diff options
authorphoebe jenkins <>2024-04-08 11:19:44 -0400
committerphoebe jenkins <>2024-04-08 11:19:44 -0400
commit12c7932511ac3abd909219d19f87237d533b0cc2 (patch)
parent6994bc39dbe562cde82bb34cc94e7061c1fb7492 (diff)
up to 40. diff computer
2 files changed, 11 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/body.tex b/body.tex
index 9287f55..44b55f7 100644
--- a/body.tex
+++ b/body.tex
@@ -765,34 +765,7 @@ soldiers of border-post, crowding around pool, shoulder to shoulder, standing lo
one leg, watching nomad bathing ; bare-chested, loins hugged in thin shorts cut brief, members
protruding, flaccid, pink glans on smooth thighs, smoking dried tamarisk in long %
% 31 TODO double check following page after due to weird pdf reader problem
-leaves ; post-commander, squatting in sand under embankment, pressing baby-bottle of concentrated milk between teeth of gazelle ; group of nomads wrapped in long ashen robes, lying against wall of sick-bay ; two soldiers, bellies squeezed in khaki woollen pants, filling guerbas from water-spout ; bending from loins spittle foaming at lips tying strings : pants sliding down over buttocks, exposing top of mauve arse-slit seamed with fresh shit ; in corner of courtyard,
-women, sheltering under awning of stitched goat-skins, fondling
-premature baby smeared with tar, buried between thighs of pale girl,
-eyes closed, breast heaving ; camels, watered, rolling in sand,
-shepherd squatting down, washing hands in water ; lice, buried in
-folds of body, crawling beneath rags ; nomad, pubic fleece rippling
-in the receding current, dozing, head resting against wooden groyne
-; shepherd filling guerbas ; soldiers chewing sugar-lumps ; nomad
-opening eyes, sugar shining in soldiers' fists ; nomad licking lips ;
-rolling head in water, turning over onto belly, lifting lips out of water{\td}
-\colsaid{{\td}akli{\td} suck soldiers{\td} get sugar{\td}} ; sun drying blood suspended
-in ginger curls of Khamssieh's armpits --- boy sleeping on side ;
-tarantula crawling from sticky pubic hair, climbing up onto whore's
-swollen belly, distended abdomen dividing blood over chest ; body of
-whore shuddering, hand following steps of tarantula around right
-nipple : {\gl} ..suck lower, man{\td} {\gr} ; penis, tucked back into hollow of
-groin, hardening : tarantula brushing against tip of tongue poking
-between lips ; jissom slopping out of Wazzag's arse, pushed back,
-driven out along anal passage by date-picker's member ; Wazzag
-stifling fit of laughter ; Khamssieh waking : tarantula, alarmed by
-twitching of muscles, crawling into nostril ; Khamssieh sniffing scent.
-stifling sneeze, pulling legs together, suppressing shivers of body
-smeared with cold sweat moistening dried blood, beads of sweat
-glistening in fresh blood over loins ; nostril swollen with jissom
-squashing spider ; Wazzag exploding into laughter ; tarantula
-stinging nostril : venom, flowing with blood, veiling eyes of whore,
-softening eyelid ; Khamssieh's hand, weak, crushing tarantula in
-nostril : venom hardening forehead ; fingernails scraping cold blood
+leaves ; post-commander, squatting in sand under embankment, pressing baby-bottle of concentrated milk between teeth of gazelle ; group of nomads wrapped in long ashen robes, lying against wall of sick-bay ; two soldiers, bellies squeezed in khaki woollen pants, filling guerbas from water-spout ; bending from loins spittle foaming at lips tying strings : pants sliding down over buttocks, exposing top of mauve arse-slit seamed with fresh shit ; in corner of courtyard, women, sheltering under awning of stitched goat-skins, fondling premature baby smeared with tar, buried between thighs of pale girl, eyes closed, breast heaving ; camels, watered, rolling in sand, shepherd squatting down, washing hands in water ; lice, buried in folds of body, crawling beneath rags ; nomad, pubic fleece rippling in the receding current, dozing, head resting against wooden groyne ; shepherd filling guerbas ; soldiers chewing sugar-lumps ; nomad opening eyes, sugar shining