path: root/part1.tex
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authorphoebe jenkins <>2024-04-11 17:38:54 -0400
committerphoebe jenkins <>2024-04-11 17:38:54 -0400
commit6e25f54a552fdec960e098b7267694a8661f39d4 (patch)
treec3af4c43dbd812cfa9f2489d9791c6e2a82433af /part1.tex
parent730bfe4bc9feb1e45bc093c77a6e1e749b167ef3 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'part1.tex')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/part1.tex b/part1.tex
index 783891c..689bddf 100644
--- a/part1.tex
+++ b/part1.tex
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ inside loins ; Khamssieh, quick, spinning around, squeezing sated boy, kneeling,
sticky penis, pulling out thread of jissom, carrying filament to lips, standing up, kissing boy's
mouth --- boy's eyelashes beating, moist with cold sweat ; Khamssieh putting softened penis back
into pants, buttoning jeans, taking pomegranate perched on edge of counter, sitting on %
step-ladder, teeth opening pomegranate wet with saliva, burying slimy muzzle inside ; free hand
groping under testicles, untying knotted curls stuck down by stale jissom pulling at skin with
movement of thigh ; member, intact, shining, glimmering prismatic, straining engorged --- workers
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ belly, balls suspended on fold of jeans between buttocks, unbuttoning lubricator
of jeans, back of pants --- held at belly by curve of rigid member {\dashcom} drawing away from
worker : member, released, springing out horizontal, glans scraping over elastic of pants ;
laughing, Khamssieh, fingers hooked over lubricator's %
shoulders, pressing, bending vertebrae, plunging member --- jissom seething --- into shit-caked arse
; pumping : sweaty toes tightening over lubricator's espadrilles ; glans, pressing into arse,
expelling burning jissom ; lubricator standing up, hands thrown behind back delving into Khamssieh's
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ against partition ; date-picker lifting boy, standing up in second latrine, pull
up to midriff over top of panel, hand covering sexual cluster ; date-picker, with one quick
movement, swinging boy over ; rough concrete grazing club-foot's member, tuft from pubic fleece left
sticking to concrete ; wounded penis quivering against date-picker's thigh ; %
boy's foot hovering, suspended over concrete, trampled by date-picker ; boy, thrown off balance,
falling into hugging arms, kissed on mouth ; feeling date-picker's member throbbing, hardening
against his belly : rushing, pulling out of embrace, diving into passage ; date-picker following,
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ whore-mistress licking fingers, raising leg, touching soldier's thigh with tip o
females, babies, snuggling into pockets of hanging aprons ; males gathering curls of hair, fleece,
wool fallen from bodies of shepherds, sheep ; soldier shaving around lips, foot of whore-mistress
pressing down on softened member, soldier's mouth pressing against warm %
glass of mirror, kissing sunny reflection of lips ; Rico, Wazzag, fastened together, stepping back,
between sheets, towards edge of terrace ; Wazzag's pubic fleece stroking surface of Rico's buttocks
; Wazzag's chest --- skin stretched down towards pubis {\dashcom} laughing head, crossing top of
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ slapping buttocks of boy bending down --- movement enlarging tear in jeans along
buttocks : tuft of wiry blue hair opening out under butcher's palm {\dashcom} bolting iron shutter ;
pushing back children tearing legs, necks, of drowned birds ; going down street, opening tap in
oasis, entering his field of wheat, squashing moles hidden in earth with %
heel of single boot --- other foot wrapped in blood-soaked goat-hair {\dashcom} pulling up surplus
of green wheat, tying wheat into bunches, hanging bunches at belt ; blood-stained wheat springing
back, closing passage behind butcher ; irrigation ditches overflowing ; noisy flights of sand-larks
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ assailing black ledges cut through with mauve gullies harbouring broods of grey
up ruts in tracks carved out by giant tires, treads of caterpillars, covering skeletons, moulted
skins {\semislash} peasant youth rising from water, penis contracted, climbing up towards town
centre, face wrapped in veil {\semislash} butcher's %
wife watching, lying beside washed, scrubbed, man --- blood haunting bedroom, dry powdered blood
running in butcher's inner ear throbbing with nightmares ; woman rising from bed, walking, barefoot,
through garden ; boy of first union, crouching in clandestine opium, grabbing, squeezing foot of
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ catching, pushing youth towards staircase, youth squatting down, uncovering jars
whore-mistress unbuttoning boy, hugging spattered body ; whores undressing boy, licking body clean,
quick tongues pressing into each fold of flesh ; boy standing up, body revealing tattoos, shining
under neon, covered in foam from head to foot ; black whore kissing swollen %
knees, infected by vagrancy ; whore-mistress pressing hoe into boy's arms, boy grabbing handle,
striking tiles : quick, five hands seizing tool ; boy crouching down, scraping tiles with both hands
pressed together, whore-mistress picking boy up, pressing shovel against belly, boy digging at
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ ground perfumed, heads painted, without attacking body {\dashcom} woman lying ov
lamergeyers falling, fastened together, down along trunk of eucalyptus, beaks tearing at bark, seed
splashing bark, birds sprawling on ground, bleeding ; young woman's hand sliding under boy's shorts,
along thigh, up to pubic fleece, stroking sweaty curls : pulsations of %
quivering member beating with veins of woman's hand ; butcher, risen from bed, springing into
garden, brandishing his knives ; rushing at two bodies enlaced ; slitting throats, hacking at flesh
of necks {\semitwoslash} fire bursting ; butcher standing up, running off, front of naked body
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ packed with soap, toothbrush, pearl button, zip ; Khamssieh pressing ear against
loud-speaker, dozing, fire beating down onto body --- tufts unravelling, opening, curling with
dilation of pores {\semislash} Wazzag rising from whore-master's bed, flattening hand against
window-pane lashed by sunny shower ; %
belly swollen, cooled hand stroking throat, moving past bed, whore-master's hand slipping out from
sheets, grabbing member, pulling, swinging boy down onto bed, pulling up sheet over nape ; Wazzag,
laughing, sliding fingers through brown curls on chest of whore-master leaning over whore ; man's
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ bulging in jeans, clacking tongue in mouth, thumping counter ; Wazzag standing u
to doorstep ; Wazzag wrapping raincoat around body, jumping on wet sand ; date-picker smoking,
apricot-branch crowning turban, tuft of shiny hairs sprouting from singlet, against neck ; eyes
laughing through smoke ; wrinkles creasing under curly fringe on forehead ; body sweating, slumped %
lop-sided : {\thd}\said{{\td}getting married this morning{\td} don't want girl's parents see me
get stiff for daughter{\thd} get to work, sugar{\td}} ; Wazzag puffing on cigarette pulled from
date-picker's lips ; undressing ; pulling off clothes of date-picker shaken by slight laugh
@@ -764,9 +764,9 @@ head submerged up to ears ; desert shimmering ; yellow oilskins sweating, spread
soldiers of border-post, crowding around pool, shoulder to shoulder, standing lop-sided, propped on
one leg, watching nomad bathing ; bare-chested, loins hugged in thin shorts cut brief, members
protruding, flaccid, pink glans on smooth thighs, smoking dried tamarisk in long %
-\crpage{31} % TODO double check following page after due to weird pdf reader problem
+\crpage{32} % TODO double check following page after due to weird pdf reader problem
leaves ; post-commander, squatting in sand under embankment, pressing baby-bottle of concentrated milk between teeth of gazelle ; group of nomads wrapped in long ashen robes, lying against wall of sick-bay ; two soldiers, bellies squeezed in khaki woollen pants, filling guerbas from water-spout ; bending from loins spittle foaming at lips tying strings : pants sliding down over buttocks, exposing top of mauve arse-slit seamed with fresh shit ; in corner of courtyard, women, sheltering under awning of stitched goat-skins, fondling premature baby smeared with tar, buried between thighs of pale girl, eyes closed, breast heaving ; camels, watered, rolling in sand, shepherd squatting down, washing hands in water ; lice, buried in folds of body, crawling beneath rags ; nomad, pubic fleece rippling in the receding current, dozing, head resting against wooden groyne ; shepherd filling guerbas ; soldiers chewing sugar-lumps ; nomad opening eyes, sugar shining in soldiers' fists ; nomad licking lips ; rolling head in water, turning over onto belly, lifting lips out of water{\td} \colsaid{{\td}akli{\td} suck soldiers{\td} get sugar{\td}} ; sun drying blood suspended in ginger curls of Khamssieh's armpits --- boy sleeping on side ; tarantula crawling from sticky pubic hair, climbing up onto whore's swollen belly, distended abdomen dividing blood over chest ; body of whore shuddering, hand following steps of tarantula around right nipple \colsaid{{\td}suck lower, man{\td}} ; penis, tucked back into hollow of groin, hardening : tarantula brushing against tip of tongue poking between lips ; jissom slopping out of Wazzag's arse, pushed back, driven out along anal passage by date-picker's member ; Wazzag stifling fit of laughter ; Khamssieh waking : tarantula, alarmed by twitching of muscles, crawling into nostril ; Khamssieh sniffing scent, stifling sneeze, pulling legs together, suppressing shivers of body smeared with cold sweat moistening dried blood, beads of sweat glistening in fresh blood over loins ; nostril swollen with jissom squashing spider ; Wazzag exploding into laughter ; tarantula stinging nostril : venom, flowing with blood, veiling eyes of whore, softening eyelid ; Khamssieh's hand, weak, crushing tarantula in nostril : venom hardening forehead ; fingernails scraping cold blood
