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2 files changed, 116 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/body.tex b/body.tex
index a399ca4..2e54ba8 100644
--- a/body.tex
+++ b/body.tex
@@ -317,150 +317,113 @@ kissing child, child pushing saliva between teeth of whore : lubricator, flaps o
jacket covering, brushing over Khamssieh's hips in movement of erection, buggering Khamssieh, sweaty
chest sticking to boy's back {\slashsemi} flight of sand-%
% 14
-larks swooping into alley, dancing over flock of sheep marked on
-forehead, ochre, red ; shepherds, poxy, resting --- animals shitting
----, slow watery gaze fixed on bars of women's brothel : free whores
-smiling at shepherds, foam shining on swollen lips, uncovering
-breasts ; shepherds' fists slipping between bars ; members stirring
-between thighs, rags pulling apart ; bottom of stairs, black whore,
-lips smeared with love-powder moistened on lips of soldier, dragging
---- holding feet --- soldier unbuttoned, penis erect, to threshold of
-saloon ; jissom, spread over testicles squashed under soldier's
-buttocks, glistening in cracks of tiling, whore pulling soldier over
-floor ; two soldiers, standing, naked, on one side, other side, of belly
-of girl-whore stretched out at feet, throwing mixed threads of jissom
-onto pubic fleece, each soldier grabbing other's throat with sticky
-fingers, spitting in other's eyes ; members heating, opening out ;
-soldiers' thighs pushing forward, bristling hairs mingling, two
-members standing together, held in bundle ; chins covered with
-foam, each gnawing at other's teeth, pulling closer, hands of one
-joined pressing, lifting buttocks of other ; lips stuck together, nostrils
-sniffing up foam spreading back over jaws ; each stroking other
-under penis{\td} {\gl} ..fucking dick{\ldots} {\gr}, grabbing testicles ; pubic fleece
-tangling together ; girl-whore standing up, pulling soldiers apart,
-soldiers squeezing whore, moving across, hurried, in small steps, to
-wall ; orgasm : jissom pushed from vulva, from arse, gluing bristly
-hairs onto soldiers' thighs ; girl-whore, shaved head marked with
-scabies, whispering, pressed against bars ; shepherds stroking bare
-breasts squashed against dusty grid, pulling nipples between bars ;
-lifting rags, uncovering, shaking pock-marked members, clacking
-infected tongues ; whore moving lips, two fingers making gesture of
-masturbation ; mouth : lips, teeth, jaw, movement of sucking ;
-shepherds pulling small eggs from under rags, whore closing
-wooden shutter behind grid ; head-shepherd, blowing into flute ---
-rising urges throbbing in throat, breath shaking in pipe ---, leading
-flock towards outer ring-road ; rear shepherds unhooking fingers
-from grid, picking up sticks, striking, tucking members into rags,
-shaking secreting balls assailed by flies ; top of street, old men, % 15
-children, sleeping on steps of slaughterhouse strewn with skins, with
-bloody fleece ; black girl-whore pulling soldier with bluish temples up
-to foot of cradle ; soldier, hardened member swinging in half-light,
-licking pink wooden wheel of cradle ; whore squatting down,
-stretching out over moaning soldier, beating member alongside half-
-open vagina ; jissom overflowing ; whore squashing soldier's
-softening penis into sticky mass of balls, membranes, curly hairs,
-kneading, pressing down, pulling back, pushing penis up towards
-belly : soldier nodding asleep under heavy throbbing of veins
-shining on prismatic scalp ; flock crossing through souk set up beside
-ting-road ; slim, laughing, naked under light robes, high blue hair
-sprouting from veils braided behind necks, nomads unrolling pieces
-of yellow oilskin cut from insulation of underground pipes beneath
-nuclear station --- sold as tent-sheets, to negroes ; sheep trampling
-over oilskins ; nomad youth, standing up --- ear-rings shaken,
-tinkling, glimmering ---, leaping in front of head-shepherd, member
-spurring, wetting blue robe ; two boys kissing on mouth ; breath of
-nomad washing over shepherd's ear : {\td} {\gl} {\td} akli{\td} my lamb{\td} come
-suck{\td} {\gr} ; shepherd, kneeling, kissing nomad's navel, sliding flute
-under string tied around knee ; rear shepherds moving to front of
-flock ; nomad pushing milk-brother through covered market, into
-back-room of barber-dentist ; sitting down in shaky revolving chair,