in soldiers' fists ; nomad licking lips ; rolling head in water, turning over onto belly, lifting lips out of water{\td} \colsaid{{\td}akli{\td} suck soldiers{\td} get sugar{\td}} ; sun drying blood suspended in ginger curls of Khamssieh's armpits --- boy sleeping on side ; tarantula crawling from sticky pubic hair, climbing up onto whore's swollen belly, distended abdomen dividing blood over chest ; body of whore shuddering, hand following steps of tarantula around right nipple \colsaid{{\td}suck lower, man{\td}} ; penis, tucked back into hollow of groin, hardening : tarantula brushing against tip of tongue poking between lips ; jissom slopping out of Wazzag's arse, pushed back, driven out along anal passage by date-picker's member ; Wazzag stifling fit of laughter ; Khamssieh waking : tarantula, alarmed by twitching of muscles, crawling into nostril ; Khamssieh sniffing scent, stifling sneeze, pulling legs together, suppressing shivers of body smeared with cold sweat moistening dried blood, beads of sweat glistening in fresh blood over loins ; nostril swollen with jissom squashing spider ; Wazzag exploding into laughter ; tarantula stinging nostril : venom, flowing with blood, veiling eyes of whore, softening eyelid ; Khamssieh's hand, weak, crushing tarantula in nostril : venom hardening forehead ; fingernails scraping cold blood %
% 32
around nipples : pulling dead tarantula, pinching sticky legs, out of nostril, pushing crushed
spider between buttocks ; exhausted elbows dropping onto heaps of floor-cloths : penis contracting
@@ -894,145 +867,14 @@ clip my wings{\fourdots} you seen his face ?{\td}}, chewing --- after speaking {
mucus ; licking glans, pushing tip of tongue between tiny lips of member held horizontal in front of
wide-open mouth ; foam rising between teeth, escaping from corners of
-lips : whore-master laughing, knee kicking Wazzag's throat ; head of
-whore thumping wooden frame of bed ; whore-master sitting on edge
-of bed, gripping head between thighs ; beneath master's fingers,
-bump forming under Wazzag's hair : {\gl} {\td} panel-beater will straighten
-you out, Wawa. {\gr} ; whore-master wiping dusty hips of Wazzag standing up : {\gl} {\td} Khamssieh all dried up{\td} stung by tarantula. {\gr} ;
-whore-master sprawling, legs spread, on bed, burying head in pillow
-: {\gl} {\td} jissom comes back before dawn{\td} careful of butchers, butchers'
-lads, tarantulas love to nest in beams over vapours of blood{\ldots} after
-embrace, shake out your hair, your body{\td} {\gr} ; Wazzag going down
-stairs, date-picker coming out of latrine ; Wazzag opening door onto
-street, date-picker buttoned back up over sated flesh, panel-beater
-buttoned over erectile flesh, brushing together ; Wazzag squeezing
-date-picker's buttock : {\gl} {\td} come back and see me before the births{\ldots}
-{\gr} ; jeans smeared with cold jissom, Wazzag wiping hand on hip ; same
-moment : panel-beater, unbuttoned, pouncing from behind, hugging
-whore, striking nape --- Wazzag bending top of body ---, impaling
-arse, sharp cry gurgling drowned in saliva ; hands, coated with
-verdigris, fists, covered in aluminium-dust, pressing Wazzag's belly ;
-mutilated foot --- big toe sliced off by metal sheet --- curling up,
-bound tight in espadrille, against toe of whore ; panel-beater
-whistling, modulating : two apprentice-boys, members spurring
-jeans, looming ; nostrils smudged with grease ; in movement
-Propping elbows on counter, --- {\slash} opening, lifting flaps of denim
-jackets buttoned over bare chests {\slash} ---, skin of bellies appearing
-convex, pearly ; bodies thrown forward, one leg bent back under
-buttocks, foot jammed against zinc, lifting thigh --- inner surface
-broken by bulge of member drawn down, squeezed inside sticky
-jeans ---, crotch-seam cutting into balls pressed under buttocks
-towards arse, chewing sticks of licorice ; gaze settling on heavy mass
---- weighing down despite pressure of panel-beater's legs --- of
-Wazzag's buttocks, sexual cluster retracted into pubic fleece :