around nipples : pulling dead tarantula, pinching sticky legs, out of nostril, pushing crushed
spider between buttocks ; exhausted elbows dropping onto heaps of floor-cloths : penis contracting
into shrivelled scrotum ; odour of sodomy wafting through room ; rubbing of jeans, farts : regular
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ standing up, bare legs spread planted on one side, other side of rump of whore s
toes delving into hairs, under armpits ; slow, stroking, with dusty heel, shoulder, neck, greasy
curls over sticky nape, palpating balls against jissom-spattered thigh : toes closing eyelids of
whore against wood : {\td} \said{sleep, sunshine,
you've dried me out.} ; Wazzag rolling head over arm --- soft hairs shining, plastered down by
jissom {\dashcom} other arm dragging over floor up to bare foot of date-picker buttoning jeans :
Wazzag's fingers stroking date-picker's toe-nails, slipping between phalanges, rubbing, sticky,
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ gathering up date-picker's member ; date-picker kicking at Wazzag's chest ; whor
sprawling on back, legs spread ; date-picker buttoning jeans, pressing foot against Wazzag's chest ;
shaken by laugh : date-picker, chin squashed into folds of neck, eyes open pressing down into lower
eyelids, forehead bent forward, cheeks swollen, mouth hanging
loose, following awkward movements of fingers in buttonholes, Wazzag, skin of torso rolled over
bones by date-picker's foot, biting into fist ; date-picker, from pile of bodies heaped against
door, picking up, flinging espadrilles onto Wazzag's belly, leaning, balancing, slipping shoes onto
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ butcher's cock onto mine{\td}} ; Wazzag standing, pulling Khamssieh by feet, und
tears bathing Wazzag's bloody face : blue eye fixed in violaceous socket ; Wazzag throwing
floor-cloth over Khamssieh's thighs ; through window, head smudged with grease popping up, body
propped against wall ; shaved scalp, bluish, framed
square ; mouth, wide open, exposing shining teeth, saliva flowing, held back by purple tongue
\colsaid{{\td} fuck you through wall, dog.} ; breath of panel-beater blowing out adobe-dust ;
{\fourdots} {\slash} eyes, teeth biting into high mouth, high throat of whore scratching chest,
@@ -866,32 +866,31 @@ clap his arse.} ; Wazzag, strangled, choking, spitting scant mucus onto glans \c
clip my wings{\fourdots} you seen his face ?{\td}}, chewing --- after speaking {\dashcom} swallowing
mucus ; licking glans, pushing tip of tongue between tiny lips of member held horizontal in front of
wide-open mouth ; foam rising between teeth, escaping from corners of
-lips ; whore-master laughing, knee kicking Wazzag's throat ; head of whore thumping wooden frame of bed ; whore-master sitting on edge of bed, gripping head between thighs ; beneath master's fingers, bump forming under Wazzag's hair \colsaid{{\td} panel-beater will straighten you out, Wawa.} ; whore-master wiping dusty hips of Wazzag standing up \colsaid{{\td} Khamssieh all dried up{\td} stung by tarantula{\td}} ; whore-master sprawling, legs spread, on bed, burying head in pillow \colsaid{{\td} jissom comes back before dawn{\td} careful of butchers, butchers' lads, tarantulas love to nest in beams over vapours of blood{\fourdots} after embrace, shake out your hair, your body{\td}} ; Wazzag going down stairs, date-picker coming out of latrine ; Wazzag opening door onto street, date-picker buttoned back up over sated flesh, panel-beater buttoned over erectile flesh, brushing together ; Wazzag squeezing date-picker's buttock \colsaid{{\td} come back and see me before the births{\thd}} ; jeans smeared with cold jissom, Wazzag wiping hand on hip ; same moment : panel-beater, unbuttoned, pouncing from behind, hugging whore, striking nape --- Wazzag bending top of body {\dashcom} impaling arse, sharp cry gurgling drowned in saliva ; hands, coated with verdigris, fists, covered in aluminium-dust, pressing Wazzag's belly ; mutilated foot --- big toe sliced off by metal sheet --- curling up, bound tight in espadrille, against toe of whore ; panel-beater whistling, modulating : two apprentice-boys, members spurring jeans, looming ; nostrils smudged with grease ; in movement propping elbows on counter{\comdash} {\slash} opening, lifting flaps of denim jackets buttoned over bare chests {\slash} {\dashcom} skin of bellies appearing convex, pearly ; bodies thrown forward, one leg bent back under buttocks, foot jammed against zinc, lifting thigh --- inner surface broken by bulge of member drawn down, squeezed inside sticky jeans {\dashcom} crotch-seam cutting into balls pressed under buttocks towards arse, chewing sticks of licorice ; gaze settling on heavy mass --- weighing down despite pressure of panel-beater's legs --- of Wazzag's buttocks, sexual cluster retracted into pubic fleece ; apprentice-boys regulating breathing with panting of panel-beater ; elbows, propped together, vibrating against zinc ; during orgasm, %
-eyes of panel-beater, dim, veiled, assailed by flies ; apprentice-boys' members pulsating against thighs, pubic curls caught under seam pulling at wrinkled skin of scrotum ; panel-beater panting over rump of whore ; jeans hugging panel-beater's buttocks : Wazzag, throwing hands behind back, groping at jeans, kneading damp patches of denim soaked with sweat ; hands of panel-beater grabbing Wazzag's sexual cluster, pushing organs up against belly, stroking membranes, stretched smooth back to edge of arse : {\td} \said{{\td} dog{\td} dog{\td} twins want to fuck you{\thd} grind your bones{\thd} saw you yesterday with women{\fourdots} sweaty hands mark sheet-metal{\fourdots} paint won't stick{\td} boss says \insaid{get Wazzag, Khamssieh, dry out my boys} {\fourdots}they come from north{\thd} finger-nails clipped{\td} sundays, dress smart{\td} cut deep, sting hard{\td} squirt their juice in garage, over Lockheed{\td} in shithouse, foot slips on slab : bowl, step, sprayed with jissom{\thd} sand sticks to Brylcreem in their hair{\td} boss says : \insaid{let weak one sniff brown dog, strong one, red dog}{\thd} they sleep in same bed, behind workshop{\td} strong one sticks hub-caps on weak one's breasts, ties him up in sheet, lies on top{\td} morning, I unwrap them, chilled by night-wind{\td}} ; Wazzag, bending over, raising eyes towards bottom of twins' bodies, tongue licking lips, wrinkles smoothing out on forehead, around edge of eye-sockets ; third orgasm pulling panel-beater down over loins of whore : Wazzag clearing throat, spitting ; spittle shooting in front of espadrille of one twin : fresh eye riveted on naked eye of Wazzag, squashing, spreading spittle over wood --- rope sole slipping over gobs, member rising, swelling against thigh, stretching horizontal folds of jeans ; squashed mucus wetting skin of foot through rope fibres worn bare, mixing with layer of excrement --- dogs and men --- stuck to rope over layer of grease ; panel-beater, quick, pulling out member, squashing, pressing violaceous glans, tinted pink by transparent film, against Wazzag's arse, rubbing member down over sheer surface of buttocks : filament broken at roots of member --- panel-beater sighing, shivering {\dashcom} adhering to buttocks describing shaky pattern over downy black hairs ; panel-beater, sated --- retracted member cooling against Wazzag's buttock {\dashcom} rubbing %
+lips ; whore-master laughing, knee kicking Wazzag's throat ; head of whore thumping wooden frame of bed ; whore-master sitting on edge of bed, gripping head between thighs ; beneath master's fingers, bump forming under Wazzag's hair \colsaid{{\td} panel-beater will straighten you out, Wawa.} ; whore-master wiping dusty hips of Wazzag standing up \colsaid{{\td} Khamssieh all dried up{\td} stung by tarantula{\td}} ; whore-master sprawling, legs spread, on bed, burying head in pillow \colsaid{{\td} jissom comes back before dawn{\td} careful of butchers, butchers' lads, tarantulas love to nest in beams over vapours of blood{\fourdots} after embrace, shake out your hair, your body{\td}} ; Wazzag going down stairs, date-picker coming out of latrine ; Wazzag opening door onto street, date-picker buttoned back up over sated flesh, panel-beater buttoned over erectile flesh, brushing together ; Wazzag squeezing date-picker's buttock \colsaid{{\td} come back and see me before the births{\thd}} ; jeans smeared with cold jissom, Wazzag wiping hand on hip ; same moment : panel-beater, unbuttoned, pouncing from behind, hugging whore, striking nape --- Wazzag bending top of body {\dashcom} impaling arse, sharp cry gurgling drowned in saliva ; hands, coated with verdigris, fists, covered in aluminium-dust, pressing Wazzag's belly ; mutilated foot --- big toe sliced off by metal sheet --- curling up, bound tight in espadrille, against toe of whore ; panel-beater whistling, modulating : two apprentice-boys, members spurring jeans, looming ; nostrils smudged with grease ; in movement propping elbows on counter{\comdash} {\slash} opening, lifting flaps of denim jackets buttoned over bare chests {\slash} {\dashcom} skin of bellies appearing convex, pearly ; bodies thrown forward, one leg bent back under buttocks, foot jammed against zinc, lifting thigh --- inner surface broken by bulge of member drawn down, squeezed inside sticky jeans {\dashcom} crotch-seam cutting into balls pressed under buttocks towards arse, chewing sticks of licorice ; gaze settling on heavy mass --- weighing down despite pressure of panel-beater's legs --- of Wazzag's buttocks, sexual cluster retracted into pubic fleece ; apprentice-boys regulating breathing with panting of panel-beater ; elbows, propped together, vibrating against zinc ; during orgasm, %