-spreading long legs under stretched robe ; shepherd kneeling in
-floor strewn with teeth, locks of hair, rolling up nomad's robe ;
-Peasant youth, mouth spurting blood, crying out : bloody turban
-wrapping youth's red hair, one tuft, beaded with sweat, sticking out
-of cloth over skull, bushy, flaxen, caked with scabs --- from pubis,
-armpit ; thighs of youth, hugged in jeans, twitching ; white seam of
-fly bulging at crotch ; pubic sweat seeping through denim,
-dampening leatherette cushion on chair ; peasant youth's dilated
-hostrils drawing in, blowing out blood mixed with enamel dust ;
-shepherd squeezing nomad's thin thighs : scent of camel-dung rising
-from penis lifted up in shepherd's chapped hand ; shepherd placing
-lips on dry pubic fleece : line of sweat glistening along fold of thigh, % 16
-shepherd grabbing encrusted balls in one hand, other masturbating
-short member --- tiny veins, stretched by erection, simmering
-against cheek ; nomad tensing legs ; jissom spurting, shepherd
-rolling back tongue into throat ; jissom, heavy, fresh, filling mouth ;
-clots chewed between teeth --- decayed by excess of oil, of carrion
-; nomad tensing legs, sand held in hairs running down hardened
-calves ; second orgasm hollowing belly, narrow bust, relaxing
-muscles of legs ; shepherd's fingers pressing cheeks filled with
-thinner, warmer jissom ; nomad, fingers spread, pushing away head
-of shepherd diving back between thighs ; standing up, pushing aside
-shepherd still kneeling --- head bent down, eyes fixed on ground,
-lips closed over jissom caught between teeth ; nomad, with tip of
-naked foot, pulling at rags held between shepherd's buttocks ;
-shepherd standing, pulling up soiled rags --- detached from caked
-excrement --- over hips, spreading legs, buttocks held open with
-both hands ; arching top of body, jamming head against burst bundle
-of rotting linen ; nomad's hands crossed under shepherd's belly,
-shepherd's palms, fingers, rubbing nomad's thighs, nomad pressing
-member into shepherd's arse, shit-caked --- rags torn back revealing
-fresher layer of excrement --- hairy ; top of shepherd's body
-bending, weighed down --- shepherd inverted, dizzy, relaxing
-pressure of hands, buttocks gripping tighter onto nomad's member
---- ; nomad holding back body articulated around base of member,
-crossed fingers squeezing shepherd's belly ; orgasm spent, bending
-torso over shepherd's back, saliva running from lips into shepherd's
-ear : {\gl} {\td} my lamb, one thousand dinars your price, naked {\ldots} my father
-dead in Tamesna.., ..purple body buried in sack of salt{\td} {\gr} ; {\slash} flock
-stopping at edge of cliff ; mist rising from swelling wadi, covering
-negro village ; sheep butting naked babies propped against trellis-
-fences, wallowing in fech-fech ; children, tickled by rubbing of wool,
-lying under bellies of sheep ; elbows pressing down. puffing out
-stomachs, rubbing against animals' nipples ; shepherds squatting at
-bottom of ravine opening into roaring wadi, masturbating, changing
-position on pebbles --- contraction of nerves, muscles, bringing % 16
-kneecaps near breaking ; female sheep lifting penis of child leaning
-back against rusty metal urinal --- dragged from town centre during
-night of riots, by youths with knobbled skulls ---, licking fresh
-excrement splattered over child's buttocks ; returning to lamb, licking
-under tail ; turning back, burying muzzle between legs of child, child
-spreading thighs, caressing cold eyes of ewe ; in communal gardens,
-women scything barley, wheat ; wrists, arms marked with scabs, violet
-scars : viper-bites, sickle-cuts, djerid-wounds ; child, wearing blue-
-spangled dress, hanging onto mother's robes ; mother lifting head,
-forehead catching clear beam of reddening fire filtered through
-palm-trees ; dazzled, bending back down, throwing scythe aside, into
-uncut clump ; hook catching child hidden in clump ; through torn
-cloth, line of blood forming across swollen belly from right hip to left
-groin ; girl falling onto bed of wheat, forehead, lips fading white,
-scythe stuck into flesh ; in village, children tormenting live toads ---
-shitting in hands --- caught in pink sand-marsh ; impaling toads,
-swollen, on trellis-fences : impaled through ribs, falling, flesh giving
-way, down along spikes of trellis in gardens --- children, drowsy, laid
