muscles of thighs, of buttocks --- clot of jissom squeezed
-% 101
-from member, running into arse ---, rubbing, stroking eruptive hairy
+over Wazzag's hip, hand groping at retracted member of whore, lips
+closing around ear weighed down by coral ear-ring ; stream from
+member stopping under dog-master's fingers, whore arched whining,
+stretching muscles of thighs, of buttocks --- clot of jissom squeezed
+from member, running into arse {\dashcom} rubbing, stroking eruptive hairy
neck against dog-master's face ; gun-butt striking Wazzag's coccyx.
member of whore again quivering, swollen with urine, under dog-
master's fingers ; dog-master lifting top of body away from Wazzag's
-back --- without withdrawing penis ---, removing sub-machine gun
+back --- without withdrawing penis {\dashcom} removing sub-machine gun
from shoulder, placing gun onto counter ; urine driven back into
bladder, dog-master dropping swollen member, grabbing member
again, rings forming beneath fingers, glans flushing red, turning to
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Wazzag's hip ; whore panting, dog-master, feet slipping in urine
growling, pinching, twisting nipples of whore, letting hands slide
quick, down along body dusted with saltpetre ; crouching down
biting into femur ; member, pressed back, resting on cartridge-pack
-; Standing up --- sweat scintillating on pubescent chest ---, pulling
+; standing up --- sweat scintillating on pubescent chest {\dashcom} pulling
spongy dish-cloth from crack in wall level with counter, wiping black
snot --- running around mouth of whore in two distinct threads.
spreading out over chin {\dashcom} flinging rag onto counter, fist pulling