-shaved scalp down sweaty back of whore standing erect ; twins, fingers stained with minium, squeezing members, through jeans ; panel-beater jerking head forward, flinging Wazzag against apprentice-boys : stronger boy grabbing, pulling at penis, hugging whore around loins with other arm, kissing mouth, spitting licorice-juice into throat, chewing licorice-stick against Wazzag's teeth. lips pressed together ; at same time, apprentice-boy rolling Wazzag's penis against own member squeezed in jeans, from fold to fold ; lifting knee along Wazzag's hip, leg tightening against bottom of whore's buttocks ; articulation of knee hugged in jeans rubbing folds of flesh, jissom dried in folds falling in powder over calves of whore ; short cry from him, bursting out of constricted chest --- apprentice-boy hugging in violent jerks ; impassive hands of Wazzag stroking trembling buttocks of apprentice, thumb hooked into belt-loops of jeans against loins : other fingers rubbing at stitches between buttocks, sliding into slit pinching seam, pressing in towards arse ; one hand --- thumb hooked into back pocket, cut small for repairs to jeans --- enveloping buttock, finger-nails scraping seam soaked with seminal sweat, against slope of thigh ; apprentice pressing open jaw into hollow of Wazzag's cheek, hand, at same time, grabbing, pulling Wazzag's testicles downwards : whore, collared, scrotum mauled, quick, hand --- busy scraping boy's arse --- wriggling under jeans, out through other side, onto hip of other apprentice, finger brushing over fat in olive folds of bare flesh released through tear in back pocket, hanging over mound of buttocks ; apprentice, staring at Wazzag, letting licorice-juice overflow, drip over chin, down onto palpitating throat, bucking pelvis towards Wazzag's hips embraced : movement creasing edges of tear, folds under buttocks, jeans pressing deep into anal slit --- cloth softened by friction, by constant secretions of love {\dashcom} buttocks, pressed against cold metal to calm erect member, pulling apart, lifted from counter by twitch of nerve ; loins shifting towards Wazzag, flaps of denim jacket rubbing over hollow belly, sweat gleaming ; Wazzag licking wiry black hair of stronger apprentice, Brylcreem greasing lips ; apprentice jamming
+eyes of panel-beater, dim, veiled, assailed by flies ; apprentice-boys' members pulsating against thighs, pubic curls caught under seam pulling at wrinkled skin of scrotum ; panel-beater panting over rump of whore ; jeans hugging panel-beater's buttocks : Wazzag, throwing hands behind back, groping at jeans, kneading damp patches of denim soaked with sweat ; hands of panel-beater grabbing Wazzag's sexual cluster, pushing organs up against belly, stroking membranes, stretched smooth back to edge of arse : {\td} \said{{\td} dog{\td} dog{\td} twins want to fuck you{\thd} grind your bones{\thd} saw you yesterday with women{\fourdots} sweaty hands mark sheet-metal{\fourdots} paint won't stick{\td} boss says \insaid{get Wazzag, Khamssieh, dry out my boys} {\fourdots}they come from north{\thd} finger-nails clipped{\td} sundays, dress smart{\td} cut deep, sting hard{\td} squirt their juice in garage, over Lockheed{\td} in shithouse, foot slips on slab : bowl, step, sprayed with jissom{\thd} sand sticks to Brylcreem in their hair{\td} boss says : \insaid{let weak one sniff brown dog, strong one, red dog}{\thd} they sleep in same bed, behind workshop{\td} strong one sticks hub-caps on weak one's breasts, ties him up in sheet, lies on top{\td} morning, I unwrap them, chilled by night-wind{\td}} ; Wazzag, bending over, raising eyes towards bottom of twins' bodies, tongue licking lips, wrinkles smoothing out on forehead, around edge of eye-sockets ; third orgasm pulling panel-beater down over loins of whore : Wazzag clearing throat, spitting ; spittle shooting in front of espadrille of one twin : fresh eye riveted on naked eye of Wazzag, squashing, spreading spittle over wood --- rope sole slipping over gobs, member rising, swelling against thigh, stretching horizontal folds of jeans ; squashed mucus wetting skin of foot through rope fibres worn bare, mixing with layer of excrement --- dogs and men --- stuck to rope over layer of grease ; panel-beater, quick, pulling out member, squashing, pressing violaceous glans, tinted pink by transparent film, against Wazzag's arse, rubbing member down over sheer surface of buttocks : filament broken at roots of member --- panel-beater sighing, shivering {\dashcom} adhering to buttocks describing shaky pattern over downy black hairs ; panel-beater, sated --- retracted member cooling against Wazzag's buttock {\dashcom} rubbing %
-head against Wazzag's chin, kissing whore's throat, lips spread, snot, expelled with jerks of breathing, splashing throat ; apprentice-boy whining, squashing nostril into mucus, spreading gob over skin ridged by spine ; leg rubbing hardened calf of whore ; Wazzag seizing, pulling at genital cluster of weaker boy drawn out in blunt spur under jeans over slope of thigh, hand of whore spread wide. thumb hooked over stitches of fly ; stronger boy striking middle of Wazzag's arm with clenched fist, knocking into upper body of whore ; quick, fist catching Wazzag's testicles, turning towards twin, spitting, kicking between boy's thighs : twin groaning, doubled up, cupping sexual cluster in both hands, unbuttoning fly, index finger gathering reddening member packed into white cotton pants smeared with grease ; stronger boy pushing Wazzag, held by member, towards first latrine in passage : panel-beater, squatting, excrement bursting between buttocks, eating pomegranate picked up from concrete, held in sticky hand, other hand pulling thread of jissom from member stiffened again at sound of breathing, grinding muscles of apprentice-boys squeezing Wazzag ; boy pressing Wazzag against soiled wall ; panel-beater throwing pomegranate onto flow of red excrements, scraping, with juice-smeared fingers, shit caked around arse, dipping fingers into water-can, wiping hand on wall, on Wazzag's calf, standing up, buttoning fly, bringing mouth against ear of apprentice \colsaid{fuck him, what are you waiting for ? {\td} for my jissom to dry in his arse ? {\thd} twist a wet floor-cloth up his hole{\td} a dog never washes{\comtd} licks, gets licked{\thd} this one can't bend back to reach his own arse{\thd} gets Khamssieh to lick it{\td} Khamssieh, at dawn one day each month, after embraces, goes out into street, buttocks rub together, shine in red sunlight ; brushes past wall beside trash-cans, climbs up onto mound strewn over with chicken-carcasses attacked by white dogs, chases dogs away, kneels. stretches out over carcasses ; throws hands behind back, spreads buttocks ; hot tongues of sunbeams, tongue of dog with dew-soaked coat, push into half-open arse ; Khamssieh howls, dogs rummage, alongside body, into spongy layer of rubbish crawling with tiny
+shaved scalp down sweaty back of whore standing erect ; twins, fingers stained with minium, squeezing members, through jeans ; panel-beater jerking head forward, flinging Wazzag against apprentice-boys : stronger boy grabbing, pulling at penis, hugging whore around loins with other arm, kissing mouth, spitting licorice-juice into throat, chewing licorice-stick against Wazzag's teeth. lips pressed together ; at same time, apprentice-boy rolling Wazzag's penis against own member squeezed in jeans, from fold to fold ; lifting knee along Wazzag's hip, leg tightening against bottom of whore's buttocks ; articulation of knee hugged in jeans rubbing folds of flesh, jissom dried in folds falling in powder over calves of whore ; short cry from him, bursting out of constricted chest --- apprentice-boy hugging in violent jerks ; impassive hands of Wazzag stroking trembling buttocks of apprentice, thumb hooked into belt-loops of jeans against loins : other fingers rubbing at stitches between buttocks, sliding into slit pinching seam, pressing in towards arse ; one hand --- thumb hooked into back pocket, cut small for repairs to jeans --- enveloping buttock, finger-nails scraping seam soaked with seminal sweat, against slope of thigh ; apprentice pressing open jaw into hollow of Wazzag's cheek, hand, at same time, grabbing, pulling Wazzag's testicles downwards : whore, collared, scrotum mauled, quick, hand --- busy scraping boy's arse --- wriggling under jeans, out through other side, onto hip of other apprentice, finger brushing over fat in olive folds of bare flesh released through tear in back pocket, hanging over mound of buttocks ; apprentice, staring at Wazzag, letting licorice-juice overflow, drip over chin, down onto palpitating throat, bucking pelvis towards Wazzag's hips embraced : movement creasing edges of tear, folds under buttocks, jeans pressing deep into anal slit --- cloth softened by friction, by constant secretions of love {\dashcom} buttocks, pressed against cold metal to calm erect member, pulling apart, lifted from counter by twitch of nerve ; loins shifting towards Wazzag, flaps of denim jacket rubbing over hollow belly, sweat gleaming ; Wazzag licking wiry black hair of stronger apprentice, Brylcreem greasing lips ; apprentice jamming