-apprentice-boys regulating breathing with panting of panel-beater ;
-elbows, propped together. vibrating against zinc ; during orgasm,
-% 37
-eyes of panel-beater, dim, veiled, assailed by flies ; apprentice-boys*
-members pulsating against thighs, pubic curls caught under seam
-pulling at wrinkled skin of scrotum ; panel-beater panting over rump
-of whore ; jeans hugging panel-beater's buttocks : Wazzag, throwing
-hands behind back, groping at jeans, kneading damp patches of
-denim soaked with sweat ; hands of panel-beater grabbing Wazzag's
-sexual cluster, pushing organs up against belly, stroking membranes,
-stretched smooth back to edge of arse : {\td} {\gl} {\td} dog{\td} dog{\td} twins want
-to fuck you{\ldots} grind your bones{\ldots} saw you yesterday with women{\ldots}
-sweaty hands mark sheet-metal{\ldots}. paint won't stick{\td} boss says {\gl} get
-Wazzag, Khamssieh, dry out my boys {\gr} {\ldots}.they come from north{\ldots}
-finger-nails clipped{\td} sundays, dress smart{\td} cut deep, sting hard{\td}
-squirt their juice in garage, over Lockheed{\td} in shithouse, foot slips
-on slab : bowl, step, sprayed with jissom{\ldots} sand sticks to Brylcreem
-in their hair{\td} boss says : {\gl}let weak one sniff brown dog, strong one.
-red dog{\gr}{\ldots} they sleep in same bed, behind workshop{\td} strong one
-sticks hub-caps on weak one's breasts, ties him up in sheet, lies on
-top{\td} morning, I unwrap them, chilled by night-wind{\td} {\gr} ; Wazzag,
-bending over, raising eyes towards bottom of twins' bodies, tongue
-licking lips, wrinkles smoothing out on forehead, around edge of
-eye-sockets ; third orgasm pulling panel-beater down over loins of
-whore : Wazzag clearing throat, spitting ; spittle shooting in front of
-espadrille of one twin : fresh eye riveted on naked eye of Wazzag.
-squashing, spreading spittle over wood --- rope sole slipping over
-gobs, member rising, swelling against thigh, stretching horizontal
-folds of jeans ; squashed mucus wetting skin of foot through rope
-fibres worn bare, mixing with layer of excrement --- dogs and men
---- stuck to rope over layer of grease ; panel-beater, quick, pulling
-out member, squashing, pressing violaceous glans, tinted pink by
-transparent film, against Wazzag's arse, rubbing member down over
-sheer surface of buttocks : filament broken at roots of member ---
-panel-beater sighing, shivering ---, adhering to buttocks describing
-shaky pattern over downy black hairs ; panel-beater, sated ---
-retracted member cooling against Wazzag's buttock ---, rubbing
-% 38
-shaved scalp down sweaty back of whore standing erect ; twins,
-fingers stained with minium, squeezing members, through jeans ;
-panel-beater jerking head forward, flinging Wazzag against
-apprentice-boys : stronger boy grabbing, pulling at penis, hugging
-whore around loins with other arm, kissing mouth, spitting licorice-
-juice into throat, chewing licorice-stick against Wazzag's teeth. lips
-pressed together ; at same time, apprentice-boy rolling Wazzag's
-penis against own member squeezed in jeans, from fold to fold :
-lifting knee along Wazzag's hip, leg tightening against bottom of
-whore's buttocks ; articulation of knee hugged in jeans rubbing folds
-of flesh, jissom dried in folds falling in powder over calves of whore
-; short cry from him, bursting out of constricted chest --- apprentice-
-boy hugging in violent jerks ; impassive hands of Wazzag stroking
-trembling buttocks of apprentice, thumb hooked into belt-loops of
-jeans against loins : other fingers rubbing at stitches between
-buttocks, sliding into slit pinching seam, pressing in towards arse :
-‘one hand --- thumb hooked into back pocket, cut small for repairs to
-jeans --- enveloping buttock, finger-nails scraping seam soaked with
-seminal sweat, against slope of thigh ; apprentice pressing open jaw
-into hollow of Wazzag's cheek, hand, at same time, grabbing, pulling
-Wazzag's testicles downwards : whore, collared, scrotum mauled,
-quick, hand --- busy scraping boy's arse --- wriggling under jeans.