-down, enclosed, in gardens until nightfall with lambs, kids : woken on
-contact with cool of sand, falling back, rocked asleep by bells of
-lambs, kids lapping tepid brackish water of irrigation ditches, hidden
-beneath barley ; shepherds, shivering, standing up ; rags trailing in
-jissom, sticking to thighs ; globules glimmering on black shingle ;
-shepherds mounting favoured sheep ; wiping, on fleece, articulation
-of thighs, edge of arse, covered in sweat from movement of
-masturbation ; touching embalmed wool, members, softened,
-hardening, burrowing, gleaming violet, into dirty fleece ; women,
-gathered around wounded girl, heads turning back ; shepherds,
-testicles squashed under buttocks against protruding bones of
-sheep, bare feet stuck into warm sand, tongues lolling over chins,
-Panting, yelping ; rutting dogs rolling in wheat, snapping at dresses
-of women ; rolling in sand, snapping at members of shepherds ;
-Tusset dog licking girl's wound, running towards shepherds, rubbing
-% 17
-against leg of shepherd with biggest member, pushing burning % 14
+larks swooping into alley, dancing over flock of sheep marked on forehead, ochre, red ; shepherds,
+poxy, resting --- animals shitting {\dashcom} slow watery gaze fixed on bars of women's brothel :
+free whores smiling at shepherds, foam shining on swollen lips, uncovering breasts ; shepherds'
+fists slipping between bars ; members stirring between thighs, rags pulling apart ; bottom of
+stairs, black whore, lips smeared with love-powder moistened on lips of soldier, dragging ---
+holding feet --- soldier unbuttoned, penis erect, to threshold of saloon ; jissom, spread over
+testicles squashed under soldier's buttocks, glistening in cracks of tiling, whore pulling soldier
+over floor ; two soldiers, standing, naked, on one side, other side, of belly of girl-whore
+stretched out at feet, throwing mixed threads of jissom onto pubic fleece, each soldier grabbing
+other's throat with sticky fingers, spitting in other's eyes ; members heating, opening out ;
+soldiers' thighs pushing forward, bristling hairs mingling, two members standing together, held in
+bundle ; chins covered with foam, each gnawing at other's teeth, pulling closer, hands of one joined
+pressing, lifting buttocks of other ; lips stuck together, nostrils sniffing up foam spreading back
+over jaws ; each stroking other under penis{\td} \said{{\td}fucking dick{\ldots}}, grabbing
+testicles ; pubic fleece tangling together ; girl-whore standing up, pulling soldiers apart,
+soldiers squeezing whore, moving across, hurried, in small steps, to wall ; orgasm : jissom pushed
+from vulva, from arse, gluing bristly hairs onto soldiers' thighs ; girl-whore, shaved head marked
+with scabies, whispering, pressed against bars ; shepherds stroking bare breasts squashed against
+dusty grid, pulling nipples between bars ; lifting rags, uncovering, shaking pock-marked members,
+clacking infected tongues ; whore moving lips, two fingers making gesture of masturbation ; mouth :
+lips, teeth, jaw, movement of sucking ; shepherds pulling small eggs from under rags, whore closing
+wooden shutter behind grid ; head-shepherd, blowing into flute --- rising urges throbbing in throat,
+breath shaking in pipe {\dashcom} leading flock towards outer ring-road ; rear shepherds unhooking
+fingers from grid, picking up sticks, striking, tucking members into rags, %
+% 15
+shaking secreting balls assailed by flies ; top of street, old men, children, sleeping on steps of
+slaughterhouse strewn with skins, with bloody fleece ; black girl-whore pulling soldier with bluish
+temples up to foot of cradle ; soldier, hardened member swinging in half-light, licking pink wooden
+wheel of cradle ; whore squatting down, stretching out over moaning soldier, beating member
+alongside half-open vagina ; jissom overflowing ; whore squashing soldier's softening penis into
+sticky mass of balls, membranes, curly hairs, kneading, pressing down, pulling back, pushing penis
+up towards belly : soldier nodding asleep under heavy throbbing of veins shining on prismatic scalp
+; flock crossing through souk set up beside ring-road ; slim, laughing, naked under light robes,
+high blue hair sprouting from veils braided behind necks, nomads unrolling pieces of yellow oilskin
+cut from insulation of underground pipes beneath nuclear station --- sold as tent-sheets, to negroes