-worms aroused by weight of body, by rays of fire ; bitch licks boy's hair spattered with jissom ; tongue wraps around ear of whore, Khamssieh's tongue pokes out, rolls back onto cheek ; two tongues touch ; dog nuzzles into Khamssieh's arse, growls, springs over body of whore onto bitch, bites throat ; Khamssieh swallows juices from tongue of bitch, slips arm between back legs of dog planted in swirl of mud, grabs, squeezes penis ; dog slumps down, sits with arse pressed against cheek of whore, heavy bushy tail digs into neck ; turns back towards Khamssieh's arse, leans back onto hind legs, rubs reddening member, sticky, against slope of buttocks spread wide ; Khamssieh thrusts pelvis, pushes dog back, stands up, wipes front of body spotted with mud ; tiny abscess tears open on throat{\td}} ; apprentice-boy pushing Wazzag out of latrine --- moving out : two simmering bodies stuck between lintels {\dashcom} leaning against wall of passage, opening tap fixed to wall between Wazzag's legs spread, hand curved directing stream of water towards thigh of whore ; panel-beater crossing saloon, embalmed loins breathing hot, chafed by jeans ; apprentice rubbing Wazzag's streaming thigh with flat of hand ; Wazzag's member rigid, catching in flap of denim jacket of apprentice leaning over alongside whore ; boy's hand stopping over bottom of Wazzag's buttock{\td} \said{Khemissa {\thd} I'm afraid of his shit{\thd}} : weaker twin, pain heating belly, turning, elbows propped on counter, towards door left ajar by panel-beater ; hip brushing hip of panel-beater ; latter throwing coins, in front of Khemissa, onto zinc ; Khemissa puffing out chest to touch elbow of panel-beater turning away ; eyes, half-open, fixed on shining eyes of panel-beater, teeth bared, chest purring, growling in throat ; {\thd}\said{Khemissa{\thd} your wiry hands have wiped babies' bottoms{\comthd} scrubbed saucepans{\thd} cleaned out clogged carburettors{\td}}, Khemissa cooling, head tilted down onto shoulder ; penis, tucked into pouch of pants, poking out of jeans, spurring soiled cotton, stretching elastic of seam, tuft of flaxen hair sprouting over curve of member visible through opening of fly ; stronger twin pulling strip of spongy cloth from hole in wall, wringing cloth under tap, dipping into box of Vim, raising rag, striking,
+head against Wazzag's chin, kissing whore's throat, lips spread, snot, expelled with jerks of breathing, splashing throat ; apprentice-boy whining, squashing nostril into mucus, spreading gob over skin ridged by spine ; leg rubbing hardened calf of whore ; Wazzag seizing, pulling at genital cluster of weaker boy drawn out in blunt spur under jeans over slope of thigh, hand of whore spread wide. thumb hooked over stitches of fly ; stronger boy striking middle of Wazzag's arm with clenched fist, knocking into upper body of whore ; quick, fist catching Wazzag's testicles, turning towards twin, spitting, kicking between boy's thighs : twin groaning, doubled up, cupping sexual cluster in both hands, unbuttoning fly, index finger gathering reddening member packed into white cotton pants smeared with grease ; stronger boy pushing Wazzag, held by member, towards first latrine in passage : panel-beater, squatting, excrement bursting between buttocks, eating pomegranate picked up from concrete, held in sticky hand, other hand pulling thread of jissom from member stiffened again at sound of breathing, grinding muscles of apprentice-boys squeezing Wazzag ; boy pressing Wazzag against soiled wall ; panel-beater throwing pomegranate onto flow of red excrements, scraping, with juice-smeared fingers, shit caked around arse, dipping fingers into water-can, wiping hand on wall, on Wazzag's calf, standing up, buttoning fly, bringing mouth against ear of apprentice \colsaid{fuck him, what are you waiting for ? {\td} for my jissom to dry in his arse ? {\thd} twist a wet floor-cloth up his hole{\td} a dog never washes{\comtd} licks, gets licked{\thd} this one can't bend back to reach his own arse{\thd} gets Khamssieh to lick it{\td} Khamssieh, at dawn one day each month, after embraces, goes out into street, buttocks rub together, shine in red sunlight ; brushes past wall beside trash-cans, climbs up onto mound strewn over with chicken-carcasses attacked by white dogs, chases dogs away, kneels. stretches out over carcasses ; throws hands behind back, spreads buttocks ; hot tongues of sunbeams, tongue of dog with dew-soaked coat, push into half-open arse ; Khamssieh howls, dogs rummage, alongside body, into spongy layer of rubbish crawling with tiny
-bending Wazzag over --- latter spreading buttocks with hands {\dashcom} wiping Wazzaq's arse with strip stretched out at arm's length ; lather mixed with jissom, excrements, bubbling in slit of arse, dripping onto legs of whore : lifted up on cloth, shaken out, splashing front of apprentice-boy's body, forehead, folds of jeans between thighs ; Khemissa following panel-beater, unbuttoning, buttoning up worker on doorstep ; apprentice-boy throwing soiled rag into half-open latrine, pushing Wazzag's curved loins towards tap, positioning coccyx of whore against tap, turning tap full on, jumping aside ; water washing brown lather out of Wazzag's arse ; Wazzag, numbed, penis, balls, contracted by cold into drenched fleece, hands on knees, staring, eyes wide open, at puddle lapping over feet on floor of beaten earth, advancing up to tiles of saloon ; apprentice-boy turning off water, dragging Wazzag, shivering, out into garden, wiping legs of whore with tarpaulin shading caged leverets ; pressing, twisting corner of hardened tarpaulin into whore's streaming arse ; Wazzag whining ; apprentice-boy's fist squeezing hip ; thrown forward by twisting of tarpaulin between buttocks, Wazzag swaying, holding onto wooden frame of cage. hardened penis --- fist of apprentice kneading hip : pulling at skin of lower belly, from root of member up towards loins --- squashed against wire netting, glans caught in mesh, peppered with sand kicked up by fleeing leverets ; apprentice pulling out wad from Wazzag's arse, tarpaulin collapsing at feet ; rustling, trampled by furious feet of boy thrown back against whore, whole jaw biting into Wazzag's neck from behind ; Khemissa, on doorstep, squeezing buttocks of panel-beater, latter slipping finger under arched member of whore pulled up out of pants against elastic : opposite brothel, on mound rising above wall of street, pair of loaded camels copulating, kneeling in burning sand ; with movement of spasm, knees digging deeper into cooler, heavier sand, seed scintillating on white coats ; open muzzles assailed by flies aroused by dawn fire ; threads of slaver, shaken in spasms, hanging out of lower jaws ; Khemissa letting saliva mixed with licorice overflow from lips, run out of wide-open mouth, over chin : neck,
+worms aroused by weight of body, by rays of fire ; bitch licks boy's hair spattered with jissom ; tongue wraps around ear of whore, Khamssieh's tongue pokes out, rolls back onto cheek ; two tongues touch ; dog nuzzles into Khamssieh's arse, growls, springs over body of whore onto bitch, bites throat ; Khamssieh swallows juices from tongue of bitch, slips arm between back legs of dog planted in swirl of mud, grabs, squeezes penis ; dog slumps down, sits with arse pressed against cheek of whore, heavy bushy tail digs into neck ; turns back towards Khamssieh's arse, leans back onto hind legs, rubs reddening member, sticky, against slope of buttocks spread wide ; Khamssieh thrusts pelvis, pushes dog back, stands up, wipes front of body spotted with mud ; tiny abscess tears open on throat{\td}} ; apprentice-boy pushing Wazzag out of latrine --- moving out : two simmering bodies stuck between lintels {\dashcom} leaning against wall of passage, opening tap fixed to wall between Wazzag's legs spread, hand curved directing stream of water towards thigh of whore ; panel-beater crossing saloon, embalmed loins breathing hot, chafed by jeans ; apprentice rubbing Wazzag's streaming thigh with flat of hand ; Wazzag's member rigid, catching in flap of denim jacket of apprentice leaning over alongside whore ; boy's hand stopping over bottom of Wazzag's buttock{\td} \said{Khemissa {\thd} I'm afraid of his shit{\thd}} : weaker twin, pain heating belly, turning, elbows propped on counter, towards door left ajar by panel-beater ; hip brushing hip of panel-beater ; latter throwing coins, in front of Khemissa, onto zinc ; Khemissa puffing out chest to touch elbow of panel-beater turning away ; eyes, half-open, fixed on shining eyes of panel-beater, teeth bared, chest purring, growling in throat ; {\thd}\said{Khemissa{\thd} your wiry hands have wiped babies' bottoms{\comthd} scrubbed saucepans{\thd} cleaned out clogged carburettors{\td}}, Khemissa cooling, head tilted down onto shoulder ; penis, tucked into pouch of pants, poking out of jeans, spurring soiled cotton, stretching elastic of seam, tuft of flaxen hair sprouting over curve of member visible through opening of fly ; stronger twin pulling strip of spongy cloth from hole in wall, wringing cloth under tap, dipping into box of Vim, raising rag, striking,