-out through other side, onto hip of other apprentice, finger brushing
-over fat in olive folds of bare flesh released through tear in back
-pocket, hanging over mound of buttocks ; apprentice, staring at
-Wazzag, letting licorice-juice overflow, drip over chin, down onto
-Palpitating throat, bucking pelvis towards Wazzag's hips embraced :
-Movement creasing edges of tear, folds under buttocks, jeans
-Pressing deep into anal slit --- cloth softened by friction, by constant
-secretions of love ---, buttocks, pressed against cold metal to calm
-erect member, pulling apart, lifted from counter by twitch of nerve ;
-loins shifting towards Wazzag, flaps of denim jacket rubbing over
-hollow belly, sweat gleaming ; Wazzag licking wiry black hair of
-Stronger apprentice, Brylcreem greasing lips ; apprentice jamming
-% 39
-head against Wazzag's chin, kissing whore's throat, lips spread,
-snot, expelled with jerks of breathing, splashing throat ; apprentice-
-boy whining, squashing nostril into mucus, spreading gob over skin
-ridged by spine ; leg rubbing hardened calf of whore ; Wazzag
-seizing, pulling at genital cluster of weaker boy drawn out in blunt
-spur under jeans over slope of thigh, hand of whore spread wide.
-thumb hooked over stitches of fly ; stronger boy striking middle of
-Wazzag's arm with clenched fist, knocking into upper body of whore
-; quick, fist catching Wazzag's testicles, turning towards twin,
-spitting, kicking between boy's thighs : twin groaning, doubled up.
-cupping sexual cluster in both hands, unbuttoning fly, index finger
-gathering reddening member packed into white cotton pants
-smeared with grease ; stronger boy pushing Wazzag, held by
-member, towards first latrine in passage : panel-beater, squatting.
-excrement bursting between buttocks, eating pomegranate picked up
-from concrete, held in sticky hand, other hand pulling thread of
-jissom from member stiffened again at sound of breathing, grinding
-muscles of apprentice-boys squeezing Wazzag ; boy pressing
-Wazzag against soiled wall ; panel-beater throwing pomegranate
-onto flow of red excrements, scraping, with juice-smeared fingers.
-shit caked around arse, dipping fingers into water-can, wiping hand
-on wall, on Wazzag's calf, standing up, buttoning fly, bringing mouth
-against ear of apprentice : {\gl} fuck him, what are you waiting for ? {\td}
-for my jissom to dry in his arse ? {\ldots} twist a wet floor-cloth up his
-hole{\td} a dog never washes{\ldots} licks, gets licked{\ldots} this one can't bend
-back to reach his own arse{\ldots} gets Khamssieh to lick it{\td} Khamssieh.
-at dawn one day each month, after embraces, goes out into street.
-buttocks rub together, shine in red sunlight ; brushes past wall
-beside trash-cans, climbs up onto mound strewn over with chicken-
-carcasses attacked by white dogs, chases dogs away, kneels.
-stretches out over carcasses ; throws hands behind back, spreads
-buttocks ; hot tongues of sunbeams, tongue of dog with dew-soaked
-Coat, push into half-open arse ; Khamssieh howls, dogs rummage.