+; sheep trampling over oilskins ; nomad youth, standing up --- ear-rings shaken, tinkling,
+glimmering {\dashcom} leaping in front of head-shepherd, member spurring, wetting blue robe ; two
+boys kissing on mouth ; breath of nomad washing over shepherd's ear : {\td} \said{{\td}akli{\td} my
+lamb{\td} come suck{\td}} ; shepherd, kneeling, kissing nomad's navel, sliding flute under string
+tied around knee ; rear shepherds moving to front of flock ; nomad pushing milk-brother through
+covered market, into back-room of barber-dentist ; sitting down in shaky revolving chair, spreading
+long legs under stretched robe ; shepherd kneeling in floor strewn with teeth, locks of hair,
+rolling up nomad's robe ; peasant youth, mouth spurting blood, crying out : bloody turban wrapping
+youth's red hair, one tuft, beaded with sweat, sticking out of cloth over skull, bushy, flaxen,
+caked with scabs --- from pubis, armpit ; thighs of youth, hugged in jeans, twitching ; white seam
+of fly bulging at crotch ; pubic sweat seeping through denim, dampening leatherette cushion on chair
+; peasant youth's dilated nostrils drawing in, blowing out blood mixed with enamel dust ; shepherd
+squeezing nomad's thin thighs : scent of camel-dung rising from penis lifted up in shepherd's
+chapped hand ; shepherd placing %
+% 16
+lips on dry pubic fleece : line of sweat glistening along fold of thigh, shepherd grabbing encrusted
+balls in one hand, other masturbating short member --- tiny veins, stretched by erection, simmering
+against cheek ; nomad tensing legs ; jissom spurting, shepherd rolling back tongue into throat ;
+jissom, heavy, fresh, filling mouth ; clots chewed between teeth --- decayed by excess of oil, of
+carrion ; nomad tensing legs, sand held in hairs running down hardened calves ; second orgasm
+hollowing belly, narrow bust, relaxing muscles of legs ; shepherd's fingers pressing cheeks filled
+with thinner, warmer jissom ; nomad, fingers spread, pushing away head of shepherd diving back
+between thighs ; standing up, pushing aside shepherd still kneeling --- head bent down, eyes fixed
+on ground, lips closed over jissom caught between teeth ; nomad, with tip of naked foot, pulling at
+rags held between shepherd's buttocks ; shepherd standing, pulling up soiled rags --- detached from
+caked excrement --- over hips, spreading legs, buttocks held open with both hands ; arching top of
+body, jamming head against burst bundle of rotting linen ; nomad's hands crossed under shepherd's
+belly, shepherd's palms, fingers, rubbing nomad's thighs, nomad pressing member into shepherd's
+arse, shit-caked --- rags torn back revealing fresher layer of excrement --- hairy ; top of
+shepherd's body bending, weighed down --- shepherd inverted, dizzy, relaxing pressure of hands,
+buttocks gripping tighter onto nomad's member {\dashsemi} nomad holding back body articulated around
+base of member, crossed fingers squeezing shepherd's belly ; orgasm spent, bending torso over
+shepherd's back, saliva running from lips into shepherd's ear : \said{{\td}my lamb, one thousand
+dinars your price, naked {\ldots} my father dead in Tamesna{\tdcom} {\td}purple body buried in sack
+of salt{\td}} {\semislash} flock stopping at edge of cliff ; mist rising from swelling wadi,
+covering negro village ; sheep butting naked babies propped against trellis-fences, wallowing in
+fech-fech ; children, tickled by rubbing of wool, lying under bellies of sheep ; elbows pressing
+down, puffing out stomachs, rubbing against animals' nipples ; shepherds squatting at bottom of
+ravine opening into roaring wadi, masturbating, changing %
+% 17
+position on pebbles --- contraction of nerves, muscles, bringing kneecaps near breaking ; female
+sheep lifting penis of child leaning back against rusty metal urinal --- dragged from town centre
+during night of riots, by youths with knobbled skulls {\dashcom} licking fresh excrement splattered
+over child's buttocks ; returning to lamb, licking under tail ; turning back, burying muzzle between
+legs of child, child spreading thighs, caressing cold eyes of ewe ; in communal gardens, women
+scything barley, wheat ; wrists, arms marked with scabs, violet scars : viper-bites, sickle-cuts,
+djerid-wounds ; child, wearing blue-spangled dress, hanging onto mother's robes ; mother lifting
+head, forehead catching clear beam of reddening fire filtered through palm-trees ; dazzled, bending