-sticky collar of denim jacket, shining wet ; camels uncoupling, sprawling on sides, eyes closed, muzzles half-closed : woman wrapped in bluish veils looming, green plastic bucket in hand, followed by naked child, coarse grains of salt sticking to short penis : woman's bare foot kicking into palpitating chest of female, forcing animal up ; under camel's belly, fixing bucket ; squatting, child lounging against flank of male playing with sticky penis retracted into fleshy folds, grabbing teat of female, milking, coppery eyelids closed over eyes reddened by salt, by fury of night-love ; Khemissa rubbing encrusted eyes ; panel-beater disappearing at corner of street ; Khemissa closing door, leaning, squeezing latch between thighs, legs stiffened, manoeuvring latch against member softened in pants pulled out of jeans, seizing, turning member, latch, with both hands together, espadrille smearing gob of jissom --- from panel-beater : thick clots swimming in thin liquid --- over floor ; whore-master coming down staircase, forearm holding plate of omelette against hairy chest, gaze sweeping sideways past eyes of Khemissa ; boy's member, sticky neck, beating with flux of blood ; whore-master opening second latrine in passage ; buttocks, smoothed tight by movement raising foot onto step, rolling in bluish penumbra of passage, loins, back, undulating ; eye, catching Khemissa's member springing, marbled, out of pants ; whore-master setting plate in front of foot of club-foot crouched cross-legged on step, dozing, head pressed into corner, face dotted with small flecks of hardened jissom, singlet streaked with traces of excrement ; whore-master stepping back out, double-locking door ; key clutched in fist, coming back into saloon ; penis stretched, softened, bouncing against hairy thighs ; Khemissa lifting arm in front of eyes, heart jumping in chest, knees quaking ; whore-master climbing back up to bedroom : top of body disappearing at top of stairs, jissom glistening on downy black hairs under buttocks ; Khemissa stretching out on side, against door, rolling on belly, crawling, panting, raising dust, alongside counter ; seam of jeans tearing between spread buttocks ; hitching body up onto staircase, licking footprints of whore-master in dust on steps ;
+bending Wazzag over --- latter spreading buttocks with hands {\dashcom} wiping Wazzaq's arse with strip stretched out at arm's length ; lather mixed with jissom, excrements, bubbling in slit of arse, dripping onto legs of whore : lifted up on cloth, shaken out, splashing front of apprentice-boy's body, forehead, folds of jeans between thighs ; Khemissa following panel-beater, unbuttoning, buttoning up worker on doorstep ; apprentice-boy throwing soiled rag into half-open latrine, pushing Wazzag's curved loins towards tap, positioning coccyx of whore against tap, turning tap full on, jumping aside ; water washing brown lather out of Wazzag's arse ; Wazzag, numbed, penis, balls, contracted by cold into drenched fleece, hands on knees, staring, eyes wide open, at puddle lapping over feet on floor of beaten earth, advancing up to tiles of saloon ; apprentice-boy turning off water, dragging Wazzag, shivering, out into garden, wiping legs of whore with tarpaulin shading caged leverets ; pressing, twisting corner of hardened tarpaulin into whore's streaming arse ; Wazzag whining ; apprentice-boy's fist squeezing hip ; thrown forward by twisting of tarpaulin between buttocks, Wazzag swaying, holding onto wooden frame of cage. hardened penis --- fist of apprentice kneading hip : pulling at skin of lower belly, from root of member up towards loins --- squashed against wire netting, glans caught in mesh, peppered with sand kicked up by fleeing leverets ; apprentice pulling out wad from Wazzag's arse, tarpaulin collapsing at feet ; rustling, trampled by furious feet of boy thrown back against whore, whole jaw biting into Wazzag's neck from behind ; Khemissa, on doorstep, squeezing buttocks of panel-beater, latter slipping finger under arched member of whore pulled up out of pants against elastic : opposite brothel, on mound rising above wall of street, pair of loaded camels copulating, kneeling in burning sand ; with movement of spasm, knees digging deeper into cooler, heavier sand, seed scintillating on white coats ; open muzzles assailed by flies aroused by dawn fire ; threads of slaver, shaken in spasms, hanging out of lower jaws ; Khemissa letting saliva mixed with licorice overflow from lips, run out of wide-open mouth, over chin : neck,
-on landing, standing up : razor held in fist, whore-master, standing on one leg, other folded back, heel pressed against knee of other leg, disentangling curly hairs over surface of thigh ; Khemissa shuddering, diving, penis spurring pants, at whore-master, pulling razor from fist, kneeling, kissing tufts : perfume, taste, of seminal sweat bathing nostrils, settling on tip of tongue, relaxing boy's muscles, nerves ; forehead lightening, clothes --- pants, jeans, jacket, espadrilles, Brylcreem --- falling away from ripening body {\semislash} Wazzag, sprawling on hay in shed, clean arse speared by apprentice-boy's member, head shaking at each spurt, chewing dusty hay ; under spreading buttocks of apprentice hugged in jeans with fly half-buttoned, whore's grimy ochre-coloured balls sweating, gleaming in hay : hands convulsing, oozing sugar --- from body of date-picker --- over wisps of hay, member straining underneath, pressed back against belly ; licorice-juice flowing from mouth of apprentice onto honeyed ear of whore ; apprentice, orgasm suspended, weighing down onto Wazzag, pressing head of whore into hay ; Wazzag struggling ; quick, strong, rolling over onto back ; apprentice, member twisted, howling, collapsing, legs spread, onto back, in hay ; Wazzag crouching alongside apprentice, licking cold sweat pearling on forehead, on navel ; teeth unbuttoning top of fly, pulling apart flaps of jeans, on one side, other side, of member --- throbbing reddened, resting on elastic of pants ; Wazzag, back struck by apprentice-boy's fist, burying mouth in pants, sucking up spots of jissom caught on cotton ; tongue curled back, dripping with saliva, bringing testicles back under member, gulping, breathing in balls ; snapping up glans from above ; apprentice-boy's hand stroking vertebrae of back{\td} \said{find it{\td} find it{\thd} fetch{\thd} fetch{\td}}, Wazzag shaking muzzle crammed full, pulling at roots, placing arm in slit of arse, waving arm raised tall over rolling buttocks : jissom spurting against strangled throat turning sour with anger ; apprentice standing up, Wazzag swallowing, wiping mouth on wrist : nausea curving head over hay, Wazzag spitting saliva mixed with blood ; apprentice, standing straight, throwing out buttocks{\td} \said{dog, lick the
+sticky collar of denim jacket, shining wet ; camels uncoupling, sprawling on sides, eyes closed, muzzles half-closed : woman wrapped in bluish veils looming, green plastic bucket in hand, followed by naked child, coarse grains of salt sticking to short penis : woman's bare foot kicking into palpitating chest of female, forcing animal up ; under camel's belly, fixing bucket ; squatting, child lounging against flank of male playing with sticky penis retracted into fleshy folds, grabbing teat of female, milking, coppery eyelids closed over eyes reddened by salt, by fury of night-love ; Khemissa rubbing encrusted eyes ; panel-beater disappearing at corner of street ; Khemissa closing door, leaning, squeezing latch between thighs, legs stiffened, manoeuvring latch against member softened in pants pulled out of jeans, seizing, turning member, latch, with both hands together, espadrille smearing gob of jissom --- from panel-beater : thick clots swimming in thin liquid --- over floor ; whore-master coming down staircase, forearm holding plate of omelette against hairy chest, gaze sweeping sideways past eyes of Khemissa ; boy's member, sticky neck, beating with flux of blood ; whore-master opening second latrine in passage ; buttocks, smoothed tight by movement raising foot onto step, rolling in bluish penumbra of passage, loins, back, undulating ; eye, catching Khemissa's member springing, marbled, out of pants ; whore-master setting plate in front of foot of club-foot crouched cross-legged on step, dozing, head pressed into corner, face dotted with small flecks of hardened jissom, singlet streaked with traces of excrement ; whore-master stepping back out, double-locking door ; key clutched in fist, coming back into saloon ; penis stretched, softened, bouncing against hairy thighs ; Khemissa lifting arm in front of eyes, heart jumping in chest, knees quaking ; whore-master climbing back up to bedroom : top of body disappearing at top of stairs, jissom glistening on downy black hairs under buttocks ; Khemissa stretching out on side, against door, rolling on belly, crawling, panting, raising dust, alongside counter ; seam of jeans tearing between spread buttocks ; hitching body up onto staircase, licking footprints of whore-master in dust on steps ;