-alongside body, into spongy layer of rubbish crawling with tiny
-% 40
+lips ; whore-master laughing, knee kicking Wazzag's throat ; head of whore thumping wooden frame of bed ; whore-master sitting on edge of bed, gripping head between thighs ; beneath master's fingers, bump forming under Wazzag's hair \colsaid{{\td} panel-beater will straighten you out, Wawa.} ; whore-master wiping dusty hips of Wazzag standing up \colsaid{{\td} Khamssieh all dried up{\td} stung by tarantula{\td}} ; whore-master sprawling, legs spread, on bed, burying head in pillow \colsaid{{\td} jissom comes back before dawn{\td} careful of butchers, butchers' lads, tarantulas love to nest in beams over vapours of blood{\fourdots} after embrace, shake out your hair, your body{\td}} ; Wazzag going down stairs, date-picker coming out of latrine ; Wazzag opening door onto street, date-picker buttoned back up over sated flesh, panel-beater buttoned over erectile flesh, brushing together ; Wazzag squeezing date-picker's buttock \colsaid{{\td} come back and see me before the births{\ldots}} ; jeans smeared with cold jissom, Wazzag wiping hand on hip ; same moment : panel-beater, unbuttoned, pouncing from behind, hugging whore, striking nape --- Wazzag bending top of body {\dashcom} impaling arse, sharp cry gurgling drowned in saliva ; hands, coated with verdigris, fists, covered in aluminium-dust, pressing Wazzag's belly ; mutilated foot --- big toe sliced off by metal sheet --- curling up, bound tight in espadrille, against toe of whore ; panel-beater whistling, modulating : two apprentice-boys, members spurring jeans, looming ; nostrils smudged with grease ; in movement propping elbows on counter{\comdash} {\slash} opening, lifting flaps of denim jackets buttoned over bare chests {\slash} {\dashcom} skin of bellies appearing convex, pearly ; bodies thrown forward, one leg bent back under buttocks, foot jammed against zinc, lifting thigh --- inner surface broken by bulge of member drawn down, squeezed inside sticky jeans {\dashcom} crotch-seam cutting into balls pressed under buttocks towards arse, chewing sticks of licorice ; gaze settling on heavy mass --- weighing down despite pressure of panel-beater's legs --- of Wazzag's buttocks, sexual cluster retracted into pubic fleece ; apprentice-boys regulating breathing with panting of panel-beater ; elbows, propped together, vibrating against zinc ; during orgasm, %
+eyes of panel-beater, dim, veiled, assailed by flies ; apprentice-boys' members pulsating against thighs, pubic curls caught under seam pulling at wrinkled skin of scrotum ; panel-beater panting over rump of whore ; jeans hugging panel-beater's buttocks : Wazzag, throwing hands behind back, groping at jeans, kneading damp patches of denim soaked with sweat ; hands of panel-beater grabbing Wazzag's sexual cluster, pushing organs up against belly, stroking membranes, stretched smooth back to edge of arse : {\td} \said{{\td} dog{\td} dog{\td} twins want to fuck you{\ldots} grind your bones{\ldots} saw you yesterday with women{\fourdots} sweaty hands mark sheet-metal{\fourdots} paint won't stick{\td} boss says \insaid{get Wazzag, Khamssieh, dry out my boys} {\fourdots}they come from north{\ldots} finger-nails clipped{\td} sundays, dress smart{\td} cut deep, sting hard{\td} squirt their juice in garage, over Lockheed{\td} in shithouse, foot slips on slab : bowl, step, sprayed with jissom{\ldots} sand sticks to Brylcreem in their hair{\td} boss says : \insaid{let weak one sniff brown dog, strong one, red dog}{\ldots} they sleep in same bed, behind workshop{\td} strong one sticks hub-caps on weak one's breasts, ties him up in sheet, lies on top{\td} morning, I unwrap them, chilled by night-wind{\td}} ; Wazzag, bending over, raising eyes towards bottom of twins' bodies, tongue licking lips, wrinkles smoothing out on forehead, around edge of eye-sockets ; third orgasm pulling panel-beater down over loins of whore : Wazzag clearing throat, spitting ; spittle shooting in front of espadrille of one twin : fresh eye riveted on naked eye of Wazzag, squashing, spreading spittle over wood --- rope sole slipping over gobs, member rising, swelling against thigh, stretching horizontal folds of jeans ; squashed mucus wetting skin of foot through rope fibres worn bare, mixing with layer of excrement --- dogs and men --- stuck to rope over layer of grease ; panel-beater, quick, pulling out member, squashing, pressing violaceous glans, tinted pink by transparent film, against Wazzag's arse, rubbing member down over sheer surface of buttocks : filament broken at roots of member --- panel-beater sighing, shivering {\dashcom} adhering to buttocks describing shaky pattern over downy black hairs ; panel-beater, sated --- retracted member cooling against Wazzag's buttock {\dashcom} rubbing %