+back down, throwing scythe aside, into uncut clump ; hook catching child hidden in clump ; through
+torn cloth, line of blood forming across swollen belly from right hip to left groin ; girl falling
+onto bed of wheat, forehead, lips fading white, scythe stuck into flesh ; in village, children
+tormenting live toads --- shitting in hands --- caught in pink sand-marsh ; impaling toads, swollen,
+on trellis-fences : impaled through ribs, falling, flesh giving way, down along spikes of trellis in
+gardens --- children, drowsy, laid down, enclosed, in gardens until nightfall with lambs, kids :
+woken on contact with cool of sand, falling back, rocked asleep by bells of lambs, kids lapping
+tepid brackish water of irrigation ditches, hidden beneath barley ; shepherds, shivering, standing
+up ; rags trailing in jissom, sticking to thighs ; globules glimmering on black shingle ; shepherds
+mounting favoured sheep ; wiping, on fleece, articulation of thighs, edge of arse, covered in sweat
+from movement of masturbation ; touching embalmed wool, members, softened, hardening, burrowing,
+gleaming violet, into dirty fleece ; women, gathered around wounded girl, heads turning back ;
+shepherds, testicles squashed under buttocks against protruding bones of sheep, bare feet stuck into
+warm sand, tongues lolling over chins, panting, yelping ; rutting dogs rolling in wheat, snapping at
+dresses of women ; rolling in sand, snapping at members of shepherds ; russet dog licking girl's
+wound, running towards shepherds, rubbing %
+% 18
+against leg of shepherd with biggest member, pushing burning
tongue between thighs ; tongue wrapping member ; dog's breath
bathing shepherd's belly, foam running down thigh ; shepherd,
stiffening legs against flanks of sheep --- dog surprised by muscles
cracking, jumping aside : shepherd's lips puckered, moist with foam,
arse-hairs rippled by light fart, animal returning, tongue catching
-member ---, heaving, fingers hooked around ears of sheep ; jissom
+member {\dashcom} heaving, fingers hooked around ears of sheep ; jissom
spurting : held by dog on tongue curled back, carried into clump of
wheat, laid at women's feet ; {\slash} in saloon, baby, lifted out of cradle,
crawling along trace of jissom trailing between legs of soldier with
@@ -476,17 +439,17 @@ head congested purple ; soldier standing, hand on shoulder of
whore, dungarees around ankles, nipples smeared with honey under
gaping shirt, eyes held veiled in measured beating of masturbation,
fixed on bundle of machine-guns propped up in corner beside drain
---- through hole, muted murmur from boys' brothel ---, sighing :
+--- through hole, muted murmur from boys' brothel {\dashcom} sighing :
brush pulling, disentangling knots of curly hair ; fist of whore
gripping reddened member sticking to fingers, scattering quick
kisses over soldier's belly : knots of hair torn out --- follicles rotting
-in polluted cuticle, --- caught by whore in powder-box at feet ; lifting
+in polluted cuticle{\comdash} caught by whore in powder-box at feet ; lifting
baby towards soldier, baby's lips touching violaceous tip of penis,
soldier's forehead glowering purple ; below stairs --- framework
-Pegged to box-room wall, packed with stocks of jam, eggs ---, two
+pegged to box-room wall, packed with stocks of jam, eggs {\dashcom} two
soldiers --- girl-whore squeezed against wall, abandoned ---
-Squatting down, lifting cellophane, sucking up jam from one jar ;
-tongues touching in jelly{\td} : {\gl}{\td} Khamssieh, tongue never fit in jar{\ldots} {\gr} ;
+squatting down, lifting cellophane, sucking up jam from one jar ;
+tongues touching in jelly{\td} : \said{{\td} Khamssieh, tongue never fit in jar{\ldots}} ;
boy's raucous laugh resounding along partition, broken by smack of
% 18
wet dishcloth on bare flesh{\td} {\gl} {\td} silence, arsehole, making me
diff --git a/edenx3.tex b/edenx3.tex
index 043f904..14b0f9b 100644
--- a/edenx3.tex
+++ b/edenx3.tex
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+% ..,
% ; /
\newcommand{\semislash}{; \slash}
% TODO a slash and then a semicolon. i suspect this is a mistake, but making a code for it so i can keep
@@ -27,6 +29,10 @@
\newcommand{\dashcolon}{--- :}
% ---,
+% , ---
+\newcommand{\comdash}{, ---}
+% --- ;
+\newcommand{\dashsemi}{--- ;}
% open speech
@@ -35,6 +41,9 @@
+% speech