-plate.} ; Wazzag, chin bathed in pink slaver, standing, sniffing boy's buttocks, jeans wet with sweat in folds, with jissom on seam under crotch ; on knees, squeezing loins of apprentice, unbuttoning boy, sliding jeans down over knees, sniffing at sticky pants, quick strokes of tongue touching loose cotton over arse{\td} \said{too hot ?{\td} quick{\thd} there's man's work waiting for me outside{\td}} ; Wazzag's teeth pulling pants over loins : cotton stuck to skin by hardened jissom, fresh traces of excrement --- Wazzag licking deposits ; cotton, wet, pulling away ; Wazzag's fists rolling pants under buttocks ; placing lips over slit of arse lined with dark brown silky down ; Wazzag spreading arse with hands, jamming muzzle between relaxed buttocks ; eyes closed buried in fat of buttocks, tongue slipping over encrusted membrane ; apprentice, shaken by laughter --- nostrils expelling mucus mixed with grease {\dashcom} tightening buttocks over muzzle of whore, bending down, hand pressed against brick wall, pulling sticky buttock aside with free hand ; Wazzag, upper rims of ears rubbing over fatty sides of arse with movement of licking, shooting measured strokes of tongue into congested opening : gust of wind slamming door against buttocks, darkness bracing, chilling bodies, tongue contracting ; darkness evaporating, member blooming back, buttocks quivering, boy's hand covering damp hair of whore ; whore kicking door open against wind : fire striking sweaty back ; in bedroom, across bed, whore-master, Khemissa, naked, sleeping side by side on bellies : key of latrine, of box-room, stuck between Khemissa's buttocks, oscillating to rhythm of boy's breathing ; on slope of buttocks of whore-master, transparent film of jissom glimmering between curls {\slashsemislash} negroes, masturbated, dozing on sand ; shepherd washing jissom-spattered hands in ditch of reddish water ; kneeling, drinking, cheeks swelling, spitting out water mixed with jissom, onto sand ; nomad sitting in pool : sugar crunching between teeth ; sugar swelling pockets of sleeping negroes, spots of jissom wetting shorts ; two twins lying side by side, away from other soldiers : long mottled members, protruding from shorts, resting on mauve pebbles poking, sharp, from sand ; fistful of sugar distending shorts from pocket to
+on landing, standing up : razor held in fist, whore-master, standing on one leg, other folded back, heel pressed against knee of other leg, disentangling curly hairs over surface of thigh ; Khemissa shuddering, diving, penis spurring pants, at whore-master, pulling razor from fist, kneeling, kissing tufts : perfume, taste, of seminal sweat bathing nostrils, settling on tip of tongue, relaxing boy's muscles, nerves ; forehead lightening, clothes --- pants, jeans, jacket, espadrilles, Brylcreem --- falling away from ripening body {\semislash} Wazzag, sprawling on hay in shed, clean arse speared by apprentice-boy's member, head shaking at each spurt, chewing dusty hay ; under spreading buttocks of apprentice hugged in jeans with fly half-buttoned, whore's grimy ochre-coloured balls sweating, gleaming in hay : hands convulsing, oozing sugar --- from body of date-picker --- over wisps of hay, member straining underneath, pressed back against belly ; licorice-juice flowing from mouth of apprentice onto honeyed ear of whore ; apprentice, orgasm suspended, weighing down onto Wazzag, pressing head of whore into hay ; Wazzag struggling ; quick, strong, rolling over onto back ; apprentice, member twisted, howling, collapsing, legs spread, onto back, in hay ; Wazzag crouching alongside apprentice, licking cold sweat pearling on forehead, on navel ; teeth unbuttoning top of fly, pulling apart flaps of jeans, on one side, other side, of member --- throbbing reddened, resting on elastic of pants ; Wazzag, back struck by apprentice-boy's fist, burying mouth in pants, sucking up spots of jissom caught on cotton ; tongue curled back, dripping with saliva, bringing testicles back under member, gulping, breathing in balls ; snapping up glans from above ; apprentice-boy's hand stroking vertebrae of back{\td} \said{find it{\td} find it{\thd} fetch{\thd} fetch{\td}}, Wazzag shaking muzzle crammed full, pulling at roots, placing arm in slit of arse, waving arm raised tall over rolling buttocks : jissom spurting against strangled throat turning sour with anger ; apprentice standing up, Wazzag swallowing, wiping mouth on wrist : nausea curving head over hay, Wazzag spitting saliva mixed with blood ; apprentice, standing straight, throwing out buttocks{\td} \said{dog, lick the
-crotch ; shepherd dipping strip of sacking --- hooked onto string holding ragged robes at waist --- into water ; wringing out streaming rag, rubbing strip between two scorching pebbles, wetting, wringing, unravelling ; separating rags covering thighs, sheathing member, balls, slit of arse, with rinsed rag tied back around string, over loins ; nomad standing, shepherd picking up, holding out gandourah in front of slim body dripping ; nomad emerging from pool, lifting arms, shepherd rolling gandourah, dressing nomad, gandourah sticking to body, nomad shivering, shepherd blowing breath, heated by sucking, over nomad's ear ; twins' legs quivering on sand, white of nomad's eye sparkling at edge of amber face : sugar slipping out of pockets of twins tormented by dreams ; nomad opening mouth, chewing bits of sugar stuck in gums, clapping hand over shepherd's buttock. pushing shepherd towards twins, chewing, throat shaken by muffled laughter, munching, mouth open, sugar running over lower lip ; shepherd approaching twins ; nomad pulling camels up, stuffing copper beakers into saddle-pack, tying guerbas around flanks of camels, pulling both animals towards cirque carpeted with pebbles, with dehorned carcasses ; shepherd crouching near twins, gathering up sugar-lumps scattered on sand, burying big scaly hand into pocket of one twin, seizing sugar-lumps ; shifting, crouched, towards other twin, sucking sugar-lump jammed between teeth, emptying soldier's pocket ; soldier, awakened by sound of sucking, by rubbing of fold of shorts against thigh --- light brushing of shepherd's hand in pocket, disturbing, gradual, folds of shorts buried between thighs under member {\dashcom} sitting up, grabbing, twisting shepherd's wrist --- crushed sugar scintillating between shepherd's clenched fingers {\dashcom} standing up, other fist catching shepherd's ear, spitting black saliva mixed with tiny bones of leverets into shepherd's face{\td} \said{meat for vulture{\td}} ; soldier pressing bare foot onto bare foot of shepherd, digging into sand underneath, rubbing heel against shepherd's heel, twisting ear : shepherd wailing raucous : other twin, woken, sitting up, one side of face coated with sand{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} look{\td} I twist his ear, skin stretches on toe, corn twitches on heel{\td}}, shepherd licking wrist
+plate.} ; Wazzag, chin bathed in pink slaver, standing, sniffing boy's buttocks, jeans wet with sweat in folds, with jissom on seam under crotch ; on knees, squeezing loins of apprentice, unbuttoning boy, sliding jeans down over knees, sniffing at sticky pants, quick strokes of tongue touching loose cotton over arse{\td} \said{too hot ?{\td} quick{\thd} there's man's work waiting for me outside{\td}} ; Wazzag's teeth pulling pants over loins : cotton stuck to skin by hardened jissom, fresh traces of excrement --- Wazzag licking deposits ; cotton, wet, pulling away ; Wazzag's fists rolling pants under buttocks ; placing lips over slit of arse lined with dark brown silky down ; Wazzag spreading arse with hands, jamming muzzle between relaxed buttocks ; eyes closed buried in fat of buttocks, tongue slipping over encrusted membrane ; apprentice, shaken by laughter --- nostrils expelling mucus mixed with grease {\dashcom} tightening buttocks over muzzle of whore, bending down, hand pressed against brick wall, pulling sticky buttock aside with free hand ; Wazzag, upper rims of ears rubbing over fatty sides of arse with movement of licking, shooting measured strokes of tongue into congested opening : gust of wind slamming door against buttocks, darkness bracing, chilling bodies, tongue contracting ; darkness evaporating, member blooming back, buttocks quivering, boy's hand covering damp hair of whore ; whore kicking door open against wind : fire striking sweaty back ; in bedroom, across bed, whore-master, Khemissa, naked, sleeping side by side on bellies : key of latrine, of box-room, stuck between Khemissa's buttocks, oscillating to rhythm of boy's breathing ; on slope of buttocks of whore-master, transparent film of jissom glimmering between curls {\slashsemislash} negroes, masturbated, dozing on sand ; shepherd washing jissom-spattered hands in ditch of reddish water ; kneeling, drinking, cheeks swelling, spitting out water mixed with jissom, onto sand ; nomad sitting in pool : sugar crunching between teeth ; sugar swelling pockets of sleeping negroes, spots of jissom wetting shorts ; two twins lying side by side, away from other soldiers : long mottled members, protruding from shorts, resting on mauve pebbles poking, sharp, from sand ; fistful of sugar distending shorts from pocket to
-of soldier pulling ear{\td} \said{leech{\thd} for you, my jissom, blood of wounded sheep{\thd} for my twin brother, my man-blood spurting under needle, under prongs of fork{\td}} ; Hamza, moving behind shepherd, nose pinched between fingers, grabbing leg, pressing pink palm against shepherd's heel; twin twisting ear, forearm dripping with sugary slaver spat by shepherd, shepherd's wrinkled forehead filling out, hardening ; skin, tough, stretching over jaw, over torso, over hip ; under soldier's palm, corn on heel trembling ; soldier laughing, twisting foot ; other soldier pinching skin stretched over cheek, grabbing shepherd's jaw, hollowing cheeks with fingers, palm squashing shepherd's nose, squeezing throat : shepherd swallowing sugar between rotten teeth ; both soldiers palpating limbs of shepherd, under rags ; shepherd closing mouth ; lips, sugary, shining : soldier, standing up, stroking creases with damp finger-nails{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} made to measure, for glans{\thd} you, your master, no love, no food-weight slowing spurts of master's jissom in your throat{\td}} ; Hamza finding flute tied to shepherd's knee, seizing flute, standing up ; other twin twisting back shepherd's ear, Hamza pointing flute towards mouth opened in pain, rough breathing of shepherd forcing note : croaking of flute waking other soldiers : standing up, members spurring shorts ; breath quavering in pipe ; soldiers encircling shepherd held down by twins, spreading rags, curved finger-nails scraping scaly skin of shepherd's loins ; phalanges rolling over coccyx ; breath moaning in pipe ; twins pushing back soldiers ; collaring, rolling shepherd outside circle, onto sand, releasing hold, pushing youth, with feet, with tip of charred handle picked up beside remains of fire, towards cirque ; nomad, sitting beside cirque, legs buried in sand mixed with bits of bone, skinning live lizard : fire burning in crevice of cliff ; shepherd, loins, back, powdered with ash, squatting in front of fire, stoking, heaping up coals with bare hands ; twins pulling long matches from pockets, tipping matches into hollow of gandourah \colsaid{we rent your akli{\td} feed him{\thd} after, you get medicine{\td}} ; nomad, flesh of cheeks palpitating, dermis sliding in transparency under epidermis, seizing, stuffing