+shaved scalp down sweaty back of whore standing erect ; twins, fingers stained with minium, squeezing members, through jeans ; panel-beater jerking head forward, flinging Wazzag against apprentice-boys : stronger boy grabbing, pulling at penis, hugging whore around loins with other arm, kissing mouth, spitting licorice-juice into throat, chewing licorice-stick against Wazzag's teeth. lips pressed together ; at same time, apprentice-boy rolling Wazzag's penis against own member squeezed in jeans, from fold to fold ; lifting knee along Wazzag's hip, leg tightening against bottom of whore's buttocks ; articulation of knee hugged in jeans rubbing folds of flesh, jissom dried in folds falling in powder over calves of whore ; short cry from him, bursting out of constricted chest --- apprentice-boy hugging in violent jerks ; impassive hands of Wazzag stroking trembling buttocks of apprentice, thumb hooked into belt-loops of jeans against loins : other fingers rubbing at stitches between buttocks, sliding into slit pinching seam, pressing in towards arse ; one hand --- thumb hooked into back pocket, cut small for repairs to jeans --- enveloping buttock, finger-nails scraping seam soaked with seminal sweat, against slope of thigh ; apprentice pressing open jaw into hollow of Wazzag's cheek, hand, at same time, grabbing, pulling Wazzag's testicles downwards : whore, collared, scrotum mauled, quick, hand --- busy scraping boy's arse --- wriggling under jeans, out through other side, onto hip of other apprentice, finger brushing over fat in olive folds of bare flesh released through tear in back pocket, hanging over mound of buttocks ; apprentice, staring at Wazzag, letting licorice-juice overflow, drip over chin, down onto palpitating throat, bucking pelvis towards Wazzag's hips embraced : movement creasing edges of tear, folds under buttocks, jeans pressing deep into anal slit --- cloth softened by friction, by constant secretions of love {\dashcom} buttocks, pressed against cold metal to calm erect member, pulling apart, lifted from counter by twitch of nerve ; loins shifting towards Wazzag, flaps of denim jacket rubbing over hollow belly, sweat gleaming ; Wazzag licking wiry black hair of stronger apprentice, Brylcreem greasing lips ; apprentice jamming
+head against Wazzag's chin, kissing whore's throat, lips spread, snot, expelled with jerks of breathing, splashing throat ; apprentice-boy whining, squashing nostril into mucus, spreading gob over skin ridged by spine ; leg rubbing hardened calf of whore ; Wazzag seizing, pulling at genital cluster of weaker boy drawn out in blunt spur under jeans over slope of thigh, hand of whore spread wide. thumb hooked over stitches of fly ; stronger boy striking middle of Wazzag's arm with clenched fist, knocking into upper body of whore ; quick, fist catching Wazzag's testicles, turning towards twin, spitting, kicking between boy's thighs : twin groaning, doubled up, cupping sexual cluster in both hands, unbuttoning fly, index finger gathering reddening member packed into white cotton pants smeared with grease ; stronger boy pushing Wazzag, held by member, towards first latrine in passage : panel-beater, squatting, excrement bursting between buttocks, eating pomegranate picked up from concrete, held in sticky hand, other hand pulling thread of jissom from member stiffened again at sound of breathing, grinding muscles of apprentice-boys squeezing Wazzag ; boy pressing Wazzag against soiled wall ; panel-beater throwing pomegranate onto flow of red excrements, scraping, with juice-smeared fingers, shit caked around arse, dipping fingers into water-can, wiping hand on wall, on Wazzag's calf, standing up, buttoning fly, bringing mouth against ear of apprentice \colsaid{fuck him, what are you waiting for ? {\td} for my jissom to dry in his arse ? {\ldots} twist a wet floor-cloth up his hole{\td} a dog never washes{\comtd} licks, gets licked{\ldots} this one can't bend back to reach his own arse{\ldots} gets Khamssieh to lick it{\td} Khamssieh, at dawn one day each month, after embraces, goes out into street, buttocks rub together, shine in red sunlight ; brushes past wall beside trash-cans, climbs up onto mound strewn over with chicken-carcasses attacked by white dogs, chases dogs away, kneels. stretches out over carcasses ; throws hands behind back, spreads buttocks ; hot tongues of sunbeams, tongue of dog with dew-soaked coat, push into half-open arse ; Khamssieh howls, dogs rummage, alongside body, into spongy layer of rubbish crawling with tiny
worms aroused by weight of body, by rays of fire ; bitch licks boy's
hair spattered with jissom ; tongue wraps around ear of whore,
Khamssieh's tongue pokes out, rolls back onto cheek ; two tongues
diff --git a/edenx3.tex b/edenx3.tex
index 975f0f7..7164a88 100644
--- a/edenx3.tex
+++ b/edenx3.tex
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
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