+crotch ; shepherd dipping strip of sacking --- hooked onto string holding ragged robes at waist --- into water ; wringing out streaming rag, rubbing strip between two scorching pebbles, wetting, wringing, unravelling ; separating rags covering thighs, sheathing member, balls, slit of arse, with rinsed rag tied back around string, over loins ; nomad standing, shepherd picking up, holding out gandourah in front of slim body dripping ; nomad emerging from pool, lifting arms, shepherd rolling gandourah, dressing nomad, gandourah sticking to body, nomad shivering, shepherd blowing breath, heated by sucking, over nomad's ear ; twins' legs quivering on sand, white of nomad's eye sparkling at edge of amber face : sugar slipping out of pockets of twins tormented by dreams ; nomad opening mouth, chewing bits of sugar stuck in gums, clapping hand over shepherd's buttock. pushing shepherd towards twins, chewing, throat shaken by muffled laughter, munching, mouth open, sugar running over lower lip ; shepherd approaching twins ; nomad pulling camels up, stuffing copper beakers into saddle-pack, tying guerbas around flanks of camels, pulling both animals towards cirque carpeted with pebbles, with dehorned carcasses ; shepherd crouching near twins, gathering up sugar-lumps scattered on sand, burying big scaly hand into pocket of one twin, seizing sugar-lumps ; shifting, crouched, towards other twin, sucking sugar-lump jammed between teeth, emptying soldier's pocket ; soldier, awakened by sound of sucking, by rubbing of fold of shorts against thigh --- light brushing of shepherd's hand in pocket, disturbing, gradual, folds of shorts buried between thighs under member {\dashcom} sitting up, grabbing, twisting shepherd's wrist --- crushed sugar scintillating between shepherd's clenched fingers {\dashcom} standing up, other fist catching shepherd's ear, spitting black saliva mixed with tiny bones of leverets into shepherd's face{\td} \said{meat for vulture{\td}} ; soldier pressing bare foot onto bare foot of shepherd, digging into sand underneath, rubbing heel against shepherd's heel, twisting ear : shepherd wailing raucous : other twin, woken, sitting up, one side of face coated with sand{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} look{\td} I twist his ear, skin stretches on toe, corn twitches on heel{\td}}, shepherd licking wrist
-matches into one of leather bags hung around neck, grabbing arm of shepherd squatting, pushing youth over in sand against knees, kissing mouth, coating lips with sand, knee goading shepherd up onto feet, foot driving youth towards twins ; twins gripping shoulders of youth, fists pummelling fat of buttocks : youth thrown out of cirque, pushed over in sand, forced to crawl flanked by twins, out behind camp ; standing up, stepping over barbed wire ; shepherd, pushed by Hamza shaken by laughter, staggering, barbs catching wet rag wrapping genital cluster, Hamza striking heavy hand buried in rags, picking up bludgeon coated with shit thrown out of camp by fatigue-men, slipping stick between shepherd's legs, squashing soiled tip against knots of barbed wire, pulling up middle of stick against slit of arse ; barbed wire tearing rag, scratching shepherd's testicles ; Hamza, violent, grabbing leg, swinging youth over wire onto other side ; falling, shepherd letting leg bounce back against barbs ; Hamza, jumping ; blood spurting along bare leg ; Hamza throwing sand onto wounds ; twins dragging youth over sand strewn with rubbish ; Hamza holding flute between teeth ; foot of other twin pushing open gate of low stable built into skeleton of armoured car covered with skins, with sheet metal ; twins throwing shepherd onto straw mixed with crushed colocynth, against flank of cow dozing : Hamza crouching in front of youth ; twin coming out ; Hamza laughing ; with soiled bludgeon, squashing shepherd's sexual cluster ; shepherd, sprawled over cow, spreading thighs in hay ; Hamza, purple of laughter flushing ebony cheeks, rolling black balls around stick ; cow stretching, hollowing belly, top of shepherd's belly sliding along cow's belly, back squashing dugs ; Hamza moving stick over shepherd's torso, digging under ribs, delving into armpits, into hollow of neck --- youth choking, head shaken spitting pink saliva onto dirt of bludgeon {\dashsemi} cow throwing head back over neck, tongue enveloping soiled stick, boy's jaw ; boy turning pale, shaken upright coughing, hand pushing stick aside ; fire burning in chest, eyes fuming, Hamza poking eyes with stick ; shepherd burying face in cow's belly, stick striking temple ; stretching legs along belly, burying
+of soldier pulling ear{\td} \said{leech{\thd} for you, my jissom, blood of wounded sheep{\thd} for my twin brother, my man-blood spurting under needle, under prongs of fork{\td}} ; Hamza, moving behind shepherd, nose pinched between fingers, grabbing leg, pressing pink palm against shepherd's heel; twin twisting ear, forearm dripping with sugary slaver spat by shepherd, shepherd's wrinkled forehead filling out, hardening ; skin, tough, stretching over jaw, over torso, over hip ; under soldier's palm, corn on heel trembling ; soldier laughing, twisting foot ; other soldier pinching skin stretched over cheek, grabbing shepherd's jaw, hollowing cheeks with fingers, palm squashing shepherd's nose, squeezing throat : shepherd swallowing sugar between rotten teeth ; both soldiers palpating limbs of shepherd, under rags ; shepherd closing mouth ; lips, sugary, shining : soldier, standing up, stroking creases with damp finger-nails{\td} \said{Hamza{\td} made to measure, for glans{\thd} you, your master, no love, no food-weight slowing spurts of master's jissom in your throat{\td}} ; Hamza finding flute tied to shepherd's knee, seizing flute, standing up ; other twin twisting back shepherd's ear, Hamza pointing flute towards mouth opened in pain, rough breathing of shepherd forcing note : croaking of flute waking other soldiers : standing up, members spurring shorts ; breath quavering in pipe ; soldiers encircling shepherd held down by twins, spreading rags, curved finger-nails scraping scaly skin of shepherd's loins ; phalanges rolling over coccyx ; breath moaning in pipe ; twins pushing back soldiers ; collaring, rolling shepherd outside circle, onto sand, releasing hold, pushing youth, with feet, with tip of charred handle picked up beside remains of fire, towards cirque ; nomad, sitting beside cirque, legs buried in sand mixed with bits of bone, skinning live lizard : fire burning in crevice of cliff ; shepherd, loins, back, powdered with ash, squatting in front of fire, stoking, heaping up coals with bare hands ; twins pulling long matches from pockets, tipping matches into hollow of gandourah \colsaid{we rent your akli{\td} feed him{\thd} after, you get medicine{\td}} ; nomad, flesh of cheeks palpitating, dermis sliding in transparency under epidermis, seizing, stuffing
-bare feet in dewlap, throwing arms around rump ; cow licking wounds on legs ; youth coughing into coat ; Hamza striking fat of buttocks ; cow jerking horn against stick ; twin looming, arms holding out pot with steam hissing over disturbed water bathing all of upper body gleaming : naked child, tottering, hooked onto leg of twin ; twin putting pot down on hay ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's neck, pulling head, holding head over pot, in steam ; twin, pushing shepherd aside, wedging baby in angle of cow's thigh, gripping, stuffing teat into baby's mouth ; crouching, opposite Hamza, blowing onto slop of beans ; shepherd grabbing handle of pot, plunging muzzle into steam ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's hair, standing up, dragging youth by hair, towards back of shelter ; baby suckling, face splashed with milk ; twins diving at slop, lapping cooled surface, plunging deeper with cupped hands, lifting moulded lumps to lips ; eyes, lips of shepherd shining in steamy half-light : slaver drooling over chin ; shorts of crouching twins sliding over buttocks with swelling of stomachs filling ; nostrils aspiring beans ; between gulps, rolling onto backs, pulling members from shorts, aiming, straining towards shepherd ; shepherd, eyelids trembling over eyeballs, sucking blades of hay wetted in wounds ; twins, glutted, rolling back against flank of cow, muzzles splashed with slop, beans squashed at corners of eyes, pressed together, joined at hips, lips touching against teat : baby, placed by Hamza against animal's arse, head leaning against root of tail, sleeping, milk drying bluish all over small body quivering ; two twins laughing, arses slackened, suckling, teeth against teeth, at swollen teat ; cheek to cheek, between sucks, pressing buttressed against cow ; forehead bumping on ground carpeted with soiled straw, watching, eyes upside-down under arch of thighs, shepherd --- dozing, seated, head thrown back into hands crossed under nape ; shepherd, mouths of twins turning back onto teat, walking, on all fours, towards pot steaming with remains of slop, tongue lolling, saliva catching hay-dust ; Hamza's foot overturning pot, heel striking shepherd's mouth ; bloody gums chomping, shepherd drawing back into shadows ; Hamza, hand grabbing hide of rump, hitching up onto
+matches into one of leather bags hung around neck, grabbing arm of shepherd squatting, pushing youth over in sand against knees, kissing mouth, coating lips with sand, knee goading shepherd up onto feet, foot driving youth towards twins ; twins gripping shoulders of youth, fists pummelling fat of buttocks : youth thrown out of cirque, pushed over in sand, forced to crawl flanked by twins, out behind camp ; standing up, stepping over barbed wire ; shepherd, pushed by Hamza shaken by laughter, staggering, barbs catching wet rag wrapping genital cluster, Hamza striking heavy hand buried in rags, picking up bludgeon coated with shit thrown out of camp by fatigue-men, slipping stick between shepherd's legs, squashing soiled tip against knots of barbed wire, pulling up middle of stick against slit of arse ; barbed wire tearing rag, scratching shepherd's testicles ; Hamza, violent, grabbing leg, swinging youth over wire onto other side ; falling, shepherd letting leg bounce back against barbs ; Hamza, jumping ; blood spurting along bare leg ; Hamza throwing sand onto wounds ; twins dragging youth over sand strewn with rubbish ; Hamza holding flute between teeth ; foot of other twin pushing open gate of low stable built into skeleton of armoured car covered with skins, with sheet metal ; twins throwing shepherd onto straw mixed with crushed colocynth, against flank of cow dozing : Hamza crouching in front of youth ; twin coming out ; Hamza laughing ; with soiled bludgeon, squashing shepherd's sexual cluster ; shepherd, sprawled over cow, spreading thighs in hay ; Hamza, purple of laughter flushing ebony cheeks, rolling black balls around stick ; cow stretching, hollowing belly, top of shepherd's belly sliding along cow's belly, back squashing dugs ; Hamza moving stick over shepherd's torso, digging under ribs, delving into armpits, into hollow of neck --- youth choking, head shaken spitting pink saliva onto dirt of bludgeon {\dashsemi} cow throwing head back over neck, tongue enveloping soiled stick, boy's jaw ; boy turning pale, shaken upright coughing, hand pushing stick aside ; fire burning in chest, eyes fuming, Hamza poking eyes with stick ; shepherd burying face in cow's belly, stick striking temple ; stretching legs along belly, burying
-cow's belly ; rolled onto back, spreading, stiffening legs, pulling head up onto top of rump, unbuttoning, folding flaps of shorts back against thighs, pulling out member --- glans pinched in seam of crotch ; member springing out, bouncing from base ; pressed up against belly, springing back, circumcised flesh pulled towards middle of shaft ; other twin standing up, leaning against door of shelter, unbuttoning, letting thin shorts slide down over knees, stiffening legs, top of nape striking top of door, ringed throat laughing ; both twins stripped naked, laughter shaking bodies from top to bottom, expelling snot from slackened nostrils, mouths hissing, half-open, through foam, goading --- bellies rippling, hips swinging --- shepherd looming back out of shadows groping towards pot ; Hamza, standing up. grabbing hair of shepherd kneeling, pulling youth, hip striking handle of pot, between straightened legs, forcing nape, pushing head crowned with acrid hair down between smooth thighs, striking nape, falling back onto rump of cow ; Hamza's legs stiffening against shepherd's shoulders : youth, wrinkles of forehead touching Hamza's belly, opening lips onto soldier's spongy member, lifting up head --- trace of blood marking place of kiss on member ; shepherd kneeling, blood beating in temples, taking member in both hands, caressing hardening organ pulling at balls, one hand closing around imbibed balls, fingers of other hand, numbed, chapped, pumping erect member swelling against palm with surge of jissom ; jissom spurting, coating throat, overflowing at corner of lips ; youth chewing jissom against glans, pulling member out of mouth, pushing glans into wide snotty nostril, breath aspiring final filament --- running, glans withdrawn, out of nostril over edge of upper lip ; shepherd licking lips ; Hamza, sated, drawing legs together ; youth backing off, sneezing, coughing, coming to rest --- knees, fists, on ground --- in front of long smooth legs of other twin, pulling body up along legs, catching, pumping scalded member, bridled muscles of thigh touching cheek ; alerted by Hamza standing back up, coming out of shelter, all soldiers, glutted with stew, shorts pulled up in haste over buttocks spattered
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+bare feet in dewlap, throwing arms around rump ; cow licking wounds on legs ; youth coughing into coat ; Hamza striking fat of buttocks ; cow jerking horn against stick ; twin looming, arms holding out pot with steam hissing over disturbed water bathing all of upper body gleaming : naked child, tottering, hooked onto leg of twin ; twin putting pot down on hay ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's neck, pulling head, holding head over pot, in steam ; twin, pushing shepherd aside, wedging baby in angle of cow's thigh, gripping, stuffing teat into baby's mouth ; crouching, opposite Hamza, blowing onto slop of beans ; shepherd grabbing handle of pot, plunging muzzle into steam ; Hamza grabbing shepherd's hair, standing up, dragging youth by hair, towards back of shelter ; baby suckling, face splashed with milk ; twins diving at slop, lapping cooled surface, plunging deeper with cupped hands, lifting moulded lumps to lips ; eyes, lips of shepherd shining in steamy half-light : slaver drooling over chin ; shorts of crouching twins sliding over buttocks with swelling of stomachs filling ; nostrils aspiring beans ; between gulps, rolling onto backs, pulling members from shorts, aiming, straining towards shepherd ; shepherd, eyelids trembling over eyeballs, sucking blades of hay wetted in wounds ; twins, glutted, rolling back against flank of cow, muzzles splashed with slop, beans squashed at corners of eyes, pressed together, joined at hips, lips touching against teat : baby, placed by Hamza against animal's arse, head leaning against root of tail, sleeping, milk drying bluish all over small body quivering ; two twins laughing, arses slackened, suckling, teeth against teeth, at swollen teat ; cheek to cheek, between sucks, pressing buttressed against cow ; forehead bumping on ground carpeted with soiled straw, watching, eyes upside-down under arch of thighs, shepherd --- dozing, seated, head thrown back into hands crossed under nape ; shepherd, mouths of twins turning back onto teat, walking, on all fours, towards pot steaming with remains of slop, tongue lolling, saliva catching hay-dust ; Hamza's foot overturning pot, heel striking shepherd's mouth ; bloody gums chomping, shepherd drawing back into shadows ; Hamza, hand grabbing hide of rump, hitching up onto
+cow's belly ; rolled onto back, spreading, stiffening legs, pulling head up onto top of rump, unbuttoning, folding flaps of shorts back against thighs, pulling out member --- glans pinched in seam of crotch ; member springing out, bouncing from base ; pressed up against belly, springing back, circumcised flesh pulled towards middle of shaft ; other twin standing up, leaning against door of shelter, unbuttoning, letting thin shorts slide down over knees, stiffening legs, top of nape striking top of door, ringed throat laughing ; both twins stripped naked, laughter shaking bodies from top to bottom, expelling snot from slackened nostrils, mouths hissing, half-open, through foam, goading --- bellies rippling, hips swinging --- shepherd looming back out of shadows groping towards pot ; Hamza, standing up. grabbing hair of shepherd kneeling, pulling youth, hip striking handle of pot, between straightened legs, forcing nape, pushing head crowned with acrid hair down between smooth thighs, striking nape, falling back onto rump of cow ; Hamza's legs stiffening against shepherd's shoulders : youth, wrinkles of forehead touching Hamza's belly, opening lips onto soldier's spongy member, lifting up head --- trace of blood marking place of kiss on member ; shepherd kneeling, blood beating in temples, taking member in both hands, caressing hardening organ pulling at balls, one hand closing around imbibed balls, fingers of other hand, numbed, chapped, pumping erect member swelling against palm with surge of jissom ; jissom spurting, coating throat, overflowing at corner of lips ; youth chewing jissom against glans, pulling member out of mouth, pushing glans into wide snotty nostril, breath aspiring final filament --- running, glans withdrawn, out of nostril over edge of upper lip ; shepherd licking lips ; Hamza, sated, drawing legs together ; youth backing off, sneezing, coughing, coming to rest --- knees, fists, on ground --- in front of long smooth legs of other twin, pulling body up along legs, catching, pumping scalded member, bridled muscles of thigh touching cheek ; alerted by Hamza standing back up, coming out of shelter, all soldiers, glutted with stew, shorts pulled up in haste over buttocks spattered \ No newline at end of file